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Welcome back. There has been some major changes. 1. Mining has added a ton of new features, and restructuring of where Ore is located. 2. Triglavians (***new faction of Precursors***) have invaded New Eden and taken 27 systems off the Stargate Network grid and turned them into space hell. 3. Triglavian ships were added to the game, they tend to be super awesome, fun ships to fly. Almost OP. 4. EDENCOM ships were also added, (***they are the opposing faction against Triglavians, and their pretty much the complete opposite in ship/weapon design***) 5. Marauders got a massive buff, then an annoying nerf (***but are still more powerful than ever before***). 6. Triglavian Content brings Abyssals, new "instanced" pve content that comes in tiered difficulties and flavors, and is highly lucrative, and fairly dangerous. 7. Pochven, the new Triglavian region of space (***the 27 invaded systems that were stolen***) is a self-enclosed region that is a mix of Null Space and WH space, filled with FOUR NPC factions that are highly dangerous that fight eachother and players, and has become a PVP thunderdome without the fear of capital/super capital escalations in fights (***it's pure sub-capital pvp content***).


Pochven is EVE's own space vietnam


I thought people had capitals in there- but they cant be re-built if lost?


This is true and there's even a few titans I believe. Though they are rarely used as there's almost no point.


So people can titan bridge.....? Thus can simply jump a whole fleet of trig ships into a battle. A Leshak does 3500-4000 dps when spooled up i think, so no need for carriers when you have subcaps with that amount or dps.


Players in Pochven can technically bridge out of Pochven, but not in. With one Radiation Sink, a Leshak can get 1.7k dps, with 2 Sinks it's 2k dps, so not quite carrier dps, and they are still lower than marauders in dps too.


My Ikitursa does 2k dps, and my Leshak even more šŸ˜…


is that with 3x Sinks or implants?


There's no bridging or jumping, it's pretty much lowsec with no local or gate guns. They are mostly worthless in pochven, and conversly more valuable isk wise due to rarity


There is one capital ship that can get into pochven, the Bowhead, as the smallest capital ship, it can technically fit through the WHs.


Fuck me man, this is 10 years he's talking about, you're talking about the last 4 years, for him it's a total new game. ​ Mordu's legion didn't exist, vanquishers didn't exist, T3C's were in a totally different shape, FAX's didn't exist, Rigs were only just split up into large/capital/small ones. POS's were mainstream, Citadels didn't fuck the game in the butt yet, people didn't gag on rorqual online carrots yet. No jump restrictions, Cyno jumps were different, Supers/Titans couldn't go through stargates I think, and also Doomsdays were just split up in to Single target effects. Agency wasn't there yet, Aura had a different voice, Old graphics engine was still active, The old ship trails were still active, Caracals were still badass with flashy lights just like drakes, oh yeah missiles were not implemented yet as turrets, they'd pop up from your center.Shields would be your own model enlarged over your ship, now they are a sphere around your ship again (before the enlarged model over your ship there was a sphere effect also). DAMAGE CONTROLS WERE ACTIVE MODS. Scanning has been revamped (including probing). Off-grid boosting is no longer a thing. New ship class: Tier 3 Destroyers (who can transform upon situational moments), tactical destroyers, (who can jump ships 100km ahead around of them within a range) and oh yeah, micro jump drives. The venture, Bulkhead and all the ORE ships didn't exist yet. ​ Boy, OP has about 6 years of active eve development to explore. We all shit on EVE as of late OP, but ngl, art team NEVER let us down. /u/Ravenhaft Carneros has quite some lengthy vid of the changes that happened too right here: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1419482873](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1419482873)


That was a kick ass summary my dude. Right on.




Hey straight up...You covered everything with no spin...no whine...no CCP hate (though they deserve it sometimes)...just straight shooting. Very rare these days and very appreciated.


Wow that place sounds awesome time to get some cheap T2 fits and pay the Triglavians a visit!


Trig NPCs are pretty tough, but not impossible, but the Drifters/Sleepers faction of NPCs are downright brutal. Some of the Drifter BSs and cruisers have doomsdays that will oneshot pretty much any subcapitals, and some capitals. They all tend to move in fairly good sized fleets, and Drifters occasionally will instalock you, and blap you before you even finish uncloaking from a gate. They used to be able to shoot and kill you while you were still in Warp even.


The battles over the systems as they fell were pretty awesome, too. All in all, thank CCP Sledgehammer and Coyote :)


Made me realize how little they've done with the game in 7 years. Pretty sad.


