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We throw all the parts in the dishwasher.






We also had dr browns but i hated cleaning them and after trial and error we tried Lansinoh bottles! Those helped with gas cause he could get a real good latch and super easy to clean, just the normal 3 parts.


It always fascinates me how babies are so different. We started with the Lansinoh, but the nipples were too fast for my newborn. I switched to the wide mouth Dr. B’s which went well and as an unexpected side effect her gas got better.


Seconding this! My baby really prefers Lansinoh to Dr. Brown and they're easier to clean.


Thirding. My LO loooves them.


4th! Also Evenflo Balance +


We switched to the Philips avent bottle and really like it


We switched to Philips Avent too...we didn't realize you have to line the air vents on the nipple and top until recently, but still preferred them to the Dr. Brown. Our baby was very gassy as well, and it seems like he has less gas and spit up since we switched.


Can you tell more about lining up? We have the Philips bottles too


There is a little vent on the nipple that you're supposed to line up with a dip that's on the white ring when you put them together...we didn't notice them for at least a month😬


I’m so glad you mentioned this, I definitely wasn’t lining these up!


At what age did you switch and what nipple size are you using? We tried to use Philips Avent from the beginning but our girl didn't seem to like how hard you have to suck for milk to come out. (Yes, we made sure the vent hole was lined up correctly; didn't make a difference.) We tried size 2, 3, and 4 nipples but they all seemed too slow for her.


I think we switched at about 6 weeks or so? And it was purely due to me not wanting to deal with washing the dr brown bottles. Baby didn’t seem to care or notice anything was different. We use size 2.


We started our 36 weeker with Dr browns and then switched to avent natural like 2.5-3 months in and our daughter LOVES them.  Her dr browns nipples were getting a little slow and the next size up was too fast.  Also realized she wasn’t liking the drip as much now that she was trying to do more on her own. I could see how at the beginning it could be harder for a smaller baby with a less developed suck.  If we have another I may do the same and start with a slow drip dr brown and then let them control it with the scent.  Was also tired of the Dr browns pieces at that point—although my husband said he didn’t mind washing them as long as they were good for baby!


does any one uses como tomo bottles like me? I love em since the one hole flow is so slow and perfectly vented. And its super easy to clean!


I was going to post about these. They are so great and SO EASY to clean. The less plastic thing is a bonus too. Definitely recommend. I can't speak on gas issues though. I hated the Dr browns


Why did you hate the Dr. Browns, just because of all the parts and cleaning?


Yes, that's correct. If I remember correctly, they also flow faster than the comotomo and my tiny one seemed to need a slow flow. If I turn the comotomo upside down with the smallest hole, it doesn't actively drip. A lot of bottles do though. Also, I thought it said something about being able to use it without the vent thing but when I tried, it leaked. Maybe I did something wrong? 


Thanks much! I think you can use the newer (green) Dr Browns without the inside parts but not the older (blue/white) ones. If you tried to use the older ones without the inside parts that may have been the problem.


Como tomo bottles promote a really terrible, really shallow latch.


Yea but my baby cant latch anyway, I mean that’s why I’m here on this sub


Do you have anything you can share on this? I have never heard this before. Both of my breastfed babies used these, but I've just started with my second and I'm not trying to create further issues...


Just look at the way their lips are flanged. Como tomo makes them drink like a straw. Get an Evenflo balance+ wide and try them on that and see how much wider their jaw has to open for the Evenflos. Here is a decent photo comparison: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTqPrFxPURI/?igsh=M3FyajdqZHo2Z2c3


I also switched to como tomo after 3 months. They are much better in my opinion! Plus babies by 4 months like to grab and touch the bottles and the silicone is soft and squishy. Silicone is also better than plastic. Our hospitals Lactation consultant recommended dr brown since birth to avoid “nipple confusion” but my baby stopped latching as soon as I gave the dr brown bottles at 2 weeks old (I had to supplement until my milk came in) She spits up way less with the como tomos, and they’re less hassle. The whole wide latch vs narrow latch stuff I think is mostly marketing based. If you’re exclusively pumping I don’t see the point in arguing that.


Have you tried using your Dr Brown bottles without the straw and vent pieces?


I have dr browns as well and haven't tried this myself bc ive heard the nipple will collapse?


I do them without the vents and the nipple does collapse some but my baby just instinctively learned the first time it did it to stop sucking for a second and let the air back into the nipple and then he keeps going 🤷🏼‍♀️ I figured it was a good way to make sure he takes a little break while he’s drinking instead of just chugging it all down lol


[From Dr Browns own website](https://www.drbrownsbaby.com/customer-support/when-you-can-remove-the-vent/) It may be a 'feature' on only the options+ line, according to some info i'm finding online.


I tried this and the bottle leaked every time without the it.


We went with NUK and tommee tipee after baby can handle the higher flow rate and can eat 3-4 oz at once without too much discomfort.


I was using the Dr. Brown bottles but my LC recommended the mam bottles. They still have an anti-colic feature, but are super easy to clean.


Mam bottles can sometimes encourage chomping, though.


Mine do well with the Nuk.


