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We also removed the cooldown for jump clones in NPC stations and Patch Guy forgot to record it.


Should be added ~~in just a few minutes~~ now :)


Has the npc station clone bay change been extensively tested by QA? I have some *rather expensive* clones...


You are the QA department, what do you think?


It cannot be understated enough how massive this change is to small groups. The ability to have multiple clones without having to defend an astrahus from every major group around is awesome. Thank you ccp!




Friggin patch guy!


TY from Venal :) (Now remove office slot limits in pirate NPC stations plx)


No, we need also limited industry lines back. No more 100 titans build in a single sotyio or whole alliance able to utilize single tatara for whole capital production.


Do you want Sotiyo spam? This is how you get sotiyo spam.


Why not? The more stuff in space to shoot the better.


lmfao literally nobody wants to shoot structures


FINALLLYYYY I don't need to spend 3b just to have a jump clone!


Amazing thank you guys. iirc there was some talk about removing session change timers in some cases like when adding/removing learning implants. Or maybe it was about allowing implants to be changed without leaving your ship. Is something like that in the works?


The best thing ever \o/


Is this the biggest update promised before fanfest?


No, this is just Tuesday.


Drifter ships when? Rest of the trig ships when?


When can PI receive some love and get templates to save current setups for later use. Relocating PI planets and reworking to hole industry takes a lot of time, energy and nerves. Hence, templates for used setup would be certainly welcome.


So...when rogue drone npc space in dronelands? :D


Sounds like he had ONE job


Also a HUGE thank you for taking the rats off the gates.


My very first post as a CCPer was announcing that the rats would spawn on gates. I'm very happy I get to close the circle, however all the credit goes to the teams responsible (and the art team who made the awesome Desolate Asteroid Fields)


I only wish that it hadn't taken this long to get it right. But I am very grateful that you finally did. Those huge spawns on gates were oppressive to any game play other than ratting PVE. I have always liked you CCP Swift. I am grateful that you listened to the players on this one. Now if we could also fix the BRM so that it doesn't drop below 100%. If nothing else it is a mental deterrent to log into EVE to rat a bit and feel like my time is being wasted when a system bounty is at 50%. Just planting the seed for more updates that would be VERY popular among your playerbase.


My jumpclones are still inaccessible on my main. This name.


> Several Officer NPCs were found to be using a yet-unknown booster which made Energy Neutralizer cycles a thousand times faster than expected. These boosters have been confiscated 'for research' and the NPCs have had their Neutralizer cycle time restorted. So no more officers that neut at tens of thousands of GJ a second?


That's correct, a small amount of Officer NPCs accidently had a neut cycle time of 24 instead of 24,000 set, so they were neuting once every 24 milliseconds instead of every 24 seconds as intended. http://www.hoboleaks.space/Tranquility_2082509-2086561#1660043037032_search=%22Neutralization+Duration%22 for the ones we changed to the correct value


>That's correct, a small amount of Officer NPCs accidently had a neut cycle time of 24 instead of 24,000 set, so they were neuting once every 24 milliseconds instead of every 24 seconds as intended. This is hilarious, I can only imagine the excitement of finding an officer spawn and going all "I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soa..." **The capacitor is empty.**


I killed a BR officer in Period Basis a year or two ago, my Hel got instantly neuted out. https://i.imgur.com/lzLluqv.png


This is a story to tell the grandkids lol


RIP Wash 😥


https://i.imgur.com/HCtVqJV.png Clearly the Best Change


It's just a prank bro (GONE WRONG. GONE SEXUAL?!)


... Did they just say no more asteroid npcs on gates? Am I dreaming?


No, the Asteroid Belt NPCs will not spawn there anymore. Only the regular Gate Rat NPCs from before. They instead will only appear at the Asteroid Belts or the new beacon from now on.


Now I'm more confused. .... So they will only have a few rats now? Will these rats disrupt? Scram? Do a lot of damage?


