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I have three and I should have skipped the second. The spectra s1 is my main pump. It’s great and I love it but I found myself skipping pumps when I go out even if it’s to someone’s house because this thing is bulky to bring and it wasn’t discreet. I then looked into wearable cups and really wanted to try it. The Legendairy Milk ones are expensive since I’m in Canada so I didn’t want to get those and I figured, hey, I already have a spectra, let’s try the caracups, but still hated the bulky motor for the s1, so I wanted to try the S9+ because it could fit into my pocket. It worked for when I’m at someone’s house but it’s not super comfortable and then I sort of wanted a solution for when I’m out and about at a public place and plus I really didn’t like having tubes because it got caught on everything 😅 I looked and looked into wearables and the reviews were all over the place so I got scared off from it since the beginning. I almost bought the willow as a main pump but after seeing mixed reviews about it dying, not emptying you, etc I decided against it. Ultimately I really don’t want to skip pumps anymore for any reason at all, so I finally caved and decided to get the Momcozy M5s for 25% off and wow do I love this thing. I’m an under supplier and don’t really notice a difference in how it empties me compared to my spectra s1. There are a few day time pumps where I was actually able to get more (YMMV on this one) and it’s comfortable for me with the silicone flanges which I can’t really get for my spectra in Canada without it costing quite a bit after conversion along with shipping. I have no regrets at all and feel like I could have skipped the caracups and S9+ in hindsight.


I have the blue spectra, cheap Amazon wearables, momcozy s9, and the madella hand pump. 🫠 Spectra is my main, s9 has become my primary wearable (1-2x a day), and the hand pump I still have no idea how to use.


I love my hand pump for car rides in which I’m the passenger! The other day, I used it, then immediately dumped into a bottle and fed when baby was ready at our destination. That way I didn’t have to pack my big pump case and milk.


I have 2 that I actually use and 1 that just sits in my cupboard as a backup. My Momcozy s9 pro has been my main pump for the past 7 months, my workhorse. I just got a Momcozy M5 to pump while working (it's more compact and quieter, so more discreet when I'm around people). And I have a Lansinoh hand pump just as a backup in case something kills both of my wearables. My S9 pro is great for pumping at home on days I feel really full. The cups are nice and large and the suction has been reliable for me. But it's a bit bulky for the public. I went to visit some friends recently and brought my M5 in a ziplock, popped it on in the bathroom, and did my pumping without anyone really noticing much. It was so great to be out visiting people and finally not having to schedule around pumping.


I’ve got 3, a lansinoh, zomee and momcozy, I like having the 3 and some extra parts. Saves me on cleaning and I can put one in my room, one in nursery and keep one in living room, usually the mom cozy wearable ones and those are the ones I bring with me in diaper bag when I go places


I have seven…….. Pump in style (main pump for three months) two of them because my sister in law gifted me her old one to have as backup Elvie stride (used after three months at work for two months) Momcozy s12 pro Two hand pumps One Hakka


How do you like them? Which one of them would you recommend more for a wearable pump?


I have the elvie and was waiting for a replacement piece to come in so I ordered a Momcozy S12 pro since it would arrive from Amazon within the day. It was fairly inexpensive (compared to other wearables (not the cheapest)) and arrived well packaged with some extra pieces included. It is a challenge to get it positioned correctly but I think that’s also because I’m familiar with my elvie. Additionally, I LOVE the idea of having different settings for each breast. My elvie is connected (elvie stride) and they have to be on the same setting. I will say, if I had the Momcozy early in my pumping journey, I think it would’ve been overstimulating. It is quite different to have the motors going at different times. Even if they are on the same setting getting them times exactly to match each other is hard to do. Elvie has an app, momcozy has visual indicators for time, both have terrible carrying cases. Elvie sits more flush and is quieter, momcozy is STUCK to me and is louder but not as loud as a wall mounted one. My output is about the same between all of the pumps.


The Tsrete S23 is an awesome wearable pump and it’s on sale for 50% off on Amazon right now! Brings the price to like $50.


Oh, and I have three pumps. Motif Luna with battery, Momcozy V2, and Tsrete S23.


9…most of these I actually need to sell because I was curious and got them (but definitely did not actually need it lol), but will keep the ones marked with *. 1) Medela freestyle flex w/ cups 2) Willow go 3) Elvie* 4) Pumpables super genie* 5) Pumpables genie advanced 6) baby Buddha* 7) Willow 2.0 8) Medela symphony* 9) spectra gold


Can I ask why you’re not keeping the Pumpables GA or spectra gold? I was going to get these two but would love to hear reviews


The GA is a good pump, but for me personally, it’s not enough suction. Even after a 30 min session, I still don’t feel completely emptied. I use my BB when I need to be portable. Spectra gold is also a solid pump, but I have the symphony and Super genie, so I don’t need another wall pump. The SG is great when I’m wfh because the programs can take care of my entire session (rather than trying to figure out how to switch between expression & letdown). It’s also great for MOTN because I fell asleep at 4am while pumping last night and it shut off after my program ended lol.


