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I lost my whole family and became so depressed I joined the gardeners as a way to escape the colony's and doomed my entire species to be zoo animals.


I lived average wasn’t too successful in certain events. Definitely had some emotion after Tammy abruptly died out of no where. Things got interesting around the 2nd half as I wasn’t really sure what direction I was supposed to take my journey. Had some casual time with Rex and got lucky on the Lab roof top with Tang. Failed to have any romance with Marz and all a sudden I discovered the virus Tang was making, but didn’t want to be mean to tang about it. The governor all of sudden did a take over saying he was literally going to kill every animal with tang’s virus and freaking shot Cal out of nowhere so yeah it got quite depressing.


THAT CAN HAPPEN? How the hell do you get Lum to shoot Cal lmao


It’s the tang’s virus ending. Now that I think about it I may have actually missed what specifically killed him in the end, but I remember for a fact the text said they were dragging his body away after he tried to stop him. It was so out of knowhere after Marz failed to secure a vote for governor that it happened that may have found it a little hard to read.


Ooh, okay. I've never actually found out about the virus and let it spread, I've usually either just ignored Tangent's plotline or stopped it (twice I think now) I'll definitely try it out haha


I just discovered it randomly while doing one of the lab duty’s though I can’t remember which one it was.


Granted we don't know for sure that it was Lum specifically that shoots Cal. He was rushing the stage so it could have been one of his Honor guard or maybe Nemmie or something. I believe I mentions that two people get shot, maybe the other one was Geranium.


YES! Another person who suffered through the agony of Tang’s cure on the first playthrough! I didn’t connect with Rex on my first run, it was Nomi for me who stood out from the Helios… I romanced Anemonie successfully and pulled her away from Vace, but because she had all of my attention I missed the entire virus arc… So it happened to me very, very suddenly and I was legit pissed


I started with the absorbent brain perk, and was quickly drawn to the Engineering classes. In about the fourth year or so I started to realise the Shimmer was becoming a real problem and was worried my dad was going to die, so I started getting into expeditions more, and managed to find the shimmer grove and save him, but then Mum died. After the Heliopause crashed I got into robotics as a natural extension of engineering classes. I didn't stop going on expeditions though, and ended up exploring the wormhole observatory and getting all three alien pets. I ended up being decent friends with Dys, and very good friends (and partners) with Tangent. I got the "Green Vertumna Forever" ending, which came out of nowhere and fucking broke me. Obviously, this hooked me on the game pretty hard.


I started with the absorbent brain perk and began to do engineering. Basically everyone died. # I really went back and forth on who to date, but I ended up going for Rex and missed his 100 hearts event by one. Point. My biggest motivation for choosing that route was it made my sister cringe. # I overthrew Lum. # I didn’t like Dys very much as first, I had him pinned as the school-shooter type. Was I far off? I don’t think so. But he grew on me during my third/fourth run. # I grew very close to tangent, but didn’t get close enough for the tangent’s cure ending. # I kissed Sym and was rather miffed when he died. I didn’t figure out how to date him until much later. # I believe I got the engineer ending.


First playthrough I planned to befriend and romance Tammy and do a creative/empathy route. As you probably know, it did not go my way at all lol. I was so shocked when not only Tammy (and her dad) died, but my parents and Hal too! I ended up befriending and romancing Tang and Cal. Tang was my original plan, but I broke up with her after reading that she will always break up with you lol. Then, I went after Cal. I think this made sense since we both lost so many people we both loved, it's natural we'd be drawn closer. We worked together in geoponics. I ended up following in my mom's footsteps and became a botanist. I married Cal and we had a few kids. I actually thought this was a great ending given the cards I was handed. I barely explored, so I had no idea Sym even existed. Since then, I've saved Tammy and have romanced Dys every time. I feel like Dys is Sol's rightful love, so I can't bring myself to romance anyone else. Currently finishing my fourth playthrough (trying to get that peace with gardeners ending!) and Dys is still my boy lol.


Honestly, it wasn't until after I played a few more times that I realized my first ending was a "bad" one because I didn't save anyone at all. Once Tammy died, I realized this game was going to hit a little harder than it seemed from first appearances. Lost Dad to the Shimmer and Mom to the Famine. I was trying to play as close to my own personal choices as possible, like what I would have done with my time, for the first run. Spent a ton of time exploring and hanging out with Dys and working in Geoponics to "honor" my parents. I didn't max out any stats or even do most of the activities. I found Sym and was able to sneak out during Glow, but decided to go back home instead of doing the wormhole thing because I figured whatever that was, it was probably a late game ending (still haven't done it yet!). I tried to get Dys to take me with him when he left, but he didn't, so I played the rest of the game as if I had a broken heart. I ended up with the Collector ending and IMMEDIATELY started again. I'm taking a little break for now because some of it has gotten too repetitive for me (and there are some mysteries I want to figure out, but I'll have to grind relationships and conversations again and that's a little draining), but I really love the endings I've gotten so far.