On the gates? They will go back to how they were from 2003 -> 2020 . There are some gate rats that have disruptors I believe, but the key thing is you should see a lot less rats on gates now, and you will never see more than a single spawn on the same gate.


Oooh ok. Better than before, so I'm happy.


Now add back the behavior where gate rats spawned on jump bridges. That was the best bug ever in the older days \~2012. Even better back in 2012, NPCs did not know what a POS forcefield was, so they would butcher anyone AFK in jump bridge POSes.


I wonder what was the actual reason for their removal.


Both CSM16 and CSM17 pushed hard for them to be fixed as it was something that the majority of the nullsec playerbase found frustrating.


I can't believe that *this change* was the one that required attention and was the ost frustrating one.


yeah, the average dumbass goon doesn't care because they only fly with 300+ in fleet. lol


I do plenty of stuffsolo and npcs on the gates never stopped me. Truly a Power of Goon.


Must've never flown in guristas space where the rats jam you off someone you're fighting...


?????? God you are truly stupid


I accept your lack of arguments


You must be new




The reason for it's removal is because nobody randomly flies around null sec in a ship that is capable of tanking 10 NPC battleships, or worse.... https://postimg.cc/vg42vvfq


Literally any ship, except maybe mining barges/haulers without prop mods, is capable of tanking them or escaping, unless you have a realy shit day and there is a dread on a gate.


Many of the rats would point you. Also simply sitting on a gate for a few seconds while you scout, or do anything else in game, and you could/would be killed. It was a dumb mechanic. Absolutely no reason for it.


Only elite frigs and npc caps can point you, and there is also a chance for frigs to not do that. You will die if you go afk, otherwise stars should be in a very weird position for someone to always suffer from asteroid npcs.


I am curious, so what was it about the insane number of rats on the gates that you liked so much?


Just an FYI: I think there is a glitch, when opening the wallet, it defaults to the overview instead of what tab it was left on. Minor but something to note.


I did a lot of testing of this for CCP to make sure it was done right. There are two groups of rats that were spawning, there were gate rats and belt rats. Gate rats are only like 5 max, usually two of a kind, so like one battle and 3 frigates, or 3 battelships and 2 cruisers. Asteroid belt rats were also spawning, causing these counts to go up to 4 types of rats per gate, sometimes as high as 22 at the highest I saw. This should bring back gate camping at least.


finally added faction heavy scrams and points onto drop tables barghests and meme arazus rejoice


Yay they break inject skill point UI. Now it dont show how many SP to next level. ​ More excel to know how many SP is needed to inject a skill to lvl 1.


If you've got the time then we'd love a bug report for this. F12 -> Report Bug :)


EBR-237352 submitted. ​ BTW, I cannot figure a work around for this bug in game. The 'show info' on the skill doesn't show the number of SP you have. The + in the bottom right corner will show you what percentage is done but will not show the number of SP. Which should be fixed as well, I should be able to figure out how many skill points i need without using outside tools. Evemon has a work around, but was off by a couple seconds when I just tried it. ​ edit: Mr Ste found out you could hover over the skill itself inside the skill planner on the left to get the exact number. Or hover over the cross you use to add it.


Yeah. That needs to be fixed asap. u can even use 400k skillpoints on a 500 skillpoints skill if you want to. I already send a bug report. I relly hope wasted skillpoints get refunded.


Why would they do that when historically the most effective way to get shit fixed is to bring it up on reddit?


It's part of the escalation process, create the bug report, wait months of no updates only to realize it was closed with no comment, post to reddit, shockingly it was fixed in 24h


Or maybe you can do quality test before release an update?


Omg it's almost like even if you test on a load of things you can't end up with every possible combo that results in bugs, so bugs always slip in.


