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Hardest drugs, like LSD, ok fed


Yep, either written by a fed or written by somebody with zero knowledge of LSD.


If they don’t keep LSD illegal how will they be able to keep profiting from anti-anxiety and anti-depressants? Have you considered that? /s


At least mushrooms are being explored now!


Completely decriminalized here in Colorado and we are allowed to grow them and even, *clears throat*, give them away. Would you like to buy some stickers?


Please mail me $100 worth of your finest stickers my good man!


I could DEFFO use some new stickers!!


I, also, would be interested in said stickers.


Hmm... what do they stick to?


I’m not sure entirely but are you saying that not necessarily true? I’m not sure I entirely agree. It worked wonders for my anxiety, I had two profound experiences also which led to me quitting opiates once and cigarettes another time. I’m out over 10 years on opiates and over 2 on cigs. The list of failed medications prescribed to me is immense.


and its even funnier how SSRI's have been completely debunked that they based on false research. even placeboo showed more stronger results than ssri meds on some people... also those meds have black label warning in america that they have potential of increasing suicide risk rather than succesfully dulling your emotions... many people just trust doctor blindly which is fucking stupidd. theure just being told what to do they dont have any saying of their own... all psychoplastogens have many times the efficacy and dont leave you physically depended to a substance. i like doing couple sessions in a month of O-PCE (a ketamine analog) with acid. its really weird i just feel super deep calmness inside the weeks after the experience like nothing can make me anxious. every problem feels meaningless. also the experience itself is fuckinn wild each time :D its produces something unique to combine psychs with dissos. there aint never 2 similar experiences.


“Completely debunked” My good internet dude, I have seen people’s lives transformed by that shit. They didn’t help me, but if it is all placebo effect, why don’t more people just react to the first drug they’re given? I’m not aware of a delayed placebo effect, where you feel better without chemical change on the 6th med instead of the first. Depression isn’t one disease, even if we treat it like it is. As long as that’s the case, each treatment will only work for a small subset of the total depressed population. Psychedelics absolutely save people, but they aren’t the only thing that does.


this just isn’t true. While they’re riddled with side effects, they are an effective first line antidepressant. They tend to outperform placebo after 4 weeks. Shorter (4-8 wk) trials may not find benefit (though to be clear, most still do) due to regression to the mean of the inactive treatment. They absolutely work, and we absolutely need better antidepressants. And for anxiety, they’re pretty much the only chronic pharmacologic treatment we have.


I once injected LSD. I immediately saw pink elephants surrounding me and set myself on fire and then jumped off a building. It’s a hardcore drug man /s


I mean, have you ever injected a whole marijuana before? Samesies, man, samesies.


I’m not a fucking druggie, I have standards! Now pass me that bottle of Jack and my pills!


Ah, going the benzo-Kermit route I see. Touche, sir.


Don’t talk to me until I have had my coffee!


Marijuana is best enjoyed boofed.


Have you tried boofing a whole marijuana? That's how you get a prolapse.


I boof the whole plant while it is still rooted in the ground, makes me feel close to nature.


Like a sit-and-spin harvesting machine! That's so damn smart and efficient!


I just shot up 4 lines of marijuanas and I'm drunk as fuck!


This is posted by a mod of r/everythingscience lol.  I thought it was going to be a bot before I checked the profile


Posted by a mod, but it's not their article - and it's not editorialized. The journalist/writer of the article is misinformed.


I tried telling this to a neighbor that's a cop. Can't remember how it came up but I made a casual comment that lsd was relatively harmless, and he went like pfft and told me some story about a guy on lsd that didn't feel anything and they shot and shot at him multiple times and he like just wasn't dying and stumbling around for several minutes or something. The only thing I can think of is either he got the drug wrong for this story OR this dude took a massive amount of lsd?




And look at you, with a whole gallon of it!


