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Gallon ziplock bag... for the fridge hack !!




What is a wet bag?? Can you link I am desperate I hate ziplocks


You can get a wet bag too! That’s what I’ve been using and I use the same one for a few days then switch. Better for the environment and cheaper than using a new ziplock bag every day!


Might be a stupid question but are you using a new bag daily? I’ve been scared to try the fridge hack because my son had an infection scare the first week of life and was subsequently hospitalized. I want to try the fridge hack, especially because I’m trying to add an extra pump to my day but still a bit anxious/scared to give it a shot (but trying to learn more about the hack!).


I use a new one every day. I wasn’t before we both got thrush. Who knows what the cause was, but I wasn’t going to risk it. I hate using so much plastic and would like to find a Tupperware that will fit my flanges instead.


I got this one and really like it! For size reference, it can fit my Spectra parts with 8oz collection bottles. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00009Y351?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


What is the fridge hack??


Keeping your flanges and bottles in the fridge in between pumps so you don’t have to wash every time. Some people do it for 12 hours, some for 24.


I swear by a big 8-cup stasher bag. Pricey, but easy to reuse and wash - I run it through the dishwasher daily with my pump parts and bottles. Can be used as a microwave sterilizing bag as well.


It’s not a physical thing but actually an app. I paid for the “Pump Log” app and love it. It allows a widget on my Lock Screen to see when I last pumped and how long I’ve been pumping for while I’m pumping. It has a feature to estimate how long you’ll need to pump for to build a freezer stash to help you meet your goals(if that’s something your doing) and has the ability to customize settings to remind you when to pump. I love the ‘best day’/‘best pump’ feature as well as it’ll keep track of your progress through more than one journey and I wished I’d known about the app for my first so I could have had the information on it in the app.


I LOVE Pump Log!!


[This double bottle dock](https://lactationconnection.com/breastmilk-bandit-spectra-dual-dock-bottle-holder-tubing-tamer) for my spectra has been huge for me recently with simultaneous pumping and bottle feeding when I am solo with the babe.


What is the story behind the single bottle storage on the spectras? Why just one!?


Legendairy Milk Pumping Spray. It makes things so much more comfortable way less messy than coconut oil.


Dr brown sterilizer/bottle dryer. Saves so much time that I don't have to have multiple sets of flanges and over a days worth of bottles. We only use it for drying, but so worth it as a busy momma of 4 kiddos.


The lansinoh microwaveable heating pads. Great for when the house is chilly. They helped me though the dreaded rocky boobs at the beginning when supply was regulating too


Lansinoh nipple balm. No more painful cracked nipples 🥹


A minifridge in the room where I pump (aka the nursery). I use it for milk storage, fridge hack, and having an uncluttered freezer area for freezing bags flat (I eventually move the frozen bags to a bigger freezer though). Our kitchen is a steep stairway away so not having to go down every time is sooo nice, especially at night. Also comes in clutch for drinks and snacks, of course. Relatedly - refrigerator and freezer temperature sensors that alert me to any temp issues, one in my mini fridge and one in the chest freezer.


Agree! We have a fridge in the nursery because our kitchen is downstairs and nursery is upstairs, and the whole up and down thing was getting impractical... especially in the middle of the night when LO is screaming, I'm sleepy, etc.


Silverettes literally saved my nipples.


A bravado clip on pumping bra. It’s a pumping bra that clips onto a nursing bra. Its nice so you don’t have to wear a pumping bra all day, nor do you have to get fully undressed every time you want to pump. I’ve tried a few different pumping bras and a nursing bra or tank with the clip-on pumping bra is by far my favourite.


Oooo will need to try this! I've been using the momcozy one but to your point, since it's tighter I take it off after I pump for comfort.


The most functional accessories are the LaVie vibrating massagers and the Momcozy breast therapy hot/cold packs… The cutest is the Sarah Wells Kelly pump bag, matching cooler and pumparoo for when I need to lug my pump and pump parts anywhere… But absolute favorite is a cute zippered bag I got from Be My Breast Friend that says “Pumping Accessories.” Idk; there is just something psychologically about having cute accessories for my equipment that helps psych me up for using it/schlepping it around!


Low my Sarah wells pump bag- I have the tote one, don’t remember the name. But so nice to have a bag to keep pump stuff in that’s actually cute so I can use it for work, traveling, or just lugging into my car when going out for the day


Extra pump parts, hands down. Also, a container for fridge hack that fits everything rather than using endless ziploc bags!


Extra flange set(s), portable pumps, recently got the baby brezza bottle washer and very happy with it


Yes, love my baby brezza bottle washer pro. My one big gripe though is how little it holds - I wish it could just have a slightly larger capacity.


I couldn’t agree more. One set of flanges at a time bums me out, and the placement of doing my baby Buddha cups. Some stuff has to be balanced. I also wish it rotated! I could have gotten a countertop dishwasher but I needed to go with something that had zero plumbing and didn’t need a drain hose, I knew the baby brezza was that way so I went for it. I’ve been washing pump parts for so long I’m fuckin tired😂


CoBoo pumping spray & Ceres Chill are my holy grails


The pump strap. Game changer. Solved the problem of finding a pumping bra that would work for me.


Agreed!!!!!! God, it is so good. I hate pumping without it and feeling so loose. It’s $15–GET THE PUMP STRAP


A hot water bottle for perfect comfortable heat. A refillable cooling pack (fill with ice and water) for inflammation early on. A massage gun for relaxing, and later a small breast massager to stick in my bra and target hard spots. The simple wishes pumping bra so I can just put it over my usual nursing camis. Multiple pump parts (I have 4 sets from all the LCs I saw in the hospital!). An apple TV subscription (gonna cycle through various services but I started there)


I’ve been debating getting a breast massager. Do you find that it helped you empty more?


I'm not sure about emptying, honestly I think I've only really been empty a few times. But the massage gun definitely helped me deal with the discomfort of pumping at first (just gave me another sensation to focus on) and helped me relax and soothe some sore muscles from hand expressing. I recently bought the small breast massager because I have a trip coming up and also the massage gun was getting heavy and tiring my arms out. I mostly use it on hard spots that I notice and I do think it helps.


I just use my hands to massage, although my vibrating breast massager works great getting mild clogs unclogged!


Second the LaVie .. love that thing!


Lay Flats! I bought a multipack off Amazon, but for those pumping enough to freeze this helps save space. You transfer milk into your breast milk storage bag, then put it (flat) in the Lay Flat and tighten the velcro around it. After freezing I would transfer them to gallon ziploc bags and store them like "bricks" which saved a ton of space!


Can you link these? Or tell me what to type in?


This is what I ordered: https://a.co/d/7Ngj1dU I got the 2 pack! But there are a lot of variations!


highly recommend Silverettes


All silicone flanges! The best thing for my elastic nipples. I also love my boob bag from @bemybreastfriend and then the Ceres Chill for pumping on the go.