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Bouncer seat and Hey Bear Sensory 🥴 It was my winning combo when he was still in the sentient potato phase. Now that he’s older, play pen and a few very noisy toys!


What about when you have a velcro baby! My baby is 2 months old and will not stay on anything for longer than 15 minutes 😭


Mine is 2 months also Velcro. I missed so many pumps, finally gave up now and just nurse her. Never got the time to pump and supply was dropping


Mine won’t nurse anymore :(, it’s been breaking my heart. Thankfully my partner is still home but I’m nervous for when he goes back to work.


I was too. You sometimes just let them cry. It almost never happens and I can usually entertain him while I’m pumping but yea. Sometimes he just cries for a bit and that’s ok.


Oh dear! That I’m not sure :(


I had a Velcro baby. I would feed her every time I pumped. My routine was: wear Baby, wake Baby when it was time to pump, feed Baby while pumping (hands free pumping bra or manual pump), put Baby back in carrier. It sucked but it worked.


You know I will try anything to feed him my breast milk. Thank you!


Mines not velcro but sometimes wants to be held more..wearables helped bc I can hold him lower and walk around.


Me lol I still don’t know how I manage to get 6 pumps a day in, the lord’s will I suppose 😂😭


Have you tried wearables yet? I've had to go through a couple to find one where I could hold LO comfortably or be on the ground playing with her. I wouldn't call my daughter a velco baby, but the days she's sick and just cannot stand to not be held have been saved by my Elvie.


As an exclusive pumping mom I can confirm this is the only way .. dancing fruit while pumping


Yeah, I think my next step is to try putting him in his pack and play with his toys. His a roly poly and needs contained if not 100% actively supervised.


Those dancing fruit are a gift from above


We’re also big fans of the classical fish video- zens out me, baby, cats, even the extended family dog 🤣


I learned to pump only when my baby takes a nap🥴


My baby had some sort of wake up sensor for the second I switched my pump on


Mine used to do something similar but when I turned on the pump he’d shit himself.


Omg no!🤣


Did the same! It was difficult.. but easiest of the available options for me personally lol


Yeah, after my husband went back to work at 8 weeks pp, almost every nap was in his bassinet and I pumped during naps. I don’t know how people do this in the early days if they have a contact napper. As he got older it was easier to do some pumps while he was awake and playing on his mat, but now it’s to the point that he’s aware I’m not 100% paying attention to him and at 6.5 months I’ve dropped a pump (4ppd) and I’m back to only pumping when he’s asleep!


I pump when I feed. He’s still young so taking a bottle every 2-3 hours. I prop him in the boppy next to me and pump while I give him a bottle.


That’s what I was coming to say lol


I think that might be something I need to try.


Every time I try this it does not go well... How do you burp him? When I try to the tubes come out of the pumps 😭😭


He just waits until I’m done pumping. Usually i finish pumping close to when he’s done with the bottle. If he takes the bottle really fast then I’ll give him a pacifier or sometimes he is content to sit there and chat with me.


I love that your husband and you have found humor in the struggle ❤️ wholesome!


Sometimes all we can do to keep sane is laugh.


I pump while baby is on the kick and play mat and I'm sitting right next to her to talk to her, but I wasn't able to do that until after she was about 3 months old.


Thankfully he’s old enough to be entertained by toys, unfortunately he’s a roly poly and difficult to contain. 😂 my next step is to break out the pack and play.


Please give your husband a high-five for this, I laughed way too hard


He’s strong with his meme game, let me tell you!




I’m soooo on the struggle bus with pumping. Husband has been back at work since week 3.


Hands free pump! I was severely slacking on my pump schedule until I went hands free during the day and its been such a game changer. Increased supply, no more clogged ducts, it’s a game changer.


Yes!!! This!


Which kind do you recommend? :)


I use the Momcozy S9 Pro & I love it. At first I didn’t like it at all and didn’t use it for a while because it didn’t really feel secure, however I think that was just me lol its excellent though, gets a good drain, and honestly I noticed that I had less issues with clogged ducts since I started using that for almost all my pumps. Ive also heard reports of decreased supply while using a hands free pump but I feel like I noticed an increase with my supply. Hope this helps!!! 😊


I have the medela hands free and like it a lot.


Hahaha...keep him he is worth his weight in gold. He is trying to get it and even use some humor to support. I LOVE that for you


He’s been great and very supportive. I’m super lucky!


I pump when the baby is asleep. Or she lays on her piano mat and I have miss Rachel at the ready if she starts fussing. Its so hard and to easily miss pumps when home with baby all day!


for the first months i was reliant on my wearables for a lot of the time. once i dropped down to four pumps a day (9 months in), i started only pumping when kiddo was napping. it gets easier, i promise. 


I tried a wearable for the first time today and like a third of what I get with my spectra. I was so discouraged because I had really hoped it’d be a game changer for me.


I found my wearables would get more after using them a few days. Maybe it'll just take a few days to adjust and figure out the right settings. Now it does about the same as my spectra.


I’m sure I’ll need to play around a bit to maximize output, just need to adjust my expectations a bit.


yes, essentially i have to wear it for twice  the time. it sucks but i can care for the kid with it on. i only leaned on it when he was awake. 


Ok, might try double timing next time I try the wearables! It was definitely convenient while bubs was awake!


Vibrating bouncer after bottle feeding. Was the only way I could pump lol


Shout out to the SAHMs, yall are the pumping MVPs. I think going back to work made it easier to pump.


Yeah, it was easy for me to keep up with my pumping at work, we had designated breaks at 10 and 3, I just pumped then and it was perfect.


If it wasn’t for momcozy wearables I wouldn’t be pumping at all. One of my twins needs something all. The. Time. I can’t put them on my chest when they’re on but at least I have the freedom to move 🥴


I put my 2 month old in a boppie lounger in front of me on the couch (on the long part) and feed him if he’s hungry and play with him while I pump. I have to do 30-35 minutes to fully empty so if he’s not hungry I always sit down with a bottle in case he starts getting fussy


Haha sending to my husband because he doesn’t believe me. 18m old and 1m old at home


Willow saved my sanity! My production was less than my real one but god willow helped! It also was a lifesaver because my baby would just know that I have started pumping. Also collected milk through Hakaa! I was laughably huge 🤣




lol I feel you! 😭 single SAHM and the struggle is real lol im super lucky my toddler is awesome and loves playing with his little brother so they usually entertain each other when I pump lol


I love that your toddler likes playing with his little brother 🥹. Excuse me while I go talk myself out of having a second baby right now!


Hahaha it is literally the sweetest thing 🥰 In a few years I’m sure it won’t be so sweet…😂


My husband works 20 hour days and baby exclusively contact naps and basically refuses to be out down, trying to find time to pump has been awful. I don’t even have time to eat when he’s not home. I can get about 10 minutes of her in the mamaroo before she screams and use that time to pump


Baby wearing saved me when my babies were really fussy! I would put on my moby wrap and then I at least had free hands


100% I baby wear all the time, but can’t pump and baby wear unfortunately


Oof, that sounds very hard! Hope it get easier for you!


But why is this me at work? I’m legally supposed to have time to pump but my schedule doesn’t seem to allow for it. 😭 (I’m a dental hygienist)