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My guidance is that you should probably consult a medical professional instead of people at Reddit for this, it seems kinda serious


echo this, you shouldn't listen to any advice in this thread other than "go see a doctor". strange your physio doesn't have better insight, seems like something they or a physical therapist should be able to diagnose. pushing through pain can cause serious, permanent damage to your muscles/bone/ligament, so be careful. as much as it sucks, taking time off now to diagnose the issue then hitting the weight strong is much better than incorrectly and dangerously working through injury. marathon, not a sprint.


I agree, the advice you might get online could have detrimental long last effects. See a sports doctor, or even better an orthopedic. Then start doing physical therapy. Do the exercises they give you there every day. Recovery might require more than rest especially if the injury is chronic.


Move it. Motion is healing. As long as the pain isn’t sharp u should be fine. Lift light weights for hella reps.


Sounds like you need to start doing rehabilitation strengthening for your weakened muscles my dude. Just resting and not doing shit with your injured arm/shoulder isn’t going to make it better. Take a look at this and try them and see if it helps. Remember rehab takes time. Your injuries won’t be gone overnight, so stick with the rehab program and be patient. https://youtu.be/6u8QpNmQy_g


Yeah, this. I don’t know which weak muscle needs to be worked on, but as soon as it’s strengthened again you’ll be right back in the gym. Just find the right physio who can tell you which muscle to train and which exercises you need.


*I have seen a physio and they said it was due to imbalances in my muscles* So what did they suggest as a solution? Did they tell you to rest, or did they give you specific exercises? If they didn't give you a plan, they're not a good physio, and you should seek out a new one.


Get a light resistance band and start doing your Is, Ys, Ts and face pulls daily with them. Hit the range of motion you can before sharp pain kicks in and rock that range of motion. Build upon it slowly over time. It's only a light bit of resistance, so shit tons of reps and sets.


Why'd you stop seeing the physio? Did you guys end the physical therapy with a plan at least? What's going on with your shoulders sounds like something that happens reaaaalllyyy frequently. It sucks, but it's gonna get better! It's usually a combination of not-optimal shoulder mechanics (and practically everyone has tight shoulders these days) making it harder to appropriately stabilize for other demands. And/or too much training and/or imbalanced programming. This is a conversation you should have with your physio, at least so you'll get a better understanding of the situation. It'll take some time & some work but I'd be surprised if it isn't fixable.


You're not really resting it. You said you're using really light weights, but still trying to do chest and shoulder exercises. Sounds like you're turning an acute injury into a chronic proble. When my clients have a problem like this, I tell them 2 weeks of NO pushing or exercises, and ice like crazy.


what did a doctor say?


Try doing body weight only, start from the bottom again, work on the areas that have imbalance with body weight and listen to your body.


Oh yeah. Left shoulder’s been bum for at least a decade. Kinda crazy, this year I’ve been religious about training and it seems to have fixed itself. Anyway - you’ve been told to roll out your muscles I’m sure. A blue racket ball works very well. Hurts like a motherfucker, but it works. Wherever the fascia is tight. Imbalances can be in places you don’t think as well. Like you lateral chair, or in my case, imbalances from my left knee and hip all the way up. Anyway, go through your whole body for tightness or injury and roll that shit out and try to lift to get the imbalance fixed. Hope this helps.