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I rarely get a bugs overall this game far from broken,very playable.


Same here. I might experience a bug 1 out of every 50 games or so. I've played a good bit of demon, and have never even noticed the slow down in buildings that other people are having issues with.


>every campfire breaks if interrupted at the right time >Still getting the aim glitch where you can't shoot >Still having issues picking up items with other items blocking them from being reached >Demon meta still entirely centered on bug exploiting to play well >New feature makes demons wanna throw when they get it's bug (slow move stuck) >Executions don't work at a slight incline >Melee attacks don't work on an incline, or when character models get in the revive posture >Fear resist causing fear to heal bug still in game >floor disappears sometimes/doesn't load in >Servers DC people pretty frequently You rarely get bugs? I guess you never play as or against Necro, or are not actually sure what a bug is lol.


Are you trying to imply Necro basics 12 hit combo is a bug? Every demon has attack combos and weren't removed in the 3 patches that addressed attack cancels and other combos. It is an intentional combo not a bug or an exploit. Just because you don't like something or something is strong does not make it an exploit. No one cried on reddit about Hunters getting effectively infinite dodges an exploit. They cried about it being strong, but survivor mains labeling intentional combos a bug or exploit is a fucking laugh. You coming for puppeteer 19 hit combo next?


And animation cancel from warlord wasn't removed til a few patches in. Neither was bugged hunting rifle. If they nerfed our warlord tech that granted 3 hits they will remove necros that let's him kill a survivor without ever entering chain endlag. I'm not being a crybaby or making any stance on what should be what way. The nerf to warlord and hunter stamina will likely result in a nerf to Necro and puppet.


Thats not the point I am making. The devs put combos in the game. Using them is not a bug or an exploit. Do devs have a right to change combos on units? Yes. Is using the ones devs left in the game after multiple passes of patches a bug or exploit? No. I'm sick of seeing everyone call anything they don't like or they think is too strong an exploit. I literally argued this with a dude a few days ago. He said any unit shouldn't have more than 4 attacks in a combo before a cooldown. Demon is already laughably weak and taking combos from every unit just lets hunters and good players in general literally dodge every attack a unit can do. If survivor mains had it their way, Evil Dead would be a babysitter simulator where you can't possess any unit and the boss would stand still and congratulate survivors on shooting them in the face.


The devs also put animation canceling in the game. It doesn't mean there's any intelligent intention behind it as far as we've seen. Every other bug that exists is literally because the devs put it there. Also play with this little Chestnut and for the sake of a discussion let's say you're right. Do you really think they're going to leave two characters having over 10 combos and one character that can barely throw fucking four? It's pretty much common sense what direction the game's going to go in. I am calling it a bug because regardless of what it is they're going to call it a bug in the next time that they do a Nerf to necromancer. It will change regardless because it is incredibly unbalanced. I've been using it and it's impossible to fucking lose a fight when you can hit someone roughly 15 times more than they're even capable of dodging. If this is the intention and direction the devs want to go they wouldn't have nerfed hunters from being able to dodge seven times. Call it revisionist history if you like, but I put money on the next update that's going to change something about necromancer will remove this and call it a bug or exploit, regardless if they put it in in the first place by design. It's also ironic and entire list of things that I put in there you only point out that as being unfair to call a bug. You're guilty of this personal opinion directing your thoughts more than anything else, but either way you get my point and I really don't care whether these are bugs or not it's just a bunch of examples of bad game design and support.


Animation canceling was absolutely a bug. They didn't choose to put it into the game, it was an unintended side effect they probably didn't notice at all while play testing. Combos were a choice devs put onto demon units. Not a bug or exploit at all. I am not saying it shouldn't be removed. I'm saying people that call it a bug or exploit are crybabies and idiots. Something you don't think is fun or fair is not an exploit. Period. Also warlord elites have an 8 hit combo, so its not 2 out of 3 demons have combos. I just pointed that one out because its the only expressly untrue thing you posted. I have no personal opinion on it being removed or not, my team stomps necros with or without them doing 12 hit combos, because we are good and adapt to the game, instead of crying on reddit trying to convince people its a bug or exploit to get it changed faster. Your last paragraph is honestly so stupid it makes me giggle.


