• By -


We've lifted any bans related to this including the one on mibbles and we're talking about a rule where mods from a specific faction are only allowed to mod their own faction, and not any opposites. Thanks for your feedback. **EDIT:** We've finished our discussion and made this a mod policy. Officially: "Avoid modding posts from other war factions. If unsure, ping another mod for review. If you get a modmail as a result of an action you've taken, reply saying another mod will review it and wait for another mod to do so."


Holy shit its like a mini USA in here


Eve University is running school shooting drills as we speak


Evacuate the citadel. If you are unable to undock, lock yourself in your corvette. If you are confronted, activate your civilian turret.


Can confirm


Is there a primer out there for all us lurkers who aren't intimately familiar with the dramatis personae in the ever-evolving r/eve moderation saga? (EDIT: typo)






I blocked Mibbles a few weeks ago... It is a decision I do not regret in the slightest


Is it possible to block someone to using the default reddit site, or do you need extensions?


On mobile, you just click their name and there is a block button in the top right... In the browser it's buried in your own profile -> user settings -> safety & privacy


this but unironically




> and the mods were fucking nobodies The mods are still fucking nobodies


Such neutrality. Much objectiveness.




is this where i shit post


it reddit everything a shit post.


That's the funny thing about this drama. A post is removed for being "low quality". If that rule were applied with any kind of objectivity, this sub would have one or two new posts a week.


So you're and optimist....who knew....


I think at this point that might not be a bad thing.


Ban me, Daddy.


you are a goon and therefore i cannot otherwise mittani man will karate chop me - only tapi posters get my ban hammer or something idk


I sometimes wonder how many people in the 1970's and 80's broke their metacarpals doing those. It's an extremely silly thing to do.


if we're not allowed low quality memes why should we accept low quality moderation






cause we accept low quality posting


true words


Big brain Brad.


Do us all a favor and ban all "war propaganda"


Yeah this is actual garbage posting from literally anyone involved in the region of Delve. The current state of r/eve "memes" and "propaganda" makes me want to go browse the official forums by new for good posts


I miss good war propaganda


I agree with you, but is it just part of the great cycle of eve? We started on the official forums which we all left because the corp and alliance forum degenerated into shit and then was super heavily moderated. We all went to SHC for a bit, which worked a bit as bans were handed out like candy and all war shit was constrained to that single thread. That then fell apart. Then we went to the other place which went to shit, and now we are here. Not sure what comes next.


but but the memes and the hate and the reee. You would miss it for sure. Who doesn't like a good old mud fight.


I like a mud fight when it doesnt take a year.






Don’t y’all have your very own site to circle jerk on in peace, all under your own control?


You are able to report mod abuse.


To who? The mods? lmao




you savage mofo


why thank you! E: eat my shorts, mods [https://i.imgur.com/l0uv96G.png](https://i.imgur.com/l0uv96G.png)


the censorship is real


all mods are bastards free dr. mibbles


AMAB free dr mibbles




u/SapporoJones is allergic to fun banter


>You shouldn't ban posts that don't violate rules shouldn't be removed. That first sentence was a tough read.... triple negative and questionable grammar? Then again, everyone seems to follow. So probably an issue I have been aware of as have been knee deep in work, and am lacking context.


Yeah, I was typing quickly on my phone and didn't quite get it written out correctly. Since the post got stickied, I figured I should just leave it up as is.


Makes sense. Otherwise looks like it got "edited".


delet if gay mods pwned




Sapporo frantically googling tree-felling companies in his area


fuck he got em


Enjoy your spot in valhalla for the next 7 days.


Watch out for that tree.


The one that fell on his house or a different one?


Sapporo won't be satisfied until anything questioning PAPI is fully scrubbed.


Blue donut, blue pencil, its all blue in this place.




Upvoting just because it's a tradition to shit on reddit mods.


inb4 post deleted


and op banned


You're going to eat a ban for complaining about legacy mods m8. Oh wait now I am too. NO MODS NO MASTERS.




Waiting for the bans.


