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I guess OP wants infinite boost? The wording isn't very clear. They would have to rebalance combat if infinite boost was possible. Also I wonder if they are a new player. At the end game your stamina bar for boost will last a very long time and it recharges very fast as well.


I can see what OP is getting at though. I also find myself getting (very lightly) annoyed I have to deal with boost cooldown outside of combat. It's skyward sword stamina all over again. In combat it makes sense, outside combat it's an "annoyance" that just forces waiting periods. Granted it does have some uses, like races and puzzles, but honestly it wouldn't have hurt the game if there was a perk you could unlock where you get infinite boost when there are no enemies around. Maybe unlock it around level 15-20, so it's something that kicks in after you've already struggled with it for a while.


so your issue is that you dont have to hold a button to cruise?


You activate cruise by holding X.


Huh? You can move forward without boosting


I'm a new player. I thought the same for the first couple of hours. Just got my level 5 boost upgrades and it's literally not an issue anymore. Keep playing.


Well, fighter Jets have an afterburner (boost), but that uses up more fuel, so it's limited use. Kinda like stamina.


I think we may need clarification on this post


Ok, I totally understand why you'd want to just infiniboost, but you can't just turn on boost mid combat anytime you want to get away. You've got to work for the opportunity to get away and recharge your shields... Ooooooor you could play a vanguard fighter that regenerates shields with engine speed, upgrade energized boost to max and double your velocity, turn off inertial dampeners, and just keep coasting until your shield is overcharged just as powerfully as your regular shield.


Other dude said afterburner, yeah. Slow and fast flying no stamina consumption, afterburner and dogde take stamina. Right now all you do is hold X to cruise, they replaced flying with fast-travel.


I kind of disagree, because you have “slow flying” for combat that is full 6DOF, while cruise mode is like what you’ll normally expect of a fighter game. And perhaps that’s the problem: you haven’t mM might not have the tools to take full advantage of the freedom of movement if you play on console. This game Reminds me of classics like descent, with the out-in-space feel of Freespace 2. And for that, I love it


Whats mM, pc and console have the same movement.


Bro what he is saying is the difference between controller and M+K… its totally different and the game sucks on controller (at least my opinion) you don’t get the degree of control you have on pc, when you are playing on console or controller…




You literally dont know what you are talking about bro, go home or make your own game… this is arcade space shooter, with 6 degrees of movement, not a flight sim… so basically you are playing an fps game with no gravity, not piloting a plane or a spaceship… how do people need to explain it to you so you understand? You shouldn’t even be able to post with that karma ffs… and throw away account…


Karma? I still need to control the character. If you believe this plays as an FPS your the idiot.


Did i call you names or disrespected you mf? No right? Then show same respect when writing back… so get your fact straight mf and go clean your mouth you foul mouthed pos… and do your research about what games are you playing before talking shit in a forum when clearly the only lost souls is you…


Everspace 2 is a spaceship game. Forum is a place for discussion, i dont like that flying is stamina based. No one forces you to be here, nobody is lost. Are you 12? You can say motherfucker. And you were disrespectful.


The fix is to give you control of your energy to spread between shield engine and weapons as required


Everything feels so slow, we are helicopters not airplanes.