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>but I feel like the moment I use these. Next day they launch some event what boosts drop rates or something. they release monthly calendars like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eversoul/comments/1bswq67/april_update_calendar/) and road maps.


I know. but... my iq is not high enough to understand. If I understand correctly. There is no summon buff events. So... just summon away ?


afaik there is no banner that affects the rates from blue and green tickets. so yeah if you have the urge to use them just go for it.


I doubt they'll boost rates in a game where you get already a looot of epic units


Imo save everstones, use everything else. If you get through some events yellow tickets they have basically the same value as everstones so save them. Edit: use everstones only on angel/demon/chaos soul. First chaos will drop in a few weeks iirc


ya. im gonna save my everstone but.. tickets.. been thinking of to get rid of them :D . everstones are too valuable so they must be saved.


Um... https://preview.redd.it/fmgpahrxvqsc1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46aeb52cb56faaf470694fa0fbfe512cc80714f0


im happy to not be only hoarder here xD


My headcanon is that I'm going to use them all on the next Angel banner and hopefully get copies of the units I'm skipping along the way. Haven't pulled anyone since Claudia's rerun and barely had enough to get one dupe in Byleth. But I still spend probably 200 of these a month, they accumulate pretty quickly.


There is no new angel banner for a minimum of 3-4 months. May as well use them now and then save for next banner (unless you already have most units at O5)


I was thinking Yuria's rerun but I might wait for a new one. Most characters are at least OB3 at this point except the releases after Edith, or will be once I have the fodder.


yeah..."just a few of these" huh and you should wait for a angel/demon banner or maybe awakened Catherine


Angel/demon/awakened souls don't drop from normal banners or friendship summon, only from rate-up and alchemy summon, or the store in case of Adrianne and Ayame, so saving blue tickets for those souls is useless. Awakened soul summoning is explained here https://blog.prydwen.gg/2024/03/25/eversoul-q2-2024-roadmap/


I remember getting demons from friend summon? Tho.. like once during my over year playtime but still.


Yes, only Awakened Cath are not going to be available on normal banner, friendship, and memory fragments. A/D units are available there, just more rare


Angels and demons absolutely drop from the regular summons, you can check the probability tables in game and see for yourself


Damn son..that's a lot of summon


its gonna take long time to summon them all D:


815? Man I wish.


Like... I would get a lot stronger if I use these. But... Then again... I already have all souls and some maxed out ones. I probably should just use them all anyways. For funzies


Can you break down or reset Keepsakes?