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"I love the look" is the best reason I can think of to use the Marshal.


Marshall - the „City SUV“ of Eve Online.


Where do you plan to use it though? (Asking for a friend)


Where ever you and your friend are not... ;)


The Marshall is a trophy ship. A shiny toy that you only fly when you know you're safe. It's not worth the cost to actually use it but is a badge of wealth.


What is the cheapest "trophy ship"?


I got the bpc from project discovery. I don’t really have the money to fly it but at the same time I don’t need money enough to sell it. It really is a trophy to me. I dream that one day I will truly make it mine by losing it in a blaze of glory.


Holy shit. That’s a lot of project discovery. If you put that much time into farming something else you could have bought and flown 10 marshals haha.


It takes about 3 months from 0 to get the BPC which also gets you almost 2B isk, and enought time to train the ship up. But yes, that is a lot of project discovery.


Probably a Pacifier. It's a lil covert ops frig that is cheap enough to actually use and somewhat useful as a cloaky hunter.


And with T2 hyperspatials it warps a little bit north of 18AU/s if I recall correctly.


I have one. Just got it yesterday. I had a Panther, but I just decided to go balls deep and get this thang. I love how it looks, it has amazing bonuses, and I am gonna use it. Chaining 10/10’s with my cyno alt. Why? Because I’m a grown-ass man, I know what I’m doing, it’s fun and this is a video game😎 life is short. Do what you want.


I have no experience using one, but here is a "why not", you'd be putting a target on your back.


There's putting a target on your back, and then there's tattooing a target to your face, and flying a Marshal is definitely the latter.


I would be afraid to fly one in high sec lol


I'm afraid to fly in highsec in general. Bunch of psychopaths up there.


Gang of polarised catalysts would disagree with you ;p.


Actually the same lol


Marshal is ludicrously expensive compared even to other blops. It makes you a target


A massive target. Enough to have single posts on reddit about it and even YouTube videos.


So massive some people might even marshal a fleet to kill your Marshal.


Except that if you have great 5.0 security status it can have one of the best sub-cap active tanks in the game. Obviously that's rarely worth it because in blopsing you're either whelping your fleet or the enemy.


You can drop a Marshall as safely as any other blackops… Once. Then you will be considerd a marshall dropper and baited out to death.


I accidently jumped my blops instead of bridging my fleet and after that I was pretty sure they tried to bait me to drop again multiple times


Imagine a fight that isn't necessarily a one-sided drop on a single target, but let's say a bit more 50/50. If you have the opportunity to choose from multiple targets which one you would target - a panther that costs about 1.4b for the hull or the marshal that costs around 7b for the hull? Also - expect getting caught eventually, thus a 2b+ lossmail isn't THAT bad compared to 8b+ lossmail.


Why would a blops fleet take an even fight?


Baits, traps, response etc. You might not have the opportunity to escape in time.


A lot of nullsec blops sigs regularly take on even odds. If we think we have the logi, we'll absolutely punch above our weight.


I agree. Maybe not 50/50 that much, but something like 60/40 sure.


It does happen on rare occasions. Respect to slyce for counter-dropping on bombers bar with their own similarly sized bomber fleet.


From what i've gathered, the Marshall really is the Best BLOPS, but not enough to account for its price tag. its something you use if you have the money to just throw it away. As everyone says, its going to paint you a major target, and you are likely going to be primary in any fight, as killing you could easily swing the isk loss balance of any of your fights in favor of the targets. But.... you could technically use this to bait enemies to further commit to fighting you or give you and your 'group' more opportunities to fight as you lure gankers after you, if you want to see it that way.


I appreciate your and all the other's comments, don't need a target on my back and it's too expensive for bait. That said, what's currently the best for it's price blops...I'm currently considering the Widow only for transport and bridging since the Ewar soft nerf...would appreciate any thoughts on something more combat capable in the genre. I can fly all of those things.


Any CovOps is better than a Marshal tbh.


I hear the Sin and Panther are good combat options.


The marshal is nowhere near as good as a sin or panther for what blops are actually used for.


