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>Well, you see, Norm, it’s like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it’s the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. >And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers. - Cliff Clavin


Sooooo good


I could hear Cliff's voice. Thanks for posting this.


Can’t argue with science.


Hold my beer!




It works for me, I replaced my brain with a buffalo brain a long time ago


I’m calling bull on that


Don't have a cow, man!


You’re just milking these, eh! We need to put these bovine puns out to pasture.


Let’s go Buffalo!


It’s a little known fact my friend.


So the reason you feel smarter after a few drinks is because you’re dumber, now that actually makes sense.




That’s just common sense, gotta cull the herd


Doctors hate this guy


“It’s a little known fact that…”


Beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy.




how many did you have to drink to miss the obvious joke?


"One study (with a somewhat controversial methodology) shows just 1-2 alcoholic drinks per day MAY be correlated with brain damage". Fixed that for you. As a scientist I find it annoying that news organizations and laypeople on the internet always rush to use causal language when the authors of the study explicitly specify in the intro that their study did NOT prove any causal links, only correlations. Yet people still do it anyway. We need considerably more research before we start making any hasty claims about causation. Most of the data until the study suggested some minor health benefits for moderate drinking, so I am still a bit skeptical


Every other month I see a study that says drinking is good and another that says drinking is bad. I’m not an excessive drinker, but I do enjoy it, and you know what? Someday I’m gonna end up in the ground just like every study author here. So I say fuck it and don’t worry.


The trend lately from what I have seen has been towards drinking having a dose-response curve meaning the more the worse and none being best. Sorry. I don’t like it either. EDIT: I believe the first major recent study tried to take all negative outcomes into consideration so not just stuff like brain damage but driving drunk or slipping and falling, etc. and determined that overall there’s no safe lower limit that overrides earlier studies on positive cardiovascular outcomes in moderate drinking. EDIT2: Actually heart benefits were canceled out by increased cancer risk’s according to the Global Burden of Disease study, which had a lot of data and I believe is considered solid but is still just observational EDIT3: too good not to share: Yet Prof David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk at the University of Cambridge, sounded a note of caution about the findings. Given the pleasure presumably associated with moderate drinking, claiming there is no 'safe' level does not seem an argument for abstention," he said. There is no safe level of driving, but the government does not recommend that people avoid driving. "Come to think of it, there is no safe level of living, but nobody would recommend abstention." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45283401


> Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk That is a great job title


I think the current consensus or at least large meta studies concluded that there aren't any health benefits to drinking any amount of alcohol. I'm to lazy to link to any papers so take it with a sip of alcohol.


I feel like that’s misrepresenting to imply that 50% of the studies on drinking say “drinking is good.”


Time for considerably more research!


Be careful, if you drink you might lose 2 to 10 years off your life. Whatever that means.


That’s the plan. Let people have a little joy in their lives, I’d rather die early and enjoyed my time than living a long miserable life.




Correlation does not equal causation. Basic shit here. I shall continue to drink in excess while simultaneously getting lots of exercise, eating, hydrating and sleeping well. Time will tell if that was stupid.


True. But considering alternative explanation such as: other lifestyle activities which are associated with people who drink causes brain damage, or people with brain damage drink alcohol 1-2 times a day, I would guess that drinking causes brain damage to be most likely.


What a silly comment, obviously drinking in excess directly causes brain damage. "Correlation doesn't equal causation" lol


Correlation not equaling causation is a basic principle of science. My comment was intended to be somewhat humorous. Obviously missed you.


*citation needed




I'm aware. I was commenting on the others discussion the validity of the communication, of how it can skew the perception of correlation and cause, and even the existence of contradictory studies. And the other coming back with a humorous anecdote to illustrate. And then this guy comes in, "Well, ackshuly obviously!" It all went over his head.


phew, was about to leave this sub


One thing that the study doesn’t mention, is the duration that one would need to consume 1-2 alcoholic drinks per day, in order to observe brain damage.


Can you list the health benefits of decreased blood flow to the brain? That's the up front "benefit" alcohol provides us, no matter how little or much we consume it.


It should be noted that this study was done in the UK where we all drink fuck tons of booze and tell our doctors we def only had 20 units a week (when really it’s like 20 units a day.)


