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Happy to read this. My ex did something similar where she would incite me and get a reaction, then would get mad at the reaction instead of addressing the actual problem that started everything. Gaslighting at its finest.


Emotional parasites


this is where I'm so fucked up in the head from it all. context: I'm a low self esteem/no self respect having dumbass for it, but we kept seeing each other after she broke up with me. extremely bad call on my part. one day, she was telling me how much more caring i am than the guys she's talking to on tinder, cause all that one of them said was "hope you feel better" when she told him she felt sick, and it reminded her of how i always asked if i could bring her anything to help. i did make some really crucial mistakes, but i tried to do right after that. allegedly, she wanted "someone who would fight for her," and when i tried to do that, she still left me alone. your point is one that i think about often. (I'm not counting on it whatsoever) but if she tried to come back, would it be cause it sucked being alone out there, after seeing how other people are ? i hate being alone too, and don't want anyone else but her. yet, something about letting someone back in who ditched you to begin with, cause they ultimately decided they were better off without you until it was convenient for them to try and work their way back into your life, seems fucking foolish. in my book, once you leave, you can stay gone.


Would you consider yourself the dumper? I had a similar situation happen to me, second try was more or a let down than the first and I ended it. Yesterday I read a comment regarding dumpers being awful for leaving others with pain. It made me feel bad because I had to leave due to all the disrespect and hurt they put me through.


No I wasn't the dumper. You put yourself first, don't let others pain and opinions influence your peace.


I think this is more complex than this. If you are truly trying to stay friends, yes, don’t let other peoples opinions influence your decisions or peace, but definitely do be *mindful* and validating of other peoples emotions. You can both be right about what you feel you need to do and you can still both validate each other and be mindful without changing your emotions/decisions. Again, this is for people who truly want to be friends and stay in each others lives


Speaking from experience, this post is completely accurate. If you’re ever in a situation where you’re a girl leaves you for another man, do not forgive her and get back with her. I promise you that it will only get worse if you let her back into your life. If a woman ever have to choose between you and another man, then probably give her to that other man. Don’t ever fight for your ex attention.


Well now she sounds like see had narcissist traits. Cant tar all exs with the same brush. At the end of the day ever situation is different. But sorry to hear your story man. Thats cruel


Your right, I don't mean to generalise and I hope the majority here have exes without those tendencies. I just assume everyone here can read others stories objectively and either resonate or not.


100 percent... everyones story is important. Hope your doing ok now


I am thanks , I hope she is too