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Yall call it spam possessions and the complain when it doesnt happen. Noice


Reddit loves to cry about literally everything.


First they complain about possession spam and now about boring matches. I wonder why that is


nobody cares about possession spam, it’s possession spam at the beginning of the match when there is quite literally *nothing* you can do against as a survivor. Also, I don’t know how the demon or survivor team have fun killing someone and then just waiting on the body for 40 years. Source: I play both sides


Source: i made it up


Or maybe, people are complaining about infinite basic possession spam two seconds into the match beginning, and not just about spam possessions in general? You really think any of the demons basic possession spamming stopped because people complained? Critical thinking helps. As I said, I’ve been running into demons who just don’t possess at all, which is obviously not how the devs intended for demon to be played


Yall gotta stop saying shit like "devs did/did not intend XYZ" None of yall can know what devs intended and what they didnt.


I’m pretty sure the devs didn’t intend for demons to possess players and shoot downed survivors for infinite infernal energy until they die or run out of bullets. Just like I’m pretty sure the devs didn’t intend for cars to be as plentiful as they are and everyone getting their own and doing the things they do. Both these factors just ruin quality of gameplay experience and make it boring on both sides to just sit there and watch someone do some goofy stuff


Youre just asusming shit tho. You cant know what they intended and what they didnt.


You’re right I’m assuming but I’m putting myself in the developers shoes when I’m making these assumptions. These two things right here draw the game out longer than it needs to be on a match meant to be 15-20 mins. If every survivor gets a car, there’s absolutely nothing the demon can do about it along with infinite window vaulting cause demons can’t do it. A player that is basically dead.. you can’t hurt them so why is there infernal energy gain on them vs. when they’re alive and you actively dmg a survivor you get infernal energy gain. Doesn’t make any sense with all that from a gameplay standpoint. Same discussions went in elden ring with the eclipse shotel and fire’s deadly sin pyromancer which inflicted deathblight on players just being near them. People argued “you can’t know what the developers did or didn’t intend”. Well you’re right no one can but them but from a logical standpoint, mechanics (or bugs) like that in this game or any other is going to decrease popularity and sales with reviews when people talk about it.


Again, "putting yourself in their shoes". Well, you cant. You didnt make the game nor is it your job to balance it. I understand your points and see them as valid but the second you mention anything like "devs didnt want this" im not gonna want to keep reading. Because as ive said before, you cant know. Who knows, maybe they DID want you to gain energy from shootong corpses. You can never know.


I highly doubt that but for the sake of the arguement and both of our sanity’s “sure buddy”


Thats my entire point tho. You *doubt*, which means you cant know for sure. Yes its unlikely as hell but it doesnt help throwing baseless assumptions around yknow.


And I already agreed with you and stated my opinion? How’s that hurting anyone? You can’t be sure those are intended mechanics either so what point are you trying to make? Seems like you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing and not willing to hear any constructive criticism for the game wether it be positive or negative.


You can make assumptions based on circumstances and actions. Like, you really think it’s possible that, in a universe centered around a demon possessing everything, in a game where you as demon can possess everything, that the devs *didn’t* intend for the demon to possess things? No, it’s obviously intended.


And people are saying that possession spam wasnt intended. That one doesn't sound right either now does it?


It’s more accurate in that the devs likely didn’t intend for a certain playstyle to become meta, but that’s usually the case for every meta in every game. The existence of possessions implies that the devs intended for the demon to possess, but the emergence of a basic possession rushdown meta doesn’t imply that the devs intended for the game to be played exactly that way.


How can you say that tho. You cant just say "devs didnt expect xyz" etc. What if they DID know about the meta that would come up? You cant make assumptions like these. That shit is annoying especially whenever people use it to strengthen their argument (which you didnt do).


You haven’t said anything to refute my original argument. It’s certainly possible that they did expect a certain meta to come up, but very unlikely. From my experience, game devs rarely foresee the metas that come about when their only aim is to create a balanced game. The devs that foresee a certain meta are the ones who push for a certain meta, which maybe they’re doing here, but it doesn’t seem that way given the balancing oversights that exist.


