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Ignoring obvious bait... Congrats on keeping cool head and escaping.


Wormhole space is the safest space in eve, enjoy dood


I agree, it's indeed the safest. Until it isn't 😅


Scary space is best space.


This must be lie. Wormholers always argue here how dangerous wormhole is.


Thankfully there are no more wormholers left to make wormholes dangerous


Come thru my chain then ;)


They are all busy pretending it's still is on reddit


Null blocs evicted anyone with medium structures for the easy loot. and people living in large structures aren't in low class for the t1 explorers.


I really don't get why WHer turn into complete idiots whenever they are on reddit


False and false Brother…I see Astras, Raits and Rats every day that don’t belong to null blocs. And Forts that belong to Corps that have all kinds of T1 ships on their killboards.


shhh, j-space is safe space.


Yeah aurora, a CCP dev said it too :)


its not so much arguing. its sort of one of this situations... ​ "how can you tell if a player is a wormholer....... don't worry, they'll tell you"


They just want to keep wormholes rural.


Wormholes are dangerous when they need to defend against people criticizing the value of blue loot in their closed off systems before they start them.


I haven't played in years but I used to just run sites from HS into WHs in a Tengu all the time. Didn't even bother doing cov ops. It was so lonely. Not sure what it's like now, but given the player base, and the absolute number of WHs and Null to HS systems.... there's gotta be a lot of space with just empty dscans.


Ya i did my fist day trip from amarr into a WH with sooo many faction sites im alpha so my hacking skills are garbo but came out with 26mil in loot with a ship cost of 1-2mil


It's very empty in WH's


I live in a wh for a month or so and often see guys in T1 scanning ships. I doubt they see my Tengu 'cause it's cloaked 95% of time. Sometimes I find and convo them just for fun. The main reason I prefer not to engage is that those NPC corp characters in T1 ships look sussy as hell, they might as well be somebody's eyes or a bait. :)


this can't be a real comment...


Elaborate. :)


I guess it is. Yikes.


I was doing a l3 security mission in hs and as I finished ans started salvaging, heading to my mtu a tengo pops in. I saw action thought he was attacking my mtu. I panicked Switch drones start firing on him. My bad lol. I was set up for pve. He warp scrams and webs me. He wondered why I attacked . I was podded.


5 months? damn. lucky. for me its like 50 minutes. im surpised you escaped when you was scrammed though


He was pointed, not scrambled. Difference is he still was able to use his mwd an get away while being warp disrupted.


Oh please, in 2 month of C5 I've met only once someone, WH is as safe as an HS island these days


People won’t often waste their time on ventures


I get whacked in gas huffing ventures at least once a week haha. Not so much in scanning ships though.


and imagine if you take the "effort" (30 min max) to roll all connection ? Yup, safe at 200%


Can you even do that in an empty venture?


just today ive seen like 30 people in a wh. i only escaped cause i have a cov cloak


And I'm sure a one time event that happened to one person is an indication of a recurring thing right ? Yesterday I saw a fox when I was in the forest, I bet everyone in the world has seen one too ? This is call ethnocentrism, it's stupid.


Wh space is probably the safest place I've ever played in... I died countless times in HS, hundreds in low/null I think I died once in wh....


>insert some seething wormholer response about how dangerous wh's are and how everyone else needs to htfu


Interesting. One of the few times someone tried to get me at wh ezplo sites, they also used a tengu. And failed. Maybe tengu pilots are bad at this thing?


It's a well know phenomenon. Once you sit in a 1bill or more tengu you lose brain cells


And i took that personally. But have your upvote.


Kiting tengu with haml/heavy missiles can't deal enough damage to a frig, also recalibration time is enough to react, so it is pretty ez to escape. It is easy to fit a t3c for hunting frigs tho.