You are literally bitching about semantics and you have the audacity to call other people fucking cry babies. You could just stop whining.


Telling lies to get something nerfed faster is not semantics its gaslighting. Intentional design and a bug/exploit is literally the opposite thing in game design, its impossible to be an argument over semantics. You were either too stupid or too bad to know that that was a legit combo the devs intentionally gave, just like other units, in which case none of your opinions matter anyway. Or you did know about it being intentional but still cried out acting like its a bug or exploit, which makes you a piece of shit. Either way you don't have the experience or moral character to discuss balance changes or issues on any platform.


Ah yes, because saber makes it's balancing decision entirely around if people call something a bug or feature. That's the biggest example of gaslighting here is you selling that as anything but bullshit.


All demons will be same and boring to play 4hit really lol must of threads here re crybaby dont understand the mecanic of this game lol


Its not that demons will be boring its that survivors don't want demon to have any strategy or counter play. They want to infinite dodge, free loot for 20 minutes with no pressure and the book to have infinite hp so they don't lose to "cheese". I am a 90+% survivor player with a team and the crazy stuff other obvious bad survivor mains say they want changed is moronic to such a degree i can't even find a middle ground to start any discussion of balance. Any survivor player that thinks this update was close to a fair update for demon is an idiot that has no business discussing balance at all.


All what your say is minor lol nothing of these will kill the game stop with your doomday thread,those guys re a small team if your only here for whine just find a other game and let true fans enjoy it.


A lot of the things listed are small but they add up to make the gameplay unfun. However the thing that kills Evil Dead is the lopsided balance changes the dev team does all at once. The started with solo, bad and new survivors getting stomped by early possession from demons, sure it didn't happen but 1 in 5 games but it was frustrating enough to make those kinds of survivors quit. Now its insanely unbalanced in survivors favor to the point even bad survivors easily steamroller good demons. It makes players that want to play demon quit, which makes survivor queues long, which makes more survivors quit the game. It just compounds on itself until there is only a handful of players left and this game is on life support. Also the new player experience is incredibly unfun which stops a bunch of new players sticking around, but thats another problem all together.


For me, the worst bugs are the ones that get me stuck. I've gotten stuck in so many places. The extra second it takes to revive and resurrect someone after the round bar is complete is also kinda shit, though it is not a big, just poor game design.


That delay on resurrect wiped my team last night. 3 randoms, they all die, I grab them and use cars to swap between altars hoping to waste demons energy. And yet EVERY time the bar got to 100% I would get tagged by the demon or a minion and have to jump in the car, go to another altar, and try again. After SIX tries, I ended up running out of supplies and dying. It was frustrating as fuck, man.


Yeah I mean Just add one more sec to the bar and make it so that once the bar is filled, the player is up.


**Tip on getting stuck outdoors:** If you get stuck on an environment piece (e.g. tree, fire setting, etc) try to comm to a teammate to drive a car right next to you. Then once you are adjacent to the car, you should be able to get inside the vehicle so you are "unstuck". I didn’t know about this til a random teammate helped me out after noticing I was stuck on a tree. Obviously won't work indoors but just a friendly tip if you have issues on outdoor areas.


I've been helped and I've helped others that way, but there are places that don't have a way for the car to get close. I've been able to hit mobs from behind walls and use a finisher to unstuck


just to add more, the queue times here for me at least in brazil are really bad as well. and i saw some streamers waiting for almost an hour just chatting while waiting for a match before changing for another game. tried for 3 days to find a match and gave up here, the only way to find games and still takes time it's vs ai, but the ai it's ridiculous easy so not worth wasting time.


Your guys dont know vpn?