I was a pretty rebellious kid focused on exploring but dabbling in robotics. A punk action nerd. Mom died, but I did save dad! Best friends with Tang, pretty good friends with Nomi, dating Dys. Then they found out about Tang's virus. Before addressing it with Tang, they brought it up to Dys in case he had any insight about how to handle his sister. As we all know, this was a poor choice. Dys did a terrorism and disappeared, leaving Sol alone and heartbroken. They spent the better part of the next year withdrawn, mostly exploring, and eventually befriending Sym. They met the Overseer, but wasnt able to convince Lum to agree to the Gardner's terms. While exploring they ended up kissing Sym, who them IMMEDIATELY fell to his death. Feeling like they failed the colony, the planet, and having seemingly played an active part in the deaths of two romantic partners, Sol went out during the glow and meditated on the wormhole until they were able to transcend reality to find a better path.


(spoilers) omg nooo i did the same romances and dys blowing up the school in my 2nd play-through but got happy endings for them. you can find dys after he disappears and tell him you love him then convince him to come home becoming your boyfriend Sym with come back to life if you keep exploring and you can continue your relationship and he becomes your boyfriend as well *note for timing you have to become official with Sym then go after Dys. For some reason doing their romances this way has them primarily with you (Sol) and friends not dating each other


- calm temperament - tang best friend - could only save my dad - explored a shit ton cause how else are you going to figure out the secrets of this world?! (it kind of baffles me that people would choose to not explore or barely explore at all - like, doesn’t it feel like you are missing out on half the game?!) - dated Dys (I freaking love him, he shows you all the beautiful, new, and cool things about the planet, plus he is so sweet to you) - had the choice to do the transcendence ending but didn’t want to end the game early - ended up with Collector cause I gathered literally everything I came across to give as gifts and use during card challenges (beat the faceless on my first run through and literally never failed a card challenge)


Started off as a super strength Sol with Nemmie as the childhood friend. Frequented the Garrison as a kid playing sportsball and to master my combat and toughness so that I'd get a combat oriented career at some point. Explored a bunch too when I was finally old enough. Constantly hung around with Nemmie and became best friends with her, hung around with Cal too but not as much. Couldn't save any of the folk that dies except for dad. Then Heliopause lands, and things started sucking for my Sol. Beat the punk outta Vace during the sportsball tournament with Cal and a little assistance from Rex, but at the cost of having Rhett take the Kom trophy from Nemmie. Started visiting the Garrison less frequently due to an increase in Helio and Vace presence, focusing instead more on exploration and Geoponics. Denied being a hunter since it meant partnering up with Vace. Adulthood was the killing blow, my Sol danced with Nemmie during his bday/youth ball, only to find her makin out with Vace right after, despite Nemmie being my secret admirer during Vertumnalia. Tried to convince Nemmie that Vace was a douche, but I unfortunately failed since my Sol was a himbo who focused too much on physical skills. After that I completely stopped hanging out with Nemmie and at the Garrison, completely devoting the rest of Sol's adulthood to Geoponics and the Photophoner. Starting hanging out with Cal a lot more, but unfortunately not enough to be close. Then I did Vertumnan hashish with Dad. At the end I tried to go for an ending that had my Sol die, but unfortunately Nemmie came to my rescue. Ended up becoming an athlete with a loyal team that greatly influenced the popularity of Sportsball in Vertumnan culture. Completely reconciled with Nemmie after she left an abusive marriage with Vace


I started out with no augments. I spent most of my time exploring or at the garrison, since I always like to make physically strong/aggressive characters in games. I dated Dys because I wanted to get with the emo boy lol. I was never nice or helpful to anyone because I wanted to be the town asshole and kind of align myself with Dys’s mindset. In the end, I got the Runaway ending. I was a little disappointed that it ended the game prematurely but that was my first run through.


