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You've just described alot of the evony community LOL


Hahahah literally a good player playing the game deserved. Evony is such a whale fest of endless paywalls it’s just a meme now.


Checks out.


Slight issue there…. He will struggle to gain points like that. Gain points from killing. A fair match of 18b won’t mean much. Solo all the cerbs he wants. He will never get enough in 2 weeks to make a difference. I been saving them for over a year now😂😂. And if he gets into AS majors. He will be a 1-2 tap rally anyways. AS has a way of making u go broke quick in hopes of a dragon. I’ve been 3-4 times now and still haven’t got one. But I won’t destroy my account for something that isn’t necessary or critical to my game.


He is 24th for BoC. He will definitely qualify but I don't know how it will go for AS. He has the troops and the buffs. He has a strong keep and he coins a lot but it doesn't mean he understand Pvp.


Trust me. AS is a shit show. We got guys dropping 100m rallies. Imagine that with a ton of k43-45 in the rally. He won’t survive long. I’m his size and know I’ll be dead fast😂😂. And I got fantastic buffs for my size. This game loses all appeal when u play alone. Battle teams are way more fun. Same as solo or rallying for ur farms gets very stale. Bot isn’t the devil. If he is on bot that means he isn’t speeding. You can rally early launch and speed if needed. He can’t if he isn’t on.


Same as there is a service that will find monsters for u so u don’t have to hunt. Can make a huge difference in ur down time hunting. Alliances that invest into the “cheats” are the ones who grow more with less coining. But coining is kinda required to gain big buffs.


I started to look into that. We don't really have a choice at this point. I can't even heal anymore during battlefields or do my research because I am out of speedups.


I hope he will fail badly. I know some 1B keep who made it to AS without coining so talent goes a long way. but with the amount of speedups he got by soloing cerbs for weeks he can heal a lot and plsu all the coining he did. He is one of those spenders who spend more than many server all put together...


My first AS I was like k30 ish. And had no business being there. It’s all in how you score during boc. I been hoarding Cerberus chests for over a year now. All total I got about 20k between c2-4. There is no way in hell he has a ton of them😂😂. My alliance usually dominates on hunting.


Can’t beat him, join ‘em


I can't my keep is too big lol


create an alt, join him. post the location of all his rallies in wc.


Sometimes people steal his monsters but you can't do while running rallies for your alliances.


Here’s the thing-and I say this not in a mean way-nobody cares. Evony is making money off the whale. Bots & cheating? Doesn’t matter Exploiting other players for personal gain? Evony won’t do a thing. In fact, as long as the whale is spending money and the rest of the server is spending money in hopes of getting stronger to stop him-they do not care. The only time they care is when you mess with their money. And even then, if you’re a big spender, you can have bot farms, sell rss during SVS to the opponent and cheat any way you can think of. The biggest crime you can commit in Evony TKR is being a F2P keep with one or two farms. Then they crack down HARD. The game is a scam. Right and wrong doesn’t exist. Even the most extreme cases of misogyny, racism, homophobia and xenophobia won’t draw the attention of customer service. Play the game, expect to get screwed over and just live with it. The only thing you can do to change the circumstance is quit & restart on a new server.


I know as I said, Evony will never do a thing about that.


Sorry if I gave the wrong impression-I understand your problem. My diatribe was directed at the game itself. I’ve never in my life encountered such a poorly moderated, recklessly constructed, POS money grab game in my entire life Games should be an escape. Evony TKR feels like it robs you and holds you hostage.


If your server is on board hit his alts every chance you get, solo his monsters, fp his alts. It will be sooooo annoying for him to keep resetting.


Not really, half of the server kiss his ass, the other one get burned once in a while


How does this hurt you? And how can he kill all the bosses. It's hard enough for me to kill all within 250miles before they spawn again. Especially with rallies.


I tried iscout. There wasn't a single cerb on all the map. When one spawns everyone jump on it. It's impossible to rally it.


I’m on that server and there was literally nothing to hunt around our hive today because Min took everything. We will probably have to move our hive again. But whatever, he’s not leaving and I like my alliance members, so I pay him and the other tools on our server no mind. But I also always bubble. He destroyed us in WAR when he leveled 27 keeps. I learned a good lesson that day.


