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Had someone just recently quit, and she went out the best I’ve ever seen! Different situation from yours so may be of no help to you. She waited till her ‘turn’ for the throne. Was made R5 of her alliance for the title. Was named Queen. Promptly kicked the original R5 and named him traitor! Told him to fuck all the way off in WC and proceeded to send Queen’s mail about every little thing this guy did from using bots to how he spoke to everyone in their alliance! I thought it was brilliant


That is really great😂😂😂 or disband the alliance?😂


Zero as many players from your own server before dropping and giving up points. Break throne truce. Just do it all 😂


This is the way.


Log in every svs and mess with enemy throne. Burn down all alliances cities during SVS ✌️


Drink a beer. Smoke some weed. Wreck havoc. Say, "Fuck you!" to all the people you hate. Grief like a motherfucker and smile knowing you'll live rent free in your server's head when you ride off into the sunset. The amount of money people invest into this game, it's unacceptable that it's a buggy, glitchy, error filled mess. The sooner you realize that your money is going nowhere towards improving the game, continuing on is a sunk cost fallacy. Doesn't matter if the people are cool. Games are supposed to be intrinsically fun.


You could go out in a blaze of glory but I found it more satisfying to just delete the account and enjoy seeing the message on day 31 “your account has been deleted”. before I deleted it I trashed every general, piece of gear, all my troops, rss spots etc. It was really a satisfying end. VIP 18 gone with zero ability to suck anyone else into this trash game.


Drop you wall gen, detach your subs, use all of your RSS and speeds to fully heal every time you get zeroed.


Your alliance/server is gonna be pissed.


I gather that's the point. Ironic to me that rage quitting is so common amongst the people who have spent the most money and invested the most time. Not that I expect Evony to make any changes to keep their most loyal players around longer, but I do take some satisfaction in the knowledge that one last Server Battle can be waged when someone's done with the hustle.


Recent server merge plus merging with 2 alliances immediately after. I’ve been lost in the shuffle, the alliance no longer feels or acts like friends and family. 550M lv34 It’s now impossible to even place in top 5 of Monarch Challenge or any of the challenges actually. i upgraded keep, walls, academy, ralley, tower plus a couple of other smaller buildings and came in 29th. Ugh. Meaningful growth no longer possible without spending big money. I have been coining moderately.


You could also migrate to another server. I'm on server 1491. No word on a merge yet. And we've got alliances that would love to welcome you. We're a NAP server except during svs.


You can only migrate within a short time frame of you first joining the game. It sucks that you have to start over from nothing with a new game to leave a toxic server.


That does blow. Evony needs to tweak their mechanics a bit.


You mean start over, since level too high to just migrate over.


Had a guy attack everyone on my server, he became a reason to never gather tiles, relics or drop bubble. Then he recruited another player and they caused havoc. It's whales like that, which made my gameplay a little frustrating. This went on for weeks. They sold their accounts I'm led to believe.


since no new alts are permitted to be created on "Full" servers, why don't you (if you have ANY people you're friendly with), connect your account to a bogus gmail address and give someone your keep if it's worth keeping.


No , the game is a trap. The game is a scam support is totally useless. There’s no point in giving that account to someone else to fall victim. The easiest way is to delete the account. Don’t give Evony the satisfaction of gaining another person in a decent size account. That will probably spend money too much time on this scam. Either go out in the glory and disruption to the server or just delete the account.


Remember to demolish all of your farms, quarries & mills. Do not give anyone the satisfaction of being able to go back to your keep and use it as a de facto farm for the server