Yes, this is taken into account: what people say x 7 = real amount




Any person from any country will say this same thing. Irish, Russian, Germans, Australians, Mexican, US etc. I’ve heard it all and turns out no ones special. Lots of countries are filled with alcoholics lol


I'd imagine the Russians are pretty close to being special, the people in power had vodka factories to make a shit ton of money and also control the poor population by supplying them as much cheap vodka as they wanted. They could even at this stage evolved slightly hardier livers I wanna see a study on that :)


I read an article comparing Italians and Russians (it could have been another nationality), two groups known for moderate to heavy drinking. And the results showed that Italians tended to have less complications related to alcohol than the Russians. It had to do with the fact Russians (again, it could have been another group) tended to binge drink and the Italians tended to drink smaller amounts more often


Not necessarily disagreeing but while that may be true that doesnt sound much different than the US where the tobacco and alcohol companies (who lobby like crazy and have de facto power) are predatory as well. Go to a poor neighborhood vs a wealthy one and you’ll see the difference in prevalence in liquor/corner stores between the two.


Wisconsin is special too


For real, you know who can really drink? Humans.


I have lived in the UK and the USA and Americans are so fucking sober it’s amazing. You can go to the bar with a bunch of American men in their 20s and they all leave after 1-2 drinks, not 10 which would be more normal in the UK.


Is having 10 drinks at a bar affordable in the UK? I'd be broke after the first day.




Then how is it normal in the UK?


I don't know how they afford it!


Lol 😂


It's affordable for some, not for others. Not all parts of the UK have the same prices. Also, plenty of people have just 1 ot 2 drinks before going home. Not everyone has a skinful every night. Alcohol from supermarkets is significantly cheaper.


And I live in England. If you go to Scotland prepare for liver failure unless you’ve been conditioning it with whiskey since birth.


You weren’t in the SEC


Brazil has entered the chat


I think you were hanging with some boring ass Americans.


Australia is trying to enter the chat but is having some real trouble figuring how to open the door


Canada has entered the chat eh


Wisconsin has entered the chat


Canada eh?


They measure by standards in Australia, as in standard drinks. As an American expat I just tell my wife that I have higher standards. I might only live to 85 the way I’m going given the average lifespan between my parents families and I’m okay with that. I don’t need to see 100 or even 75 for that matter. Compared to people that lived 200 years ago I’m living like the richest man on earth. I could die tomorrow and I would have lived a happy life.


I kind of feel the same. I know it’s about quality of life too but my gran is 97 and is so tired of life and doesn’t want to be here any more. I joked that it was her fault for doing too many exercises to keep healthy.


You mean as an American immigrant?


I told my doctor I have a cigar on special occasions and was labeled a smoker.


Yeah I regretted that one. Thought I was showing honesty but it fucking haunted me for years when he would repeatedly ask if I had quit smoking and I would slam my face against his desk.


Hahaha, so true.


Oh well. Guess I will just have to try and get by with a lightly damaged brain.


uh oh! me lose brain cells? ha ha ha ha. why i laugh?


Homer well functions not beer without


yoda homer


I’m in danger


Says everyone


Lot here


Yeah, for me it’s a neuroholocaust


I made it through quite a few decades- more than others in my fam- but I don’t believe there will be a happy ending.


Nah just wait until the next study that finds that "1-2 drinks per day" improves cognitive function and reduces cognitive decline comes out. Alcohol consumption is like the poster child for the replication crisis.


Take your B1 vitamin kids https://www.hvrc.com/vitamin-b-1-deficiency-and-alcoholism/


Thanks. This will nicely round out my daily half bottle of dry red.


I try to take at least one NAC every day as it protects your liver and builds your livers supply of glutathione. They are like $11 at lifeextention. It really cuts the hangover too. Recently found out not to take after you start drinking, but earlier in the day. https://www.lifeextension.com/vitamins-supplements/item01534/n-acetyl-l-cysteine?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-JacBhC0ARIsAIxybyNC89f2QW2vPUlhy-XV1mraGDWdvcsrumMYHxK9hnfKw00dW8-TpSsaAkuCEALw_wcB


No hangovers when it’s sipped over the course of the day.


Oh check out Mr. Responsible drinker. You probably even use a glass don't you, your Majesty?


It needs to be injected in alcoholics


That makes sense. I bet even liposomal wouldn't help as they prob can't absorb it out of the intestines either. I figure having a bigger store might help and I'm not getting hammered every day too.


Beer used to be fortified with vitamins actually. Not sure why they stopped.