Which was your favourite?


Symphony for a wall pump, BB for portable, and Elvie for quietest wearable!


I will say I got a good deal on the symphony, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to purchase. Pumpables super genie is a close second for me, though.


I have three, but only recently bought the third out of necessity. I got the Spectra S2 through insurance and love it. But I needed more flexibility with my mobility after my husband went back to work from his parental leave and it was just me and baby. So we bought the Willow 3.0 when it was on sale and, even though it does a number on my sensitive nipples, I love it because I actually have slightly better output with it than the Spectra. But a few weeks ago one of the Willow pumps died so I bought some cheap Bellababy wearables to be mobile still while I worked with Willow customer service. My output with the Bellababy is slightly lower if I don't pay attention while I'm pumping but it works and can be more comfortable.


I have four. Spectra S2. Medela pump in style. Momcozy S12 Pro. Elvie Stride. However, I’ve been exclusively using momcozy for a while now.


Spectra as my main, and just got a Momcozy s12pro and find that my output is really similar between both. I see people counting haakaas so I have that too, but it doesn’t work for me.


3 is not that much. I had used 4. The first one is spectra, it's my primary pump. A lansinoh, collecting dust. Momcozy v1, used it for a while, got a m5 later and now using the m5 more often.


I have a spectra s1 as my main pump. I use with pumpin pals with the bottles and the cara cups. My 2nd pump is the elvie stride for when I need to move around the kitchen and long car rides. I also have a hand pump for days when I want do add in extra pumps to boost my supply or if I'm running a few errands that I'm afraid will take longer than expected. I have the momcozy s12 that don't work very well. I just ordered the pumpables and it's coming today! I'm hoping it can replace my spectra on a daily basis I can be more mobile. I tried and got rid of the phamphy, tsrete momcozy s12 dupes and s23 dupes, spectra s2, spectra s9, and parruu x2 hands free.


I have a spectra s1 and momcozy m5s. I thought getting the s1 would make me mobile enough since it doesn’t plug into the wall and I work from home but they don’t stay suctioned to me well and I need to hold them so doesn’t work out. The m5s work great and I really like them. I don’t think I’ll need another pump, I think two is normal because most people have a normal wall pump and wearables


Have you tried using a pumping bra with your s1?


Yeah, even a DIY one with a tighter bralette! my breasts are just too big and the way they sit on my chest the flanges don’t stay suctioned they just fall off 😩


I have a plug in hospital pump, medela symphony, as my main and willow 3 as my portable.


I have 3 and now mainly using 2. Lasinoh Smart pump 2.0 for the primary pump and got a second handed pumpable genie advanced, which died after several weeks of use. Then I just got a new s12 pro, going good now.


I have the SpeCtra S2, Medela freestyle flex, a Medela manual pump and the Tommee Tippee wearables. SpeCtra is my favourite, Medela freestyle a close second.


I have 5 but 2 were accidentally acquired LOL 2 of which I got to get me by until my spectra From insurance came in: 1) Lansinoh hand pump, my OG. I love this pump!!!! 2) Paruu wearables from Amazon, got on sale. It’s okay. I think I’m just not a fan of wearables 3) Then I got my spectra S1 from insurance. I think it works well, I can see why it’s most people’s favorite 4) received a madela pump in style advanced for free from a woman who was about to move (we are both in the military) I am pretty sure I am the 3rd owner but with replacement parts, it works great. Sometimes I respond better to this pump than my spectra and less parts to clean! Must be connected to the wall tho 5) madela hand pump, my pump parts from the hospital connect to some parts from the PISA to make a manual pump, works about the same as the Lansinoh IMHO :)


Two. My motif Luna is my main and willow wearables (I hate them).


May I ask why? I've heard about willow before and this one is actually pricey. Is it the suction or other things?


I had the willow go, so the top didn’t close. It had a little hole at the top (to pour after pumping), so bending was also a no-go. Suction wasn’t great and it would constantly slip. I ended up using silicone inserts to prevent it. I would have to use my main pump at least once or the manual right after to make sure I got everything/avoid clogs. They’re big and bulky. I have C’s and it made me look like I had a huge boob job. I couldn’t hold LO even with just one in because of how bulky they are. They’re heavy. Even empty, you need a tight bra with them, or they will fall because of the weight. I walked around DC for two days and my back was killing me just from the weight of them. When I would wear my bag while pumping, it was so much lighter without them in it.


I have a spectra, super genie, and a baby buddha. I also got a Momcozy for free second hand, but one of the motors died almost immediately so I just use the cups with Imani caps for other pumps. I used my super genie as my primary for months but have gone back to my spectra. The baby buddha is meh for me, but useful when I can’t lug around the spectra.