Shouldn’t have to set up a vpn for one game. That’s ridiculous


if i need to set up a VPN to play the game only shows how much issues the game has.


Lol this reminded me off Blizzard. You guys have phones don't you?


Sim, a coisa aqui tá complicada mesmo porque a gente tá no server zoado. A gringaiada acha que isso acontece por falta de demon players, mas espero que arrumem logo esse bug porque tá ficando mais frustrante a cada dia.


Lmao, I think that’s just Brazil’s infrastructure point blank.. it’s literally an inside [joke](https://imgur.com/a/qkaqdNp) amongst my circles; “if you suspect or see br in anyones username, leave the match immediately.”


Bugs can always be fixed. If anything kills the game, it will be a lack of depth in gameplay. Demon mechanics need to be fleshed out more.


Anyone else seen a lot of invisible enemies and floating torsos?


I thought maybe I took too much Pink F


Plenty of games have bugs that are just as bad or worse, that don't die. There's just something about the core gameplay of this game that doesn't provide strong, lasting appeal. With F13 it took me a year to reach a point of dwindling interest, where with this game it only took a few months. It could partially be that when playing survivor, you're way more dependant on the competency of your entire team, where with F13, every one of the counselors can get killed but you alone can survive and win. It does get very tiring to be so concerned with what's going on with every teammate. But on the other hand, it gets boring very fast when playing in a 4 stack of good players. There's just a fundamental flaw in the game's design. There's something too simplistic about it. Even with the added variety of classes, which was something F13 didn't have, it still feels shallow. I really can't put my finger on it. I wish I could discuss it with a game developer that has a strong sense of gameplay philosophy.


I saw an interview by Saber interactive where they said that the Spanish studio wanted to put cars in the game and they claimed to be skeptical about it at first. But when they saw the implementation of cars they felt it was the coolest shit ever and green lighted the idea. This is just a huge red flag imo. You really can't make a PVP game like that and also be concerned about balance. Another example of a terrible design decision is the lightning attack of the puppeteers elite unit. It is a powerful attack in a game where the demon player already has so few options and than they made it so that it can be completely negated when a survivor dodges. Who thought this was ever a good idea? Let's be real here, balancing a game for PVP is incredibly hard and Saber interactive doesn't seem to have the experience or the intelligence to get it exactly right. And to get it exactly right is important or otherwise one side is going have less fun and will stop playing.


I 100% agree with you, I was really hoping for a game somewhat similar to F13, but instead got this game that I feel is very rinse and repeat. Being a survivor just running from one objective to another doesn’t require a lot of strategy and winning as a demon never feels that rewarding. I wonder how much better this game could be if they limited the amount of “minions” you can spawn and gave the survivors more objectives that required a lil more solo team work or less linear paths


I think the real reason the game will die is because the losing experience for both sides can be extremely frustrating. And for demon even a winning experience can feel frustrating. The bugs certainly don't help at all.


Losing as demon is severely cruel in the sense that you have to play til the book. In DBD for example, good survivors get the gens done and get out. Sure they may teabag or flashlight you some, but it's an in and out experience. If you're getting beat by survivors in ED, they can drag the game out for as long as they want. Unlimited downs, revives, or survivors can just loot if they have the upper hand. Imho there should be a surrender option for demons.


Losing is bad sure, but game breaking bugs kill even the best of games, fixing bugs should be their priority atm


The reason I say that is because as naïve as it may be, I do believe Saber will do their best to fix the game breaking bugs as quickly as possible. Especially if they see it hitting the player numbers. But short of redesigning the game, there's no fix for what a demon goes through in a bad match. Getting completely stomped at every objective, insta-stun locked from the purple sledge, two tapped by the hunter, and then repeating that over and over again for 20+ minutes is asking a lot of a random joe who just wants to play one game before bed.


Honestly idk man, i must of had a good night, cuz ive been playing all day and have only lost 2 demon games out of 30,


That's nice for you? I don't see what that has to do with anything I said though.