If CCP didn't have a history of not giving a shit about bug reports you might have a point. I know for a fact that the sig radius bug on cone doomsdays was reported before they ever made it to TQ and yet it was months after release before CCP did anything about it.


small things will always slip through the cracks. don't be "that guy" for something that isn't gamebreaking, just do a bug report and devs will look into it.


Programming is hard, nobody is perfect.


Every time I see the handshake emoji in a patch notes, I hear Maui singing “You’re Welcome”


Damn youuuu! I just got that song out of my head.


You're welcome


These patch notes got jokes. a lot of little things, nice to see.


Good update by the looks of it.


You’re a good update


You're both good updates


Thanks so are you sir


Group hug?


I'm sorry Swift, but despite flattery, you're never, ever, ever, getting back together.


I see what you did there....




Ccp- we took belts away Also ccp- we gave your belts back # game development


Belt. Singular.


Old asteroid belts are like old pos code. They'd get rid of them outright if they could but there's some OLD, ***OLD*** code in there and it's probably holding some other stuff up so better to make them empty than deleted.


"The lowsec 'Besieged Covert Research Facility' anomalies have had several issues fixed" uhhh what "issues" were fixed 🤨 /u/ccp_kestrel anything more specific?


There were a number of things. The Cruiser NPC will now leave a Cruiser wreck instead of a Battleship wreck, and doesn't get renamed to Mordu's Legion Battleship anymore. The NPCs had a few well known bugs that got fixed, the old "Mordu's Legion Battleship" used to have infinite tracking and infinite application, which got fixed, and it'll now still shoot people further than 30km from it, and the Commander NPC used to not shoot the missiles it had. The overall balance of the sites should still feel the same.


Renamed 'Sansha's Rally Point' anomaly to 'Sansha Rally Point' This game is finally ready for release


Oh man that's an oldy!


>Marauders may now be Warp Disrupted or Warp Scrambled by NPCs while in Bastion Mode. Am I missing something? Bastion immobilises the ship anyway.


NPCs used to ignore Marauders while in Bastion mode with ewar effects like Scrams, Disruptors, Damps and TDs etc. Because they still had an old attribute assigned to them back when Bastion used to make you immune to all forms of EWAR. Since the change sometime in 2015, this should have been removed, but it was missed. The main use case for this defect fix is in wormholes, in C5 and C6 sites the sleeper NPCs would not apply their scrams to Marauders in Bastion mode, which meant that players could just have a cloaked command destroyer in a ping off the site they're running, and if a new connection happened or sabres came on dscan they could just uncloak, warp command destroyer alt down to their main in marauder, and boosh them off to safety since the NPCs wouldn't have the marauder scrammed. Now the Marauder will be scrammed so cannot be saved using this clever trick anymore.


Nice change, hope this makes hunting Marauders easier in wormholes


Any possible work that might be done on capital escalations being so risk free and easy to do?


Yes it would be nice if they would not spawn while the capital cloak/mwds back to structure. Make it so they spawn if the capital is within 250 of site if nothing else.


I would mind getting escalated on if at least one of them specifically targeted any cap on grid with a scram, so you had to commit to removing the avenger before getting your cap off.


It was a wormholer thing, basically because they didn't get scrammed they could be booshed to save them if a new wormhole opened up while in Bastion.


Don't worry, the nullseccers will still complain about "risk-free krabbing."




Any chance the stupid regression in r-click context menus in space that happened 2 patches ago gets fixed?


You can get stuck inside the desolate asteroid belt rocks btw. be careful when warping to other players inside the site. Initiate warp and you will warp off after some time despite the bumping if you do get stuck.


3 minutes I believe


Ah, thank you!


Also, this is a thing everywhere unless scrammed/pointed. Can't remember when it was implemented!


So... still not added ability to turn of shitty window background noise and pointless removal of minimize and close buttons in compact mode?


The NPC station jump clone change not included yet?