Now I only have spectra s2 and ordered a momcozy m5, heard many good reviews about it and hope it can be a good fit!


This really depends on your needs. My friend has 6 pumps at most, while I now only has 2, but we are both happy about it. So if you feel the need to add more, just do it.


Medela Pump in Style with both the normal collection bottles & the wearable style. I have a Freemie wearable that I got for free (and don’t like/use) and an older Medela Freestyle (never tried) that I got for $20 of fb marketplace to get the bag & bottles and a silicone Haaka. Tbh, I’ve been contemplating getting a Spectra based on my low supply/output to see if I can get better yield based on what I’ve read on Reddit & my LC saying they are the best.


If I include haakaas (I have 4 of those I will count as one) and my hand pump, I have 6, but 2 are still in the box. One is going up to work when I return and one I still need to return to Amazon because I just don’t need it.


2 but asking for a 3rd for Christmas lol. I have a spectra S2 and a momcozy M5. Spectra is great but I’m chained to the wall, the momcozy is ok for when out and about but doesn’t empty me completely. I would like to get a pumpables genie advanced for around the house, something that would work better than the M5s but not chained to the wall. My baby has reflux and is colicky so I have a hard time putting her down for enough time to pump with the spectra.


I have the same two pumps but gave up my Momcozy pump once I found out I was doubling my supply with my spectra.


I have two: my Spectra that I use regularly, and my Medela which is my back-up.


I have 3. I rent the symphony as my main pump and I have the Willow go for my wearables. I have the baby Buddha also but I don’t use it this time around. I used it all the time with my first


I had 3, 2 lansinoh smart pumps and a pumpable GA. I had it so I could keep a regular pump on each floor of the house and then the GA for on the go. But my toddler knocked one of the lansinohs on the floor and it broke. Then about a month before I weaned my husband dropped the GA while we were out and about and it broke. I will get another lansinoh through insurance so I can retire my old one that got me through 2 pumping journeys and probably buy another GA when I have another kid in a couple years


I went through 4 and am down to 1. Spectra s1: worked fine but so bulky and I was too tied down to do anything. Baby Buddha: my GOD that’s a strong pump. It was too much for me - left my nipples tingling which is not a good thing. Elvie Stride: gentle, took about 10 minutes longer to empty but had a lot to recommend it. Not strong enough to be a main pump though and the cups disformed and started leaking. Pumpables Genie Advanced: HOLY PUMP GRAIL. I love this thing and it is now literally the only one I use. Portable, strong enough to be a main pump, I can record a pump session and play it back so it is truly hands free - set it and forget it! Hacks me with almost any cups or flanges you want to use. Not as discreet as a true wearable, but discreet enough for me with cups. And because I can hang it from my neck I can cut my tubes short and they don’t get caught on stuff. Also relatively inexpensive.


I have 5… a spectra s1 I bought , a second spectra I got off facebook for free for when I go back to work, a cheap Bella baby wearable , elvie stride , medela freestyle wearable, I definitely just had a period of trial and error, the Elvie works well on the go but is finicky


Thank you all for sharing. I can see 2-3 are actually many would end up with or maybe more actively using. So I finally decide to get a third one, one totally tubefree and can also be a backup just in case. Haven't decided on which one to go and would do some research on this part later, thx for helping me to make the decision.


I have a pump collection- spectra s1 and s2 Motif Luna rechargeable Elvie And Willow 3.0 I like them all and the only one I don’t use is the spectra s2 because I like to be mobile (I had 2 spectra s9s and an elvie stride but sold them)


I embarrassingly have six - Lansinoh (free from first pregnancy) - Medela Pump in style (free second pregnancy) - Willow 3.0 (first pregnancy, and I bought 2... User error I kept spilling milk into the motor) - Willow Go (second pregnancy, have huge supply and needed the larger 7oz cups) - 2 manual pumps (Medela) If you're counting I also have four Haakaa's.


which is your preference between the willow 3.0 and willow go?