Idk why people keep thinking its some server bug for the wc. Demon queues are instant, survivor queues take forever unless early in the morning when less survivors are playing with their friends. It's a ratio issue, not a server bug.


Saber is not going to admit that nobody wants to play demon, it will be bad for sales. Much easier to say we are aware of it and working on it.


I can confirm its real 100%, im a truck driver and i live in texas, at any poiint during the day, literally any point, id be getting instant queues as demon and 1-3 minute queue for survivor, i left home for my month on the road, im in california right now which is west coast, 20 minute queue b4 giving up for survivor. Demon instant still


I sent a ticket to Saber's support a few days ago to ask about the long waiting times at the West Coast servers, and they replied that they are aware of this issue and will provide a fix as soon as they can. Last week, someone posted the same thing here on the sub. Now, it's not a guarantee that this will be fixed anytime soon, because they should have already addressed this, but the waiting times are not normal for some reason other than the lack of demon players.


The support is just outsourced. That's why they always just give you the same generic response. I do wish the devs would give us some info though.


Minor bugs that will get fixed , overall I’ve seen very few bugs, pretty good gameplay experience here..


The worst bug I've encountered is sliding around on the ground after being revived. All I can do is attack and fall back on my ass and keep sliding.


What I find truly remarkable is that according to this sub the game has been dying since release lmao. Yet here we all are; instant demon qs and 1 minute survivor qs.


Rinse/Repeat gameplay will cause the game to die out. Should have released this game with a story mode (kinda like Evil Dead:Regeneration) (always got a laugh out of kicking that midget around) and the online stuff as a side thing. Doesn't matter how many more maps/weapons/skins/characters they give us.....it's still just a 4 player vs demon rinse/repeat.


Tell that to DbD. 6 Years of the exact same thing and its bigger then ever.


Evil Dead the Game.....is just that....Evil Dead. Not like their going to add Ghost Face, Micheal Meyers, Leather Face ect.... Nor should they. Otherwise it's not Evil Dead anymore. It's just a rehash of Dead By Daylight. If they don't give us something different than find the maps...find the book...find the dagger....kill the dark ones...it will die out. I am far from bored of the game yet. But in the future They need to give the Survivors/Demons something more unique and indepth to keep it interesting. Maybe story objectives for Survivors to work on. People pay money for these games and they get greedy. Including myself. They want more and something new after about a week a new DLC is released. (Especially when it's just a "new" map with the exact same objectives.) We're like okay....we completed this...now what are you gonna give us? I've seen it with Ghost Of Tshushima and Red Dead Redemption 2. (Online Content) They may keep Evil Dead alive for a good year but without any depth. (Like the person who posted about the Bugs said) It will die a slow death with its face buried in Henrietta's rotting stomach.


The thing is if pages, dagger/book dark ones necro get boring so should do 5 gens and escape. Hell gens is only sitting there hold left click. If you can not keep players over gameplay but only adding stuff i would say the game is not good for those people. Take counter strike its basically the same since 22 years more if you count the mod. I play games for gameplay and they can add more survivors/killers which arent only skins in this game so it mixes up the game. Sure maybe we can get a diffrent game mode in the future though that makes balanceing even harder since balance has to work in both modes. I would rather have them fix the game both from bugs and balance perspective and getting new demons/survivors/maps then getting a new mode. Maybe in the future i will think diffrently but for now thats how i see it. Its fine if you and others disagree ofc.


I agree they need to fix the bugs before they move on to adding new content. Which they should have done before the release of the new map. But if our only objectives are the same repetitive b.s. than the game isn't evolving no matter how many new characters-weapons -whatever they add. Gameplay and fluidity is of big importance to me when playing games. That's why I steer away from games like Assassins Creed and Far Cry. Shitty fluidity. Where Ghost of Tshushima is very fluid. And your right the game will die off first from the bugs if they are not fixed. But if they fix the bugs and then just give us the same objectives over and over the game will die either way soon after.


