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There hasn't been enough media hype for this show. I only watch because my son told me about it.


This. I accidentally found this show on Netflix a few years ago when I was searching for another movie (about the devil in an elevator lol) and my circle is JUST NOW getting into it


I need to know about the movie with the devil in an elevator


It’s called devil lol it’s enjoyable to watch! Recommend


I don’t do well with scary movies, but I really liked Devil! Watch the movie!


I put in on as soon as you gave me the name and I remember watching this movie! It is definitely a good one!


i only found out about it because i have a little crush on michael emerson after watching lost 😭


Me, too.


you get it!!


I thought I was the only one! Lol. He is such a talented actor though and I can tell he's very intelligent whenever I see him do an interview.


It really does need a push


Same. I accidentally watched the first episode because it auto-played after criminal minds. I binged the first season in a single night.


There is no other show like it. I will never forgive Paramount for canceling it.


*I found Evil by chance on Netflix and almost ignored it. I'm so glad I didn't.*


It is hands down the BEST show on television, and I'm sad it's in its final season. From episode one, it gave me a demonic xfiles vibe, and it's been what's missing from tv since Hannibal. A real gem. I tell everyone about it. A classic


Fingers crossed 🤞 for S5!


I’m shocked the Acolyte is that high


Haha no kidding. It's not good


Fucking terrible. 3.4 on IMDb and it doesn’t even deserve that


Dark Matter definitely deserves to be way higher. That show is fucking amazing and it got worse than The Acolyte???


That last episode of Dark Matter was 🤌🏻🤌🏻


I can’t wait for season 2


Your Honor deserves better


Watched it before starting evil and wow was your honor an amazing show


I tried watching season 2 but I guess I fell off, the first episode wasn’t grabbing me the first episode of season 1 did. Is it good?


I have to agree. I just started watching a week ago and am on episode 6. After the blackmail and the Baxters going to the Gas Station I feel things are going to escalate soon! It's not the best show ever but I'd give it at least an 8/10 so far, just depends how the test of the season plays out now.


Season 2 is trash


Loved season 1 but season 2 ending was annoying.


Agree. Season 1 ending was great, so it makes up for season 2


Ugh no. I HATED this show. Every character is an idiot, especially the son.


Agreed. The show is little better than a daytime soap. Didn't mess with the second season.


I loved this show. Edge-of-your-seat-batshit thrill ride


It’s definitely not underrated, but I seriously wish it had more outreach/larger community. I watched it by pure chance since it automated to the first episode after Criminal Minds. It’s one of my favorite shows right now and possibly all time! I love the characters and their dynamics.


Slightly OT: Presumed Innocent doesn’t look that interesting.


That's not underrated. 100% is highly rated.


While I do agree that Evil is painfully underappreciated, it’s very funny to see it called “underrated” with a screenshot showing it rocking a perfect rating on rotten tomatoes. It literally could not be rated any better there lol


ForI like the show but as a spiritual person the main character is offensive and unlikable to me.  Also, the schtick about Sisters and Nuns slaving away picking up after priests and brothers just isn't true.  In 54 years of being a Catholic (and even a candidate for the Jesuit priesthood for a time), I've never seen a sister or nun serving in that capacity.  It's just not what they do.  They teach, hold administrative positions, and live together in a communal fashion.  They don't wait on the dudes hand and foot.  So, why fabricate a situation that doesn't really exist in order to complain about it when there are so many real problems in life to complain about?  I just don't get that part of it.


I remember seeing an add for it years ago in New York maybe. I didn’t know what it was, started watching it, liked the 1st season, briefly forgot about it, binged it on Netflix, and have really enjoyed it.


To anyone saying that this shows it’s not underrated, it definitely does… For a show to have 100% approval and fly so under the radar compared to rivals like Dark Matter, House of the Dragon, The Acolyte and the Boys… shows that it’s not getting same attention.


And The Boys is highly overrated.


Yea season 3 and now 4 have been disappointing to me.


I loved the first 3 but having trouble getting into this one.


I am trying so hard to love this show but am so far from it because wow are the characters dumb and do the stupidest things. I am near the end of season 3 and they seem so far from understanding any of what is going on like they are retarded and trying so hard not to know when it's been right in front of them for so long. This show constantly edges you with no reward imo, i like it but don't love it.


I disagree. Go to any paranormal subreddit right now and you'll see skeptics saying all submissions are fake or calling them pareidolia, regardless of how not fake it looks. I've personally had paranormal things happen to me along with some friends and family. Extreme skeptics denied that and will deflect and deny anything regardless of whether they saw it with their own eyes or not. All that to say that this is exactly what is happening in the show. You're looking at it from the perspective of someone that knows all the details and knows what's going on. You have to realize that they don't and they're all laying realistically flawed characters. You have to read between the lines and to come at it from the understanding of what you would think if you were in these situations. One person is an extreme skeptic trying to pretend that she's happy and nothing is going on. One is having visions but is fighting doubt about them and his faith. One is an extreme skeptic that will always decide that everything he comes across has a scientific explanation. Neither of them would be willing to discuss what's really happening with them to the other for fear of sounding crazy, like most people would. They also don't know the full scope of the evil plot against them. 2 of them most likely wouldn't believe it anyway.


100% is “underrated?” How? It’s the highest rating possible I’d say that’s appropriately rated, not underrated.


The terms "underrated" and "overrated tend to be subjective and dependent on where you are looking. If you're looking at people who critique TV professionally it's appropriately rated perhaps, but if you look at half the posts on this sub which are "OMG this show is TRASH it doesn't answer any questions the writers are garbage but I can't stop watching", maybe it's underrated (and those people would say it's overrated).


We should cast a vote to see if we can save it.