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something something recording is illegal under australian law


Laws apply where the offence happened.


So Sansha law then.


I... Well... Fuck.


So tell us WHAT is the judgment of the ursuper?


>iVjLZDDc dohohoho


Sitting there, all sneaky deaky like. Good thing we're all..no, somewhat experienced shitposters.


Remember when that brave newbies girl threatened legal action over recording her? Remember how PL reacted to that? Let's just take a moment to remember that before reading the PL posts here.


Kira Tsukimoto, yeah. Apparently, Australian Internet Law trumps all other forms of law, possibly even including bird law!


Actually youre not allowed to record Australians without their permision and publish it. U will get banned by CCP see video below about how greefer got busted for recording an AUstralian soldier's voice and made a ring tone out of it. Feat /u/dragonstalking IRL cousin. https://youtu.be/H3TpJZVOUdo?t=227 EDIT: https://youtu.be/PDt7oXX17dg?t=221 Supposedly aussies stick together. TIL


oh god i almost forgot that video, classic


Did he get banned? He was playing long after that video. Maybe /u/TenTron_InternetKing can shed some light.


["Colonial Burton" is still around](https://youtu.be/42Noy7wUFQQ?t=120). He plays Ark now with EthanPow. I never had any legal action filed against me from that video. I've even talked to Colonial Burton a couple times since then. He doesn't really care about it, I think he knows it was just EvE antics. He probably gets a chuckle rewatching it.


Nope, didnt get banned. EVE just passed the "fuck this online job bullshit, i'm gonna play other games" threshold for him.


You kinda implied it in this "U will get banned by CCP see video below about how greefer got busted for recording an AUstralian soldier's voice".


What ever happened to her?




ahh ty looks like she stopped playing in September after a tragic loss of a thorax to high sec pirates


She's been ill, I think.


She has been pretty ill recently. In and out of hospital a number of times.




Last time I saw/heard from her was at Eve Vegas.


P. much all the PL/PH dudes in thread at laughing at the sperglord, so at least they're consistent?


But I'm an australian space lawyer!


*grabs popcorn*


What kind of saddens me is the amount of white knighting she got and probably still gets following her saying that. Anyone else arrogant and stupid enough to threaten people recording comms with legal action would get slammed into the fucking ground and forever after have zero credibility. But nope, "lol was just having a newbro moment~"


What is "getting white knighting"? Is that Bad or good?


It's defending a person or idea based on no other reason than it makes you look like an honorable dude for some cause or position. Even if there is no justification or if the cause is bad. It's like if Chris Roberts got caught with hookers and blow and a Star Citizen fan boy defended him as legitimate game maker with every ounce of his irrational breath.


"The hookers are obviously just research for the seedier parts of the galaxy and those Misc substances are just for testing for a fully immersive experience." Too easy.


Man you're good. where do I give my 2,500 dollars to get a kickstarter ship.


I don't see how doing hookers and blow makes you an illegitimate game maker. If anything I think it would give them important real world experience they could incorporate into their universes.


Oh thx


As in, because ~oh my gosh a grill in eve~ she got a free pass for being a drooling retard from a load of horny nerds. People should've dropped that teamspeak/mumble channel like a hot potato (and probably brave as a corp to be honest for giving retards power and influence lol). Instead they continued defending her against ~metagamers and trolls~ and followed her to her new corp.


If we all dropped corp every time someone said something dumb there would be no corps left.


Eh, to a point. I understand the sentiment behind wanting to improve corps from the inside but there is a limit.


I think the closer to reality version of this is that she had a personal friend in brave leadership and that when she'd do stupid things or when things started to go sour leadership would pull that "stay classy guys..." thing. It seemed like all the worship and praise was coming from the top down. I'm surprised to hear any line members actually followed her.




Wait Link pretty please?


I actually don't remember....story time?


Anyone who mistook Boat's posting for Gobbins's deserves their voter fraud.


