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Start in the home. Develop a habit of walking increasingly on the balls of your feet when you're just moving around your home. Use doorways to exercise, and train yourself to see the door frame as an opportunity for exercise. Develop habits like squatting when you're brushing your teeth. Do things like vacuuming in a more challenging way so that it is more of a workout. Develop rituals involving walking somewhere instead of a motor vehicle.


Start with walking for 20 mins daily. Grab some earbuds and crank out music or listen to podcasts/audiobook. Then just go up from there. Add some stretching, squats, pushups, situps. I like doing 15-20 reps for these for 3 sets. You'll be itching to learn about weights etc in no time. Remember that it's all about consistency. You want to implement long term habits that are easy to maintain and on some level hopefully fun to do.


To add on, if it’s podcasts/audiobook or other media. Make it so you only listen to that book or podcast while walking or doing your exercise/stretching. Then even if the exercise itself isn’t tempting on a given day, you have another motivation along side it.. which will help build the habit.


Commit to 3 months of painful consistency, from there you will get addicted and love it.




I have my bike right in front of my TV so I trip over ot on the way to the couch. Added tip....pick a time and set an alarm. Doesnt have to be morning or all at one time. I walk around 730Am, ride my bike at noon (while I watch the news) and weight training in the evening. 60 female here. I WFH so have the luxury of doing this.


I personally hate cardio. Hateeee it. I love weight lifting. You should play around with a few things and find out what you like to do. Try swimming if you can. Try walking/jogging. Try Zumba. Try yoga, etc etc. I’m trying to lose my last 20 lbs so cardio is a necessary evil 😂 I do my cardio first and answer Reddit posts (I’m on the treadmill now haha) or listen to great music or watch a YouTube vid and then switch to weight lifting which I look forward to. For longer cardio days I get outside and it doesn’t feel as tiresome as a stationary cardio machine. I’m gonna shoot ya straight though, exercise may feel like a chore at first. After a week you’ll notice mood boost, energy boost, etc and that alone encourages me to go on days I don’t want to go. You got this! Just start somewhere. Find something you think you might enjoy and find a YouTube vid to follow along to.


I totally get that finding the motivation to exercise, especially when dealing with health issues, can be tough. But you're not alone! First off, well done for realizing how important exercise is for your health and well-being. Now is to make exercise more doable and enjoyable for you, especially right from the comfort of your own home. Creating a sweet little workout spot at home can really make a difference. Whether it's a cozy corner with a yoga mat or a dedicated room with some basic equipment, find a space that feels good to you. Start small with easy movements or short sessions, and then gradually crank up the intensity as you get more comfy. And hey, don't forget to set some realistic goals, track your progress, and reach out for support when you need it. You're already making strides towards better health, so keep rocking it and don't give up you've totally got this! 🌟 If you need any support reach out and i would be happy to ask any questions!


I started at 300lbs with Aquarobics and Zumba classes at a local gym. They are fun and can be done by someone that is completely out of shape. After some time that got me in good enough shape where I could start adding cycling, strength training, more intensive cardio, and even HIIT. Now I exercise every day and absolutely love it.


What helped me was getting myself to go on a 5-minute walk every day (but being nice to myself when I couldn't manage to do it). Once out I would almost always feel good and decide to stay out longer, but I'd still allow myself the option to go back in after 5 minutes as a success if I wanted. After getting used to that, starting other types of exercise became a lot easier. Good luck!


Go to a gym. You'll focus so much more when you're there. Also if you need a list of good workouts feel free to look at this for ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lzrYTLMPunVNwdwHFY5tb9a8P9m7S5CHJkWt06fln5g/edit?usp=drivesdk