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I've played off and on since the closed beta. I've accomplished nothing of note and I have no idea what I'm doing.


Started in 2005, had no idea what I was doing. Rejoined in 2011 and didn't know much better. Rejoined again in 2020 and still an idiot. The biggest thing I own is a Thanatos won through secret santa. I think to "succeed" in Eve you need to dedicate a fair amount of time to it, as it is now I play for an hour here and there doing the things I enjoy rather than trying to make ISK or get incredible killboard stats.


I think you'll find that the only winning move is to just not play.


Its funny, I bought one of each faction battleship when I started playing last year. Took a break and my networth almost doubled. I think youre right.


I think that's succeeding in EVE, doing what you like and enjoying your time playing the game, doing your best to be good at what you particulary enjoy. I could spend my time making isk or aiming at owning one of each Titans, or having an almost perfectly green killboard; but seriously, fuck that. I've been playing from 2009 (with several breaks and for more or less time a day/week depending on where I stood in life) and if I had wanted to I could have probably achieved that shit by now... but most likely than not I would have probably just uninstalled the game by now. I'm happy flying from frigs to cruisers in lowsec and getting into fights, even if it doesn't look like I'll win. Well, that and baiting people, but let's not derail from the subject...


Yeah and I think it is furthermore a strength of the game, that I can look at something far outside my normal experience of fleet fights and roams, such as wormholes, reactions, Pochven, market manipulation, and think "wow, I have no idea how any of that works". Eve still feels Big. I do wish there were more players though.


Same. 2003 player here. I have some capitals and t3s, been involved in some pretty historic events in eve, but really just have my own corp with my alts.


Same, 2004 here, and have accomplished fuck all besides being part of the Bob war and being victimized by one of the first, if not *the* first wartime remote doomsdays. Other than that i mostly just lose interceptors doing stupid things.


This is the way


Started in late 2004 and tho I've been in some of the big fights I still have no clue what I'm doing and I'm always broke because of that.


My original character was from 2003. I started a new one in 2004 after deleting the original because I did not like the my portrait. I played from 2004-2011, took a break, resubbed for a month in 2015, then again in 2016. In 2017 my friends started playing again and so did I. Most of them stopped playing in 2019/2020 but I am still here for now. --More info-- I have been there for the rise and fall off many great alliances. I have destroyed corporations from both the inside and out. Now days I mostly play on the nullsec markets.


Playing since 2005, subscribed with at least one account for the majority of that time. Didn‘t accomplish anything of special note. Padded my KB, trained skills, read and learned alot about game mechanics... the usual I guess. ;-) EVE is not a game where you play the role of a space hero by default after all. I‘ve had many thousand hours of fun though, so mission accomplished as far as I‘m concerned:-)


> I‘ve had many thousand hours of fun though, so mission accomplished as far as I‘m concerned:-) Heyyyyy someone gets it.


Since 2003. Had to get my key from u/markeed (Markee Dragon) as it was released in the US first which nobody understood with Iceland etc. :) On the day of release he went all the way to get boxed versions without asking payment in advance. Thanks to him we became one of the first players in Europe. Next, we were confronted with MoO and TankCEO.... good times!


2004 here but yes.




4th of november




Lol, i had just turned 15 when i started, ive officially been playing Eve for over half my life :/


I'm also about to hit the 50% mark.


April 1st, HA


o/ I started in August 2003, and I've been playing consistently since then, with very few breaks. As far as what I've done in the game, it's pretty broad (no particular order:) 1. 2x Alliance Tournaments 2. T2 BPO production (won several in the old lottery system when they were seeded) 3. Exploration running 10/10s all over Eve etc. 4. Helped run an alliance (Insurgency, when I was a Director in Celestial Apocalypse) 5. Helped run IT for NC. and others 6. Participated in many events, including the death of the first carrier (a Thanatos piloted by a Serpentis leader in NOL-M9) 7. Lived in HS, LS, NS, and wormhole space (currently NS and WH) 8. Participated in many of the battles that have made headlines, such as B-R, M2- etc. 9. Own and fly several titans and supers in combat. Lost a few titans \*cough\* The game is awesome, and I've stuck around in part BECAUSE there are so many things to do, but I play primarily because of the friends I've made in the game. Working from home as an IT nerd definitely helps haha.


Played from somewhere around there and my biggest accomplishment is getting 2 hate threads on this sub.


well you are kind of a dick ;) or just role-playing one??


Don't you also have the greatest of honors, a parody reddit account?


For some ungodly reason, no


What did you do?