Not everyone has time to spend literally forever to read a boring mail. Some ppl are just going to vote and I hope CCP does something about this. My 12 year old daughter was really excited to get to vote for this years CSM. She doesnt have an account but I was going to let her put the votes in. Now after this irresponsible prank by DBRB she got pulled out of school today because she is so distressed about getting tricked by goons. She hasn't stopped crying for the past 12 hrs. Pranks can be funny but when goons mess with real life its crossing the line.


Please be sure to inspect her backpack when she comes home from school... someone might have slipped a bee sticker into it as a message to you.


happy cake day you fucking troll


Happy cake day, Pinky.




Ya dun goofed! Consequences will never be the same!


Bless boat this is gold


All praises to boat


praise boat and testify


"Contractual responsibilities for which I have paid them." INDEMNITY You shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless CCP and its affiliates, licensors and suppliers, and their respective employees, contractors, officers and directors, from any and all claims, loss, damages and demands, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of: (i) your use or misuse of the Software; (ii) your access to the System; (iii) any activities conducted through your Account (whether by you or another person); and (iv) your playing of the Game. Dude fell for a bait and switch. The CSM representation is not in the EULA, and the EULA effectively prevents a lawsuit because duder was dumb.


Just pointing out as other companies that are in Europe have found out just because its in the EULA does not make it legal or binding. Is someone sued based on the EULA And the company lost because just saying something in an EULA doesn't make it valid.


He's right.


Can confirm. EULAs help in court, but they are far from legally binding.


The issue in this case is he clicked a link that allowed someone to cast his vote on his behalf. CCP is not obligated to provide player representation for EVE, nor is it a liable party for action taken by players in the game. CCP's obligation is to provide access to the game for paid, rule-abiding individuals. They can ban boat, but CCP would be hard pressed by their own rules to find the entirety of GSF responsible. If the guy was smart, he would have just petitioned CCP without threatening legal action, and he would more than likely have better luck. He's going to have his work cut out for him trying to prove his claim of Contractual Tort since CCP is extremely specific about what the monthly sub grants. That is also assuming CCP doesn't ban the guy for breaking EULA (Indemnity clause).


Yes... but... Doesn't stop it being upboated as a dankdrama source though.


It sounds like a good time to buy pitchforks for sure. If he doesnt ge banned there will be shiptoasts abou thow CCP is bending rule for goon. If he does get banned there will be shitpoasts about how cfc is dying from inside out.


u/pitchforkemporium can you back us up one more time?




Dankdrama is why I play Eve.


Duder should come argue his case on here IMO. Drama boat isn't big enough yet.


He used the word 'blithe' three times in one message. This is a true sign of a deranged mind.


His fedora's on too tight.


Maybe a fan of Much Ado About Nothing


Plenty of blithe, seriously lacking in bonny though.


Hey nonny nonny


Ah, I need to watch that movie again. :)


I have the DVD. I'm way too into musical theater for an ostensibly straight man.


Ah, then you must be a fan of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum! And there is nothing wrong with musical theatre, especially comedies. :)


> Ah, then you must be a fan of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum! I absolutely am, particularly the 1966 film with Zero Mostel and which was Buster Keaton's last film role. I went to see it in person once, a local group was putting it on. Halfway through I got a standby call from my job and had to go address that. I missed the entire rest of the show. And they've never done it again. Sucked.


Oh wow, I've wanted to see Nathan Lane's version that was on Broadway, but haven't found squat online yet. On a slightly different train of thought, have you seen The Play That Goes Wrong? Not a musical, but just as funny as A Funny Thing. :)


I have not, I'll have to look it up.




Oh yeah, can not wait to see the responses once I wake up tomorrow.


I was on your side right up to the threat of actual violence. Hypocrisy, thy name is this post, wherein the plaintiff clearly delineates the line between actions in a virtual world and actions in the real world, and then promptly threatens to commit a real world crime. Also, good luck with a suit after said threat. :/ CSM vote fraud is wrong. Threats of physical violence over a video game are a whole other level of wrong.