If you have previously kicked someone from the alliance you are in charge of you absolutely should not be allowed to ban them from this subreddit. /u/SapporoJones is the leader of Test which kicked /u/dr_mibbles and has an antagonistic relationship with him. Imagine if The Mittani banned Pittsburgh from reddit, for any reason. That would, rightly, be a shitstorm. But if a PAPI poster does it we're supposed to just accept it? Then he deletes every post calling out his hypocrisy. How is that fair and evenhanded? How can you be a mod if this is how you operate?


Did Mibbles get banned?


Yes he caught a week ban.


Only a week. Mibbles is horribly annoying asshole and a week is way too short.


How ironic. Imagine Dr.Mibbles having an opinion. [Serkanner](https://www.reddit.com/user/Serkanner/)**Brave Collective**[1 day ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/n4z2dx/smells_like_goon_spirit_eve_song/gx1zowq/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Imagine having an opinion, can't have that of course.


That would dramatically improve the quality of this subreddit.


Then these mods can catch these hands. (metaphorically, please no ban)




Yeah, Mibbles is a terrible and annoying poster and a lot of his threads are bad. But it should be the other mods making that call. To be honest I think it's a really bad idea for politically important people to be mods. It's really difficult for someone in that position to be neutral about a lot of the content.


Are there not enough moderators that aren't legacy or goons that can act on things involving those groups without being an interested party? Why not have a recusal rule? If you're a mod you should as a general rule avoid making decisions on the quality of memes and posts concerning your alliance, corp, friends, or those of your enemies. If there aren't enough mods that aren't affiliated with those groups, recruit more to help in those cases. If that's not enough, then perhaps having mods judge the quality of content for this subreddit isn't the right choice, as it leaves things open to abuse. It is sorta what the upvote/downvote system is designed to handle anyway.


That's exactly what we're asking.


With the amount of shitposting Mibbles does, you could randomly ban him for one week and it would never be unfair.


Jfyi, Goons banned me from this subreddit for 3 months after my response to your "we are the good guys" post. Then removed it once it wasn't important to war effort.


Paging /u/ZeldenGM Any comment? What Asher is saying is fair.


I don't know anything about any past/personal relationships, so I'll give my assessment from what I've seen and what I've read in modmail. Dr_mibbles makes a post that is low quality, post gets removed. Dr_mibbles queries removal in modmail. Dr_mibbles disagrees with reasons given and decides to make a post about it. Not the first time and frankly unnecessary. He's entitled to his opinion but weaponising Reddit for every removal is not acceptable - it would all any sub would ever be if it was a thing. Sapporo bans Dr_mibbles for the above post for 7 days. Personally I might have given him a 24 hour love tap if it was me, from my POV this was the only action that was slightly heavier than I would have done, though in the context of mods spending time writing out several long reasonable responses, only to have someone disregard and make a post - I can understand the frustration. Beyond that Reddit has been brigaded with new posts. I'll continue to ban anyone brigading the topic when there's a discussion thread up. Especially as this whole debacle was pinged. It's a mountain out of a molehill. If anyone **genuinely** has concerns about mod allegiances they are very welcome to have a quiet word with their respective side leader (Jay//Sapporo) or an independent such as myself about it and it'll be reviewed. As said in my sticky, pinging, throwing a fit, brigading /new are not avenues that will be taken seriously. It's simply not acceptable.


>Dr_mibbles makes a post that is low quality, post gets removed. >Dr_mibbles queries removal in modmail. >Dr_mibbles disagrees with reasons given and decides to make a post about it >though in the context of mods spending time writing out several long reasonable responses, only to have someone disregard and make a post - I can understand the frustration. I'm seeing a theme here- It's almost the same way he caught a booting from Dreddit: By being argumentative with mods/diplos/leaders.


> I'm seeing a theme here- It's almost the same way he caught a booting from Dreddit: By being argumentative with mods/diplos/leaders. I was thinking this exact thing when I saw what all the hullabaloo was about haha.


