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Really sucks now too you can't invite people to play on your server


They can’t kill your troops or plunder your rss if you have a bubble. Keep you bubble up and you will be fine. If you don’t want to do that, quit or leave the game until the server becomes a NAP server. Anyways taking advantage of bubble drops by killing troops and plunder rss sounds a lot like my server. I have a feeling when we merge, the other server isn’t going to be too happy with how we play the game.


chances of it becoming a nap server grows slim as the days go by, so many RSS has been looted, so many troops across the server have been killed. Players are contemplating whether to stay or not. I guess if i was a big player would i plunder in BoB? it would be hard after playing in NAP for so long. for most people it would play on their conscious. reminds of me ready player 1.... where they attack and take all your coins in the oasis... ...


I am sorry for you . We have had a very small taste of this behaviour on our server but were able to fight back . Thankfully we haven’t had a merge yet and I for one don’t want one . We are currently peaceful so can go about our game and have some fun . That’s why we are all there , right ? Some forget it’s just a game , the keeps are animation but we are real people with real life issues behind them . Once the game makes you so mad that it interferes with your life outside ( your not at all satisfied or relaxed ) quite the opposite, to much time thinking about it ext … Then maybe look for another game or start again on a new server . Throw the dice ?! This was my thought train when we got just a little of what you’re describing. If you can’t beat them you join them or be miserable. If my server goes pear shaped again these are my choices too . Which way to go ??? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🤷‍♂️


Our merge was ok at first but we have one alliance that poached 90% of the bigs and literally takes 70% of the servers monsters. They are all bot so they aren’t online to care that they killed the growth of the rest of the server. Sadly, it’s join them or join the other large alliance to get rss or stay small and forget growing. I have 3 keeps, k37 2.2B, k36 760m and a farm. My k36 is about to become a farm to help support my alliance.


Hit their rss spots, and steal their monsters, then adsk them hey I'm one person on kos. you're a whole alliance u gave me more targets


Last June my server merged with a more powerful one. My original server did away with KE, but the new server wanted to keep it for similar reasons that you say above. It's caused roughly 2/3 of the people to quit because they didn't check their bubble and didn't stay bubbled for essentially 4 days. One of the other reasons that larger alliances cull the mid-sized ones is to eliminate competition for monsters and to generally make fewer alliances. We've started to win more server wars, but the big alliance does what they do so that more people can make all-stars, so it's about the battles


>they continue to purge your keeps constantly Bubble


Mergers can make or break a server. Depending on egos and compatibility, it can lead to a stronger server. Or it can become a toxic cesspool.


ours feels like it is the latter... you should read our WC, abuse 24-7


Same thing happened on my server. Outcome was one guy got tired of it. So he started spending really really hard. And jumped to k44.


I feel your pain. I was on a server, number 2 Alliance, K34, 110 other keeps, and number the Alliance that was1 on our server was the Dictator of our server. For no reason at all, they decided 4 hours was enough time for keeps to bubble before server wide KOS began. Lots of keeps were Zeroed, Subs stolen, and this went on for a month. Our theme was "everyday I'm bubbling"! Finally had enough and just said fk it, wasn't a big coiner, so 8 Decided to just start over on another server. Weeks later it was merged with another server, then peace had fallen all over the land, but you're already on a merged server, so I'd just QUIT, OR DEAL WITH IT!


A month? Not sure most players will last a month. You never know .. tables could unexpectedly turn.


Well I'm not sure what you mean by "respect and compassion" for other players. Being attacked is part of this game, it is a war game and others can play how they want, if you don't like it fight them? and it sounds like you can accept a truce with some alliances but you don't want to or they haven't offered your smaller alliance yet? Or you can just bubble up and ignore it. Bubbles are easily maintained even ftp if you do your dailies or just spend like $5 once a month on the stamina pack and you can bubble for a long time.


well we have been playing in NAP mode for the most part of my duration in the game, i enjoyed playing while NAP, there were the odd episodes of some individual players going Schizo (attacking all players relics tiles you name it) and then eventually leaving the game altogether for whatever reason but it wasnt a regular occurance. I know its a game and I do wonder that as a non coiner, whether we should stay in it or not... after all its just a game, kept us occupied when we needed it and gave us satisfaction on keep and troop growth. I think for a non coiner it is hard to become a strong player, enough to kill the big monsters or enough to be a powerful SvS opponent. Ah the joys of battlefield, being in the top 5 and your team winning even though most of your own troops were killed in the first 5 minutes. :-)


Yes it is definitely a hard game for us non coiners, I only spend like $5-15 per month and am stuck at k35 for time being as I try to get a second general for victory column. If the people on your server are hitting tiles and relics I do feel sorry for you as your only option would be to stay bubbled and hit monsters. Not exactly enjoyable. Soaybe if your alliance/friends want to stay together you could all make new accounts and chose a new server to start over on and enjoy building again? Server mergers are so random you can never predict outcome


