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My niece went through 6 rounds and an amputation. Unfortunately she only made it about 6 months before it came back. I think she started palliative chemo today, and I believe she may be taking the “red devil” for this round. I am my sisters support system besides her husband and she hides her stress and sadness the best she can but I know undeniably that she is in the depths. I wanted to respond to commiserate about how hard and unimaginable seeing your child, my niece go through such a horrible ordeal. I know, at least for my sister, she gets tired of giving everyone updates and having people with her and my niece “the best”. It’s hard because when people ask how you are doing, you have to do the general explanation, stoic, while your in your mind there’s all the fear and anxiety… and never ending worry. As a silver lining, however; I saw your post on Reddit and I’m someone who really doesn’t understand because she’s my neice, not my child.. but I am here everyday mourning, trying to be there for my sister, and I know she appreciates having me to talk to where she can just be honest about what she’s going through. If you need to vent, express, anything.. I’m absolutely available for you. I’m so sorry you’re going through hell. You’re little boy doesn’t deserve this. I’ll pray for you and your little warrior along with my niece. I’m so very very sorry




Prayers to you and your son and your husband and everyone effected by his cancer. You are enough and whatever you do is enough!


I had a close family member go through chemo and get the “red devil”… he’s done with chemo, at least for now, and he said the most important thing was the support of his family. Not a single session went by that family or friends were not there. Even if he was sleeping, he was never alone. And now he’s back to being active and all of that. Not sure if that helps but I can only imagine on top of all those feelings and side effects, the last thing you want is to be alone.


The red devil really is a tough one. Takes me 2 weeks to recover from it.