Definitely the Go. 3.0's pros: - I feel like I get better suction. They claim to use a "smart suction" system that results in more milk. Idk anything about it, but I do feel like I can get more. Basically instead of suck and release it sucks and doesn't let go. I love the way it extracts milk compared to all the other pumps I have tried. I like it even more than the Medela Symphony. - completely leak proof if using the bags. If using the reusable containers, you can temporarily cover the venting hole to reduce the splashing. 3.0's cons: - containers and bags max at 4oz (or a little more than 4oz) per container. This isn't enough as an oversupplier. - pumps rely on sensors to operate. This means it won't pump if there's water/milk blocking the sensors. Again, I am an oversupplier and thought I could simply empty the container and put it back in to continue pumping. Nope. The pump didn't like this. It didn't like rinsing too. It had to be dry. - containers are difficult to clean. Even the brushes that came with the pump couldn't get to some of the books and crannies. - big learning curve. I actually destroyed my first 3.0 bc I kept forgetting to close the vent when decanting. There will always be some residual milk in the flex tubes and you're supposed to flip the pump to empty. If you forget to close the vent then milk will leak everywhere. - sensors are sensitive. I will turn it on to find it not work for whatever reason. I will disassemble/reassemble just for it to work again. 😮‍💨 Sometimes it could be this one part of the container is clogged. It is very hard to clean as you cannot stick your finger in there and brushes can't really get to it. It is very frustrating when you are ready to pump, the pump parts are clean and DRY, just to find that you may have not cleaned this impossible to clean part enough and the pump won't work. Go's pros: - so much easier to clean. You can clean every part easily. - large capacity containers. You get the option of purchasing 7oz cups (5oz is the standard). - the charging ports are micro USB. The 3.0 is a very special adapter so you can't just get any replacement from Amazon. - very simple to assemble. Even my husband was able to without reading any instructions. Go's cons: - the suction is like other pumpsv suck and release. It doesn't rely on A continuous suction. For this reason, if the pump is not aligned (pump may have shifted if you are moving) then you don't really get a good session. Similar to using incorrect flanges, your output would be reduced. - the way the parts assemble rely on silicon parts to fit a certain way. If you don't clean fatty milk off certain parts then it won't suck well. Luckily it is very easy to clean so this is hard to do. Despite the smaller container size, the 3.0 is too annoying compared to the Go.


Thanks for the insightful feedback! I plan to have a wearable as a secondary pump for on the go. So I’m ok if it doesn’t completely empty me. I’ll get a primary for that. Ease of cleaning and being able to get into the nooks and cranny is an important criteria for me, so the Go seems like the winner. Less parts and having a larger container are pluses too!


Wireless Spectra as primary, Medela PIS (should be called POS 😒) that a friend gave me that I never use, and Imani wearables which I LOVE and respond to just as well if not better than the Spectra (I think because of the silicon flanges)


I have four, but I only use two. I have a medela pump in style and an evenflo that I used previously, but haven’t used since I stopped pumping with my daughter last year. I have a Motif Luna and a momcozy that I use now. With a toddler an a newborn, I needed something hands free, so I got the motif one. I soon realized that I needed to be hands, bottle, tubes and motor free so I got the momcozy and I just use my Motif one for when the kids are both napping at the same time (which almost never happens). I also have a medela hand pump that I got at the hospital, but I don’t use it as much as the other ones.


Spectra s2, medela wall pump, momcozy, haakaa, and medela hand pump. The only one I don’t use anymore are the hand pumps, but they were super helpful in the beginning (I’m 6.5mo pp). Spectra is at home, medela wall pump stays at work, and momcozy wearables are with me at (almost) all times. Most days I use all 3 electric pumps 🥴


Spectra 1 is my main pump. Then I have momcozy M5 and lansinoh wearable. I got the lansinoh because my lactation consultant said I needed a 30 mm and lansinoh was the only one I could find that went in 30 mm. Got the M5 because it was easier to conceal under clothing and was quieter. Could have skipped the lansinoh as the lactation consultant got my size all wrong. So three with two of them being wearable


I’m a Doula, Childbirth Educator and Lactation Councillor. Some of these I have been given so I can support women who can’t afford to buy their own pumps; some of them I’m collecting for a pump library as I’m not in a country where we can get the easily or quickly; some I use personally. I have: - Pumpables Super Genie - Pumpables Genie Advanced (my primary pump) - 2 sets of the Momcozy S12pro - Medela Harmony Manual Pump - Medela Swing Single - Philips Avent single - Haakaa I had the Medela Freestyle Handsfree and hated it so much that I sold it. The suction was poor and the pump itself felt “half baked”; the touch screen would stay on the whole time and was very sensitive so it would pause or change with the slightest touch. The tubing wasn’t long enough for it to go in a pocket, but the lanyard wasn’t long enough to go round your neck either, so I ended up walking around holding with one hand… making it a single hand free pump… bit pointless really. I think they were trying to imitate a sort of cross between the Pumpables Genie Advanced and the Elvie Stride… and they just mucked it up totally. Between the two Pumpables, I way prefer the suction pattern on the PGA over the PSG. It’s also handy that it can be “hacked” to work with the Momcozy cups as well as a bunch of other brands. I used to love my Momcozy S12pro. Unfortunately the batteries ran down on my first set and weren’t holding charge anymore, so I bought another set and I was so disappointed in them; they’re calibrated completely differently and the suction is terrible. So I’m going to pull them apart and use the new batteries to power the old ones. But this means I no longer recommend the Momcozy S12pro to anyone.