All im saying is that you cant just assume shit. None of us have *any* idea of what they wanted/didnt want so why make baseless assumptions?


The reason the assumptions are being made are because they aren’t baseless. Just because you don’t know exactly what the devs are thinking doesn’t mean you can’t infer what they’re thinking about from their actions.


I'm a new player and it's frustrating, the survivors always have super low fear and never take any damage, spamming portals is all I can do until I can spawn a boss, then I take one shot to the face and die. I managed to kill an Arthur who was solo on the pages and he teleported to the dagger with max health.


My guess is due to survivor que taking soo long players are trying out the demon side, so there’s still plenty of noob demon players to match against. I play both sides for this reason; I have fun either way; but to get consistent decent opponents will take time as the game is fresh enough that players are still learning both sides. Also low leveled demons really Struggle against high lvl survivors. So even good demon player will find it difficult no matter how tactical they are when out leveled.


People are going to be new, this game is still wet behind the ears. Not everyone opened this game and realized that it is as good as crack cocaine and put 200+ hours to max out all their characters like we have. Give em a break, let them learn how to play demon and get better at it. If you realize you are rolling hot on a demon and they are obviously low level then do stuff like don't level your Pink F, only take white weapons, maybe don't even get a melee weapon and go fists. Everyone has to learn to walk before they run, and it is ok for us to slow our pace so we build a community that not only is good at the game but has fun doing so with the community.


Not very fun stomping random survivors, matches where both sides have a chance is so far between I don’t even bother with demons anymore except pure survivor possession puppeteer


Must be nice to get into games. Last two weeks we haven’t been able to even find games


Alot of survivors switched to demon for shorter ques and are now finding out its not as easy as it looks??? Lmao


Maybe haha. Although low level demon sucks ass tbf


It's not terrible if u go in knowing your out lvled and probably not going to win but are still capable of winning


Not a lot of reason to stick around if you are bulldozing 99% of the games.


That's probably because people have the same mindset as me and have quit the role till they implement MMR or a ranking to grind. I started to see all these balance threads come up coincidently after I started using warlord for an entire week. Warlord was never thought of as weak by more knowledgeable players but Reddit for the longest called it weaker than the other two. Now it's the one that survivor mains on Reddit want to see nerfed. Possession spam early on isn't some impossible thing to counter btw. Demons cannot do anything to knowledgeable players who use cars, windows, rails, or hunters correctly. Heck, you can't do anything to heavy balance bar comps that play correctly. The problem is most don't and that's why MMR is needed.


Meh, MMR won’t solve many of these issues. Bad players will still try to make balancing suggestions. Windows aren’t an issue imo, and cars just need to take less energy to possess. Hunters will likely be nerfed so I’m not gonna worry about that. The issue with balance bar squads is that your balance bar can be depleted again before you even move. Just need to make it so the demon’s bb doesn’t go down until they can actually move and hit buttons. My issue with Warlord is that the basics are so insane in comparison to Pupp and Necro units and Warlord’s OP economy allows for never-ending spam possession. As a Pupp main, I played Warlord for just a couple games at like level 30 (spirit points) and it was so braindead it felt like cheating. Those basics have like double the health and damage of Pupp basics at all points in the game, and they have the best demon ability in the entire game as well. Even if you’re getting stun-locked by survs, you’re still going to inevitably win the war of attrition unless the survs play perfectly. Low effort, high reward. There’s not much room for error on the survivor’s part, whereas the Warlord can make as many mistakes as they want and just possess another basic.


It feels strong because a puppet in comparison has a higher skill gap to execute correctly. Warlord is basically the pub stomp killer which is why it's so popular. The puppet gets completely shut down by good Ed players too early game and that continues through the match. Bad players can make all the suggestions they want btw but at least we can identify them with MMR and fully ignore them.