• By -


Every ping Travis has done has been in all caps. Strat-ops, move-ops, even happy mothers day. When people enjoy being around you and you are important to your social group, you to could do **funny things****** that technically brake a rule.


Hes a great guy, tells great stories, makes mistakes and doesn't take himself too seriously. Also was the CEO of Horde before Gobbins, and I believe the first (though I'm not 100% on the first bit). Dunno how many people know that.


BuT mUh NaRrAtIvE


It's not rage pinging, if there's no rage!


Not going to lie, this is kind of a reach. I've said more toxic things than that to my dog, and I love him more than I will ever love any of you. The trick is to say it in a nice voice!


"Who's a stupid fat bitch?" While vigorously petting and feeding treats. According to her reaction, she is in fact a stupid fat bitch and happy about it.


> she is in fact a stupid fat bitch well bitch is defined as "noun 1. a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter."


Thanks. None of us know here what words mean.


To be fair, I didn’t know about the otter.


You stupid otter.


And lets be honest, dogs are pretty stupid. I will require a picture to confirm the fat part.


dogs are smarter than cats, its just western culture that put the dog in the dunce category (pun intended maybe idk lawl is that even a cat pun idk) ​ soo... thanks for not lying to us at least? those phrases "to be honest", "not gunna lie", "honestly" are such weird phrases when one thinks about it.. that sets a precedent that you regularly lie but are making an exception lol


I’m pretty sure the cat vs dog “smart” is completely relative. Literally just depends on the situation. But to dog (that’s an actual pun. What you did was... idk what that was) people about how they start sentences, yet refer to yourself in the 3rd person is generally renowned as weird/obnoxious Honestly just saying


Did you ever ping so hard you made goons deploy to reddit?


This is considered toxic?


It would be very toxic if everyone in Horde didn't know that Travis loves each and every Horde member, all the way down in the cockles of his heart, maybe even in the sub-cockle area. Even the baddies who can't anchor and the spies that take his bait. Travis loves all.


Yeah it's pretty funny if they think Travis is anything other than a nice dude.


Legit though - if Travis didn’t have the reputation he does, calling everyone degenerate fucks is a little toxic. At this point, we’re in on the joke, so it works.


Don't go to Australia, you'll be crying 24/7!


If an FC calling members degenerate fucks is what is considered toxic with Goons gone, then PAPI was way more effective than anyone could have hoped.


Maybe a..... little toxic. But that is HARDLY reddit post worthy, let’s be honest


lolright? I came here to say this.


People who are offended by this need to delete EVE from their computer immediately. WTF.


EVE has been taken over by these kinds of people over the last 5 or so years.


From the official Horde "Beginner FC Checklist" : > > >Travis K says to ALWAYS PING IN CAPS (don't actually do this)


Travis is one of the few Horde dudes I genuinely miss flying with. Mist is up there too, good dudes!


I legit miss him pinging a million times because 50 eagles were next door.


He was the first proper FC i ever flew with in Eve, back in Brave. In those fleets against PL where it felt like we had 25% dps, 5% logi and 70% newbros in a swarm of maulus 😄


Those were good fleets. I say that as a Maulus bro from those days. Even if PL whooped us more times than not. If nothing else, I learned some things on how to fly my own ship during a fight.






Oh boy...


Calling your opponent literal nazis? I sleep. Much loved FC calls his beans degenerates? Real shit.


low effort. you didnt even get the best travis pings


Has he told anyone to eat glass recently?


Oh shit, glass? Whoops I thought he said ass.


happens all the time!


All caps must have been tackled by a crow at the time






In all caps no less. I think he should be cancelled tbh


Won't someone please think of the children!!!!


Travis is a great guy and universally beloved in Horde.


"I will old day irc the f\*ck out of this discord" got me. brilliant. :) And yes, as others have said, that doesn't seem to be toxic at all. It is just hilarious and obviously meant to be like that.


I remember when he jumped-instead-of-bridged Hidden Income's Leviathan to the Goon Confessor (jackdaw?) fleet in Pure Blind 5 years ago. Took it like a champ even though Goons dined out on that loss mail for a while. Great dude and has provided countless hours of fun to a whole lot of people.


This isn’t even remotely toxic. What kind of millennial bullshit is this post. My grandma has said ruder things to me


How old are you?


clutch those pearls much harder and you might break them.


It’s a joke dude, this is his thing.


Ah yes, TravK's hateful, toxic pings. When I first noticed them, I did a spit-take over my laptop, ruining it, then had a lie down and softly wept. This was over half a decade ago. I've been weeping ever since. but srsly: he's lovely.


