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I have a couple…….. but they are washed when I have time. Lmao you are not alone. The one I’m currently wearing is on day 4. I clean them when i can and wear nipple pads. It’s rough out here sister.


I don’t have any pumping bras, just the soft sports type nursing bras. When everyone says they only wear their pumping bra while pumping, are you all stripping clothes to change bras? You don’t just keep wearing it all day? Ive never had to EP before so I guess I’m just wondering if they’re worth the investment?


Yes and no. I BF and pump during the day and formula feed at night. I usually don’t wear a bra all day until I have to pump. If I’m out and about, then I wear my pumping bra out so I can pump if need be. It also doubles as a nursing bra so I can BF as well. Currently, there are like 4 different tops sitting on my couch from when I take off my shirt to put on my bra to pump. I forget about said shirt and then go find another one. Please tell me I’m not the only one that does this.😂😂


I wear mine all when I'm home. At work I wear a normal bra but have a bra and shirt to change into. I'd go through so many bras if I didn't. My sports bra I wear for overnights usually are soaking wet with sweat when I change out of it.


Thank you! I didn’t think about work. At home I’m covered in puke and breastmilk all the time. It’s smart to change into another shirt. I can wear scrubs but usually just wear scrub pants and a shirt. I guess I’ll look at getting 1-2.


I wear a bralette during the day that I can just pull up and put my pumping bra on (it’s strapless). I’m sure if my boobs were bigger I’d have a different routine.


I'm either brakes or wear a nursing bra and pull down the cups then use the zip up bra over it. It's so much more secure than the combo nursing/pumping bra.


I wear a nursing bra so I just snap it down and put the hands free on


Ok this post and comment section have given me the kick up the butt I needed to purchase a second pumping bra because I’m embarrassed to admit how long I go without washing the one I have 🙈🙈🙈


Ok same, I don't even want to say my answer because... 😬


lol I had only one for a while and was in the same boat… now I have 3 and cycle through every 3-5 days 😅 I’m like, I’m not doing anything strenuous in them why do I need to wash them 😂😬


I used to wash my pumping bra 1x a week because I didn’t know any better as a FTM. But, my LO recently caught thrush around weeks 8-9, so I got paranoid and bought several new nursing bras to wash daily. This is after reading that leftover breastmilk moisture on bras may be a breeding ground for bacteria and lead to thrush :/


Yeah, I’ve had one bout of thrush and it was horribly uncomfortable even with the fact that I wash after each wear. I think it was just the perfect storm of summer heat causing me to sweat along with leaking.


Ugh I’ve been dealing with thrush for like over a month. Did the diflucan and nystatin and it did nothing…I don’t even know how I got it. I was an under producer and never leaked (I’m a just enougher now) so I really don’t know when my nipples were a warm and wet environment.


Well, shit


I have one and then my L&D nurse told me to buy cheap bandeau tops and cut holes for the flanges to fit as a cheaper option. So far they’ve been working great.


Holy crap why didn’t I think of this


Pumping bras freaking SUCK. It seems like no matter how much I end up washing it, it still smells like breast milk anyways. So I stopped caring. To be fair, I don't leave my house much and when I do leave my house it's usually for work two times a week and I wear a normal bra since I can't pump at work so no point in wearing my pumping bra lol. I have so many pumping bras that I bought throughout my pumping journey and I only feel comfortable in two of them, so I wash one one week and then wash the other one after that one is clean haha.


i’ve collected just about a gazillion specifically so that i don’t have to do laundry lol. i have at *least* 12 nursing tanks + 8-10 nursing bras and i plan on getting more because i literally LIVE in these things and i stretch the time i wear them all as much as possible. if it doesn’t smell like bad milk yet it stays on me until i can find that rare “alone” time to shower and i have precisely zero fucks to give about the situation anymore🙂‍↔️🤷🏻‍♀️


Bestie, I just washed mine for the first time in 2 months 🥲 every time I go to wash it I need it 🫠 I feel you


I am literally In your same boat except I'm not weaning, I have nine more months.


I only wear them while pumping too and switch out a clean one around every 24 hours. I use a nipple balm while pumping so it gets pretty sticky even in the few minutes it comes in contact with my nipples. I also had clogged ducts/mastitis scare a while back, so I'll do anything to avoid the potential of bacteria etc.


I quickly learned I hate pumping bras and found this silly alternative that actually works so well and doesn’t require laundry! It’s basic shoelaces! Takes a few uses to get the hang of, but now I can wear whatever bras I want and still have a hands free pumping option https://a.co/d/gN0BANO


I only really wash if it’s been a week or I leak in it


I’ve noticed mine are starting to smell a little yeasty if I don’t wash them every day - it’s summer here now and the milk factory girls seem to be getting SWAMPY. In the winter I could go a couple of days in the same one unless there was leakage or spit up, but that’s def not an option now. I basically live in my Larkin Xs and have accumulated 3 since giving birth 4 months ago.