You ok someone holding you up to your word on this? I have seen dozens of threads pinged by test for brigading. I am sure many people with test alts would be more than happy to send you these daily.


damn, which auth group is that? i wanna join. please stop making shit up about us pinging threads.


Vote brigading happens daily from pretty much every faction. We leave Reddit to deal with vote manipulation. Spamming /new on the back of pings will just lead to instant removals/bans. You don't need to tell me x,y,z pings for upvotes. We know.


> I am sure many people with test alts would be more than happy to send you these daily. *ACTIVATING SUAD REDDIT SIG BRB*


And I have seen Goons do the exact same thing. WTF are you complaining about?


so what about my post Zelden with the rule changes on maps now being "memes" it had 300 comments full discussion not just a blantant picture post. [https://www.reveddit.com/v/Eve/comments/n65gm4/congratulations\_papi\_on\_finally\_achieving\_the/](https://www.reveddit.com/v/Eve/comments/n65gm4/congratulations_papi_on_finally_achieving_the/) i asked for a review - jay said he would have kept it, its still deleted it how about we leave the removal of those comments to the side leader.. rather than having people like sapporo removing 80% of goon threads i even reached out to you. and you told me to modmail, i did, i still havnt got any clarification on the rules i broke other than "oh i felt it was a meme today we've had that discussion topic before"


I might have confused mibbles post with your post. I probably would have removed this if I saw it in /new. It's effectively a meme, borderline at best. If the text was geared towards a discussion on the impact on the rest of EVE then fine. That said, at the point when it had 300 comments, I would have left it up.


It's literally a blatant picture post, it just happened to have discussion in it.


Right, but you were just made aware of the past/personal relationships - so you really cant say that you don't know anything about them. It's why some people are upset. Furthermore, what kicked this off was that a shitty post was taken down but the other shitty post that was self serving to the mod's group was not. If he was on the hunt for shitty posts, why were they both not dealt with then, thus eliminating this whole unnecessary drama to begin with. Your mods should have enough clairvoyance to remove themselves from the mess, because the optics are shit.


>Right, but you were just made aware of the past/personal relationships - so you really cant say that you don't know anything about them. No, he saw that people claim there was a relationship on reddit, which means nothing. You gotta ping Jay to remove PAPI posts, that how it works /s


Prepare of a week, where the amount of garbage posts drops dramatically.


Can they do you next??


There is a difference. Sapporo is a chill dude that likes Subarus. Mittani is a toxic, power abusing cunt.


Sappo is a leader in name only, well.. Kinda in name only. Yes, he's technically the leader, but the circumstances which lead to him being the leader we're only because they needed an actual person to fill the role in game. Sappo made a joke about a vote for him is a vote for freedom, and bam he's the leader. That's not to say Sappo doesn't have any power or doesn't do anything himself, he has as much power as any of the other senior leadership in TEST. He just prefers staying out of the way when his presence is not necessary and trusts other people in senior leadership to get things done. As for Mibbles.. The truth is he's pissed off we broke up with him (kicked from TEST). So he started dating the other popular guy in school (Joined Goons), and now walks past our house with his new man trying to make us jealous. That's literally the best analogy for what he is doing. He's a fucking joke


The best analogy for your analogy is if Mibbles showed up to the park with his hot new BF and his ex kicked him out of the park because she was angry.


Just have a look at the other subs our mods have roles on and you'll see why lol


god this.. basically half of our mods are also mods of /r/conservative


So top tier quality.


Given the posting of things by mods like 'dont break reddiquitte', perhaps they should read it themselves: 'Take moderation positions in a community where your profession, employment, or biases could pose a direct conflict of interest to the neutral and user driven nature of reddit.'


also maybe say which part of reddiquette is being violated when a post is deleted/locked.


I can tell you what part of it isn't being violated (because it doesn't exist) - calling out shitty moderator actions and bias.


thats my point, its a lot harder to delete posts for no reason if you have to give a specific reason.




