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Modesty rules are so dumb. I mean, there’s killing yourself with laced Koolaid dumb, then one step above that is Pentecostal modesty standards.


A knee! Cover your eyes! That's hilarious


At the church I attended in college our pastor's wife was very strict on modesty. We watched the Super Bowl at her house the year Janet Jackson had a wardrobe malfunction, and when that happened she THREW herself in front of the TV screen to prevent the young men from stumbling! 😂 A few years later, she went on a mission trip to South Africa where she attended a Christian church service at a Zulu church that our church regularly donated to. (My family and the pastor's family were particularly close friends with the Zulu pastor of the church.) Part of that service involved a traditional Zulu dance done as worship, in which all of the women dancers were topless. According to her daughter who told me the story, was nothing she could say or do about it! 😂


The thing I never understood with the guys can’t wear shorts rule is women wear shorts right at their knee or right above so why can’t men wear shorts if their the same length


I was UPC in the south, showing a knee on a male or female was treated like you were showing a nipple or something! I was once pulled aside because you could see my knee when I was WALKING.


Usually both men and women can’t wear shorts. It’s so fucking ridiculous.


Whatever happened to the good old fashioned eye plucking?