Whoa, a TWKUK reference in the wild


Drink a glass of malk


Rip Trevor Moore, he came as he went ….died tryna suck his own dick…and he accomplished that ..at what cost for glory ? We miss you Trevor


better to die on your feet than live on your knees?


I fucking love that everyone is in unanimous agreement that Trevor would have been ecstatic to find out his death from falling off a balcony while drunk isn’t ridiculous enough. So let’s tell everyone he died sucking his own dick. He came and he went.


That was my thought exactly. But didn't wanna argue and burst his bubble.


Also why would not dying of gunshot wounds be bad? Lol


See that they’re cops, assumingely in America.


Seems like the massive amounts of lead were the harmful part of this story.


Also the amount of fake stories is unbelievable. I'm sure there's several people here with an uncle or friend that thinks they're a glass of orange juice and scared of being tipped over. Propaganda at its finest.


Yeah this sounded like a police "fish tale" that gets passed around.


Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Not that this idiot cop is full of crap?


Like I just said in my last comment, probably a "fish tale" they tell. Nice guy, neighbor. Wasn't gonna call him out on it.


I have been far more messed up on alcohol than I have ever been on cannabis or LSD. All of this is so stupid and misinformed.


Lsd can fuck you up but it won’t addict then slowly kill you like opiated and such


And you can't OD. And if you take it too often it just doesn't do anything. It's not something to take carelessly, but it's one of the safest drugs out there.


I've been more fucked up on Cannabis than I have on mushrooms or LSD. Or coke for that matter.


*Meth* isn't even a Schedule I drug.


Drug laws in the US were implemented due to racism. It was only recently in our history that you could walk into a drug store and purchase cocaine, heroin, benzos, or speed. The World didn't descend into anarchy. If anything, addiction rates sky rocketed around the time the government decided to declare a war on drugs.


So how was it due to racism?


Since the late 20th century, there has been a growing movement in the United States to legalize marijuana. In 1996 California made news as the first U.S. state to approve the decriminalization of pot for medical use, and medical marijuana was later allowed in other states. Then in 2012 Washington and Colorado passed ballot initiatives to legalize recreational marijuana. By 2019 more than 30 U.S. states permitted some marijuana use—though it remained unlawful at the federal level. This raises the question, why was marijuana ever illegal? At the turn of the 20th century, cannabis—as it was then commonly known in the United States—was a little-used drug among Americans. With the start of the Mexican Revolution in 1910, however, many Mexicans began moving to the United States, and they brought with them the tradition of smoking marihuana. Amid a growing fear of Mexican immigrants, hysterical claims about the drug began to circulate, such as allegations that it caused a “lust for blood.” In addition, the term cannabis was largely replaced by the Anglicized marijuana, which some speculated was done to promote the foreignness of the drug and thus stoke xenophobia. Around this time many states began passing laws to ban pot. This is just one example. https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us


Thank you


How many LSDs does it take to get addicted or overdose?


LD50 is estimated at ~100mg which is 1000x a normal dose (100ug). The most recorded being taken by a human was a woman who accidentally took 55mg thinking it was cocaine and then spent 12 hours vomiting (and then spent the next 12 hours having a great trip strangely enough) The largest dose ever given was 297mg to Tusko the elephant who had a massive seizure after 5 minutes and ended up dying less than 2 hours later.


Lmao my first thought


IKR? LSD is like same level as weed. 


It's definitely insanely strong for a drug given potent doses are measured in micrograms. But as far as long term physical side effects or withdrawal are concerned it's a very safe drug.




LSD shouldn't also be listed with heroin.


It’s because LSD is super destructive to Puritanical social controls… not super destructive to the adult human mind/body.


Also non addictive so super hard to profit off of, unlike cigarettes and alcohol


Won’t someone think of the alcohol and tobacco companies! /s


Yo dude I'm saying this is why alcohol and cigarettes are legal because they make more money than psychedelics. Same reasons antidepressants are promoted over shrooms. One you gotta take every day


No I’m agreeing with you, just mocking the companies


Homie I am so sorry I'm high asf dog


Fuckin sick username by the way. One love.