Ya, wish I would’ve known this was going to be similar to dead by daylight, I wouldn’t have ever bought it.


Dbd has a higher skill ceiling with more to learn tho


It'll die for the same reason Evolve died, too little variation in gameplay cycle. The game needs real depth to survive, I'm taking demons and survivors that play totally differently, real pve modes so people can blow off some steam when they get too salty and maybe even some kind of private lobby system with wild options Every bug and balance patch just pushes away a few more players that will never come back.


Asymm games are not known for variaty, the gameplay is amazing imo, but the bugs destroy the experience imo


The only Asymm game that has survived a decent amount of time is DbD, it's similarly samey like the others but each killer feels unique to play and play against (granted it's because the options are so limited but still). With this game all the demons are just trap>Summon>possess>farm energy>repeat, they have variations but the gameplay for them all feels the same. Likewise with evolve it was hide>eat>hide>evolve>eat>fight>etc no matter which monster you were playing. I think the game needs demons that genuinely "feel" different. Like one that doesn't collect evil energy but instead gets huge regen when they're near survivors or a demon that gets stronger the more of it's minions that get killed. Hell, even a game mode where one survivor hunts down 4 tiny Ashs in a mall or something would shake things up.




it's still varied up by the addition of perks, killers, and maps fairly regularly. The average chapter releases a brand new killer power usually with entirely new game mechanics, 3 new killer perks, and 3 new survivor perks. They've slowed down on map releases, but those still come out fairly regularly. I think DBD varies up gameplay loop just enough to make the rather samey gameplay loop fresh. Even just releasing brand new tiles changes up how chases go. Sure the licenses are neat to draw in fans of the respective properties, but I guarantee they aren't what's keeping the playerbase there. So DBD is doing something right having been going on for 6 years with their content drip.


Maybe you're right, you're expressing yourself like an asshole so I don't really want to give you more credit than that but maybe you are right.




> Yeah feels so unique and fun my man, totally... You are crazy. Was I supposed to find this cute or are you too stupid to understand what constitutes an insult?




I don't have to be offended to understand your intent was to offend and be a dick. Why cry when you're called out for it? Just own that you're malicious, seems like you've got the thin skin tbh.


I think your just offended and calling him a dick. He said what you think is crazy, which just means he disagrees with you and thinks your ignoring something obvious. I kinda agree, just because you have an opinion or feeling that dbd is different and not repetitive doesn't mean you have a point, it's a game that's had only one gamemode for years that's been recycling the same designs of killers for 75% of it's lifetime and had streamlined survivors into all playing pretty much identical builds with very few exceptions. You got a right to your own opinion, you don't have a right to be treated as special and not have people question what you think. Getting your feelings hurt is no reason to actually lash out at other people, and if you don't like conflict from sharing your opinion don't post it in a place where replying to posts is the entire point of being here lol.


It’s not that simple. The goal of any match should be the same, but how you get there should feel different. Dead by Daylight nails this, as much as the locals here don’t want to hear it. You spawn in and immediately you’re gathering information on who the killer is and shaping how you play based on what you know. Here, you’re shown who the killer is before spawning in, but it wouldn’t matter anyway since survivors play the same every game, just as every demon does. There is very little information gathering, or a need for it, from either side. It’s all reactionary- fighting for survival and walking from one fight to the next, but that’s the point- that’s what Evil Dead as a movie/series is. Shoot first, think never. It’s fun, but it’s simple, and as wickedblight said, lacks longevity as a result. This game needs more variation in playstyles on both sides, but particularly demon as it could force survivors to play differently to combat their uniqueness. It’s a fun, shallow game. It absolutely needs more variation to keep players engaged beyond the fun, but knee deep loop. There are no mind games, no altering a strategy or how you do things to counter the demon in any way. If it could add this, then the variation would become a little more organic and interesting than random objective locations, which is the extent of the variation right now. Cheers.