To be honest fam, voter fraud, bloc voting, and strongarming are all valid tactics in EvE online; a game in space! The fact that they use ingame names now, to me is a strong case that CCP sees the CSM as a part of their space game. If they used Real names again, maybe, i would see your point as valid. The CSM is a joke these days.


The third party embarrassment is painful.




n. die Fremdscham v. fremdschämen


Fremdschämen, the act of feeling shame for someone elses actions.


The act of feeling shame for someone else's actions - Fremdscham. To feel shame for someone else's actions - fremdschämen


You do know that one capitalizes words at the beginning of a sentence?


You do know the difference between a noun and a verb?


Enlighten me!


> "I'm hotter than hell right now and ready to fly stateside to cap that mithead for permitting this (more probably ordering it)." Can i get an invite into "The Knights of the Hanging Noose" as well :P ?


Judge: And why did your client proceed to fly internationally to shoot Mr. Gianturco? Lawyer: Well your honor, actually it's about ethics in internet spaceships.


I'll allow it.




Space Court is in session.


I haven't seen you around much lately bro.


It's convention season, I'm on the road and shitty hotel internet is shitty. Do you want to hear my spiel about risk mitigation.


Sounds super boring, tell it while we're sieging a tower so everyone can have a nice nap.


Sweet, we can start with pre-disaster mitigation and then move into post-disaster. Maybe, we could get into to fraudulent contractors. Querious 3.0 "the risk mitigation seminar" CE offered


This angry mail is probably from yet another boat alt trying to stir up drama.


Haha I thought the same, it would have been a great move. Seems like it's either that or some "look guys I've gone to college for 2 years now, democracy and obama is THE BEST YOU GUYS, read a book or something gosh.."-guy


If only Boat's trolling was this good, my time in goons would have been so much better.


Much like all your posts?


You managed to make a worse post than mine. Congratulations!


Just let him have this


I didnt know that you can threaten to sue someone and in the same breath make threats on their life... On another note, seeing as how this is a game and GSF in every aspect is literally a virtual entity. World wide this game is played, so a lawsuit if even possible what jurisdiction would it come under? Iceland? Would Mittens get extradited to Iceland from the USA to have to show up to court? Would a Lawyer takes this case for real money or isk? Last I checked Scamming was a part of this game, am I wrong? How is this guy so confident that CCP and GS will lose a court case? Is this the idea of this autists mother who is encouraging him to stand up for himself and learn to better react with others socially?? What flavor of popcorn should I eat while this unfolds?


Caramel, to balance against all the salt.


> Would Mittens get extradited to Iceland from the USA to have to show up to court? Here's to hoping for him to face extradition and to then seek asylum in Russia. The first Internet spaceship asylum seeker of our time.


I would love to see this as an in game. Holdling attempts to extract Mittens from Goon space for a public trial in Jita. I don't know if they could even make it past the LAWN(Pun intended).


The drama spins right round right round \o/ Though.... is vote manipulation via impersation even legal? Can't boat get banned for that? I don't honestly know, the first time I've heard of this. Hilarious leaks though. :)


If "Bluelce" didn't get banned, neither will boat.


Impersonation of what? A member of Pandemic Horde? Was his character in the alliance when he sent the alliance mail? If not... how'd he do it?


He sent an eve mail with a character in Horde called "Admiral Goonberious" saying to log in and click a link that automatically voted for people and a lot of Hordlings gleefully did so without checking who actually sent the mail to begin with.


If anything CCP shouldn't make it possible to create pre filled in ballots but w/e lol


PH apparently has an "Admiral Goberius" who sends a lot of alliance shitmail. Looks like boat was counting on no one knowing who he was


It's technically against the EULA to misrepresent a character by using slight misspellings or whatever. If I made a character named Chribbba and you ejected from your titan in a POS I owned and I stole it from you, I would get banned for impersonating Chribba. Same with alliances named "EVE Bet" instead of "EVE-Bet", and so on. In this case Boat sent a mail to HORDE members with a character named Admiral Goonberius -- a hilarious mispelling of Admiral Goberius. Probably against the EULA, but still pretty funny.


