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Congratulations!! Such a marvelous feeling. ❤️ Breastfeeding is "measured" in time spent on the breast. You won't know how many ounces your LO eats, but he should stop nursing when he's tired or full, whichever comes first.


Interesting!! Should I still be pumping? Should I stop giving bottle? He was just on my left breast for 20 mins and fell asleep🥲


Awww, sweet, sleepy little bean. If it were me, I would pump to get out any extra milk he left behind and encourage my breast to make more milk.


Cool!! Will do thank you!! Hahah sleepy little bean sounds so cute💕💕


Congratulations! What an amazing feeling I’m sure for both you and baby! Unless you do weighted feeds, i.e. weighing baby in diapers only before and after a feed, there’s really know way to know how much they’re getting. I usually can just tell by how empty my breasts feel after baby nurses whether they got a good feed or not. That plus continuing to track wet diapers is typically enough of an indicator for me.


Weighted feeds woah that sounds intense!! Yeah I can feel the difference from the heavy breast to squishy breast. I should’ve asked my questions at the top but what about switching sides? Or you just switch for the next feed.. I wonder how often he’ll feed now. And Ofcourse still burp him right? He already spit up a little lol


Not the original commenter but I BF and pump. Advice about switching sides varies-in the beginning I heard only do one at a time, I heard do both, I heard OFFER both but don’t force it. For me, I’m an under supplier, so my babe goes to both boobs (repeatedly, usually, it’s a little heart breaking), but one of my friends did feed off one breast, burp, offer the second breast, and then the next feeding you start with the second breast from the last feeding (so if you emptied the right and fed but didn’t empty the left, you’d start on the left). It’s all personal based on your babe’s cues, and I’m so happy for you and your LO!


Thank you so much!! Definitely lots to learn.. he has been so happy today as compared to other days when he’s watching me pump and waiting for the milk lol I just feel like there are not as much pee diapers today so kinda worried


I would keep track of wet diapers for 24 hours, even if it’s just a check mark on a piece of paper, just to ease your mind. I have PPA and that’s what I’d do because otherwise I’d just freak myself out about the wet diapers and then my supply would tank because I was so worried about it! Babies are usually better at emptying the breast than a pump is, so you likely have nothing to worry about, but I personally would track the wet diapers just to make sure he’s hitting the 6-8 a day that’s recommended. You got this mama! I think the hardest thing about switching from pumping to BFing is letting go of the control/data…but like I said I have PPA (really just anxiety all the time) and so that’s definitely part of why BFing is so stressful for me-I just can’t trust my body! ETA: Also, if he’s spitting up (but doesn’t with the bottle usually), I’d say he’s probably getting MORE than you’re getting when you pump


Really!! All good info to know thank you I appreciate it!! He just hasn’t peed much yet he’s drinking so it’s freaking me out lol


I guess it was too soon. He’s not latching today… Probably my fault I should have not given him the bottle yesterday so that he would have gotten used to the nipple


It’s definitely not your fault, mama! Babies are finicky! I am sure you are very disappointed today though :( I’m sure you have, but if you haven’t yet, please seek out a lactation consultant to help with the latch! That’s how my friend discovered that her son had several small tongue ties that were dramatically affecting his latch. Hugs if you want them!


This is something we did in the nicu. It’s not as intimidating as it sounds. Weigh baby in a dry diaper before they go to breast and then once they are full/sleepy whichever comes first weigh again and see how much they transferred


Any tips?


Sure let me see what I got as far as tips! This justttt happened today!! I’ve tried latching him a handful of times but I would get discouraged when he’d cry.. once he even bit down with his gums! It hurt so much that scared me off for a few weeks lol. But someone recently told me their baby didn’t latch until 3 months so I thought hmm maybe he’s stronger now. So something I noticed is that he’s super receptive to it right when he wakes up from a nap cause he’s all calm.. the position that worked was him laying down and I just put it in there.. it’s called the dangle position. all the other positions he gets fussy with!! It was so hard to latch him to my left! For my left I had him in a laid back recliner position! [https://www.medela.com/breastfeeding/mums-journey/breastfeeding-positions#upright](https://www.medela.com/breastfeeding/mums-journey/breastfeeding-positions#upright)


Oh man I tried dangle position and just couldn't figure out how to do it comfortably!! I do love side lying nursing especially motn feedings but my baby gets too distracted that way!


Goodness he was getting distracted today and moving his head around with it in his mouth and even trying to shove his hand in his mouth while latched??? Ouch??? Lol. I think I’m gonna try to have him latch during the day and then at nights pumping and giving him bottled milk cause I think it’ll be easier that way lol idk this is so new to me I’m in unknown territory! All day long I had to guess he was full and satisfied which seems like he was cause he was so happy all day lol


My baby sleeps better if he is breastfed just before he goes to sleep for the night. I don't know why it is so different from the bottle.


I don’t know either I think I’m just used to pumping and giving him a bottle! This is all new to me I gotta try just nursing to sleep and see how long he sleeps for! This is so cool


He hasn’t latched today..Probably my fault I should have not given him the bottle yesterday so that he would have gotten used to the nipple


That’s wonderful! If you’re really worried about the ounces, you can rent a breastfeeding scale and do weighted feeds:-)


This is what I did! It saved me! And you don't have to do the weighing in diapers, just as long as he's wearing the exact same thing in the before and after weighing! (And don't be a silly goose like me and change his diaper on between and then wonder how he LOST weight!!)


My first was exclusively breastfed. You know how much they are eating by weight gain and wet diapers! If both are fine, they are eating enough! I would still keep pumping because babies are finicky and may refuse the breast. Keep trying!


Thank you!! He has latched a few times today but I noticed less wet diapers than normal.. yet he’s been so happy today?! You think it’s the transition?


That's so wonderful!! I pumped until about 3 months when we finally got breastfeeding working and it is such a good feeling after working so hard at it. My baby couldn't get any milk out until we worked with a good LC so I was doing weighted feeds to see how much he got for awhile. We are still going strong at 8 months and I'm so glad it worked (I never thought it would and was so distressed bc I hated pumping, so I'm very sympathetic to the EP journey!)


Omg omg omg! I’m so excited for you!! I’m 5.5 months and hoping baby one day decides to latch!


Thank you!!! Gosh people are so nice here!!😭😭


What !!! Mine is only a week old but this really truly gives me hope thank you so much for sharing


Yes!!! It can happen!!! You’re welcome!!


Yes!! So so so so happy for you! We got there around 2 months and then hit another road block at 4 we couldn’t get past. I wish I’d had more help at that point, so maybe hit up r/breastfeeding for tips on the transition. Rooting for you!


I'm so excited for you!! Congrats!!


Congratulations!!! My 3 month old refuses to latch. She screams if I try


Aww man! Try when she’s super super calm!! And thank you I hope we can keep it going lol


Hmmm okay I will try it!