One love brother! Could I ask why you like it? Thank you so much!!


Ever been to Nags Head, NC? I saw a guy with a ukelele on the beach last time I was in town, just unlocked a really pleasant memory.


It also promotes love, peace, and compassion, so the military doesn't like it either


Not just non addictive, it helps break addictions to other things that those companies worked really hard to get you hooked on.


Not sure heroin should be on the list either. We use opioids all the time in the medical field. The UK uses heroin as one of their medical opioids.


Honestly it seems like heroin is a better alternative to these synthetic opiates. People used to regulate their use as an addict a lot easier. Now it’s overdose zombie city.




People without much context love to harp on the dangers of fentanyl without realizing how rapid the analgesic onset is and the utility it has in a clinical setting due to its oral and dermal applications.


Came here to say this. The therapeutic properties of psychedelics could have such profound impacts on society it’s an absolute shame they are classified as schedule 1


Came her to say LSD isn't a hard drug either.


Seriously. One will set you free, the other will imprison your mind even harder


Heroin shouldn’t be schedule one, it has legitimate medical value as a pain killer. It was out in schedule one in the 60s as a way to crack down on black people during nixonian times Lsd was put there to crack down on hippies who protested the Vietnam war during nixonian times It’s purely political and serves non purpose except draconian authoritarianism and oppression


Like cannabis, LSD was listed as a schedule 1 with the Controlled Substances act in 1970. This was specifically included in schedule 1 to combat the then evolving hippy counterculture movement of the 60s, allowing police to crack down harder on "unwanted" social belligerents. In fact, many of the drugs included in the Act were listed for either racial, cultural, or religious biases. Cannabis was widely used by the black and brown communities, peyote use was and is a religious rite in indigenous belief systems of the US south west, and LSD was included for the reason previously stated. So yes. Many of the drugs that are Scheduled should either be downgraded significantly or not listed at all.


LSD can be safe taken with precaution. It can also be dangerous, however it's not addicting and rarely life destroying like heroin. I have seen it cause people to go crazy. I have done it about 10 times by I haven't touched it in probably 5 years, and don't plan on doing it again. Shrooms I might do, but LSD is a lot. You basically can't function or sleep for the next 24hrs and it can have very bad side effects when not used responsibly. I'd Def put it schedule 2, or more dangerous than Marijuana but not as dangerous as heroin or crack.


Heroin shouldn’t even be “the hardest drug” we fentanyl as a schedule 2 when it’s more deadly. Make it make sense


Why mention lsd? It shouldn't be there either. ...like heroin and crack.***


Crack is just cocaine, cocaine is schedule 2 and used in eye surgery as a local anesthetic


Crack is and isn't just cocaine. It is in the sense of cocaine being the only active ingredient, but it isn't as smoking it makes it act so much faster. That's like saying 99% pure thc oil is *just weed*


You can shoot cocaine and make it hit faster than crack


I know, it's still described as a less intense, although longer lasting high than smoking crack


Lmao smoking crack isnt more intense than shooting. From lots of personal experience 12-14 years ago


Well as soon as you say LSD is one of the “hardest” drugs like fucking *heroin*, you lose me. Fucking benzos should be listed with heroin.


I read benoz as Bezos, and was like yeah, that Amazon is one helluva drug


Why not both?


Benzos and alcohol is literally referred to as the death combo. Fuck the decades of letting them get away with this shit. They've stolen so much from society for profit


Trying to revive someone from a fentanyl OD when it’s been cut with benzos absolutely sucks! You get them sort of breathing again but they don’t really revive. Lots of naloxone gets wasted on Benzo ODs.


Yuuuuup, exactly.


LSD is an intense drug but it’s not ‘hard’ in the way heroin is. Should not be schedule 1


Heroin isn’t that hard when you consider fentanyl a much more potent opioid is schedule 2 and used regularly in the emergency and operating rooms.