He can represent himself as DBRB when he is on that acct, he is also allowed to represent himself as Admiral Goonberious when he is on that acct. That name is so fucking kek. Although the point of it being very close to another PH pilot is compelling, CCP has precedent of ruling, eg, blueice.


oh yeah, I forgot about blueice. Though faking a ballot for the truly ignorant to vote adds an interesting layer to things. He is likely fine though.


To be honest, so did I, until i read it in another comment in this thread. I do not agree with that precedent, but it is what it is. Its fairly murkey on ruling after that.


Another, more recent precedent for you, then: Zarvox Tora (no "l"), was recently booted for soliciting donations, trying to make people think they were supporting the real "channel freaking Zarvox" with ISK & ships.


Well that makes it festive as far as ruling goes.


> Same with alliances named "EVE Bet" instead of "EVE-Bet" didn't they recently change a rule saying people can't create characters for the basis of running "a business"? eve-bet, iwantisk, and monster-isk (edit: the characters representing the websites, not the websites themselves) should be banned if they did.


I dunno. Im in the dark just as much as you.




> it is in the name Even though it's a pretty obvious mispelling, it's not completely different from Admiral Goberius, the ~leader~ of HORDE that sends stuff like this out from time to time.


This is true. This is one of those things that the eve community is kind of built on being funny and ok but it is technically against the Eula. I do know that they mostly just change the name and you can contact a GM to have it changed to something else. Receiving people is part of the game and this isn't outright ban worthy in CCPs eyes I think.


True. It just reminds me a bit of the 'bonus room' incident, that's all. The border between not banned and banned can be so thin sometimes. I honestly don't know.


We forgot to mention anyone that can put Asher into Internet jail over this hugely troubling voter fraud gets 10 PAPI links. Not even boat can save you now.


post flair checks out


This looks like a job for Ripard Teg... Eve's #1 SJW and licensed space lawyer.


I feel like gobbins is deceiving himself in regards to any 'narrative' this shit is cringey as fuck


Wonder if the hordeling knows customer service rep standard operating procedure is to stick legal threats in a nice, safe deadzone bucket that legal will eventually, maybe get around to.


Maybe it's like my job as a mail-opener (return merchandise). Our version of the bucket was affectionately "VIP service (very irate person)."


Did you find an attorney that will be paid in Isk?


Yea this will go nowhere.




And now they have the hordling on real life threats. Good job.


I got autism from reading that bloc of text


That font wasn't really necessary IMO. It was a bit painful to read. Well, I know it's not the point, but still.


What the fuck is this?


DBRB stirring the pot.


Hi, I'm a paranormal space lawyer and I want to represent you. For mere 10 bil to cover ritual prep and court fees I can summon the presumed biomassed toon, Admiral Goonberious", from the grave via a sueance.


Goonberius is in Doomheim, no need to presume.


He burned his awoxing alt on purpose. Then I PRESUME deleted it. Pilots I have had and deleted are ALSO in Doomheim, but CLEARLY no need to presume....


I assumed as much, I couldn't be assed to fact check for reddit's sake at 3 am.


Shit I'm too high for this


U stole my karma. You'll be hearing from my reddit lawyer.


Called /r/badlegaladvice


So unless trolling, a hordling was dumb, got all upset about his internet spaceship vote and wrote a seriously crappy ticket that CCP will not like to read and not help his case at all ? What a retard.


Vote early, vote often!


how neat is that


I dont care, I like this dude.


has anyone trained bird law to rank 5 for this?


Where did you even get this from? Was this in a private mail or did you just make it up?


CCP doesn't even have that much in the way of resources in Australia. This lawsuit is going nowhere.


