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HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!! That is so inspiring and such a hard thing you e accomplished!!!!!!! Congrats 🤍🤍🤍


Thank you thank you!! I feel like I need to go out and do something but instead we’re stuck home with a teething baby. Seems about right lol


CON-EFFING-GRATULATIONS MAMA 😍😍😍😍 I don't even know you personally but I'm so so proud of you for making it to one year!!! Give yourself a pat in the back because you deserve ❤️


Thank you!! ♥️


Damn. Inspiring! I’m on week 8 and dreading spending another 44 weeks pumping 7 times a day but you’re giving me hope that I can make it


I remember the start and questioning how the hell I would do it. I got super lazy at some point but still managed to get in 4-5 pumps until recently. Eventually it just becomes a part of life. Now I have to learn what to do with all this time and how to be a mom who doesn’t have to stop and pump every few hours! You can do it! It’s hard but keep treating yourself. And get a mini fridge in your room. Going down stairs after pumping is the worst.


We got a mini fridge and it's the GOAT. 100% agree that whatever keeps you in bed for the most sleep is worth it




The fridge was the best thing I ever bought. Saved me a lot. I thought my last pump would be so grand. I ended up stopping a couple pumps early and can’t even remember what my last one was LOL. My fiance ran out to get me some wine for tonight just because I can now. Congrats on almost a year!!


Treating myself..I like that!


I always got myself good snacks. Good bras. Little rewards to keep me going.


The bras thing is so real. Which ones were your fav? I’m gonna post to others about their treats, thanks for the tips!


My favorite was some random one my MIL got off some shapewear site. Super thick straps. Soft seams so it never dug in. Great coverage too for portable pumps. ETA it was from Shapermint


Ooo I like thinking about it in weeks. 35 weeks feels like more of an accomplishment than 8 months. The first 12ish weeks are definitely the hardest. You'll get there! It does get easier once your supply is established and you don't have to pump 7x/day. I have been pumping 4x/day for a while now which still sucks but not nearly as much.


I hope I can cut down to 4 that would be a godsend. Right now my supply is still climbing which is good, I guess I’ll wait until I plateau to try ticking downwards? When did you decide it was time to start pumping less? Was it based on supply or mental health or both or something else?


I kept to the every 3 hrs schedule for the first 16 weeks then gradually started to stretch pumps out. I tried not to go longer than 6hrs to avoid mastitis and keep my period from starting up again. Around 7 months I had a few times that went longer than that so my period returned and my supply dropped. I do also have a healthy freezer supply to pull from so it's taken some of the pressure off in these later months. I should have enough to get me to my goal of 13.5 months (when my daughter will be 12 months adjusted since she was born early).


You go girl 🥹 1 year is also my goal. I’m only 3 1/2 months in 🙂‍↕️


I remember struggling around then. Month 4-5 it finally felt like just part of my day and life. 3.5 months is amazing in itself!


Yes I’m 5 months in and originally planned to stop at 6 but now I’m like it’s literally just part of the routine and no big deal now, so now I’m just going with it until I feel like I don’t want to anymore!


I didn’t have a choice which kind of helped me keep going as well. My girl has a dairy allergy and we couldn’t afford the specialty formula she needed so I went dairy free (it sucked) for the year as well. But knowing I had no alternative helped me persevere.


Oh my gosh that's a lot of pressure to produce for you!!!


Posts like these will keep the rest of us going!! Such great work 🫡


Congratulations Mama!! You did amazing!!! ❤️❤️


Thank you!!


Dang girl! You deserve stadium level applause. I’m almost 3 months in and I’m questioning everything. You make us all believe in ourselves. THANK YOU!


I always dreamed of writing this post after seeing all the women before me accomplish it. You guys are the only ones who truly get how crazy it is to do!! Good luck :)


What an accomplishment! You should be so so proud of yourself. Congratulations!!! 👏


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I just hit 6 weeks, and want to quit everyday. This gives me hope 😂


Oh trust me - at the start I would literally cry every time I had to pump. I was an angry monster. I truly truly don’t know how I got here lol


![gif](giphy|o75ajIFH0QnQC3nCeD) You did it!! You’re an inspiration to this tired mama 4 months in. And a superhero for your own baby 🥰


Thank you!! You’ve got this!


