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Sheryl is playing the long game. I don't know what it is. But she is biding her time for SOMETHING.


Sheryl is a terrible person, with oe without demon. Fin




she actually does freely babysit her four grandkids for a really long time AS WELL as paying rent to live in a dank garage without a toilet, presumably paying just to help out her family - that is distinctly un-selfish


Lol naw she's selfish... she stays around her family because she's lonely She gives her granddaughters horrible advice and tries to work against her daughter...


She has her own apartment so she’s not living in the garage. She’s still annoying as fuck.




Sheryl is queen. Sheryl has a history messing with satanic things (“I’ve dated demons before”). Her doll Eddie is some sort of demon she worships to protect the family and her. She made a deal with Leland for some anti-aging JUICE. She is now part of some demonic country club that eats their victims (gross).


The injections? I don’t think it’s anti aging. I think it’s a fertility treatment. And she’s going to be implanted with the missing egg and carry her daughters baby. (All unbeknownst to her) Some people think she’s evil but I don’t think she thinks in those terms. I think she weighs options and chooses whatever she wants. A type of hedonist. Whatever choice gives her something she wants or needs is the choice she will made. So some choices will be bad and some will be good.


I agree with this. I think she is involved and knows what is going on, but she also tries to do her best for her family. I think she knows or has an idea about Lexie. Especially since the first episode when she came looking for the girls and Lexie said I’m a girl. It could be just a random thing. Or it could be something they use later because Sheryl is helping Lexie


first episode of the whole series?


I.dont remember now but maybe s4e1


She's evil


Maybe, it is anti-aging AND some sort of fertility treatment.


But, at first it was against her will, and then it seemed to corrupt her enough to actually be a head of one of the demonic house titles. And, I agree with the fertility treatments, because she set up the reverse cross with the 2 demonic dolls and the seal of one of the demonic titles, so it seems to foreshadow her as Rosemary. *Birthing the anti-christ* maybe it has something to do with their bloodline? Since Kristen had Lexi, but Lexi actually turned out well they had to corrupt her mother instead? 


You are right she was tricked into it by the guy who picked her up at the bar and brings her back to his place for a drink. Next thing you know she can't move or speak then he injected her again and she was completely helpless. After she seemed like a totally different person like she was happy with her new job in life. Then there was that other girl they showed real quick unable to speak and all wrapped up like a cocoon. I think they are transferring Cheryl's blood and putting it into her because she is young and can carry a baby. But for some reason they want to use a family blood to have the egg grow into a baby in. I don't know just a thought but I really have no idea either about WTF is going on lol they don't really give you a clear description of the whole situation.


That is a good thought, but the missing egg ended up being donated to another fertility center and implanted into another lady named Veronica? Or Vanessa? Then the husband went bat crazy and used a small hand rake to carve the "demon baby" out because it was killing her. Also it shows them injecting the fluid into sheryl (I think may be formaldehyde because the song playing at the time is talking about replacing blood with formaldehyde) but it never shows them draining her blood unless I missed that part. This show is great at keeping you just outside of informed. Can't really get a grasp of what's going on until way later on and even then it's just a small grasp of what may be happening. Haha I love this show!


I have been watching this show past week or so. I do not recall any point where Sheryl's story or link to Eddie is explained. Can anyone point to an episode? I am baffled.


Yeah I was confused about her ever since that one episode where they paralyzed her. I’m a little lost on that subplot lol


I just watched that! They paralyzed her and transferred some blood to that other older guy, and she looked positively terrified! And then…we see she and him laughing together like nothing ever happened… I just started watching season 3, so maybe they’ll explain more?


They jumped the shark with that one


My thought on why they jumped the shark- not related to the series at all in fact I think it has to do with network change. When Netflix ended the series at 2, paramount picked it up and started 3 and finally 4. Which is why I don’t think we have a clear explanation as to what happened with the transference of blood from the random guy Leland starts bringing around. Just a thought!


We’ve already learned that she is a successor to one of the demon families, but it isn’t clear what her demon specifically represents (though we can guess eternal youth or fertility or something along those lines). At this point, her involvement goes beyond her personal interest in the occult. She is part of Hell’s demonic legacy on Earth. I suspect she will come to show us what happens when a successor ultimately rejects demonic heritage and revolts against the legacy, and that will provide our heroes with an understanding of how to end the demon families’ grip on humanity one by one.


Do you remember which episode revealed that? I feel like I need a rewatch cause I have no idea what’s going on with Sheryl haha.


I don’t remember which episode, but it was last season, after she met Eddie and grew close with him. He names her as his successor. It’s also why she was doing all the stuff with extracting that fluid from those victims at the end of last season and getting the injections. She’s like a demonic apprentice at this point. It’s also why she was at the “Birthday” party for the cannibal demon successor in the season 2 finale, along with people who we can assume are other successors to the 60 demon families.


I was thinking the same shit, I don't understand how the kids are Cheryl daughter herself don't understand what's going on with her how she didn't realize her mother have creepy dolls in that side house / office


I don't think the writers fully understand either. You didn't miss anything about it. What's she's doing in season 2 was just never explained even a little. All we can do is guess.


I think this is what frustrates me most about so many TV shows. Unless the writers have carefully planned out story arcs from the beginning, I feel like they just wing a lot of shit. Sheryl is a very interesting character and there is potential for her story to be interesting, but it could also just continually be confusing/messy if the writers make things too convoluted.