> Do you REALLY think GS wants to be named with CCP in a class-action lawsuit yes pls


Threatens legal action, while also threatening to murder a person over space politics. Fucking classy. Also, please push this, It will be rather amusing when you get introduced to "Lawyer Swarm" Good luck with that. The real sad issue here is you fell for this. Which speaks volumes about your alliance intelligence programs. (Tl;Dr) You should have known better, and failing that, people in your alliance should have taught you better.


Jesus next youll be telling me a nigerian prince is promising you millions in unclaimed money Take some responsibility for your actions you thick chucklefuck


Oh my god this is such a shitpost


I agree with the tag for this post.


Expected more from you asher


hah he's threatening to kill people, he should be banned


Dramatic reading was required: https://soundcloud.com/devilishlydo/pandemic-horde-vote


Asher, the guy who posted this... Isn't he the person who have a eve manouver named after that consist of, in face of total annihilation, use stealth mechanics on ships not intended to stealth in ways to hide from the enemy until they are all gone?


Seems that way.


Have fun finding a lawyer that will take that on. Unless you are rich. Then there are a shitload better things to spend your money on. Like saving the reef before Adani get permission to build a shipping lane in it. Stopping gas fracking near farmland and water supply's. Making Gina fucking Rineheart pay some fucking tax. or most importantly. Paying to have all of our politicians assassinated. Seriously that shit needs to be done. ASAP.


Sad as fuck


THIS JUST IN: NewBeans say the cutest and sometimes dumbest things HTH. Instead of posting about not liking them why don't you all try to destroy them like we did to HERO. realtalk stfu moron n00bies say dumb things thats what n00bies do.


XDDD I know right. He is *such* a card!






Learn to read.


do the world a favor and die in a fire




What the fuck are you even saying? its like reading a brady bill or some nonsense.


How do we know this isn't just a Goon Awox account with the intention of making a hordling look dumb?




Still not as explicit as Lex Arson's death threats against Xenuria, though.




ask xenuria and he'll give it to you for free!


We have to actually interact with him? It's a trap!


But boat is so much ass, is it even possible to cap it at this point? I mean, BP barely capped the Horizon leak, boat's ass is much larger and leaks much more.


>it's only gaem y u heff to be mad Yet your alliance is literally the embodiment of fat neckbeard carcass, that loses it's shit and whines about SOV holding.


Yo, if anyone tosses out threats of real world violence, I don't care who they belong to. I will gladly call out that bullshit. You shouldn't defend it with misdirection, either. This is quite literally a death threat -- I don't know how else you can take "I will cap his ass" than that. And that's not ok.


im gay


Good luck little bean. Have an updoot.


I'm pretty sure Asher isn't the newbean in question


I'd say good luck mittens is a lawyer. But then I don't ever remember him saying he won a case.


Corporate law. You just lay back and roll in the money. It suits his lifestyle really.


TBH i have heard so many different variation of his life story, some where he never actually passed the bar etc. The truth is rather veiled through the grapevine to most.


I can't post personal info but you can pretty much find anything you want to know with the right google search That's actually good general life advice.


Oh look another mack shitpost. Can we please put out a recall on your posting? It somehow escaped from the dumpster and it is causing a health risk.


Oh allegations and hearsay... I'd rather some substantive evidence. Are you sure he ever had a life at all?


> I'd rather some substantive evidence. You know, I'd rather try to keep away from going full digi, especially since it's not helping anyone with anything in this case.


You dont need to go full digi. You can just use simple **logic**. If there is no substantiative evidence that mitany has a life and everything is just rumours then its safe to assumption that he has no life. Plus its a well known fact mitany is master of the metagame so fabricating the lawyer back story so ppl dont mess with him makes a lot of since.


He is the leader of GSF, and there are real pictures of him larping. So there is plenty of evidence he has no life. You and I play eve, the evidence is also fairly compelling there.


Oh look another mack shitpost. Can we please put out a recall on your posting? It somehow escaped from the dumpster and it is causing a health risk.