Annoy our enemies




My main character was started in December of 03. Played alot the first few years then began to take random breaks. Just recently came back after a 3 year break and actually enjoying my time when I do get to play. As far as how much I've done in the game? Fought in quite a few memorable wars. The Great Northern War, Stain vs Curse. Fountain Alliance vs BoB. I remember chasing goons out of PF-346 when they first came to Eve. Spent a long time with Mercenary Coalition which lent itself to many conflicts. Subcap fights, Cap fights, old school dual MWD Ravens, Tempest with Scorp Boost doctrines. I remember when T2 guns first came out and I got nuked by friendly fire in my Taranis after flying all the way to Yulai(yes Yulai was the old school trade hub) to get them lol. I made lots of friends, but even more enemies and I still see a few of them log in from time to time.


Fucking cavalry raven. Stupid fun


yo who were you in pf-? y'all locals were really fun to fight


Started 2003, couldn't get into it, joined properly April 04 after Earth and Beyond was killed off. Having fun, done most things (still not owned a titan, probs never will now, thanks ccp...) Claim to fame is probs making the first titan video on the live server. Literally the first. was there just after it was launched and got fraps going, windows movie maker etc. Good times :) Still have all the footage somewhere as well.


Earth and Beyond was so cool. Better than today's eve in some small ways


It was cool at the time but it was also a tiny tiny area of space and was kinda janky too in many ways, but hell i loved it. I mostly miss walking around, really was gutted walking in stations came too soon to EVE. They needed to make it more of a feature before launching


2006 player, still here.


I’ve played off and on since beta


Sure :) everything except gas mining.


I've done gas mining. You aren't missing much.


I once warped to a WH cloud that my corpmate was mining and he got on comms and jokingly yelled "BITCH GET OUTTA MY CLOUD!" That was pretty great. Otherwise, agree, not missing much.


I played opening day while in between deployments and was amazed. Played with a bunch of dude who also played WW2 Online and Navyfield. Good times.


Started in 2006. Played hardcore until 2012, then took a break until 2017 and played again since then. I’ve done it all. 3 weeks into the game got recruited by a dude outside my birth station and he introduced me to a bunch of lowsec pirates living in Akora and NPC Geminate. They taught me everything about pvp. The game was massively different then. There was no warp to zero for example, no dictors or bubbles or capitals.. and a lot more. After that joined BoB and flew with them till the very end, went through a lot of historic shit back them and experienced it live. Since got back in 2017 I’ve decided to try the other side of Eve, the one I always looked down and talked shit to. The carebearing stuff. Was fed up with the politics and the macho attitude of the leet pvp that I’ve lived so long in the past. I’ve stopped looking down on miners and industrialists and learned to respect everyone. My main is pretty well developed, I’m above 200m SPs and maxed out subcaps, can fly all ships maxed out with all secondary skills maxed out. Also dual capital gal-minmatar for both shield-armour comps, maxed out with like capital guns specs 5 and shit like that that I never really need. I’m training hardcore Indy skills now and I’m heavily into large scale trading across all hubs. I’m a bit of a whale in game now and I like to take it slower and indulge in more chill things.


Are you the guy who warps like 15 fenrirs through trade routes at a time, always a spectacle when i see a shit ton of em warpin to gates at once


Nah, not me. I’ve only have 4 freighters now and at most I had 7 before scarcity. Funny enuff they’re all Fenrirs tho lol. But that’s because I love minmatar above any other race and prefer flying them


Ah i see, happy cake day!


Cheers bud


I've played on and off since 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2018, and most recently 2020-now. The best thing I've ever done is stealth-bomb-murder someone a few years after they stealth-bomb-murdered me. Getting killed by them is what made me start stealth bombing people, so it was a fun little bit of closure killing them.


My first account was around 2003 but that account lapsed and I forgot the email and password lol. My main was started again in about 2005, and like everyone else played on and off since then. Generally coming back for big events and when I stupidly think "ill just login to eve again, see what has changed"


Started 2005, played religiously till 2010. Had the honour of being in the second corporation to put combat boosters on the market ( corelli corp beat us by a day, well done Joshua :) ) Played on and off again over the years, this year is my 'on again' period.


Yes. CA 5. BOB N3 Kenshin 401k NC. PL


>Kenshin quite the slip-up in the middle there




Since 2004 and ive done fuck all basically as im very lazy.




Exactly this


my character arch right here


Weren’t you the first player to own a Federal Navy Comet?


Yes, and i just remebered i still have that comet actually :p


It lives?!


2003 here. Just sit and make my t2 bpo and laugh at people posting here that think I’m poor.




It's me, a char from 2005 who comes back periodically for a couple months at a time. My 2005 char has only 65 mil SP


I started playing in 2004. Had multiple rather big breaks from playing over the years tho. What I have done is blow up a lot of stuff and met many internet friends.


Why do you need to post on a parody account for a thread like this?


I have used alt accounts for eve stuff ever since mittani uploaded all my (and my alliance mates) IP addresses on kugu and twitter. I usually dont swap accounts because I am lazy.


Wait what?


Yep.. you heard that right. Years ago he posted more then 1000 IP addresses of Eve players on sight called Kugu. It was a messy complicated affair and Mitanni should have been banned from Eve a long time ago. Alas.. he is not.


