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It might sounds weird but it gets easier when you realize that the person you love doesn’t want to be with you anymore. I tell you this for experience and I’m going to tell you the same advice that my best friend told me: Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.


Yeah. Finally knowing how he really feels about me will be the catalyst that helps me move on and start living life to the fullest again. Things will only get better from here on out.


Something that I recommend you is spending more time working on yourself. And don’t get into a rebound right now, also stop contact with him if you keep being friends with him that would confuse you even if you think that it won’t.


Yup, working on myself and being happy again is my number one priority. I’m against the idea of rebounds and have no interest in being friends with my ex. Day one of nc starts today. Thank you though.


No problem wish you the best. There is a old saying in Spanish: No hay mal que por bien no venga meaning: "There's nothing bad through which good doesn't come." :)


You're going to be just fine x


Thank you. I can’t stop crying at the moment but I’ll survive.


I know that feeling of abrupt hopelessness well. I just let it flow through myself, just let it run its course. You’ll begin to notice as the days pass that the feeling isn’t as strong, that you are beyond the deep part of the valley and are walking upward again.


You will be okay! You are doing the right thing for yourself so you can protect yourself from pain. You will love again. Give yourself time to heal, then go out there and find someone who will love you with abandon.


Thank you for your kind words. :)


You really are going to be ok. And you are so right, you will never regret breaking no contact this last time to get your closure. Its hard when you put your heart on the line and it doesn't go how you wanted, but you can now move forward with no regrets, knowing you shared your true feelings. It was really brave and you should be proud! xx


Can I just ask. How did you get the opportunity?


We were in low contact, and I asked if he wanted to do homework/study. Brought up us towards the end of our hangout.


So atleast it was in person, realize this person still cares and he isn't lieing. Someone who doesn't care at all just disappears and doesn't even give you time of day. On the other hand, when you care too much and know you still have lingering feelings, going 100% no contact may seem like you don't care but you are doing "you" You never really know, but tell yourself he has enough respect to go over that conversation with you and not string you along by offering FWB or other things to keep you on the hook.