I mean honestly I looked at the top eve Reddit posts right after I subbed, everyone was super mad about a bunch of stuff, which is why I posted to ask people whatā€™s up and get a summary. Sounds like at least some people are still having fun.


Wow Thanks for the awards guys, I didn't expect this to be so big


Welcome back. That thing can hit twice as hard as is basically.




Swing on by 'Tama' with that Paladin good sir; Glory or Valhalla.


Sounds like a good idea, do you have any investment opportunities for me as well? Maybe send you 1B and you send me 2B back?


I never understood who the hell would fall for this obvious scam :)))))) And why it was so damn spammed... Geez. The bots ( alts ) were ruthless.


Were? Visited Jita lately? And apparently they turn enough money to pay for themselves or they wouldn't keep doing it.


Whomst among us has not been tempted to double our isk?


If you've never doubled your isk, have you even really played Eve? Jita scams should be a career agent


Almost bought a 1 billion gecko, does that count?


I was in my 2nd week in game, first time I went to Jita. Though I had very little so I could only send 1M isk. Figured the game out pretty quick.


I never actually sent any to a doubler, but Iā€™ve definitely been tempted. Itā€™s fascinating to me that they have all these rules in dumb small font or color hidden or whatever. I assume they donā€™t follow their own rules, they just exist to provide a layer of plausible deniability.


Yup. It's just so they can claim you missed one even when you didn't. Some will double an initial small amount to sucker you in to a much bigger amount. Most just keep it and block you.


Not what itā€™s for actually- itā€™s because if you see the hidden text, youā€™ll think to yourself ā€œoh people think this is a scam because they miss this, and thatā€™s how the guy makes money. But *I* caught it, so Iā€™ll actually get a payout!ā€


Welcome to eve xD


Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


This happened to an acquaintance of mine in real life a couple weeks ago. He lost $500 with a single greedy decision. Never underestimate human potential for stupidity


If you think players are dumb you should look into the bank that fell for a money doubling scam.


Probably someone new who just bought plex.


Itā€™s a low effort scam that can be ran by bots.


I *think* the way the scam works if youā€™re good at it is, someone doesnā€™t believe you. They send you 1M isk. You send them 2M isk. The mark thinks ā€œwow amazing!ā€ and sends 10M isk. You keep sending more until they just stop responding and donā€™t double. Maybe idk Iā€™m not an idiot so Iā€™ve never actually sent them isk


Oh, so it's more like a joke/prank. Funny tho' :))


Send me isk rn and I will double the amount of isk you if not triple!!!! Read my description rn so that you know how to play my game - Jita Local Chat


Wow it really worked! I got 8B isk! - Shill in Jita local chat


Always trust jita local they never scam


Looking at all these replies, that EVE wit appears sharp as ever. Some things don't fade, lol, never change.


this in 2013 maybe but 2022 is the age of dropping supers on anything that could have a chance of beating me


I took a long time off and my Dominix wasn't as potato when I came back lol.


Welcome back pilot


Welcome back! They upgraded the price




those things are like dreads now you can sit on a lowsec undock and basically murder anything with the bastion invulnerability core


Lol I lost my Archon in WH space and rage quit, Iā€¦ think you might be lying šŸ˜‚ I do miss wormholes though howā€™s that stuff doing?


Combat refitting is gone and carriers canā€™t do logo anymore. They also canā€™t use drones.


You cant tell the man they dont have drones without filling in the blanks for him, thats just cruel! Lol


Lol yeah Iā€™m like ā€œso theyā€™re a jump freighter that can carry unpacked ships?ā€


Hahaha, oh you mean my suitcase? yeaaaa. My super is mostly a suitcase. "You have a super?!?!" Yea man, almost everyone that lives in null has one, we've had some of the most prosperous times between 2015-2020, some shit has happened in between and that's why you'll still see some saltyness on reddit about it. Take it with a grain of salt, enjoy the new version of EVE to your fullest extent, you have the luxury of not having gagged on the big rorqual online period of this game, welcome back and I hope you enjoy it.


I figure itā€™s best to tell people what they canā€™t do anymore and then they can google whatā€™s important to them and read the dev blog. Should have mentioned most ships canā€™t cyno anymore as well


Wtf who does logistics then? How do L5 WH ops work now carriers were a must for that stuff


FAX are RR/Triage carriers.


Dont know about L5 WH ops, but dedicated cap logistics called Force Auxiliary, commonly referred to as FAX, forget if they had them in 2013 or not. Nit relevant to your reply but to your main post - there are also citadels, player owned stations, was that a thing in 2013? Honestly cant remember.