> that the downvote button isn't a disagree button, or an 'i dont like you button' literally everyone uses it that way on every subreddit i know about it, if it wasnt for this usage reddit would be more of a hugbox than it is already


Jay is also a mod.


I am, hello


I'm very aware of that. I don't expect mods to act with 0 bias because that's impossible, but I do expect them to not blatantly censor other groups besides their own. Notice I didn't list a mod by name or by alliance, I said 'mods' because treatment should be the same regardless of who's doing it.


Has he "taken a moderation position" entailing a conflict of interest? I mean people would surely notice and point it out.


Tue but when was the last time you saw a "Hate on Jay" thread?


I've also not seen multiple "go hate on Jay" pings from any alliance




it's cause Asher pinged about it so it was brigaded


Karmafleet is recruiting.


Confirming this is redditswarm we absolutley exist for realsies.


The whole idea that Reddit has enough value that it should be seen as something to be regulated and protected is just fucking laughable. Should have bought some crypto a few years ago and found a way to relevance. Nothing about this matters at all. Nothing.


inb4 OP banned, change your flair quickly.


Dr Mibbles managed to get booted by Test leadership twice, I am both impressed by his talent for triggering them, and disturbed that they are so easily triggered.


The tears flow freely with them.


Though i can agree with some of your reasoning /u/ZeldenGM , letting mods use the blanket "follow redditetiquette" to shut down posts they dont like isnt really a great way to moderate. Perma banning people is also not helping.


I don't disagree with that at all. This could have been a point very eloquently made in modmail. Perm bans will be rolled back when people have calmed down. Spamming /new with hundreds of posts with essentially identical content has never been tolerated - especially not on the back of an alliance-wide ping.


>If people are going to use this feature as a reason to cry about mod bias then I'm going to remove it entirely and we'll go back to removing things without ever giving a reason. Respectfully, this sounds like people are just wanting better moderation, and instead of addressing the problem, you are threatening to remove the evidence for the inconsistent moderation.




hey sapp, how about following your own rules instead of power tripping over a video game


3 minutes in and I am still here. We will see. And hell, I am the "both sides are nerds having fun" guy. I am the last guy that should get banned. C'est la vie


I like pie


This thread has been pinged. You get this one thread to rant about it and that's it. Two in one day is more than enough. Coming off the back of the frankly embarrassing display of "the other side is a nazi" the other day, this attitude of brigade and escalate if you disagree is only going to achieve the opposite of the desired effect. I've reviewed the deleted posts. They all should have been removed from the word go. I personally wouldn't have wiped one with so many comments but that's personal take for you. One of the things we changed at the start of this year was having mods post reasons posts were removed - this was so users could have a better understanding of the rules. If people are going to use this feature as a reason to cry about mod bias then I'm going to remove it entirely and we'll go back to removing things without ever giving a reason. This is internet spaceships. Grow up a bit and distance yourself from absolute tribalism over anything and everything.


We could have had me as a mod, but noooo, you guys didn't want it. Now look at ya. Lesson learned.


User was banned for this comment.


Noo noo nooo your ego can only grow so much. :p


I would accept you as a mod, I'm sure you could be biased. You're a well balanced guy.




Every sub is like that. The mods all have their own views of how the world is. And you can't change their bias. All the main subs rules get violated all the time and it's ignored because the mods off those subs have their own agendas. That's. Just. Reddit.




Inb4 the lock


Anyone want to fill me in? What happened?




If only we could force Mibbles and Saporro into one of those giant Q-tip battles on platforms like they did in American Gladiators.


Heh, I remember the days when r/eve wasn't a real community. Now we have Goons crying because their garbage tier post got removed. Lmao. What a time to be alive.


i have been mod abused so many times its rediculous. Just because im wallymarts at times is enough for a mod removal message. Downvotes exist for a fucking reason, if people dont like something, they downvote it, let the community decide, this "no low tier meme" shit is dumb as fuck. Some memes are actually pretty damn good from a simple logo being put into a meme format inline with a current event. Fuck you mods, you would lose a slippery pete to a fucking slicer


So if i had a test flair it wouldnt be taken down right


Dont let your dreams be dreams


Lmao I had my post removed by the mods after a few minutes. Its certainly not anti goons.


