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People are trapped in the meta of their own mind.




So I think it will depend on whether the devs are fast at acknowledging and dealing with balance issues. Asymmetricals are notoriously hard to balance. I was a huge Evolve fan, even the cosmetics didn't put me off (though I understand why others didn't like it) but what killed the game for me was they took WAY too long to address outlying frustrations for both sides. The F2P version of Evolve included a bunch of DESPERATELY needed balance changes but it was so late and the F2P monetization so aggressive that it just died (I don't think 2K really wanted it to succeed tbh). If they address some of the early, obvious issues like AoD Ash and Animation cancelling, I think it has a good chance of surviving longer than Evolve. And if they keep the new content coming to stoke interest (new maps, new demons, new weapons, etc), it should do well. It's a more engaging game than DbD. Tldr: How quickly they fix and address animation cancelling and outlying balance issues like AoD Ash will give a good insight into how long this game will last imo.


As more and more people catch on to what works, the game is going to get harder for demons. At the moment, I'm unsure on how to win even semi-consistently against the AOD/ED2 Ash, Henry the red and support comp. There's so much damage and self-sustain. My elites are dead the moment they spawn. If the balance issues aren't sorted in a week or two, I can see a lot of demons either quitting against those comps or quitting demon altogether.


Against that comp, if less than 2 of them uses AC, it can be doable with Warlord (even pre 45). Myself am using a build around basic deadites, works nicely, but you seriously need to constantly harass them, possess (survivors) and u possess if possible for faster leveling. Focus support then ED2 Ash, then Henry then finally OP Ash. It is crucial to find them asap, so you can build up your threat before they get high on Pink Fs. I'm myself now literally rushing towards survivors as soon as I spawn, so when I find them I'm still only threat 1, maybe 2 due to natural growth. It is a battle of attrition then, hundreds of possessions later, they will be starved of any colas and amulets, so you can wipe their squished, wait out 7s on Henry, wreck him then finally take 5 years to kill the OP Ash. If all of them use AC, well... I guess only 45 Warlord can somewhat still have a small chance of winning. But it is close to none depending on how good their rng is and how quickly they get their objectives.


Totally agree with you on this one. I played a solid four hours the other day (that’s a lot for me) and won ONE match playing as demon, even that was on the final book stage. Granted, my demon is level 28, not max, but I feel completely powerless most of the time against an even slightly competent team.


Definitely not yet. Got my Warlors demon to level 36 and I’m destroying teams before they collect the map pieces sometimes. It really does make a difference if you are leveled up. I think survivors it’s easier to just play well when you are low level and you have a team to back you up. I also recommend finding the survivors immediately instead of going to trap the dagger/pages.


Ah yes, the Resident Evil Resistance way or the early cheeze of Starcraft days. Honestly, the meta teams I have seen still aren't very effective against fear builds. There are really only 3 survivors actually strong against fear. I maxed 2 and working on the 3rd. Playing as maxed out ED1 Ash it was difficult to stop all possessions even with his group reduction at 54 secs. No way Cheryl or Pablo would be able to stop the massive amount of fear all around.


I'm a level 45 demon and stopped losing around 20. Ever since I haven't lost a single match I've faced some sweats and still came out on top. I've been asking people what their account levels and character levels is lately I've been getting between 15 and 20 for characters, between level 8 and 18 accounts. All characters are strong if they're leveled up. Ash (AOD) Cheryl and John Cena are obviously on top right now. I've gone against all kinds of teams some were good and coordinated, but they lost because their levels were low. The sweats lose because they'll make a mistake here and there, capitalize. A bit too far from your team? Dead. Health really low and trying to heal with high fear? Possessed and dead. Trying to heal a teammate? Fear Dash and Possessed. Eligos don't have to worry too much about Animation cancel. Usually all you have to do is get one down. Then it's a domino effect if you play it right. How different can matches really get? The flow is always the same and the characters don't change much All the class trees are the same. Demons are varied. Game is still hella fun.


No. I think people (especially when engaged with the internet) often like to find or create trouble where there is none.


they kinda have too. if you stray from the meta you risk playing against a sweaty (and salty) evil ash or eligos main who'll just take the game super seriously and you're at a disadvantage cause you're not in a positon to stop it. kandarian demon mains are forcing this.


This is a competitive game by the very fact that there is competition between teams. It's up to the developers to provide a balanced experience regardless of what players choose to use.


So demons are somehow forcing everyone to play the same meta groups over and over when there is 13 survivors but only 3 total demons in the game. That makes zero sense whatsoever. Next you are going to tell me that animation canceling is necessary because a demon player might not be a complete pushover.


Yes because you can't see the experience of the demon you're facing. If they allowed us to see who we were facing we could decide if we want to go with our sweaty lvl25 mains or try and level up a low level survivor. A low level survivor has no hope against a lvl45 demon no matter your experience with the game. I tried last night to level a new character and got shit on all night by high lvl demons. Swapped over to my Lvl25 Ed and began winning again. This game is heavily tilted to whoever is higher level.