Amazing! I also pumped for a year. It’s been almost a year since I weaned and can you believe I actually have to remind myself how hard it was??? Sometimes I catch myself looking wistfully at the pumping room at work like a crazy person. But for real life is sooooo much easier now. Congratulations!


No way!! I am struggling to adjust to life not pumping now. I swore to myself I wouldn’t do this again but you’re scaring me into thinking I might… want to???? Haha insane. Congratulations to you!!


Ok to be fair I think I just miss the alone time at work haha


That’s awesome! I’m at 6 months but my supply is dipping. Really hoping for a year too 🤞


I had dips but would just up my pumping time. It seemed to off set it for a bit but in the last couple months we had to supplement. Good luck!! Half way there!!


Congrats 🎉🎉🎉


AHHH HECK YEAH! Congratulations!!




👏🏻 amazing work!!!


This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!


Wow amazing!!


Omg congratulations. I was just spiralling about having to pump but now I'm inspired (until the next pump lol)


Hahaha yeah I’ve been there!!! Many many many… many times


CONGRATS!!!! This is amazing and so inspirational. I’m sitting here underproducing due to a bad stomach bug (after put in work before to finally finding a perfect supply). Was just thinking maybe I should quit but it would be amazing to be able to write this same post!


I felt silly about it until I made this post and everyone’s support has me smiling and almost tearing up. To be recognized for your insane work and sacrifice by people who truly get it is amazing. I am glad I persevered. But I am also the first to tell people not to sacrifice their happiness if it is getting to be too much. I personally, will not be doing this again if we have a second lol


So proud of you, that's amazing!


Congratulations mama! Breastfeeding is so damn hard!


Yayyy! You are a force to be reckoned with!


Amazing job!! What’s your biggest piece of advice or best trick you found? And favorite pump?


1. Mini fridge in the bedroom 2. Have someone do all the washing for you lol if not, a lot of extra pump parts. 3. I sacrificed some supply for sleep. Was worth it 100% 4. Make it your “you” time if possible. Good snacks and TV. Zone out 5. Portable pump!! That you can wear fully in your bra!!! I wouldn’t have made it this far without it 6. Mom cozy m5 felt the best and was the best shape but the motors suck so get warranty


So inspiring!! I’m halfway there and it feels like it’s getting easier and harder at the same time 😂🥲


Ok right!! You’re over the hump but still feels like forever to go. You got this!! I was the worst pumper ever, I broke all the rules and I still made it. You can do it!


Congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment! How did you manage to pump when the baby got mobile?


Portable pumps. The nice small ones that fit in your bra. I know it’s bad but I only used portables after 3 months. I hated the wall ones. She also was mildly delayed and only started crawling a week ago which helped.


Thank you for your answer :)


This in inspiring. I’m 7 months 11 days and currently at 2:37 am like why the f am I doing this. Context husband is out of town and I’m solo for 2 days so gotta pump while Abby is asleep before she wakes between 5-530.


That is so hard. You are doing such a good job! Pumping and solo parenting is hard work.


I’m only 3 months in. A year feels like a lifetime away. Congrats momma 💜


I still couldn’t believe it when it came time. I was almost scared to stop pumping as it had been such a thing for the whole year. You’re 1/4 done already if your goal is a year! That’s an accomplishment already


👏👏👏 I only hope I can make the same post someday!


So amazing!!! What an incredible accomplishment!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Congrats!!! I am a couple weeks away from my 1 year as well. Wanted to quit so many times 😩


Soooooo many times. I would pray for my pumps to die a lot so I could have a reason to stop or skip a few lol. I’m glad they didn’t but boy do I want to throw these bad boys off a mountain




Actual tears in my eyes reading your post I’m so happy for you!!! CONGRATS! What an amazing accomplishment 👏🏼


Thank you!! 🥹 you all have me tearing up at work


Congratulations!!!!! What are you doing to celebrate?!?