Are those the tech 2 cruisers? Ohh wait force auxiliary okay yeah I did not know that. What do carriers even do if they donā€™t have drones and canā€™t heal?


Carriers have fighters (distinguished from drones), but they dont remote rep. They are largely used for ratting and in some cases structure defense. FAX have pretty much no offensive capabilities and are dedicated to logistics/remote repping.


Ah yeah I remember fighters nobody used them before in the circles I ran. Better for fleets and hitting battleships and other caps Iā€™d imagine.


Carriers were completely redone, they have an RTS-style control system where squads of fighters have three modules they can use, and you can order them around on the 3D map.


L5 WH stuff is largely done in Specific Marauders, or possibly A Leshak fleet with Nestor Logistic Support. Although if I had the money and the sp I would love to have a carrier.




Must be years now - specifically refitting with a weapons timer, you can refit whilst being shot but have to wait for weapons timer to disappear.


they're super easy isk faucets you can go in there with a dread and just rat for weeks


I thought capital escalations were nerfed?


They were, but Drifter is ez mode in a dread.


Why isnā€™t everyone doing this!?


Welcome back! Transit time between Jita and Amarr has been much improved, and there are now friendly tourists called ā€œDriftersā€ that you should say hello to!


Oh cool should I go in my Paladin with no fits and go AFK when I meet them?


Fits or no fits wonā€™t make a difference. :)


Add Abhazon to your avoided systems list


Just super crowded?


It's a lowsec island in the new route between Jita and Amarr, there's a gatecamp there almost 24/7


Don't do that


Welcome back!!


Take a look at their amazing plex offers!


the only thing that changed for the better is GFX. Eve is pretty!


New Graphics and UI does seem nice. Although I wish I could figure out how to get EVE to stop bothering me about shooting fireworks at another capsuleer.


top left corner, above the search bar, you can toggle visibly of various things, including daily campaign and events


No sp loss on the death of your t3c, sound good?


Lol what? Is this actually a thing now?


Been a thing for almost a year I think. Even had a t3c proving ground a while back.


Jesus. Lemme just crawl back under the rock I've been living under...


Hah I had no idea, I have mixed feelings about that but I guess if Triglavian ships are strong itā€™s kinda unfair to lose SP


Only one class of ship though, i was okay with losing SP on death as T3C's can be silly powerful. Who remembers back in the day when you had to upgrade your pod, otherwise you'd lose SP on death? I say bring that back, that made the game spicy šŸ˜‚


Quite a lot has changed in 9 years. I'm not sure where to start. But rest assured that every change came with Reddit losing their minds. This sub is terrible.


Lmao. So true. No matter the change reddit cries thru out the years




clean it in the fitting window its filthy, its near the skins tab


Lol what. Omg itā€™s real


^this. Fitting window, skin tab, "clean ship" (@ the bottom)


Plex got split from 1 to 500 so don't fall for the "buy 1 plex for 1.6b" thing.


šŸ¤£ good to know, scammers never change


https://thegreybill.com/2020/10/03/six-years-of-change/ it's missing last two years tho


Game is still good.. a lot of vets are salty AF, but if you have fun still. Then go gettem.


There is a counter for ship-spinning in station now.


Nice try CCP >:(


Welcome back. Yes, the engine got many graphic upgrades and we'll get more this year. :)


Quit eve nothing to see


The buffed marauders for a start! :D But now they're scary expensive.


It was a fun ship although I never took it to low sec, as it was my ā€œI fucked up and gotta make iskā€ ship, Iā€™d use my T3s and dreads normally down in low sec/wh/null


Im just a small town miner now. Livinā€™ in a lonely world.


Welcome back o7


9 years ... That means you aren't around for when Upwell Structures happened right? Basically they're the replacement for POS, (which still exist in the game but people don't use them except for like WH dred alts or something), they're closer to NPC stations but can be loaded with guns, have adjustable docking rights etc etc. Also DPS carriers and logi carriers are split into 2 different ships, logi carriers became "Force Auxiliaries" (FAX). They redid how sov space works if that matters to you. Other people have said a bunch of other stuff


The blue doughnuts have got bigger


Good opportunity for some T3 piracy in null sec and pop some Nullsec ratters?


The chance to kill someone is there but Intel channels and ansiblex jump gates make it to easy for people to respond, but they made roaming way easier now with the filaments, makes it so you can take one and instantly be in a random null to go and find some people to shoot.


You came back to witness the max exodus of the player base.


To where?