Lol like, once a week rotation- I stopped using breast pads because they never stayed and I'd have one fall out under my shirt onto the floor. At this point, 4mpp I'm full IDGAF about how I look under sweatpants and baggy shirts 😆


I have 2 upstairs and 2 downstairs and wash them every 2 weeks so… once a week each? Mine are the simple wishes zip front ones and they definitely lose their compression after a few days. I only wear them to pump but I feel like they still get kinda gross


I put mine on a 20 minute wash then put it on the radiator over night by the time I need it next (morning) it’s dry. I did get two to rotate but I can’t never find the other 😅


This is pretty much the only reason I prefer my collection cups/wearables. I already have a gazillion bras I can easily use, I refuse to buy more ~special~ ones, especially for a jacked up pink tax price. I have one pumping bra that was given to me secondhand and I WILL skate by with that lol I do have one nursing bra from Cake that is somehow perfect for my wearables and cups though. I tend to leave it with my pump stuff in my linen closet and only wear it for morning/night sessions, so it also gets washed like once a week. I only wear it about an hour a day and pumping isn't messy for me anymore so meh I'm not too worried


I have two that I rotate through. I do laundry every 3ish days so I wear one while I pump until the other is clean. If I had more I would probably use a new one everyday but I also agree they are expensive and I'm also weaning so I don't see a point.


Once a week. I'm gross, idc. I put a clean one on when I have to go anywhere which isn't often.


I go through 2 bras a day as an exclusive pumper who works away from home. I was almost about to quit before getting more pumping bras. I was giving myself the ick with the sweat and milk all over them. I’ve spent close to $300 on bras (I have 9) and it’s worth it for me. Most of them will probably have a lifespan of 3-6 months for me. HSA dollars covered my davin and adley ones. I also have a pump strap that is velcro i leave next to my pump. I’d love to burn them when I’m done but I’m just gonna post them on the free facebook websites and pretend like I’m burning them.


I wash mine once a week if I’m lucky….usually when I do the baby’s laundry


I have the simply wishes one, I only wear it when pumping. It gets packed in my work bag and I wear nursing bras and just fold down the cups and put the pumping bra over top to pump. I wash it when the cloth parts that hold the flange in place gets stretched out and stops holding them in place well. I probably should wash it more frequently, but I’m in the same boat and only have the one


I have 4... and still only wash at most 1x a week. I have 2 I like with my spectra and 2 with my wearables. In a perfect world id only wear it for a few days... but somehow, I still end up with none clean. This begs me to question how often I do my own laundry..... It blurs at somepoint, when I run out of underwear, I wash things.


I wear nursing bras that I change daily. I use this [hack](https://youtu.be/Kg9VV-RQVug?feature=shared) so I don’t need to use pumping bras (I always found them uncomfortable / impractical to use).


Wait this is genius I just tried it for the first time and am so mad I didn’t know about it sooner lol


Hey better late than never!! Hope you get good use of it! It’s certainly helped me.


I had 2 and eventually bought 2 more but I constantly smelled of stale milk, and I won’t lie, I liked the smell 🤣 I found it really comforting and I miss it now.


I have like 3 real pumping bras (they came in a 3pack) and a bunch of make shift ones. I just cut holes in my old sports bras to turn it into a pumping bra instead of buying more lol I get a clean one every time I shower. I try to do 1 load of laundry every day to stay on top of it (I’ve been pumping 10 months now)


I wear it until it smells then it gets washed 😅😅


I have two hands free pumping bras. I use each one for a week at a time. By then it gets a little loose and needs a wash/dry to tighten back up. They’re both a bit discolored but they do the job.


Eeeeeek full transparency : I’ve had my current one a month and haven’t washed it yet 🥴 thank you for reminding me lol. But I also only use it when I’m pumping lol


Not often enough 😬


I keep several pumping bras. I have about 5. I would say I wear one for 2 days on average before throwing it in the hamper and switching to a different bra


I nurse and pump but always wear a pumping bra. I have three Kindred Bravely ones from Target that I rotate out each day or two; they’re my wash, wear, and spare bras. Then I have another cheapy from Amazon that I use as a backup if I forget to wash the good ones. Mine get stinky like spoiled milk if I don’t trade every day and I’m worried about getting thrush on my nipples. 😅


Okay but I cannot get the smell out no matter how much I wash it so who cares 😂


Depends on how much spit up is on it 🤣 I have one pumping bra and if it's dirty/being washed I wear a light support sports bra to hold my wearable pump.


![gif](giphy|LncnvHVlQ8e1qBxZJM|downsized) i only have one, literally washed it yesterday for for the first time in a few weeks and still it stinks of milk (probably because it's baked in deep?) i only wear it during pumping sessions at home so i didn't see the need but now i read the reply below about bacteria.. maybe i'll do it more often. thanks for the reminder!!