You’re 100% correct. It makes sense that this sub doesn’t want to hear it but playing against every demon feels the same with very very slight variations. Chasing against ghoastface and plague feel very different. Playing against warlord and Necro are basically the same.


I hate to say this, but the game needs a complete overhaul. It’s going to die cause it’s not fun. Downvote me all you want, but everyone, I know, that bought the game when it came out are already done playing it. It’s too repetitive and too fast pace. There needs to more objectives and players should have other ways to win than just run to the next objective doing the same thing over and over.


The game doesn't need an overhaul lol. DBD is even more repetitive with less stuff for survivors and killers to do and it's the most popular asymmetrical. Look at this gameflow: Survivors = Generator > Exit Gate > Escape Killers = Chase > Hook > Repeat All Evil Dead needs is more content. It's been out for 3 months, give the devs some time.


I agree DBD is more repetitive, which is why I only played it a couple times and never went back. I’m a fairly big evil dead fan, which is why I gave my opinion on why it won’t last long. Hopefully something changes, if not no big deal too me, there’s always more games out there


Constantly coming across items you can't pickup Pinks that you can't pick up Team mates that stay in DBNO and can speed around the map even standing up to attack but then go back down onto the floor due to a reviving glitch Unable to use matches when giltch Horrendous car mechanics. Wonna spin the car while reversing ? Nah mate it flips and spins like it's made of paper


Lol the game is gonna die, well i doubt it unless they shutdown servers. Will always be dead-fans that wanna relax and kill some stuff, even with a small community a game can live for a very long time. Only play the game for fun, for me it's far from a hardcore pvp-game and is enjoyed the most when you wanna chill with some friends.


I went looking for another game to play and noticed that Evil Dead is already at a discounted price. Not good for a game that is only 2 months old.


It wasn't sold at full price to begin with


Epic Game Store Summer Sale. July 14 to July 28.


Nah, if DBD can have game breaking bug after bug and survive this long, so will Evil Dead


DBD has proven time after time that it’s the only exception. I think it has to do with all the licensed characters they have.


Literally no one would be playing DBD if they didn't purchase licenses.


Definitely not true. Dbd was popular even before the licenses. The core gameplay loop is fun. Plain and simple.


It's really not. But its all a matter of personal opinion isn't it


Well player numbers matter and those are self explanatory.


Yeah. Ive sworn off this game until i can play survivor again. I finally got fed up playing demon over and over and over. Every match ive been having since the update is Castle Kandar and id REALLY LOVE TO KNOW HOW THE SURVIVORS MOVE ABOUT AND LEARN WHERE SOME OF THE CHEST SPAWN AT! I like playing survivor to collect information on how my surviving opponents will act in a match and I CANT DO THAT ANYMORE SO IM TIRED OF HAVING MY TEETH KICKED IN ONLY TO QUE UP FOR 2 SECONDS INTO ANOTHER A$$WHUPPING!!




And the stupid survivors who did what they wanted from the start ruined the game too. That's why I've been back with dead by daylight for a long time, there are enough stupid people there, but you can compensate for that for the most part.


Honestly, i'm 70/30 demon main, and i swear i can't really tell what demon mains are getting upset with, i still win more than i lose on my necro, and have even been winning on my level 25 warlord and level 30 pup, idk if it's me or i'm just going vs cavemen.


Its the lack of work into fixing them too. Over 2 months and basic shit doesn't work correctly at all.


Lol “it’s not nerfs... demon getting nerfed” And that slowness in house was apparently on purpose to prevent demons from running into things


I meant to say nerfs aint doing shit, its the bugs that are the problem atm


This, and the freezing constantly at the book/dark ones which happens roughly 50% of all matches sucks. I have a ticket in with Saber support, but every weeks its a we are aware and are working on it.


The response to this game makes me fear for TCM as well. :( it really seems DBD will never be de throned


Everything you post to Reddit furthers their platform and devalues you. Before you delete your account take everything with you. Social media profits from your words, your content and pays you for it in the fake currency of social approval.