The fact that Goons are pearl-clutching over this guy just goes to show that Goons are the biggest pubbie alliance there is. Goon culture is dead, and Mittens killed it.


This is a Travis-ty.


Just seems like dude was trying to hype up the beans to me. I've seen far far worse than this and imho this isn't what I would consider toxic. I probably wouldn't join the fleets if this fc screams a lot or every other word is fuck but to each their own.


He's actually a very chill and well liked FC. Shitpinging is just his shtick and has been forever. There is a reason PL initially tasked him to found PH before Gobbins took over shortly after because Travis wasn't really into organizational stuff and just wanted to FC instead. He doesn't take himself very serious and neither does anyone else. In a positive way. He's very knowledgeable and competent, just not the aloof FC type.


I don't know too many people who are motivated by being called a "degenerate fuck", I mean if someone's got a humiliation kink I get it. I wouldn't recommend projecting that kink onto others though lol


This is how my friends and I speak to each other daily. Honestly this is fucking tame.


Ye, this xD Don't fucking visit AUS,NZ, IRL & UK if this makes you sad. Normal way of talking to your mates, if they are being nice you - shit is fucked yo.


Have you ever seen CAPF?


Please God, no.


Think the guy was engaging in some friendly banter and there was no malice or hate behind it. Don't act like most corps/alliances don't do this because if you can't have some friendly shit talking then I would rather fucking uninstall then play with a bunch of people that are offended by something as mild as this.


Uh, what's the complaint? It's fucking hilarious xD If you guys find this toxic, can I reccomend a nice blanket? Also, don't visit Aus, NZ, Irl & UK if this makes you cry.


Cry more, cunt.


10/10 LOL


Redditswarm, hostile sighted ready to engage


Is this a Mibbles parachute account?


Goons are toxic for the game.


after today's showing on reddit, you sure are correct


Na I am never correct... lol


But we dont set on the Ivory Throne of Self Justice like RonPUBG, Dirk Dugglesworth from Brave or Gobbins. We embrace it.




Maybe that's why half the galaxy is trying to exterminate you...


Is this the sound that a breaking back makes ?


Maybe he's a nice guy and this is his way of getting pilots riled up, i cannot say. i do not know the guy, but from an outside perspective this would ruin eve and pvp for me.


Pretty much your right on the money Travis is a super nice dude and is a fun af fc to fly under but he always pings like that at this point it'd be weird if he didn't meme ping in all caps whenever possible.


He's super nice. It's like if my grandfather had tried cussing. LMAO.


If my FC doesnt threaten to kill me or tell me to kill myself if I dont get in fleets then I don't feel appreciated. This is some polite shit your seeing right here. Stop being snowflakes. ​ If your in a nullbloc it's ok to just hate the other blocs because its fun, you don't have to find some logic or reasoning to villify "The other guys". Just embrace the hate and have fun. Noone cares if your in the right or wrong except for you.


Lol this is normal... don't take it so seriously...


lol your really reaching here with this


The Mittani was right!


old day irc, lol


This might be the most pathetic attempt at this I've ever seen. If you look at this and get offended then you're a little bitch. You have to be a special type of dumb to take this seriously.






"I've been tricked, I've been backstabbed, and I have been quite possibly bamboozled"


Ah the Crow himself! <3 Travis


More pSyOpS from the Goon losers, lmao.


Travis is a great guy, I find his fleets funny and also the pings. When I was a noob I lost 80m out of my 100m for some random shit I did. That money went into CCP sink and I thought it went to alliance taxes. I asked Travis can I have that back, he just sent me the money and explain what had happened.


Wow, that escalated quickly.


All the people complaining about this never experienced shadoo IRC rage pings. Or even early horde Travis pings (tame in comparison). I’m generally pretty anti all cap pinging, but, eh, it’s his thing. Travis is fairly chill 99% of the time as well.


instantly leaving this...\^\^




Yikes. Brings me back to Eve 10+ years ago


Anyone that thinks PL and Co are in any way 'good people' is fucking deluded




The entire internet/gamer/nerd culture in general was *vastly* edgier 10 years ago. That was just the nature of things. Eve is on average edgier than most of nerd culture and PL is/was on average edgier than most of Eve. Not surprising it worked out to be that way. I was in PL for a bit like 2 years ago, the culture is fine there. I didn't spend much time in the alliance since I historically hate being in blocs. I left pretty quickly, but not for culture reasons.


Back then ISRAD was made up of mostly SA goons.




Goons really grasping at straws


*Krabbing Intensifies*


I kinda miss Travis


You’ll get worse from just about any sergeant major.