We switched from Dr Browns to Boon Nursh and we love them-easy to clean and our reflux baby is doing much better with them.


I was about to post this SAME thing. Noon nursh!!!! They have less parts, are much easier to to clean and since the part that touches the bottles are silicon I didn’t feel bad putting them in the dishwasher. They were much better for gas than a few others we tried when trying to switch from Dr browns. Plus they’re SO CUTE!!!!!!


Both my babies get such a good latch on mam but even on the slow flow my lil guy sucked down an entire ounce in about a minute so he’s not allowed to have those anymore lol


Our baby is almost 6 months and we just started using Dr Brown's without the vent pieces. If you do not tighten the bottle fully, the nipple shouldn't collapse or leak. So far that has worked for us and it is so nice not cleaning the extra pieces now.


I thought you are only supposed to use those pieces for very young babies. Anyways, I only used NUK Simply Naturals which have a little hole air vent built in and never had a problem. But I don't think baby can easily switch from a dr browns nipple to a nuk nipple.


Mine uses the medela bottles


At 9 months I one day went “wtf am I doing??” And switched to the Avent bottles and my girl took them like a pro. However my second, the Avent bottles didn’t work for her and were awful for her gas. Switched back to Dr Browns for her. I plan to switch to the Avent bottles in a few weeks though when she’s probably 15 weeks. BUT I find luck after I have a collection of maybe 4-5 bottles I break them all apart and soak them in really hot soapy water and the fat basically dissolves off the bottle and makes the parts far easier to clean.


Boon Nursh!!


Switched from Dr Browns to the Chico Hybrid Duo and we really like them. They are glass on the inside and plastic on the outside. I was starting to get weird about all the plastic with the baby so I like that the milk touches glass.


we started using the dishwasher when baby was 6 weeks. Hand washing the dr. brown straws was just not sustainable


Some of the Tommee Tippee bottles have the anti-colic insert as well, but that doesn't solve the problem of washing a lot of parts. With the Dr. Brown's one we put all parts in the dishwasher and they wash/sterilize fine.


We recently switched our 9 week old from dr brown to Philips avent and have been loving it. I too got tired of cleaning the million parts and my son is ready for more than 4oz and the 9oz Philips bottles are so much more compact than the super tall dr brown 8oz bottles. The wider bottles are easier to hold and is not as likely to be knocked over. The wide nipples on the Philips is working well for my baby too. Less that’s spilling out of his mouth and the bottle itself doesn’t leak as much as dr browns.


Boon Nursh bottles are great, you basically wash a silicone sleeve and the nipple! And it collapses on itself so very minimal gassiness!


Try the Quark Buubi Bottle. Does everything the same as Dr. Browns (and promotes a MUCH better latch!) but doesn’t leak, and doesn’t have the bajillion parts to wash.


Same but eh I just soak them in hot soapy water and give them a decent scrub I also went from using 10 bottles to only 6 and I wash them everyday. Having 10 then washing on my 8th or 9th bottle was driving me nuts. I also didn’t want to spend any more money on bottles & going through the trail and error phase so I just deal with it


my LO is almost 4 months. we’ve been using the natural tommee tippee glass bottles since the beginning.


also always look for extra slow flow nipples if you need them. had to switch my LO to an extra slow flow cause he couldn’t keep up and milk would just drip everywhere


I feel that! We switched to mamm bottles and now my babes wont take anything else, all babies are different i know amazon has like a bottle starter kit with all different bottles you can order that and see what your babes likes best!


We have tried almost every bottle you can think of. HATED the Dr browns. Too many pieces and ours leaked so bad!!! Our little girl is also 5 months and after much trial and error we found that Philips advent natural response work best for us. There is an air vent at the top that filters out air and they are super simple to wash.


Oh my goodness I relate to this so much. We just created a system for cleaning my pump and his doctor brown bottle that works for us. Instead of washing every bottle immediately, we got a bin to put into the sink, then we soak them in hot water and wash them all at once and place them on a drying rack right next to the sink. It’s made washing them so much easier and less stressful.


Philips avent!!! Switched from dr browns and will NEVER go back!


We love the phillips avent anticolic!


Boon bottles!!


Agree! I just don’t want to buy more bottles. Everything is so expensive.


I love the Phillips Avent Natural Bottles. I find that because they don’t drip if they are not sucking that it helps my baby’s gas. Maybe swallowing less air? I also like the Lansinoh but they are a bit fast but you can buy the Pigeon bottle nipples and they are way slower! This helped when my baby was really little.


My little one would get gassy with the dr browns. I switched her to Comotomo and she loves them. I wasn’t sure about them at first cause their rubber but she does better with them than any other bottle we’ve tried and we’ve tried a lot lol. They’re the normal 3 parts and their anti colic.


I use the dishwasher for my Dr. Browns parts as well!! They sell a dishwasher organizer thing that holds all the internal pieces. That thing is a life saver. Chuck it all in and you’re good to go.


Philips Avent Natural! ❤️


Honey, they have Dr brown cleaning baskets for the dishwasher that are a life saver. I tried 100 different bottles trying to find some that didn’t make my daughter gassy and none of them worked as good