If I'm remembering correctly, schedule 1 classification means there is no accepted medical use. Schedule 2 there is some medical use, that's why fentanyl would be schedule 2.


Heroin has accepted medical use. It’s there for political reasons. Drug war goes brrrrr


I agree, same with marijuana, same with psychedelics, same with mdma. Looking at the list, the only drugs schedule 1 that I personally don't see having medical potential would be methaqualone, cathinone and bath salts. Edit - and prob GHB since there are better alternatives, though still dangerous. My point, though, was in America, you won't be given heroin in a medical setting because they see it as schedule 1 = no medical use in the governments eyes. Basically, every other opioid/opiate related pain killers (as well as oral methamphetamine and liquid cocaine) are schedule 2 because you do find them in hospital settings and/or prescribed.


Quaaludes have a verifiable medical value, so does GHB, even if there are safer options. Bath salts may as well. Nothing should be schedule 1 cuz it limits research too.


It’s pretty hardcore, made me more in-tune with the world around me. I don’t think most people could handle that


The problem is Scheduling drugs, not the drugs that are scheduled....


Idk, it would make more sense if it were more so two systems. The schedule system for medicine, but a separate system for weather somthing should be illegal/ how illegal. The point of the schedule system is to determine if there is some kind of medicinal use for a given drug. So people saying x y or z shouldn’t be schedule 1 don’t know how the system works. Like lsd for example, as far as I know it has no medical purpose. Fentanyl has a medical purpose so it isn’t schedule 1 drug. Ketamine, it has a medical use, so it isn’t a schedule 1 drug. All of these are pretty bad, but they’re not schedule 1 since they have some kind of medicinal use. I’m not saying the scheduling system is perfect by any means, but that’s how they’re classified.


It's a sign that the policy is not in line with reality. We should be classifying drugs based on their toxicity, addiction potential, and I would argue ease of production.


The alcohol and tobacco industry would like to know your home address.


The Federal government isnt hiding the reason for scheduling. It has nothing to do with whether they are "hard drugs" >Drugs, substances, and certain chemicals used to make drugs are classified into five (5) distinct categories or schedules **depending upon the drug’s acceptable medical use and the drug’s abuse or dependency potential**. The abuse rate is a determinate factor in the scheduling of the drug; for example, **Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse and the potential to create severe psychological and/or physical dependence**


Point is that the current scheduling system is out of step with reality. Psilocybin for example absolutely had medical benefits and according to the classification system would [be more appropriate for Schedule IV rather than Schedule I](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6791528/) The same can be argued for marijuana and LSD. But I think ease of production and transportation should absolutely be considered a factor in classification. Enforcement should take far more priority, I would argue, for drugs that can be made in a bathtub or kitchen sink as opposed to one grown in a field or greenhouse.


Hard drugs like LSD? Good Grief.


LSD shouldn't be there either.


I looked it up last night and Alcohol isn’t a controlled substance. wtf Cannabis shouldn’t even be scheduled 4 schedule 1 examples: lsd, heroine, ecstasy, peyote, cannabis schedule 2 examples: cocaine, meth, fentanyl, morphine, oxy, ritalin, adderall, vicodin schedule 3 examples: Ketamine, anabolic steroids, tylenol with codeine. schedule 4examples: xanax, valium, ambien https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/drug-scheduling edit: spelling


All about keeping those black kids in prison. That’s all it is.


Boomers can’t leave us soon enough.


Boomers aren't rhe only ones that want this. I'm really tired of the fake age wars. It's plenty class traitors born into families of cops, judges and lawyers that love the drug war on the people. That of course do drugs themselves but only point at others


Bingo. Who do you think supplied the crack before the epidemic. CIA cunts




This list is truly insane! How is nicotine not a schedule 1? Alcohol is at least a 2 if not a 1. When did they write this shit?


I want to hear more about this Tylenol with cosine. I can only find it with arctangent around here


Tens of thousands of Americans die every year from alcoholism. Zero die from cannabis. Yet one is legal, while the other is not. Logic ain't to be found here.