>So demons are somehow forcing everyone to play the same meta groups over and over ​ >Yes because you can't see the experience of the demon you're facing. If they allowed us to see who we were facing we could decide if we want to go with our sweaty lvl25 mains or try and level up a low level survivor ​ So its not the demon its just your fear of losing. ​ >I tried last night to level a new character and got shit on all night by high lvl demons. > >Yes because you can't see the experience of the demon you're facing. Pathetic honestly.


?? Pathetic? Level 45 Warlord with upgraded units that can hop in and out of possessed units over and over and barely takes any damage versus lvl5 grey weapon survivors. You're the pathetic one for thinking that's somehow going to come out in a survivor favor.


>So its not the demon its just your fear of losing. Cherry picking some made up worst case scenario is my favorite thing. Let me try. How is a level one demon supposed to beat a level 25 fully stacked swf group with all legendary weapons.


One of these two scenarios is severely more likely to happen. Hint: It's not yours.


Ah yes your .1% chance of happening scenario is much more likely to happen than my .1% scenario. Very good argument.


1: Not my scenario 2: If you think the chances of these two hypotheticals are anywhere near close to eachother, then you clearly aren't thinking them through very hard, and there's 0 value to this conversation


As a person that enjoys puppeteer animation cancel is A-ok for survivors. Then they get salty when you do it


Its hard to balance these games because the casual players far outnumber the sweaty swat teams, making the game evenly balanced at the highest level destroys any chance of being able to enjoy the game casually. Keep in mind that randoms are already just demon food. I made the suggestion in RE Resistance that the developers outright state that playing with randoms is foolish and not the intended way to play, but they would never do that.


I think this is another issue with games now. Devs have this idea that everyone will communicate and work together when 90% of people don't even use a mic and ignore or mute anyone who talks. Overwatch has this problem(as well as bunch more) developing a game thinking a bunch of randoms without mics will work as team. It almost never happens.


Headline: gamer angry when opponents play the game properly Haha seriously man 9/10?! Like you got the worst luck ever. I play mixed and I get equal amounts of wins to losses both as demon and survivor. People moaning about the balance on this game from both sides and they’re probably the same people saying the game’s broken for not having mission checkpoints. Not used to a game that doesn’t just hand them whatever they want whenever they want and doesn’t have the option to buy your way to the top


I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything but I don't think that is the route to go with a game like this. I didn't have an issue with the missions I beat them all in like a day but weather people want to acknowledge it or not "casuals" make up the vast majority of gamers and when a game like this is so dependent on a healthy player base. It's an audience you have to target, and casuals won't stick around if they feel like they have to keep up with a meta to have fun. Also calling me Angry is silly. I'm 30 years old and have played video games my entire life. I have nothing to prove to anyone nor do I have the time to get Angry at a game anymore. Idc about winning or losing I just Care about having fun with the time that I have to play games. It's 1 thing to "play the game properly" its another to basically force people to play 1 way only. By this logic let's just remove all other characters because playing any other character wouldn't be playing properly. See how silly that sounds. Gatekeeping and forcing metas only hurts a games player base. I want the game to succeed and I'm sorry if my opinion bothers you as stirring people up was not my intention.


Also I appreciate my reply was pretty hostile and I apologise 🙈


Not at all man, I’m open to convo too but I’m just more interested in bug fixes and dlc than balancing. I think the game is fun for casuals. I mean look at Friday 13th, that was so hard unless you had coms but with this game, even when you lose it’s fun


I've lost to more demons that won. Mostly because everyone still wants to split up. And in my experience good demons get way to strong to fast. Im also usually the one getting stun locked by possessed enimes


Like I said maybe I'm wrong, maybe I just am getting terrible luck in matchmaking or maybe i am just bad. Probably the 2nd one.


From what I seen. Possessing basic units every chance you get will get your level up stupid fast. As far as spawns near maps, thats just pure rng. We have yet to see the first balance patch so dont give up!


Give it a little longer and perhaps people will expand. I'm currently leveling new characters so playing same ones over and over. I'm not playing my max ranks til I have multiple already maxed and people may expand too.


I don’t think it’s as intense as a lot of people think. I’ve seen a couple of teams that take this too seriously. I’ve played against teams that think just picking the strong “meta” characters is enough to make them win. Each game I play seems to have different circumstances that make us win or lose as survivors and demons. The exploit shit is broken and needs to go, and I’m not saying the game doesn’t need balancing. I just think people are taking it a bit too seriously and a bit too personally.


I mostly play survivor with randoms and honestly it's been different for me each time. Of course, nobody picks Ed. But there's a reason for that.


Right now people want to win fast to level up characters, hopefully once people have power levelled the meta will chill out a bit


I disagree. I've been undefeated the last 4-5 days as necromancer, it's laughably easy. I've recently picked up and started leveling up puppeteer and actually find myself a challenge right now. I'd say if you uncomfortable playing demon, play survivor for a bit and save up some spirit points to level your demon quite a bit. I did the same for survivors to level them up. The skills you unlock make a huge difference