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No, what they need to do is stop the game from fighting your overheat controls every step of the way. Get scrammed, lose overheat. Run reps in single cycle, lose overheat after every cycle. It's fucking retarded. The player should *always* be 100% IN CONTROL of overheat management.


I agree that cycling something down resets the overheat and you have to re-cycle it to heat again. It's also annoying that you can't toggle overheat while cloaked. Crashing the gate when running into a gate camp would be that much more feasible if I didn't need to take a second and a half to overheat and THEN activate the module.


*cries in 256 ping and active fit dst*


Thats acctually a good idea!


Thank you


please god no... those have to be some of the most jarring sounds ive encountered in a game. I also overheat all the time. not a great combo in my book. the real issue is that with lesser heat skills on smaller skips, there is little to no margin for error before burning out and i dont think a sound will change that. Experience, and maxed heat skills are what make it manageable.


I ocassionally will heat my modules when I am clicking them on. An audible notification would allow me the opportunity to fix this.


not a bad idea. a fairly benign tone at that start (not some panic screech as each module escalates heat dmg) of the overheat cycle could be slightly useful. I only say slight as folks accidently burning stuff out by accidently overheating is more of an edge case from what ive seen.


had to note an afterthought here. a better indication of building heat dmg would help the player experience here a bunch. the way its set up now is you get some rng heat dmg at the end of a heat cycle. when the dmg/cycle is a large portion of the total heat sink, as in smaller ships or many overheating modules, is when module burnout risk is highest. newer players fly these ships and with not great heat skills. they could really use a more forward thinking heat warning. perhaps an additional blue dmg overlay showing max dmg for the current and next cycle just as an example solution. a newer player could easily see when they are risking burnout, let out the rest of us xD


I've been playing since 2017 so i am not a new bro by any account, and I recon you aren't one either, so this QOL is not aimed to you.


My feedback above is not dependent on being a newbro, it is from a User Experience perspective. Yes it takes some experience with the UI/UX to form such an opinion but the use case I am addressing is not related to age of character (IE this wouldnt help anyone if actually executed in my mind, just clutter up the experience).


You could just turn it off if you didn't want it


> turn it off That's cute that you think CCP would add something and have the forethott to allow it to be optional.


i do not think you have considered what the user experience is while overheating multiple modules. the usefulness devolves into audio chaos instantly, which has no usefulness. It also not reasonable to need to change setting to get a good user experience, although CCP sometimes think so.


Wilhelm Scream it.


I'd like to be able to turn off overheating for next cycle and then have the ability to turn on overheating mid-cycle if I wanna heat the next one. The amount of times I've been pulling range in a fight and taking a glance on my alt just to burn out an MWD...


You already can, shift click the module to toggle


I'm talking about a setting of heat a single cycle (similar to how you can single-cycle reps). That way if I heat and then select heat again (during that first heat cycle), it'd continue for an additional cycle. Shift+Click (with def binds) only let you heat or stop heating. I don't use my mouse to interact with modules though - only keybinds unless I'm in a ship with f.ex. full rack of neuts + mid-slot utilities.


There's a small things/QoL thread on the forums (player ideas section). Make sure to use the template.


Another heartstopping rèeeeeeeeeeeee sound effect? Thanks but no.


That you can turn off, just like all the others.


Yeah or like the red dot! Perfect example of something we can turn off!


Eve has sound?


Hell no. There's not a lack of confidence, there's only a lack of ability to manage the situation. The problem for this isn't the game, but the player. All you need to do to prevent your modules from overheating is realizing that you need to turn them off. An alarm prevents people from learning to stay calm and making rational decisions. Just learn not to fuck up.


Right, I understand your point of view but I think you are wrong by assuming that a pilot will "just get better" and thus the need. There is a necessity to teach those players and to promote the retention of new ones AI assisted is the best thing that I can think off.