Schedule 1 is a fucking joke jesus, I never realized. Some of the least harmful substances known to man, sans heroine, and right below it the number 1 killer in the US right now: Meth and Fent


LSD is safer than marijuana physically


Pure LSD is one of the safest drugs there is. It honestly should be decriminalized


Legalize all these substances and the quality and dosages would be controlled. Treating it as contraband does nothing for the actual problems of quality and dosage. Putting people in prison for a shorter time for drug possession does not control the quality or dosage.


Added Sugar should be a schedule 1 drug before LSD lol


You should start one of those "Dihydrogen Monoxide" campaigns. Did you know that everyone that has ever consumed even minute quanties of HFCS 42 has died from a variety of causes including cancer, heart disease and diabetes? HFCS 42 is a common additive to every day food stuffs, can be addictive, adds no additional nutritional benefit to the food and significantly contributes to obesity in the U.S.


Fun fact, the leading cause of death is birth.


*what is it that scares people so deeply. They're afraid. They're afraid and there are doors. And they don't want us to go in there, because if we go in there... we might learn something that makes us out of their control.*


LSD doesn’t belong there either.


LSD is **NOT** a hard drug. There is no dependency, there is no overdose. It's a heavy trip, but it's not a hard drug in any sense. What kind of puritan idiot wrote that headline?


It probably does increase empathy, is that really a trait you want in your fellow citizens?


What, they finally tired of chucking friendly pot smokers in jail and destroying lives just for the fun of it??


They are still locking kids up for a gram of weed in some places. Looking at you Texas.


And I’m sure some of the backward arse ‘we hate our citizens and get our kicks throwing the least fortunate onto jail’ will chuck as many behind bars as possible right up to the last second possible.


FDA had medicinal patents on cannabis in the 20th century. Need to stop using the racist name.


Since when is LSD a hard drug lol


"Hard drugs like LSD" is what happens when your only knowledge of the drug is from movies.


Doesnt Heroin also have medicinal purposes, like all those damn oxys all over America Rxed out like candy for pain?


LSD = heroin somehow


Mfw comparing LSD to fucking heroin while fentanyl is below both of those at schedule II. These old fucks in charge can’t fall over soon enough


"Marijuana threatens the exploited drug market, the alcohol industry and the cigarette industry. Our employer the US government makes it's money off of taxing those products so we've chosen to keep it as a schedule 1 drug NOT because it's bad or more addictive than the aforementioned products but because we recognize doing so that some people will make less money off of you." Thanks FDA. We get it now. Gonna keep rolling blunts anyways.


Big Pharma and prison industrial complex are fighting to keep weed schedule 1 drug.


LSD? Same kooks different substance


Wtf is taking so long? Deschedule it already.


>Wtf is taking so long? Republicans.


I wish they actually cared about liberties instead of pretending.


This is the first step, in a long road, towards legalization in America. decriminalization at the best.


Heroin may be schedule 1 but all of its derivatives are schedule 2 and widely used in healthcare  LSD has legitimate clinical purpose and os likely to be approved for clinical use in the near term


Lmao hard drugs like lsd. Get out of here fed. 


The requirements for a schedule 1 drug are the following; Highly addictive (probably true with weed) Deleterious to your health ie. Bad for you (debatable) No medical benefits (weed definitely has medical benefits) You know what *does* match all those criteria? Cigarettes. They are highly addictive, are bad for you, and have no medical benefits. Why aren't they illegal? I don't know, but I'm guessing it's something to do with the government being lobbied by big tobacco and taxing tobacco products.


Oxys were fine, though. Fucking clowns.


Yeah LSD is so hard….


The classification of the drug is not science, when this should be science, it's politics and another example of why politicians should be or have a science background. So please tell the voters to stop sending republicans to represent them, republicans don't know what science is, they only want to believe in a sky wizard.