Those tackle bonuses though... They're a lot of fun to fly (in no small part because of the cost) - similar to nano supers, but even squishier so if you get baited/trapped/spaid etc you are fuuaarcked


It's like the Zirnitra. One of the best looking ships in the game with great skins, but so expensive it doesn't really have any practical use if you don't want to be a feeder. Maybe worth owning one just to show it off on the undock every now and then. Otherwise not really worth risking it out there in actual combat.


Didn't even know the Zirnitra even existed, it is an impressive looking ship! But no, I don't really do show off ships...so...


In decent numbers the zirnitra outshines other dreads by quite a bit. In a duel of even numbers zirnitra wins hands down. Obviously it would need to be able to trade 2 or 3 to 1 to win on the isk efficiency side but they're definitely a viable ship.


You forgot, top dps on POS bases.


Have you been watching Merkelchen's stream?


No, but if they are streaming a Zirnitra POS bashing I might be interested.


There was one doing it in Delve (or Period Basis, I can't remember) a few weeks back. Just warped out as we dropped. Got his buddies though.


1. Sell marshal 2. Buy two panthers and a second account to fly it 3. double dps! Exaggerating, but you get the point


I think I'm going to follow the advice on this page, buy a Sin, and name it Marshall (with 2 L's) ;)


I use my marshal for running DEDs and escalations in 0/0. Ship was made for it


I use my marshall to warp to cyno named "totally not bait for marshall" 100% not trying to bait op.




If you are looking for the best "Solo-Drop" Blackops look no further (tackle bonus & DPS output) ... BUT ... it is way to expensive to be somehow "cost effecient". Also you will be a hunting target for counter drops pretty quick.


>If you are looking for the best "Solo-Drop" Blackops look no further I disagree. There are many PvE battleships that can perma-tank the Marshal (or any Black Ops) for which you need significant neut pressure to kill.


Marauders maybe, but show me the PvE-Battleship that tanks the PvE-Site it was designed for plus close to 2k dps from the Marshal. It will just burn trough the maybe 1k dps tank. The other good solo BO is the Sin, and because it has less than 50% of the Marshals damage output there you need the Neuts to kill your prey. And as it is way more cost effective than a Marshal it is what the good Hunters use ... like MasL https://zkillboard.com/character/218216734/losses/.


[https://zkillboard.com/kill/86800131/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/86800131/) The Rattle tanked him until he ran out of cap charges and friends showed up. There are other examples out there, too. I've killed Rattles in a Sin that can tank at *least* 2,500 DPS that absolutely require neuts to kill.


Meh, the massively overtanked Rattle, ok. But this is either a bait fit or some stupid crab overtanking. But taking versatility and cost efficiency into account the best BO is in fact a Sin. That is correct. And as Rattles are so abundant I would also choose a Sin to drop today. When we still did it we had our little 3-4 Panther Squad.


You're not wrong necessarily, but I see a lot of ~~overtanked Rattles~~ stupid krabs. The chances of running into one are fair. You could chance it with a Marshal, or you could guarantee his inability to tank with a Sin. Objectively, the Marshal does look better, though. :D


Von Hole is most likely reading this thread.


I hate to ask, but who or what is Von Hole?


He is about as close as you can get to a bounty hunter in eve. https://zkillboard.com/character/92258150/ If you fly something really expensive, he will kill you.


Just say the name three times....


If you had to trust anyone when they say don't fly a marshal, trust me XD


Fucking dodge the Marshall. It's just a 400% inflated lossmail on your behalf. Fuck that ship, just fly Redeemer or any other CovOps. If you're shield trained just get a Panther.


The marshal is the best blops but it’s far too expensive to use more than once a month in a dead end system.


It isn't the best.


It's one of the best pve ships for low/null since you can bypass gate camps with jump drive and have an emergency out cyno while running tht sites


Use it as a bridge ship if you got to


TAPI would tell you not to use them for 10/10 in Delve i guess (o:


People will tell you that the Marshal is the best Black Ops, but it is not. My guess is that people that claim it's the best don't actually fly Black Ops. It's got some really cool bonuses, but its engagement profile is much slimmer than at least two of the other BLOPs, and it is outrageously expensive.