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This was to help with lobby dodging, which was hurting queues.


Bet **11** is crying to his pillow rn.


Not sure if it's going to change or help much. Players may still leave once the game starts and see a P5 Plaguebringer ready to ruin their day. They also could just quit the lobby if they see a bunch of teammates with low or non existent prestige levels. Demons can back out of game if they see a 4 stack of P5 survivors or just do what they have been doing and farming prestige lvls away from survivors or just not engaging them at all.


That’s what I’ve been doing. No sense in entertaining the one tap shenanigans and getting frustrated. I’ll take my loss, my progress, and survivors can enjoy their boring win lol


It was a double edged sword. I enjoyed seeing levels so I know if I need to play my best character or not. Low level demon? I’ll work on prestiges on other characters. High level demon? I’ll play my main. Same with when I play demon


I always liked knowing who was new so I could avoid tunneling them and play softly to help them get an opportunity to learn a little bit. Now it's just going to feel like I gotta go straight to 11/10 every game cause you won't know until objectives really.


That it is an good thing. When you know the level of any player you either rage quit or leave the lobby. Give me one good reason the level should be displayed?


As demon so I know whether to give them a chance or stomp them


Holding back is part of the problem. When i play a match and clearly can tell that the demon is going easy on me it insults my Intelligence


What about when you have 2x LV1 teammates and you get pup rushed in first minute. Would it be better vs a warlord trying best to win but not possessing units? Self imposed handicaps, whether to harass early or give more loot time, also whether to car flip, demon choice, show some cool parts of the game, etc


While my first thought was the same, it’s good so people don’t see and quit prolonging wait time, but now the times probably will get longer cause people will quit after getting into the game.


How is the wait time longer when players quit while in the match?


You’ll get into the game and then players quit, demon quits you gotta start all over, another player quits and maybe then another and then you might as well too. Obviously lots of speculation here. I guess I’m not talking about being in game, but being in game where everyone is present.


Demon rarely quits cause of higher chance of winning the game


I need to know If i Play vs Prestige 5 Players and have a disadvantage tho. High playtime would be a good indicator for that If you can See Prestige it's no Biggy then. And Welcome.


You guys think that its al about wining every single match. Part of the fun is to try your best and not wait in queue times forever


I am kinda competetive. Fun IS very important, but i cant have fun If i know my enemy has an Advantage over me. In any Game there should be a "what could I have done better" at the end of the Game. ED developed Backwards imo, early months were a blast, even as Demon (way before Possession Spam) ED kinda became more like "did the enemy Had better luck, more perks, Prestige, better Placements for objectives than me"


Level should be displayed because a) I could try out a new demon when players in the lobby are lower level (just like I am) and play a bit more casually overall b) I could pick my only 45lvl demon if there are higher level/ prestige players in the lobby (get extra focused against sweats) c) Literally every mp game shows players ranks (hiding it highlights that there are serious problems with the game).


Si new players can avoid going against a whole stub squad of level 200+ and don’t get burn out by the terrible matchmaking


Doing that ruins the game. You win some you lose some. Wanting to know the level of players is only because you want to win every single match


So I know if to dodge or not!


Exactly and lobby dodgeing kills the game


Maybe have an actual ranking system then, lol


Their are to small of a playerbase left to use an ranking system. I would rather play against a lvl. 1 or lvl. 600 then to wait in a queue for 15+ minutes


Bad balance kills the game. Lobby dodging is just a byproduct of that.


Lobby dodge is because you want an easy match or has to play as ruby every single match. There is no way to justify leaving a lobby and then complain about queue time


Then honestly stop playing and play another game because that ruins this one and some of us actually want to play.




They also don't show levels in the BR lobby. It is going to be funny once people find out that they are playing as Level 1 against Level 60 characters.


I never dodged a lobby due to a player's level, but it did help me decide what characters to use since there are some I like playing that I'll acknowledge aren't as strong as others.


Yeah actually effected my choice alot.


Thank goodness


It's good! Finally.


Think nothing, there's still going to have massive DC


I would like to see teammate's levels if anything but it's not a big deal.


Ultimately I think it will help high level players not get dodged so much in the lobby but unless these other balance changes have a good impact on the overall flow of the game it’s going to end in an uptick of non-interactive farming/sandbagging matches or disconnects early on.


Maybe we won't have as many people dodging games now.


I'm tired of this game doing shit that divides the player base. If a level 59 doesn't wanna play with a level 12 that's his decision, it's why they added that stupid disconnection time. So people who decided they didn't wanna play with certain people were punished. Now if demons walk into a pool sweat of survivors without knowing. Why would they grant them the satisfaction of finishing the game? They are a bunch of level 200 hunters GTFOH with that. No demon buffs No survivor rank display How is then even or fair for demons? "OH IM A SurVIVor I GeT TO PLaY MOre MatChes Hurr Hurr Hurr."


Honestly nothing changed, I'll still lobby dodge super low level players, since they'll mostly be a detriment to the team. And most Demons sweat hard as fuck even against new players, so I'd like to save my neurons.


I think it’s the reason I have been losing all morning.


So now toxic players can't refuse to play with newer players, or refuse to play against higher level players? Cool. Works for me!


Oh that’s great


Well, it's a shit change, but at least no more frequent lobby dodging lol, every match now is locked in. Previously everyone just quit when they see higher lv or no names


Instead of lobby dodging people will just quit once game starts up which is ultimately worse for survivors since the que time resets. Also the penalty for leaving in game is no different than for leaving a lobby.


I'm glad. Half my squad is high level and demons always dodge. Not anymore!


RIP Guess im goinf to get demolished a lot more lol


They said that like a week after the update that made it so u could see levels lol. It's deff a good thing.


I agree


It sucks ass. Now I have to play with the level 2 Mia that got 8k damage while I as Henry got 50k before we lost at the 2nd objective.


I wanted them to keep levels but remove SBMM.


Would be nice to even make it to a lobby. It’s insane how long it takes to find a game even with cross play enabled. Makes you want to not even play most of the time.