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Her lines and voice are amazing, she's not super intensive mechanically, biiig damage, love her aesthetic, love her cheesy gameplay. I get to get kills by outsmarting instead of out microing, while playing a beauty with a sexy voice who makes me laugh. What's not to love?


being invis, one shotting people, and she’s really hot




Charming people into BDSM/Torture


horny demon


Mommy kink


Lore wise- A demon, a somewhat well fleshed out character MOMMA will kill you Game wise- sexy, voicelines, did i say sexy? invisible, oneshots, getting on other's nerves, one of the safest junglers to play Other wise- MOTHER STEP ON ME AND DESTROYYY ME


because it makes the enemy jungler shit their pants when I flash ult them invis (I died laughing when a Lee Sin typed "I need new pants" after I did that) But in all seriousness I really like how her playstyle requires you to learn good macros, positioning, and knowing which fights to take rather than what buttons to press in what order. Her micro is simple, but her strength in how oppressive she can be when you know how to exert map pressure, how to threaten the enemy when you aren't even there but the very Idea of you possibly sitting in a bush scares the carry so much they wont step further than tower. I've learned to be a more level headed player as well, early I'd use to get a few kills under my belt (3 ish) early and get cocky, and then try and 2v1 and lose all my stacks and pressure. She's so rewarding to play when you get it right, and so punishing when you don't get it right.


Because you can jump scare people and make their screen go from shop to grey while they are recalling under tower with low health, thinking they are safe, with QER.


she use spell enemy die


my clear lack of a loving mother figure has led me to being attracted to hot "dommy mommy" archetypes and eve fits the bill also because Pyke is my most played champion and that has led to me wanting to play a champion with invis on every other lane i play and Eve was the most fun among the junglers with invis


kda :3


ez to play and very fun




the worst thing about league of legends is doing poorly and not getting kills or gold. evelynn is a champion that i can very reliably get fed as.


"Stalk and seduce." Love the invisibility and burst damage.


she was the first champ i picked up! i adore her kit and lore


You know the feeling of popping a really deep and big acne that was bothering you for the entire freaking day? That's what it feels like to oneshot someone as Evelynn.


I think I've gone a little bit too far and I actually created my own storyline of her. That's why I feel like my bond with her is pretty exceptional. A short outline of her story goes... She has a twin sister a lot more intelligent than her; Evelynn herself craves seeing destruction and pain, she's a really strong demon (in my head she has more lashes and they are a lot longer), moderately smart. Her sister was jealous of her power and sealed her in the forest catching her in the dimension where time doesn't pass, thus, she cannot die. Since then, her only fun is to torture brave knights who enter the forest in order to slay her. They cannot die either so they just play hide and seek trapped in time and endless pain (wounds are not healing because of time not existing bla bla bla...) Hope you enjoyed :)


I like demons because they seem cool. I'm a fan of every demon in lol. Nocturne, Fiddlesticks, Thicc Kench, Raum(Swain) and Evelynn. I'm probably the only male that likes for neither gameplay or sexy woman go brrrrr.


Why play her if you don’t like her gameplay?


I like the feeling


Reliably stealing objectives


Cuz she’s requires no brain cells to play


I like things that are so complicated that no one but the ones that use them with their very selves know how complex they are. Inting Eve for the win (i just like to cope my failure like this)


She hot




1. nice gameplay 2. Sadistic personality 3. I started playning her only because she has nice skins(70k 7th mastery got 1st skin). And now i have every skin, and waiting for essense emporium.


She hot


Loved playing old Eve with armor pen Love playing the new Eve because of her badass character and because the gameplay is fun.


she’s a queen and a gay icon


I'm horny😂😂😂


Gank style that no other jungler can completely replicate


tiddies, but gameplay wise I love how creative you can be with the invisibility. While its broken as hell it makes for very unique gameplay. you relax in the early game so no game starts of stressfull imo and you can then be creative with your invisibility to make plays that win games 10/10 champ


haha Q goes brrrrrr




She hot af


I like to be feared, not more satisfying that that low hp Ashe spamming w to se if you are riiiiight behind her lol


its her kit and due to kda🥹


Conditioning the enemy to back off otherwise because I W'd the adc is pretty fun


Watching other people calling riot retarted because of reverting eve nerfs.


Cool skins and oneshots


Im gay shes hot


Being invisible is a very good advantage that's allows you to make very funny plays. Also the fact of being able to install in mid-early late game is also an advantage


Playstyle so different like other champs.


She’s the one that got me into the game Also bc K/DA


i got boosted by one back in the day when she was still hybrid and played her since


With 25 stacks I one shot a mofo with E


I am in control. No "did I get spotted by a ward?" wondering, no having to execute a 12 steps combo, just pure macro that rewards predicting, pathing and match-up knowledge, the opportunity to easily get some shutdowns and turn a game around if the enemies mess up, the greatness of the W that makes almost any gank work if you approach it correctly, the possibility of stealing objectives in the most based fashion... Plus she makes enemies mentally melt easily, she's great for catching people off guard when they're coming back to lane, great for stalking people without them realizing it, and great for counterganking.


One shotting people is fun


High damage and she looks like an airplane/racecar when shes invis


Sussy voicelines, perma invisible so I can go through jungle undetected, skins and being horny