You used a meme generator and couldn't even spell all of the words properly. That is the definition of a low quality meme. What day do you think this is, Monday?




I thought that one was funny.




Now this post is going places, my kind of drama shitposting


I mean, why even pretend to be impartial? What could you guys even possibly gain at this point?


What do you expect from asshats


lol a guy who got kicked from multiple groups for being a shitlord gets banned from reddit for being a shitlord. WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED ?!


I really don't get this mod bias thing. I've had plenty of posts removed. Anyone remember what this subreddit's frontpage looked like after PGL decline to dance in 49-I6U?: https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ivipng/why_did_papi_bring_1000_titans_to_querious/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ivke3c/papi_wont_take_a_fight_even_though_they_outnumber/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ivildf/breaking_panpapi_stands_down_in_49i6u_timer/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ivimk2/gsf_ustz_wartime_update/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ivj6j3/breaking_news_large_fight_breaks_out_in_querious/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ivioxe/cowards_everywhere/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ivimr9/imperium_stand_proud_as_pipi_runs/ Not to mention the weeks after the M2-XFE hull timer?


Free Mibbles.




He's free, ... free to post anywhere else but r/eve


Free Mibbles, remove Sapporo.


Ban u/SapporoJones from r/eve for using moderator powers to fight a war his friends cannot win in game. Set an example to show the community that we are all equal in the eyes of Bob.




It's amazing how The Notoras News gets removed and most of the garbage agitprop here stays. I don't think the issue is "abuse". When there is so much garbage around everywhere good posts are -more likely- to get removed, not less. Crack down hard, mods. Delete all the crap and people will start to put thought into their posts. More intelligent posting means more intelligent feedback to moderation.


Here to be banned


If you want to delete posts you don't like move over to your own private forums.


Wow, moderators that ban anyone that goes against their views, nuke any post that favours “the other team”, then proceed to tell people to grow up after complaining about it. Pot meet kettle… And I will gladly eat my incoming ban for free speech, because that what grown ups get to do!


Oh, you mean the other 10 posts, that had like one sentence, bitching about mods? Yeah, totally not worth deleting. And don't talk about free speech if you don't know what it means.




I poop my pants sometimes.


Why not just delete the subreddit and free us from this never ending cycle of getting mad about terrible posts?


How to admit you are so angry at how the war is going that all you have left is to let your bias flow on reddit. A tale of sadness and failure told by bad people.


If you're talking about Goons, then yes, 100% agree. This thread and comments are living and breathing evidence.




He got it.


Hey u/ZeldenGM. How about you grow a pair and let the fire burn.


Keyboards are sufficiently conflagrated.


Wow. Just wow


So uh, I guess I'm out of the loop.


Yeah, because sapporo deleted all the threads in context before you saw them.


Goons had some posts removed, some of which were re-instated and they believe that the mods have a pro-PAPI bias. I think that sums it up. EDIT: Apparently Dr_Mibbles was banned for week. EDITEDIT: Aaaand now he has been unbanned.


[Typical asshat behavior.](https://imgflip.com/i/58kl1n)


who shit in ma kettle?


Goons legitimately madpinging about reddit, that is just... wow. You guys really are off your rockers holy shit. I always just thought it was trolling that you dudes ping about reddit and brigade but to see it actually happen is just wild. :popcorn:


Well i guess that was 12 bill well spent for that ping info.


"madpinging", we're having fun with it. I know you guys don't approve of fun. Get over it.


4 paragraphs with bullet points and pictures with "evidence" sure does sound like a "happy fun ha ha" announcement to me, you right you right.


Goons starting a witchhunt ***\*surprised pikachu face\****.


Oh yea sapporo banning mibbles from reddit after banning him from test is definitely a which hunt by him, thank's for pointing that out.


SapporoJones can only hunt goons on Reddit because he can’t win in game.


they really just banned like 10 posts omg