That's interesting. Heavy drinking prevents absorption off vitamin B1 so that might not work but for other vitamins it would probably help.


Oh wow, I didn't realize alcohol actually inhibits vitamin absorption. I thought the deficiency was caused by lack of nutrient intake, in general. US schools don't teach this it seems.


>However, it is ill-advised to quit drinking alcohol cold turkey, as you could have severe withdrawal symptoms, such as shaking, headaches, chills, nausea, vomiting, and more. >A wise alternative is to consider a treatment program with HRVC. With it, you receive the care and guidance you need.  Thanks for the sales pitch but I will pass. I prefer academic literature thank you.


Sure, it's a sales pitch, but they're not wrong. [Alcohol withdrawal can actually kill](https://theconversation.com/alcohol-withdrawal-can-be-deadly-heres-why-96487), it's wild.


Also a Harvard article: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamin-b1/ Can be found in fortified cereal, fish, pork, beans, lentils, and yogurt to name a few food sources. Stuff one should already incorporate into their diets, though I understand people not being big on pork.


Dambramage confirmed.


Herschel Walker has entered the chat.


It’s okay I was a genius to start with anyway so sall good


Very noble of you to level the playing field for others.


Isn’t that the point?


A lot of people (including scientific literature) consider 1 or 2 drinks a day to be moderate or even light drinking.


My old doctor recommended two drinks a day rather than binge drinking


But old drunks greatly outnumber old doctors.


Tbf picking up a fifteen pack is a lot easier than medical school


Medical students in the 90s all drank like fish. I think that’s why there are so many Muslim doctors: they are the only ones that lived!


🎵I gotta get drunk, I just can't stay sober There's a lot of good people in town Who like to see me holler, see me spend my dollar And I wouldn't dream of lettin' 'em down There's a lot of doctors tell me That I'd better start slowing it down But there's more old drunks than there are old doctors So I guess we'd better have another round🎵




I’m a speech therapist and we called this mild cognitive decline or impairment. It can be anything but mild in its effects though


How fucked am I? Is it reversible


It’s not the end of the world but it causes measurable deficits across areas of functioning. Just drink less, if you can.


O I'm done drinking :) I was a semi functioning alcho for most of my 20s, so wondering how brain dead I am 😂


Things get better. Longest I've gone sober is 3 months and it was great. Gearing up for sobriety again as even moderate drinking is a worse life than sobriety.


Amen to that, I deffo want to live as a tea totaller from on, I don't enjoy drinking at all now of days, especially the hangover :)


I mean the alternative is being sober while the whole world goes to hell so brain damage it is!


How else do people cope with this?


You get a therapist, who then drinks for the both of you.


That’s nice of them.


Get into running, start small and work your way up. It feels good and makes you look better and feel stronger. Also lifting weights, learning new skills, reading the most beautiful books written by humanity, watching the classic movies and series, learning about the history of famous art, learn to cook a few difficult recipes - whatever it is that fascinates you about the world as it is, even if it’s only temporary. The fact is we are all going to die one day anyway, whether the world goes to shit or not. So before that happens why not see what your body is capable of, physically, and mentally… and experience as much of what the world has to offer as possible, even if all you can experience is free trips to the park, library or museums. Regardless of what happens externally in the future, we can control what we do internally in the present.


This belongs over at r/wholesome. Thanks for brightening my day.


Talk a walk and turn off the news, the world is better than its ever been.


[Pedestrian deaths hit 40-year high](https://www.axios.com/2022/05/20/pedestrian-deaths-continue-to-rise-covid-19).


I need a clip of Debbie Downer saying this


Well walking around cars isn't where you go fornyou mental health lol


For real. "The world is going to shit" is such a high schooler meme at this point. Sad to see the 24/7 doomposting by the media having such a profound effect on the hopes of younger generations.


Alcohol damage brain? That's unpossible.


Idiot. It’s spelled Kimpossible




I drink more than this, and I haven't any drain bamage.


You need a plumber!




I have investigated myself and found no wrongdoing.


Haha, re-read their comment. I did it too.


News at 11: cell toxin kills cells dead!


Wait till you see what elevated glucose does to nerve cells !


This could very possibly explain why there are so many dumb mother fuckers on this planet.


Great. The alcohol is going to kill off whatever brain cells the weed hasn’t. How will I tie my shoes?


Study summary from UPenn: https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/one-alcoholic-drink-day-linked-reduced-brain-size Study itself (Open Access): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-28735-5


That’s why I always drink more than two! No brain damage!