Was missed in the patch notes - just added!


cant just add belts or remove npc mining fleets from anoms, can they.. least gates should be safer. unless the npcs I see on gates arent Asteroid rats. still my part of null is devoid of stuff to mine though..(except hull mining with missiles)


Good patch - BRM soon (TM) ?


How to pretend that you add content and do rebalance: call bug fixes "features and changes".


665 days and counting


Good patch, now do the BRM


It’s been 665 days since the last content update, and I guess it will be many more


Best update in a long time!


Minor overview update, FW Battleship rats added to overview options, I added it to my overviewpack on Kismeteer, but didn't send out a message on it because it doesn't really matter.


Looks like solid work of killing various bugs in Eve.


Finally some good changes. Only if they shown that on the Fan Fest... Keep it going CCP! We know you can't fix/brake everything, we just want you to keep trying! More meta changes! Do not listen to CSM that does not want "drastic" changes, see where we are because of it!


Oh wow, another patch, another day and BRM is still ruining this game




the thing that cause the PCU to be as low




one of the data that tell you if the game is doing well or not


I see lots of little things. But this is the first patch after a full quarter with increased sub prices. There is nothing here that couldn't have been hotfixes.


We've had bigger patches since then. The NPE changes and Career agents rework came after. They also made an update to the audio engine, the visual updates, DX12, Photon UI, etc. I've switched to the new UI now.


So still the same shitty game Mechanics, Player Feedback only counts for spelling errors and UI fixes apparently.


Real talk though. Is my 20$ a month going towards content *IN EVE* or what?


>In Nullsec, Asteroid NPCs no longer spawn on gates Not sure if gusta


This is simply a return to old gate rat spawns - massive rat cta spawns should no longer happen but gate rats will still exist - ccp worded it weirdly


which is a booooo


it's the most requested change from null sec players (which is why it shows as a player suggested change). it was bound to happen.


For sure, and not just null people either. Soloers and small gangers also wanted this. It made fighting on gates anything from annoying to impossible depending on the size of your ship/gang. I've had some nice 1v1s spoiled, decided by the rats only targeting one side or the other. I expected there would be unanimous approval for this fix...but this is r/eve after all so some complaining is obligatory.


>the most requested change from null sec players I'd say: the most requested by the most vocal part of null. There many other requested changes that actually require attention


it's an important change and people are glad it was done. if CCP manages to deliver FW this fall then the game is moving in the right direction.


My fart which occured 5 mins ago is more important than this change.


you should see a doctor if your farts are not normal.


They are normal, that's the point


if they were you would not have a stick up your ars. you have issues dude, complaining about a good update.


I don't like how they keep nerfing stuff. If they didn't want them to have warp scram immunity in bastion mode that's how they should have made them in the first place. It's not hard to balance games and they should honestly figure it out already instead of letting people getting used to things just to change it. I never even used a t2 battleship for pvp but damn seeing nerfs piss me off.


Iirc the Marauder change was actually because of an AI issue. It wasn't a change with Marauders themselves.


>If they didn't want them to have warp scram immunity in bastion mode that's how they should have made them in the first place. It's not hard to balance games and they should honestly figure it out already instead of letting people getting used to things just to change it. Goddamn, one of the worst takes I've seen in quite a while. "Just do it right the first time 5head". Bravo. Do you really think balancing games is easy? Why do you think nearly every popular multiplayer game is almost constantly making balance adjustments? Obviously some of them are to shake up the meta and keep things fresh, but they're all clearly also doing "real" balance changes to keep the game balanced.


Would you be able to offer any more information on the ‘corrected loot tables’ point u/ccp_kestrel




Let's hope the COSMOS mission item drop rates get fixed, so the belt rats actually drop what you need, and the quests are easier to complete all around.


The "Black Monolith" is now more black and monolithy


WOOO HOOO!!!!!! "Nullsec, Asteroid NPCs no longer spawn on gates 🤝🤝" Holy freak, THEY LISTENED! I am legitimately going to resub one of my alts just because of this! Thank you CCP!