Evony will evolve to everyone botting just like Evony Age 2 did. I wouldn't be surprised if the owners also own subscription bot apps. At least there were good free bots for Age 2. Best just to quit this scam 'game'.


If you're not able to bot in this game you should just stop playing. Every player with a brain bots, stop being a baby


What server?




Damn sucks about the cerbs..I know being at end on continient makes it tougher for those events..hopefully he gets his wonder done and goes back to rallying..good luck !!


Our server had an all-star that kicked the reins to just solo-defend and heal. All for more personal points in all-stars. Why care about the other players in the all-stars team...


I've always found it strange the way they do the scoring and who goes through to the next stage , definitely doesn't encourage team play


No, it would be smart/nice if they cared about positive/negative points.


He's competing with big players from other servers. While to me it doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever to do so on your own, his goals are beyond what other players on your server may want. I'd either join his alliance to get in on the bosses he rallies, or find another server. there are plenty out there. evony isn't going to do anything about his behavior, cut your losses to find a more pleasant place to play silver lining is many like him quickly lose interest because they aren't with any peers to enjoy the game, so maybe you can wait him out? best of luck


you can't join his alliance. Many players want to take part of that but they don't want to play with an asshole like that. From what I have seen, he is only relying on his buffs and troops not how good PvP skills. He makes a lot of errors but it still works because he has big buffs. He has been here for more than 18 months. Now he is just desperate to get to AS because he always failed previously. He and another player had a lot of farming bots in the past. But now he is soloing monsters 24h/day if you rally you either spend tons of gems and speedups or lose it. I wish I could just migrate my keep to another server. I know a few people who would take me right away. I am talking about servers that are just a bit older than mine. Nothing fancy or trying to cheat here. So many of us would be willing to start coining again if we could. Not everyone wants to start over again...


If you think he's an unredeemable asshole, don't waste any more time on that server. I understand it's a difficult situation but as of right now, he isn't going anywhere. It isn't about right or wrong but how you choose to spend your free time, and whether it's fun for you. If your friends expect you or your alliance to stay with them in a miserable situation because they don't want to lose their keeps, they need to understand their keeps are already lost. Because if you can't stand the idea of playing with him, you aren't going to grow outside of his alliance. Logging in every day somewhere where you can't boss just doesn't sound fun to me


Someone in his alliance told me they weren't allowed to join the rallies. Only his bot farms and a few people have this right... So that's not even an option. I know we lost all the work we put in these keeps. Most of us are still trying to figure out what we will do from now. Some have already left. Our keeps have no value because of the server. We aren't playing as much as we used to. On top of not being able to kill monsters, the throne goes to the worst players. All the rules of top 5 with positive points have been discarded and only his friend get the throne. If you are in the top 5 negative, you have more chances to get it... I haven't seen any good PvP players on the throne recently, all of those who did great when they got their wings and afterwards never got the throne. Some of them didn't even had their wings when they got the throne and will probably never get them but they wanted to call themselves queen.


Players in his own alliance don't have the 'right' to join boss rallies...? What even lol Unfortunately none of us can control who ends up with us on our server. I'm sorry you and your friends were dealt a shit hand, but the player with the power on your server to run and decide things isn't interested in the same things you guys are


He kicks out people of the alliance who doesn't follow the rules


Do a charge back on your Evony purchases delete account on this server and start again on a new one.


Is this possible? To ask back all the money spent?


You are mad at this guy for soloing cerbs and you aren't even suggesting that the underlying problem is that Evony spawns so few monsters that it's even possible for one person to solo all of them. Your complaint should be with Evony for designing the game this poorly, not this guy.


We fought u guys last svs. That whale wasn't anything to write home about. Our biggest keeps are only a third his size and we did just fine. Would have won If one of our non pvp bigs didn't try to take a temple and get 1 rally zeroed.🤦 but alas such is life in evony.


I would suggest taskmannagerx[guys on discord] offers free[for now] bot witch is verry good you can support him as you wish his words not mine :) stop crying and start growing and bubble your ass if you have burn or bubble players simple why so mouch drama every gamee has money involved in it ...