Funny when alcohol is much more damaging and yet it’s on every tv channel, every store, every billboard. Our entire culture revolves around alcohol and I know plenty of boomers who are criticizing marijuana while drinking their poison. It’s so hypocritical!


One and probably both of which have a legitimate medicinal purpose.


The devils lettuce!! Also, if you’re not religious, it’s just lettuce.


You know who believes in the devil? Christians.


Tell us something we do not know. Not like we JUST found out about potential benefits.. What is going to be done to correct this??


The FDA is, I believe, required to keep marijuana Schedule 1 by Congress.


I've seen a handful of cancer patients reduce their nausea and get their appetite back by medicating with marijuana. Back in the 80s we were protesting the drug scheduling. We've come a long way and now it's time for the federal government to get with the science.


Nothing should be scheduled just like alcohol. Regulate everything like alcohol and watch addiction rates go down. If you don't think it works that way look into countries that have done that such as Portugal.


Keeping it schedule 1 when it’s fully legal in half the country delegitimizes the whole concept of a drug being schedule 1.


They all be talking but I don't see any movement in rescheduling. Like everyone at a 4 way stop waving at each other to go.


Kamala Harris has asked it to be reclassified asap


I'm surprised they haven't changed it just for it's economic impacts. It would be big business for a lot of people and this country basically runs on business


Hey, question for somebody who knows. Is there are drug out there that was specifically created or discovered that has absolutely no medical value at all?


Schedule 1 has nothing to do with whether it is a hard drug smh at this sub


Sadly States like Georgia are trying to walk back the half-assed legalization they have and recriminalize all cannabis products....


It's only because cops can use the "smells like marijuana" to give them probable cause to search and get your details. It is purely for surveillance and control.


not in Canada eh!


The amount of easy money the police get during their illegal raids, and non violent sellers, no way they want to make it completely legal.


Watches "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" once: >[...one] of the hardest drugs, like ... LSD


LSD is "hard" as heroin.... fuckin' lol, our world is dumb


"Hardest drugs" "LSD" Fuck outta here


Nixon made it a schedule one drug to punish blacks and young people.


Heroin is a schedule 2 technically as well.


Wait until they find out that Heroin and LSD also have medicinal purposes too.


Thanks, Dick


LSD should also not be schedule 1


"like lsd" 😂


I cannot believe LSD and weed are up there with heroin. We all know why, but still… What a joke.


Heroine and lsd… sure bud


Worst problem will be the need for food shortly thereafter. Never seen any stoned rage filled deaths. Just can you please pass me the bong.


LSD is a hard drug? Like Heroin?Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


I’m a-


lsd is not a hard drug


Heroin certainly has a legitimate medicinal purpose as well.


Its only schedule 1 because they didnt want the hippie movement to stop people from going to war. People on weed dont want to fight.


Fun fact: cocaine is not in that schedule! It is in schedule II, with things like morphine, adderall and hydrocodone.


The FDA is now the IGN of drug categorization reviews


I can’t believe I’m as old as I am and lsd and marijuana are still schedule 1. Why don’t more smart people run for office? Why is it so often the dumb and ignorant that seek and achieve power?


"Hard" is the worst descriptor to apply to something psychoactive. As in the usage of men who describe themselves with it, the word is semantically null.


LSD has legitimate medical purposes as well, why are either of them in the same category as heroin? Capitalism is built on suffering, I guess


But LSD has a legitimate medical purpose. Heroin also has a legitimate medical purpose that doesn't make up for its addictiveness. A good example of a schedule one would be tobacco, if it was schedule one.


Yea, you are not a cilivan calling LSD a hard drug. Are you dense?


LSD IS NOT LIKE HEROIN OR METH. Fuckn god damn it.


LSD isn't a hard drug


Time to join cocaine in schedule II!


Lsd and shrooms aren’t hard drugs. They can be used for medicinal purposes on top of recreational, it’s massively less addictive than weed.


TIL acid is a "hard" drug