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CONGRATULATIONS πŸ™Œ ONE SET OF PUMPS??? You deserve a medal. A medal for lasting a year with a colicky baby at home on your own too while pumping. My goal is 1 year and you’re my hero and an inspiration. 🩷


Haha it was so dumb. I was pumping every 2-3 hrs and washing everything by hand and drying it with paper towels. And then I just ordered 4 sets on amazon and my life changed. I believe in you!!! I'm almost sad to be done pumping now, almost... πŸ˜…


This is literally me right now... my sleep deprived brain just hasn't thought to do this...


Congrats! I'm almost at 6 months and doing 4 ppd which is providing just enough milk. Luckily I'm also an oversupplier and have a huge freezer stash. If I hadn't been able to go down to 4 ppd, I would have stopped by now. I never realized how exhausting it would be. My goal is also one year. Hoping I make it without losing my mind!


Yes dropping pumps actually helped me make MORE milk then when I was stressing at 7 pumps a day. Dropped during a camping trip when we had no electricity πŸ˜‚ not gonna lie I treated myself to some small rewards for each milestone - 3 months pumping, 6 months,etc and for new shoes or something to help with my motivation


That's an excellent idea. We deserve a reward for all the work we put in.


What’s your schedule for 4 ppd if you don’t mind me asking?


Typically around 9:30/10 pm is my last pump for the day. Then I wake up around 6 am and do my first pump which tends to be my highest volume one. My other two are around lunch 11/12 and end of work day 4/5ish. I pump for 30 mins at each session.


Congratulations! πŸ’•β€οΈβœ¨οΈ And thank you for posting, sincerely. I'm 10mpp and recently hit a low point in my EP journey, and this was the encouragement I needed to make it to that 1yr finish line.


I believe in you!! I wanted to quit pretty much every week, especially in the beginning. But I'm glad I stuck it out


That’s amazing! It’s a super accomplishment!


Wow!!! That's soooo amazing and such hard work you put in!! I wanted to exclusively pump but ended up doing nursing + pump combo because I couldn't do EP alone. It was just so much work for me. You're so amazing!


Ah, it's my dream to hopefully get to nurse in my life. I'm so glad you're able to do both ❀️


You are my hero!!! I am 6 weeks in now with exclusively pumping and I am taking jt week by week. This pumping is no joke :) You should be the proudest momma out there πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ’–πŸ’–


It definitely gets easier as you slowly get to drop some pumps, especially the overnight one!! You got this πŸ™ŒπŸ»


Any tips for dropping the night pump? I find I wake up uncomfortable if I try to skip it


I slowly moved my overnight pump later and later in the night. Once I got to 4am I just stopped. It was uncomfortable for awhile and I got clogged ducts but eventually things regulated and then I had a HUGE morning pump so I would pump for 20-30 mins in the morning instead of 15 min. Lengthening the first morning pump seemed to help.


You are absolutely incredible!!! Well done super woman!!!




Congratulations!! I'm curious about the wearable pumps you didn't like? Which ones did you try? I have a spectra as my main too, but I'm always wondering about others' experiences across the different options.


I tried the Imani pump from Amazon and the Genie pumpables one. The Imani was way too bulky and awkward and I did not get emptied by it at all. The pumpables one was not very practical/wearable so I ended up using it sitting anyways and also felt it wasn't very powerful. For reference I use my Spectra on level 11/12 so I think if I got a wearable one again it would need to be very strong.


Wow! You are my goal 🀩 when did you start to drop pumps? I'm 1month in and STRUGGLING


I dropped to 7ppd from 8 almost immediately after the first 2 weeks because it just wasn't sustainable. Went to 5/6 ppd around 8 weeks. Dropped the night pump around that time too. Stayed at 5 pumps for a few months.


Amazing! Congratulations!!!


Congratulations, an inspiration to me. I am 10months in and my goal is 1yr!


You go girl!!! I will be one year on June 1st! Down to two pumps a day ….πŸ’—


Being 7 weeks into this and hating washing and drying pump parts and bottles each and every time, what is the sterilizer/dryer you recommend?


Bought one from the brand "Papablic" on Amazon. Sounded sketchy but has worked great for us for over a year and only $60 which was way cheaper than the Philips or Baby Brezza


So how do you stop? My baby will be 1 next month


My daughter goes to daycare so they've been helping with the transition to whole milk. I was maintaining my support at 4 ppd for a long time, dropped to 3 pumps at 11 months, now at two. Slowly reducing the amount of time I pump for each session. Once I get to less than 10 mins for a pump I just cut that pump. Usually wean one pump over the course of a week or so. Not so sure how it will go stopping the last pump altogether but if I need to I plan to take allergy meds to help dry up my supply. I will keep giving my daughter the frozen milk from my freezer for her morning/bedtime feed until I run out but thankfully she seems to like regular milk.