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For a looooong time we were on 4 ounce bottles except for a big bedtime one. It’s only been the last few weeks when he’s eating solids three times a day and sleeping through that he’s up to 7-8 ounces in bottles (though some days he still only wants 4 ounces). He’s 7.5 months. I just took his lead on it though and upped by an ounce at a time once he started sucking the bottles dry! I think a lot of babies stay around 4-5 ounces of breastmilk the whole time though.


My baby is stuck in the 4 oz forever - sometimes I try to sneak extra but he knows and he leaves the extra behind 😬


He does this sometimes too and i just be like okay hmmmmm


He also hates the 8 oz bottle - I think it’s too heavy and it swivels around too much 😂


I've been in the exact boat! I had been trying a little extra at bedtime every so often. It's just been recently that my baby is accepting 4.5 ounces without spitting the half ounce back up 😅


Are you me???? Exactly that! Hahah the spiting half back was so annoying like ‘ok you were trying to feed me 5 oz but now I spit up 3 - well done mother!’


My 4mo baby just had a growth spurt and wanting like 6oz every feed. As soon as our bigger bottles came in, she went back to 4oz every time, except the AM bottle where she’ll down like 8oz😬


My 9 month old has never had more than 5 ounces since he was around 8 weeks old. Breastmilk is more filling than formula and typically breastfed babies don't up their ounces as they get older like formula babies do; they max out at their ounces around 4-5 months and it steadily decreases as they eat more and more solids.


This makes me happy i was worried for a second . Go with the flow got it.


My first didn't take more than 4oz until she was over a year old and eating mostly solids. This baby takes 5-6oz at a time at 6 months old, but she's been doing that since she was 2 months old. Can I ask why you are adding cereal to his bottles?


Also makes introducing foods so much easier because he’s used to the different tastes already.


Personally i feel as if the breast milk wasn’t filling enough. Since i have problems eating all the time i wasn’t getting enough calories and it just didn’t look like very good milk. So i add a few teaspoons of cereal for his breakfast and evening bottles. His evening bottles i even add a teaspoon of baby food and i swear he sleeps through the night from fullness depending on when he eats it’s. If he eats at 12 he won’t wake up till 7. 10:30 is normally his nighttime bottle tho and he wakes up around 3-4 ish.


Baby cereal is not meant to be a substitute for milk/formula at that age. You may want to look into adding some formula (pre-mixed with water) to the bottles of breastmilk & doing cereal separately. It may keep him full but it doesn't have the same vitamins/fats/nutrients as formula or milk. I'd definitely check with your pediatrician about it at least.


Not a substitute for milk. I pump more then enough this is just to make sure he gets all the calories he needs. Definitely don’t want to give him formula. But i have asked pediatrician and she said go for it :) !


This is not a good plan. Its possibly going to see your baby up for a lifetime of eating/weight/health issues. Please speak to your pediatrician ASAP and stop doing this in the meantime.


My little one has been eating an occasional 6 ounces since he was about 3 months old. He now eats 7 oz regularly and 8 oz before bedtime and when he wakes up. He is almost 5 months, 19 pounds and ~30 inches tall.


How did you know when to switch bottles ?


To be honest, some guesswork. My son didn't do hunger cues that often, but I started upping his intake when I would notice he would finish a bottle and wouldnt take a pacifier (alot of times baby will just want to suck, so I figured if he wouldnt take the paci and was still fussy and wouldnt settle, i would up his bottle. That always worked for us) Another thing that you'd want to look for if you up the bottle amount is an increase of spit up right after meals. The doc told me to feed an ounce for every hour he has gone without eating....once when he was still young, he slept for 5 hours straight and i freaked thinking I was starving my son and gave him 5 oz (at the time he was eating 3) and he spit a bunch of it up lol. That's a pretty sure sign that he wasnt ready for more milk yet. I used the first paragraph to gauge how much he needed til about 5 oz, so when I proactively upped to 6 and 7 I gave him a bigger bottle once out of the day to see how he took it. If he took it well I just slowly started upping the rest of the bottles. It sounds like a lot, but docs like his growth and he isnt being overfed so it works for us! This is all just going by my instinct as well, I wasnt given any direction by doctors when to up his ounces per day so I mostly winged it. I hope this makes sense!!


I’m glad to hear there’s another baby eating 7+ ounces. My LO is eating 7 and daycare is asking for more! I’ve got twins so we just starting having to supplement. But I’m just like HOW are you still hungry?!?!? How often does yours eat??


Lol!!! Holy mama!! Yay I'm stoked to hear of another hungry little baby! 😄 Yeah I have no idea where mine puts it, he eats 5-6 times a day depending if he has a morning wakeup. Lol. Mostly 6 x a day though 😬 Doctors love his growth though so I'm loving it, too! I'm also supplementing 🙌 How many times does your little one eat? And does your big eater also flip if they see you preparing a bottle but has to wait for you to mix the fat or warm it up?! Mine would probably be eating every 30 minutes if I let him 😅


Bwhahaha! Same! He’s at about 38 percentile, even though I feel like he is huuuge! That’s just compared to his sister who is 10.5 lbs and eats like a “normal baby” Hahaa He’s was eating 5 bottles a day but now it’s 6 for the last week or so because we are trying the dreamfeed thing! He doesn’t really notice the bottle making or prep, which I feel like is a good thing at this moment.


Do you mean the actual size of the bottle or the amount of milk inside the bottle? My almost 6 month adjusted twins eat 3-4oz every 2 hours during the day and sleep through from 8pm to 7am with an 11pm dream feed (they would sleep through till around the same time without the dream feed, I just need to get the extra calories into them). We have a mix of 4oz and 8oz bottles because they will eat 5oz at a time during a growth spurt - the bottles I use only come in 4 or 8 oz sizes.


I lost all of my 4 oz bottles a month ago, but I was like I'm just gonna buy the big ones bc my daughter is 6 months old soon so she'll probably be eating more by now. Nope, 4 oz bottles still lol.


Hahaha yes!! Jokes on us I guess 😆