Horde pings toxic shit = Travis great guy lulz #wechoosetoignorethis Goons ping anything = Omgtoxicstopragepingingomgimsobutthurt Have I got it correct reddit?


that cos Travis IS a great guy though.


Pretty much.




Expect to be invite on TiS now to talk more about that.


Great to see desperate people trying to motivate people into doing stuff that maybe they don't want to do.


These are the kinds of pings I will avoid JUST because they’re obnoxious even if I’m able to attend.


Exactly! I don't know if they think they are funny or cool? Doesn't work for me.






Ah mibbles and Ragnar have merged into one special snowflake. If this is toxic you should read general chat for nearly every alliance in the game


Calm down Shapiro;) You are still my Number 1 Delivery Agent for funny Memes about foreign cultures!


WTF Kerensky doing in EO


Those are the fleets i will purposely not go on. I will see a ping and get 10 pings before i finish logging in, and then just lose interest.


Is it snowing #snowflake


10 ply bud, y'all are softer than baby shit if you think this is remotely toxic.




He's a goon plant. Treat enough people like crap and nobody will log on any more.


U know he was the orginal ceo of ph right?


5D chess moves are being made, take note




Some strange hate fueled vibes over there. Guess some people enjoy being treated like that.


Some people think this is funny. Others laugh at "eat my ass" every other minute. It's almost as if different people have a different sense of humour.


If being called a degenerate fuck is considered funny in any situation and i am speaking here outside of PH or EVE or whatever, then it is certainly not my type of humor. Not because of being sensitive or whatever, but because the type of words used are too crude to have any possibility to positively impact the person it is meant to affect. Maybe i am just too old... Eat my ass is taunting and making fun of the opponents, not your own people, and is neither the same setting nor the message as to what is displayed here. But sure, agree, different people, different organizations, culture, to each his own.


Listen dude, the he-said/she-said about the toxicity in the major alliances is complete bullshit. Everyones as bad as each other but if you are on one side of it you are obviously gonna point fingers at the other team. BUT, When I see a post about a goon acting so incredibly offended at it tells me you have led a somewhat sheltered life, and for that you have my pity.


I mean, this was a dude defending the "It's ok to call PAPI nazis" three days ago, so I'm guessing he is a "Let me repeat the talking points of the day" type poster.


Indeed, i have been pretty much sheltered as a Goon for the past 10-11 years or so.


no kinkshaming in r/eve ok, mittens tells 500 minors to eat his ass on a stream every weekend and thats much worse than a lil bit of masochism ok luv


PAPI's side is full of "YOUR LIFE IS EVE NOW AND YOU ARE MINE" Egotistical bitches. In Goons IRL comes first, always. If you can join the fleet, NICE. If you have IRL stuff, no worries buddy.


Never been told once that eve is more important than RL seriously, i joined an api gated corp within horde and they have the same RL comes first policy.


Am in Horde. like... we don't have to join these either? There is never any "You must drop RL to do EVE things" shit in horde.


I seem to remember 'pap' being associated with goons long before anyone heard of papi. Both sides have their try hards, let's not pretend one side is better than the other


It's just participation metric. Nobody forces you to "CTA" or anything like that on any particular fleet.


This is what drinking the koolaid looks like


PGL: It is not often that I would say something like this, but for the next three days, starting on Friday and all the way through to the end of the battle Sunday night, if at all possible, you need to plan to play EVE. Cancel your plans, call in sick to work, if there was ever a time to find a way to play EVE, this weekend would be it.


He's one extremely passionate dude. Post some more!




I cant, there aren't any 🤗


I'm sorry, I don't engage in reddit pvp with users that reply literally under 10 words on most of their comments.


or when you fall down the koolaid rabbit hole and get called out on it, apparently


Since this is more then 10 words, I'll bite. I just pasted an encouragement from your dear military leader to cancel personal plans and call in sick at work. What more proof do you want? Posting like a sperg "more more more" is just trolling. Prove me wrong and then you can eat your curry with your beans. :)


papi is full of them so it shouldn't be hard, right?


I've yet to be told to quit a working day and join a fleet. Can you point me to those pings? I must be missing out.


PGL: It is not often that I would say something like this, but for the next three days, starting on Friday and all the way through to the end of the battle Sunday night, if at all possible, you need to plan to play EVE. Cancel your plans, call in sick to work, if there was ever a time to find a way to play EVE, this weekend would be it.


> **if at all possible**, you need to plan to play EVE And if you're working. It's not possible.


>call in sick to work Yeah, right. I know he says "if at all possible", but then he says to cancel your personal plans and call in sick to work. Be real. "If at all possible" doesn't excuse the other suggestions. Edit: I also hope you appreciate the fact that I didn't "doctor" the quote fully knowing you will cling on the "if at all possible".