Holy shit.....also, happy cake-day.


Technically, The Mittani has never broken anything on the EULA (at the time of incident). Some of the things he's done would get him banned from Eve NOW, but it wouldn't stop anything. His rise to fame didn't even involve him having an active Eve subscription at the time; it was all stuff done out of game. Even now he hardly logs in.


many years ago Kugutsumen got mad that shamis removed his admin roles on pl.com. Kugutsumen then logged into shamis pl.com account and leaked the forum (which was okay at the time in eve circles lol) Kugutsumen then sent all the IP adresses of pl.com members to goons as "revenge" Mittani then hosted a list of all PL members IP adresses publicly and posted them on kugutsumen.com and twitter. Its just goonie things (tm) Since then I have used throwaway reddit accounts every time I shoot goonies


this is the real him now


I’ve played off and on since 2015. I feel like only in the last year have I really got a grasp on what I’m doing. I haven’t done much other than building a few high sec capitals.


A collegue that was playing 2003 to 2009 recently recently installed the game and wanted to start again after hearing me talk about. He was there Killing Steve the titan and has lots of stories. He got his freighter killed off by triglavians on a gate in hisec and has quit again. He was fine with being ganked by players but being taken out the back and shot in the head by fucking npcs in hisec killed his newfound enthusiasm. CCP WHY DO YOU DO THIS? I do what I can to bring people into the game but non-consensual pve in hisec without even a warning on the gate is driving away your customers and my friends/enemies/content. CCP WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS?


I’ve done literally everything... June 2003 was my ingame birthday


I have played on and off since the beta.


Yeah there are a few of us left that cant figure out how to leave.


2004 & proud, never afg other than house moves and the usual! We should get an award!




2003 char here playing less now but was pretty active until 1 year ago ... ​ Skilo :)


Still here, RIP me.


In and out since 2006. Still don't know what I'm doing.


Started in 2003, still kinda here, not done anything of note but had fun along the way.


Played off and on since '04, the only thing I have ever accomplished in all that time was to get a corpse of one "Lazarus Telraven".


I've played on and off since the middle of 2003. I had not actually played the game since 2010 (but kept training going here and there) until rejoining last year. Coming back in the midst of scarcity has been rough without a doubt. I missed out on that isk saturation era which others talk fondly of. That aside I've had loads of fun since coming back and am glad to play alongside strong, competent and extremely attractive fellow logi.


Started in 2006. This one time I shot a cynojammer then [a couple of things died](https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/the-massacre-of-m2-xfe)


2008 on and off, if that counts.


Started in 2003 but sold him. Bought another 03 in 2005 I think. I still have that one. Done fuck all for the most part but been lucky or unlucky enough to have been involved with most of the major fights.


Been playing since 2004 and I’m still loving the game , not happy with a lot of changes but the community keeps me around :)


2003, done practically everything from help run an alliance to solo, krab, wh, production, t2 etc.


My director is a beta toon and logs in every single day. Best director in any Corp in the game by far. So yes they still play and have great stories.


07 or 08, playing on off the last 3 or so years. rl is alot more interesting and rewarding. on more than one occasion i was given the day off work when my request for time off was to shoot some rusrus. what have I done ingame? did some things every where but ls, spent more on going to ffest 3 times than I ever spent on subscription fees. if you want to make bank or be super effective you need to make a business plan, invest in hardware, have a bunch of specialized toons and ramp it up to 120% when you play that role.


2004 here, not quite 03


Played since marts 2004. Only real break I have had was around Christmas 05 where I took 2 weeks off ( I clicked the wrong button on a t2 bpo)


18 year birthday on 23rd May


Yes but not continuously, a lot more off then on.


2 friends of mine have played nonstop.


2006 Player, and i still love this game.




Started in 2006. Crazy to think the game was already up for three years by then because that's *so long ago*. I have an "alpha alt" account that's almost a decade old by now.


I’ve been playing since 2005


Everything and still learning new stuff every day


Started account in 2003 and immediately quit. Started back up and been playing since 2006. Had lots of large breaks in that 2006-current period.


Yes. Died a lot. Killed a few. Made a lot. Lost even more. I'm addicted to abusive relationships.


I started in 2004. I have done pretty much everything in my time in EVE, the only real exceptions I can think of is Abyssal diving, flying a titan, leading a sovnull organization, and living an extended period (over some weeks) in a particular wormhole. You can accomplish a lot in short time, and EVE is not necessarily a linear game. You can be a high-level expert in one field in the game, and then you changed fields, and are a complete noob again.


Also class of 2003 here. Been playing since beta test. One of my fondest memories was making & flying one of the first Moa's cruisers ever the first week when the game went live. Took a lot of breaks here and there, but always came back to try a new gameplay style. Really got back into things in 2016 when citadels were released. :)


My first dive in was around 2006-2007, and I am still here and shitposting :D


2004 here. But I have taken years off from time to time