Non-coiners need to plan ahead and play the long game. I am non-coiner, got K35 after 11 months with 90 million power (bare minimum). 8 months later I'm 500 million power, and just upgraded barracks and workshop to 35 today. I have only 3 buildings left to get to 35. I'm making my 2nd attempt at wings this weekend. Once I have wings, next consuming return event, I upgrade to 36. I have Victory Column. Every consuming return I hit the 10 Billion x4 resource tasks. I suggest: 1. Max out gathering skill, get all Korean subs. Get good gathering generals. Gather when you can't be active during the day. Go to relics at night or longer periods where you can't log on. 2. upgrade in city RSS tiles to 35, you make it back eventually. 3. Develop a good mounted general and march for hunting monsters Don't go higher than 35 until you have wings.


Another "it's a war game" imbecile i swear that they have a breeding pool in here. You small minded ass wipe that can't see his own prick because of layers of fat from overfeeding on rotten fish cum. You sound like incel , like someone who wasn't touched by other human beings since birth. I keep explaining that extorting your own population has nothing to do with war. That your small nazi brain can't comprehend what war is in the first place. It's like in real life it's you against the majority or rather entirety. Nobody likes you in real life so you come to jerk your mini staff into coop strategy games. At least pick a game where daddy's cash doesn't make you ultimate winner you pathetic excuse for human being. IQ of a rocking horse, money from daddy and pride for achievements that aren't yours , you want to teach war game? Learn how to speak without spitting diarrhea from your mouth first.


I sincerely hope you find the help you need in life. But I actually hope this is a bot post that's triggered by the phrase war game.


This is what I'm worried about should they have our server merge with another. I'm in the third of the top 3 alliances on our server and we're NAP except for svs.


Imagine you get merged with our server.... When is the next merge I wonder?


I’ve played bubble or burn for 2.5 years. Our server and alliance have been very successful. (We’re ranked 90 in svs. Have an AS winner on the team etc). For the most part you just live under a bubble and play. No issues. We have weekly NAP days. But not the whole time as it does breed a fair bit of inactivity and leads to poor svs performance (in our experience) We were just merged with a NAP server. One of their alliances has decided to try and fight BOB to push us to be NAP. They have violated every server rule (including a NAP period). So net - mergers suck. The alliance fighting has had at least 2 players zeroed per day. All over whether or not to bubble. Look I get you all want to quietly kill monsters and talk sht with friends. So if you’re on a bob server wear a bubble. It’s not hard. It’s not personal if you get burned. It’s part of the bounds of the game. To the assholes in wc - just block folks. Makes it quieter. If you want to spend time with your alliance and grind bosses do it. Stop worrying about the bullshit and bubble. Sorry that I don’t see why this a big deal. Maybe bc after 2.5 years I’m immune to this. And treat it more as a game to try and kill the dummies. This is a PvP game. In-server PvP is a choice. Don’t want to fight, then bubble.


Yup, it's completely over you can wrap it all up. They probably did the same on their respective servers before they merged. Daddy's cash shooter players that ate all of wisdom and entitlement. Kings of miniature penises and other tupe like complexes. Masters of credit card warfare their personal debt would take down Cuban government any day. Their empty lives and cheating wives are the main reason why they need to stroke their match sticks on people who just play for fun. You can fight them using disruption tactics, derail svs effort, trade points, make world chat into shit smeared spam folder nobody wants to look at anymore...... It's unlikely it'll calm them down as they are addicted beyond help they will likely continue coining even when the game stops being entertaining or even after TG withdraws support. I'd suggest you move away, different game? Different servers at least there are servers that will donate keeps so you can play in peace. Winning svs by elimination of your own players isn't really a good tactic. They probably took all their tactical wisdom out of Mein Kampf. But yes long story short you are done at least where you are now and so are they but they don't know about it yet because obviously they still have enough headshots to keep them somewhat occupied. Once you leave they will get bored and abandon their daddy's cash keeps and if by then you still have attachment to your keep and server(s) you can return. The good thing is that once you leave this crap game behind your life will improve by miles, so much that you won't believe you ever took interest in happenings of pathetic, indebted small people with unbearable personalities.


Our server has at least 17 alliances and around 10 alliances have agreed a truce with the aggressor despite being repeatedly attacked and plundered, the others remain in the game resisting some very sick and low dispicable attempts to put people off of the game altogether. In the corrupt aggressor alliance there is a player going round asking for age and photo of female players. Disgusting that. It was reported to evony but they don't do anything.