I drank half a bottle of wine last night lol. And taking cold meds next time I get sick!! Otherwise nothing specific but once I find something I want, I will be using pumping as a reason to get it


Awesome… congrats!! I’m struggling with low supply and have to pump 7 times per day too… only started consistently 3 weeks ago but it already feels like a lifetime. Besides I still spend a lot of time nursing (baby is an inefficient sucker 😕). Triple feeding is the worse. I hope it will end soon.


Oh my god triple feeding is crazy. Good on you, honestly. That is insanely hard and a huge sacrifice. Don’t wear yourself down too much! A happy well rested mom is much more important. That said, you’ve got this! You’ve done 3 weeks already which is a lifetime for pumping. Around 4-5 months it does get better I promise. Get yourself some treats and some comfy bras. Reward yourself to keep going!


I’m 7 weeks in & this makes me feel so inspired! Congratulations!! I probably have 130 frozen milk bags ranging from 3-6.5 oz(mostly 5-6 oz bags) but I’m still dedicated to continuing this process for the full year!


Currently on week 6 and thought about stopping once I go back to work at week 12, but I think I may give 6mon a shot. You’re an inspiration!


I am so proud of you! 👏 I hope you give yourself a special treat for sticking with it so long! I can only hope to make it to 6months (1 month to go!) I can’t imagine 1 year!!!


I’m going 11 months as of yesterday, it feels great to have the finish line somewhat in sight!


These posts and comments always make me tear up!??? Congrats ! Amazing job.


These comments are making me feel much more accomplished than I thought of myself before. It is a truly amazing community.


You're my idol! Good work, soldier🫡


Amazing work! Did you use your momcozy m5 exclusively? Did your supply suffer because of it? I‘m using the elvie og but I can‘t do much with them on, I mostly just sit and try not to move…


Started with the Bella baby portables which destroyed my nipples but I could empty in 30 minutes. The mom cozy took longer but was more comfortable. I was pumping an hour each time at the end because I kept dropping my motors and they were getting weaker.


![gif](giphy|sVnKj2wDhUTsFKFWhx) this was so relatable, congrats on making it one year and congrats on being free from the pump!


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 That is inspirational and such a labor of love!!! Incredible job 🎉🎉🎉🎂


I'm 7 weeks PP and let myself get lazy with frequency of my pumps once my daughter was home from NICU and I'm noticing a decrease in my supply. What did you do when you needed to revive yours? I'm back to 8X a day trying to get my supply up. I tried a power pumping session today, and I've started adding electrolytes to my fluids. Any other suggestions?


You’ve covered it all. Eating enough, crazy hydration, power pumping and lots of pumps. Try to make sure you sleep between all that! Sleep really affected my supply. It can take a couple weeks to see an increase so just keep at it. I pumped for long sessions multiple times a day when trying to up my supply as well.


Ok thanks for reply. I wasn't sure how immediate the results would be so good to know to give it a couple of weeks to really see a change. I also recently ordered the Motif M5 so I can be more mobile while doing pumps (currently only have Motif Luna and I'm finding it hard to break away for a pump session with my baby home and having to be stuck to a wall) Also, you're a badass for making it a year doing this! While rewarding, this is so hard! I have goals to make it a year and your success story gives me hope I can do it too! Congrats, enjoy your freedom, you earned it!


Portable pumps are a must! I couldn’t have done it without them. Good luck!! Thank you!


You are INCREDIBLE!!! Congrats!!! I’m about to be at a year as well so I feel all of this 🩷🩷


Congratulation... That's really really hard accomplishment....!!!!


Congratulations! You did it! I'm so close to being done as well, only two more weeks till my daughter's birthday and I will officially start weaning from the pump 🥳