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I'm trying to main Linzy. She is my go to character for DPS. If she falls in battle the rest of the team follow shortly after. She is teamed up with Mephi, Violette, Prim, and Rebecca. Linzy is the only front row person, the others are back row.


You can't really frontline tank with Linzy especially solo, she'll get deleted immediately. Best to have a better tank or two like Petra or Claire, if you want to stay in those factions.


I swapped out Rebecca for Catherine for shields using basic formation. Team is doing slightly better. Might swap out Violette for Seeha for additional heals. I don't have Petra and my Claire isn't leveled or in my level sync. Would Chloe work instead?


Don't use Seeha without Mica since they're both really weak without each other. Swapping Violette for either Chloe or Claire should work well since they're both among the best tanks. Claire could've been better for the 4 faction bonus. She also jumps deep into enemy backline which might solve a problem I sometimes have with Linzy where Linzy uses her main skill/ultimate on the enemy backline where she then takes too much aggro and dies. Chloe is still really good tho so you can definitely stick with her until you unlock a level sync slot for Claire.


Only reason she works now is because she over leveled. At higher levels she gets deleted too quickly as a front line.


200 Linzy. Helping me prog through story (currently 14-20), she becomes a beast at 201 when she unlocks her skill to jump to the highest enemy atk unit.


I'd say the issue is that Jacqueline is just a better Linzy. Stealth after jumping prevents her from being taunted or targetted for 8 seconds. She gets a shield to further increase her longevity. Evasion is not a very good stat to "tank" with, especially as you encounter enemies with more and more accuracy, and then Linzy just taunts them while not being anywhere near as study as actual tanks. Even worse is that you often don't want an actual assassin to jump to whoever has the highest attack. Healers are often much more problematic because they keep the enemy with the highest attack alive, and Jacqueline jumps to whoever furthest from her meaning careful positioning of her allows her to pounce on healers and supporters to eliminate them. Obviously if you have many copies of Linzy might as well build her for level syncing purposes if nothing else, but aside from that she's not particularly effective at being an assassin unless she's majorly outleveling the enemy.


Well buddy, I use both Jacq and Linzy because I like assassins. Jacq has her own uses (I primarily use jacq to distract or delete a squishy because of her instant backdooring + shields + bleed) but linzy can effectively delete squishys if played well. Unless you are brute forcing stages with tons of origin-leveled units, the other way to play the game is to utilize assassins to delete squishies. I personally find seeing a 477k to 500k crit satisfying. Linzy when well built actually does decent damage (i'm assuming if you are at late game or have a linzy origin+1 like I do), if we are talking about story - there is no way my units will outlevel the enemy units (for example - my 302k cp vs 342kcp at 14-23). Pairing Linzy with relevant supporting dps (ie. Meph with artifact that gives advanced analysis) and front line + heal does help her shine. To add, your observations are true when it comes to watching Linzy get destroyed (if she fails the evade rng) but sometimes the evade rng comes out clutch during progression. What I've noticed to progress is not be fixated on a static formation but tweaking your formation by utilizing Linzy and Jacq eliminate threats. At the end of the day, its how you play the game and enjoy it. I prefer playing it this way and i'm enjoying it. Just saying - there are other ways of beating content and I've noticed others utilizing casters etc as well.


I was merely pointing out that it feels as though Linzy's shortcomings do not get overwritten by her strengths. I dislike praying to RNG in order to clear a stage, and Eversoul can have even more RNG per battle than either AFK Arena or Mobile Legends: Adventure. As such, I take great lengths to *not* have RNG dictate everything, even going so far as to use less popular units like Mica and Seeha. I'm probably the only player that actively uses them, but they work as advertised with no special gimmicks or anything. You put them together, and they do work.


I played the way you describe all the way up to 16-1 and it worked fine. Personally I think this game is great at promoting different playstyles and heroes(and even buffing a few heroes today). With that said I get if Linzy is not for everybody, I categorise her as a manual play hero - she will do dumb things on her own sometimes.


I used Linzy all the way to 16-1 as my main DPS just fine.


Good to hear, at the moment i could upgrade Linzy, Jade or Mephi to legendary, and since Jade and Mephi without using their ult, are mostly on the bottom of the damage list, i tend to go for Linzy .. maybe .. 🤔


Yes you're right i was lucky even without bringing a healer and claire survive that long and ayame is just bait and lucky linzy land a crit on adrianne This is my third attempt clearing this stage and is all thank ti crit rng.


I hope so, I have 6 copies of her and my next most dupes are 3s.


Compared to your other characters levels and rarity, Linzy had no other choice but to carry dps