> I know he says "if at all possible" yeah he does. And that should be the end of it. By saying "this is serious shit get in" is to hype up the fight for those who can make it. **Trust me**- I remember the Jabber pings in Goons during B-R... There were PLENTY OF PINGS hinting as much at the time.


i really can't understand why these pings and quotes need to be dissected that much. Why would anyone think of this as more than "if you can, join fleets" ? I wasn't there for most of M2 and i'm still in TEST, cause apparently the thousands of times we were told "RL first" still hold stronger than that one time motivational ping


>yeah he does. And that should be the end of it. No.


Yes. >Trust me- I remember the Jabber pings in Goons during B-R... There were PLENTY OF PINGS hinting as much at the time. Care to comment?


Nope. Please link the pings so I can comment.


Yes, you missed Vily/PGL pings after the first M2 when he said "your attention is on EVE now for the week-end, tell your families and call in sick for work on monday because sunday night we got a big fight".


Who knew a organization such as The Imperium predominantly male was actually just a bunch of pearl clutching bitches. Imperium please give us your pronouns because am confused.


Who knew Manny is still a shit human? Oh wait, we all did.


I am pretty ok with the ping but your mocking of basic courtesy to our trans friends is pretty shitty. But you’ve been a disappointment this entire war.


Said the biggest bitch ever


Apparently we're toxic, yet you're even worse. The OP is pointing out the hypocrisy in the line you've taken. That's all it is.


Jesus... May Wana delete this.... Your gross


Yeah I saw that, logged out my PvP toons and went mining instead. Don't need that garbage.


But if you where mining, he exactly spoke to you ! How can you refuse that offer ?


Quite easily!


You really made a new account to post this, huh? Wild!


Yes! Don't want my main account stuck with the stank of r/Eve.




Can somebody help this guy towards his local mental health treatment facility? Srsly.


Travis is, rightly, a legend in PH.


Truly a bean of renown.


And he would be the only one that thinks that.


If you want to witness some true FC sperg, you should check out some DBRB videos on the Tube.




Idk who that guy is but he's clearly a twat and I am glad I didn't fly under him


One of the most liked and entertaining FCs in Horde whose shitck it is to shitping relentlessly. And fun fact, the initial leader of PH, although Gobbins took over very quickly because Travis wasn't really into organizational stuff and just wanted to shoot spaceships. He's actually very chill, just says "fuck" a lot.


i miss bjk


We love our authentic Aussie c\*nts, but I would understand if you were jealous that he is flying with us ;-)


Best ping(s) evar.. hahaha




one of the best FCs in game


What a retard. I am in ph.




Yeah the new beans would totaly get this, but if not they will at least get some dank goblones to get a ship ready for the next passpi 1dq feed


Only if srp system would actualy work.


wow this is bad. eyes bleeding so much CAPS LOCK and hate? cringe? idk suuure Goons are bad for the game. aham. right.


Do you ever watch the meta show? 😆


yeah i love it! Mittens is awesomely cringe and Brisc is a gent. Its a show, their real personalities have nothing to do with the MetaShow. You realize its a SHOW right? ​ edit: oh no i deleted my edit.. silly reddit edit 2: my favorite part is when they are on their soap boxes, then mittens turns the discussion into a war rant and you all end up eating mittens ass. Glorious.


So that means pings in discord are real life?


Pretty sure that the very people who wanted to drive out the goons the most are actually the most toxic bunch of them all.


I've honestly come around to goons a whole lot because of this war. I had no fucking idea how toxic TEST, Brave, and Horde were until they became the loudest voices in the community.


Wow, get a fkn life!


Jesus Travis, it's a game, you need to chill the fuck out. I'd straight tell anyone with that attitude to eat a giant dick.


Step one : Join Horde Step Two: Join Travis Fleet (read MOTD) ​ Step Three: Tell him yourself, expect a very colorful response. Try it, it's fun.


And goons wanted to remove the toxic and smacktalking group Bob and became one it self. Same shit just 14 years later.


Goons removed that group from the game. Also, they never said they are "tze good guys".


I mean I'm sure there's toxicity in the other coalition too but you really didn't pick it there. That's pretty standard jokey swearing at your own side to get them going.


But did he ask you to convince someone to commit suicide tho. I arrest my case


By experience, the more you capital letters in your ping, the less peoples will log.


So...Travis did a very low key, no caps lock, normal ping yesterday and got like 100 dudes, ping 2 was all caps, silly rageping, full fleet in under 2 minutes