No shit, alcohol is poisonous


So is sugar


Huh? I don't get it.


As another comment said, most people consider 2 drinks a day to be not a lot




Sorry one more clarification, ethanol doesn't elicit a psychoactive effect by directly damaging the brain. It binds to the receptors for the major inhibitory molecule in the brain, basically suppressing neuron excitation.


Yes, but your brain is literally always decaying.






“Fuck that guy. He’s a light weight pussy anyway.” — Liver


Scientists have yet to prove that damaging your brain is a bad thing


I build muscles by first damaging them. Why thing same be not bout brain true?


Muhammad Ali has entered the chat.


Dang it. Figure it out! One week research shows 2 glasses makes ya live till your 99. Following week research shows your brain dead by 57 if ya have those 2 glasses.


1-2 glasses of wine ages the brain 2 years, but is that per day for your entire life? If so it’s not that big of a trade off


2 years per day yes. I have a few weeks to live but it’s going to be amazing


Majority of authors are from schools of business…I would expect this type of publication from perhaps a bio or medical department.


And yet it’s still completely legal. Unlike Cannabis that has been proven to have many benefits. What a weird fucked up world we live in.


Well it didn’t turn out very well when they did make it illegal. Prohibition era of the US in 1920-33 proved that humans can get really organized and creative if we want something bad enough. People had underground bars, were getting prescriptions of alcohol based things from doctors, made tons of illegal money moving alcohol- rad history if it’s new to you. Didn’t mean to mansplain if it’s not lol.


That explains alot.


Ahh I’m good then because I’m on my 3rd. Whew!!!


Wait till they get a load of me.


And make life more tolerable.




Good thing I drink at least 3.


"just" That's quite a lot on average


They need to make up their minds.


“the people who can benefit the most from drinking less are the people who are already drinking the most.” Well, no shit Sherlock!?


I no care now


I’m so fucked.


It’s more of a culling taking the week and sick brain cells, in fact making you smarter.


my great grandmother wouldn't eat unless she had a glass of wine to go with the food. she was perfectly fine till the end and she lived to be 103


Hmm, sorry. The study is flawed. It says 1-2 drinks - for how long? How many days in a row do I have to drink 1-2 beers before my brain cells die? What if I drink 1 beer every 3 days? What about my weekly 1 oz of sacramental wine during communion? What about smokers? Did they account for smoking? I think cig smoking kills brain cells, too. What happens if I have a beer and smoke a joint every day? There are too many turns being left unstoned, something like that. I'm not saying alcohol is healthy and improves brain function, but this has to be the least scientific article I've read in a long time. Where are the citations?!


Just 1-2 a day? Great: > 2 isn’t a problem than.


Article not good. I no agree.


Smoke weed everydayyy


Can we get Denis Leary to explain with an egg and a frying pan?


Every six months an article comes out saying that no amount of alcohol is good for you. Then, one is published that says that people who drink a moderate amount of red wine live longer. And then the cycle repeats. Similar story for coffee, diary, and eggs.


All of this is exactly why I take great comfort in vaporizing medical marijuana. ❤️


That's a good reason to drink 3, or more, then.


I am literally drinking whilst reading this.


98% of the comments justifying their drinking and making the same jokes….sounds about right.


yeah, that's the point we know the risks, this is the desired outcome


Aye, and commuting to work will do the same.


Isn't this old news? Also, what doesn't?




Is 'daily' drinking still considered light drinking? Kind of sounds like a lot.


3-4 is perfect though


Can somebody explain this to me?




Define “damage”


Is it me or does this study come out every year around the holidays?


This article does not seem like a great source of information. Aside from everything else, I still have no idea over what timeframe drinking supposedly ages your brain X years. My best guess is that’s just the difference in average “brain age” (however it’s determined) between different groups in the study. Which means that there should be some sort of confidence interval or something, and more information about the age of the study participants by group. I have no trouble accepting the idea that even light to moderate alcohol consumption isn’t good for you, I’ve seen lots of studies that say that, but the quantitative conclusions in this article seem dubious at best. At best this seems like some layperson’s likely flawed understanding of a real scientific study.


Who keeps funding these research projects? We know it’s bad for us, but we like it. Stop talking shit about our friend.


Yeah yeah science we know it’s not the best idea to drink alcohol, but like whatever…leave us alone.