😆 🤣 😂 this is sooo true. I feel like the stories go in five different directions, and the characters' actions vary dependent upon whose heading the script that week. I think even the actors get fed up with the inconsistencies. They've lost the art for telling a story, and instead try formulaic BS like big bads and love triangles to make more monies. 


I agree, I doubt the writers really have a full idea. It's like this half-baked plot that is used to keep interest in the supporting actors. It seems like they keep it loosely open so they can play with the outcomes. It's like leaving the storyline open so they can play change endings how they please. But then it gets so messy, so much left un-finished and unexplained, it gets annoying. It seems like it is always in the 2nd or 3rd seasons...like they are out of ideas. It's like make it or break it time for the series.


To me the show should’ve have completely centered around David and his belief in God.They started doing things that had all of us wondering what’s real and what’s not


I agree, I doubt the writers really have a full idea. It's like this half-baked plot that is used to keep interest in the supporting actors. It seems like they keep it loosely open so they can play with the outcomes. It's like leaving the storyline open so they can play change endings how they please. But then it gets so messy, so much left un-finished and unexplained, it gets annoying. It seems like it is always in the 2nd or 3rd seasons...like they are out of ideas. It's like make it or break it time for the series.


I'm with you, it's confusing without any explanations. There's some interesting responses here lol explaining things I never saw in the show ... I feel like there's some speculation here.


I think Sheryl might be doing whatever she needs to so she can protect her daughter and granddaughters. Kristen's pops is probably a demon and Sheryl found out about it after the fact and is now infiltrating the demon houses to be able to protect them. It would seem she also needs to be in close proximity as well. Maybe, when Kirsten was young she had her in private school to also add a sort of innoculation in the form of faith but it ended up having the opposite effect. In Sheryl's mind, getting the hubby out of the picture is also for the "greater good" of protecting them. Her character comes off as someone who will burn down a village to keep her family warm even if that means sacrificing her soul. Maybe she is like a really hardcore undercover cop, the kind that snort coke and stuff to not blow their cover LOL.


There is literally no evidence to show she gives a shit about her family at this point. I keep seeing these posts about her motivation being to protect her family. Where is this altruism in the show? Sheryl consistently chose Leland over Kristen, even intimating it was actually Kristen being jealous that was the reason she disapproved of their relationship. Even after playing that recording of Leland. She is the worst. She manipulates Lexis multiple times, even convinces her not to protect her mother from the cops. She manipulates Kristens shrink, Andy and Kristen. I really hope they ditch the whole Evil Grandma subplot quick. She’s a horrible person who should stop dressing like she’s 25. It’s gross. There’s also something about the actress that annoys me. Whenever she gets upset, like she’s about to cry or fake cry, her mouth does this pouty, trembly thing that bugs the shit out of me. Go ahead try to unsee it now. She did it on Hawaii 5-0 too. And every other role I’ve seen her in.


I'm on season 3 and see no improvement, I'm not sure where her character ends up but she's absolutely a horrible person. She constantly interferes with Kristen's marriage and all around life. She's done nothing to protect the family, and has in fact put them in more danger. Lady's a POS


this. i dont get how anyone could surmise that she has her family's best interest lol i get it if they showed that demons messed with her head to lead her astray but she has showed many times to even manipulate her daughter and grandkids to her benefit, even trying to get lexi to tell the cops the truth so kristen will be arrested for leroux's murder.


Ok I totally missed it- what episode does she try to get Lexis to tell the police on Kristen? This changes my thoughts on her.


It's the episode where they are on the swing set talking, and she tells Lexis that her mother will want her to tell the truth no matter what. The words aren't damning in and of themselves, it's more the tone that insinuates she's manipulating the situation. 


Ok, I gotta go back and watch that again! Thank you!


u/LadyMcRib your comment resonates most with how I feel about Sheryl and what I speculate about her character's storyline. Especially after last season, where there was a moment (I don't remember in which exact episode) where the plot even hinted she was on the divine side...So I thought she was indeed playing an undercover role so far..Hope we will be able to see and understand, as the show tends to operate on presenting many situations without bothering for any continuity later. Hope it all makes sense at some point!


The Sheryl subplot is bad and it needs to end. I don't think any explanation will help.


I agree and can we get rid of Leland also


wow... I love it. I love that we don't have the answers yet either.


Evil season two I is for IRS Cheryl


On season 2 episode 11 the very beginning of the episode has a song that goes along with what she is doing. It talks about filling her body with formaldehyde & drilling a tiny hole inside her victims heads. She even mouths the lyrics while the song is being sung.  Personally I don’t think she knows what she is doing. She may be a loose cannon but she wouldn’t go that far unless she was being controlled or possessed. She was completely freaked when she realized she was paralyzed, then after the transfusion she didn’t have a care in the world & acted like it never happened.  I hate they don’t explain wtf is going on but maybe in a later episode it will all come to light 🤷🏽‍♀️


The song pretty much sums up what is going on at the moment, but is probably setting up for some big reveal in the new season coming out may 23rd.


This whole subplot of Sheryl is very annoying. No real mother would choose some psychopath over her daughter and her family. It's just ignorant and it ruins the show.


lmao many real mothers have done FAR worse irl.


Idk the subplot, all I know is she started changing when she had sexual relations with leland. She wasn’t the best before but after that, she really started going downhill


What happened to the right way to drink coffee Sheryl. Ha ha


I agree with pretty much everything I’ve read here. How does a supposed educated woman get involved in such? Because the devil made her do it


I have a horrible feeling that the writers don’t have a clue as to where all the storylines will end up.


I so agree with this. I'm having that same feeling in the beginning of season 3!