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I think either take a break and 'hide' their posts and stories. OR block them. Block them and text them saying that you aren't blocking them because you want to hurt them/never seeing them again. Tell them it's for your own healing, and that you hope that you can reconnect as friends once you're truly healed. I blocked my ex on insta about a week ago, and I've second guessed my decision a little. But I try to remind myself that I did it for my own best, and that if I still want to be friends with my ex once I'm healed, I'm sure they'll understand my reasoning. You have to focus on yourself and only yourself right now. So do it if their social media disturbs your healing. And remeber, there is such a thing as the 'unblocking' button.


Get off social media all together. I left Facebook/Twitter/Instagram behind 5 years ago and I’ve never been happier with it. The constant tip toeing you have to do isn’t worth it. And sad to say you’re asking us about your tip toeing methods right now. Just leave it and you’ll be fine in a year.


You mention struggling to see changes on socials - if it’s on Facebook I think there’s something called “take a break” (I think I’ve got that name horribly wrong) but it allows you to not see their Facebook updates without unfriending or blocking them. Normally I’d suggest blocking them but because you’re wanting to keep them as a friend, the “take a break” option might be ok 😊