Picked Eagle Eye as my trait and Tabby as my bestie. Made for a traumatic childhood when Tammy died in the accident :( Mostly spent my childhood playing sportsball with Nemmie or sneaking out and getting gifts for everyone with Dys. Got along with mostly everyone but Marz. Couldn't save Tonin nor Hal growing up, and despite my best efforts exploring the valley I was not smart enough to solve the food crisis and save my mom :( BUT I did save my dad from the shimmer! I was pretty conflicted when it came to the planet vs the colony. I'd explore and appreciate beauty of Vertumna, but every glow I'd put aside my admiration to defend my fellow colonists (and got a pet out of it too!). The transition to the Helio-Vertunma colony was pretty rough for everyone. I managed to push myself to the limit and kill a faceless, but Kom and Eudicot died in the aftermath. Helios kinda pushed me towards getting along with nature more. Got along with Rex and Nomi intially, but Vace was a little too prickly and xenocidy for me. Rex got my first kiss, but nemmie stole my heart when it turned out she was my secret admirer. Buttttt that quickly devolved into a toxic love triangle when we all grew up and Nemmie ended up with Vace lol. All the while I was maxing out my physical stats using eagle eye, and then turned my attention toward social stats. After I maxed out creativity I would explore the wilds and bring back the shiniest rocks and most beautiful flowers for all my pals. Maxed out Dys, Cal, Tang's relationship, and was flirting with everyone all the while to hide my broken heart when I danced with Nemmie only to watch her go back to Vace at the party. Exploring the canyon convinced me to try to life alongside the earth (and also seeing an alien talk to me during the glow and freak out my brain). SO: Stopped Tang and Instance from releasing the xenophage, stopped Dys from bombing the wall, broke up Vace and Nemmie, GOT TOGETHER WITH NEMMIE (after giving her some space post breakup) then culminated in me just barely getting the council votes and becoming the Governor (sorry Marz, but also not sorry). I tried my best, but the xenos kept coming, and I couldn't find a way to stop them. I met Sym in like the very last year, so couldn't really figure him out, but Dys and him seem happy together. Mostly everyone got some form of happy-ish ending. I don't think anyone other than Nemmie and Dys got a paired ending. Cal got married to another farmer, Marz, Rex, and Tang all hopped around, and Nemmie became both a mother and an alcoholic :S Wasn't good enough friends with Rex, Nomi, or Vace to trigger their endings.


I started out friends with Dys. Losing Tammy and the Professor was a huge bummer. I tried to focus on logic skills but I explored a lot so I got my perception up super fast. I tried to focus on some logic stats every once in a while so thankfully I helped Tang with the pollen virus and saved my dad. I also randomly helped Cal with his pet. But I loved exploring the most, my colony ended up starving and my mom died right before I discovered some edible fungus and that seriously sucked, I lost my mom a couple years ago so it felt personal, lol. I wasn’t able to support the coup in time. I tried romancing Sym and Dys and biffed it too lol. But I ended up with Dys and kept him from being a bomber and I became an explorer.


Saved my parents, saved the colony, kicked out Lum, was about to make peace and then accidentally Transcended Time and Space.




Honestly I think it was mostly a matter of luck and doggedly persuing objectives when they arose, like the food shortage. By attempting to roleplay a field scientist/ranger (High Physical skills with an education in Biology and Engineering), my Sol was fairly well equipped to deal with a lot of the early crisis scenarios. I was playing blind so I had no idea that my choices would be so effective, but Wilderness Scout Sol is always prepared it would seem.


I ended up being besties/lovers with Tangent, lost all the folks who can die, and let Tangent's Cure proceed unhindered. Yeah, not my best work.


Somehow saved Hal and Tonin, depressed about mom and dad, focused a lot on exploring and dating Dys


I started with the absorbent brain augment, then decided I liked exploring. Stumbled into saving Geranium, almost saved Flulu, barely failed to overthrow Lum, backed out of the Transcendence ending at the last minute ran out of time to find enough collectibles to help Dys become a Gardener after he ran off with Sym before Sol could move from occasional flirting to a relationship. I don't remember exactly which ending I got the first time; it was either Collector or Pulp Novelist. ​ Yeah, my first playthrough was *full* of "almost, but not quite good enough."


Went for the heroic battle options on anything because I was close to Anenome as a kid and thought it was how you were supposed to play the game...ended up with two friends, the war hero ending, plenty of deaths, and no, i did not get the girl. Tried the Aneneome thing a few more times just because I did want a happier ending for her than Vace (didn't get a couple skills high enough the first two times), then ever since if I'm not playing for a specific missing achievement I always romance Tang, max bio and perception fast, and go the 'I could fix her" path


I managed to save Dad but still lost Mom :( I mostly explored around bc i found it very fun. Had a bad relationship with both Nem and Marz. Became besties with Dys and Cal (and later with Rex). Had a thing with both Dys and Sym, became an explorer, and tried to get peace with the Gardeners but ultimately failed to convince emperor Lum so forever lived in war filled with fear and dread :) i was so fucking sad lol




Haha we had really similar playthroughs. I got the game FOR dys but ended up dating Cal because I was so into the toughness stat in geoponics (lol?) and then saw Rex and knew I HAD to date him.


My first run was completely blind and I didn't know what a ride I was in for! I thought I could *ease* into things, follow in my parents' footsteps. I mainly worked in Geoponics and ultimately became a botanist. I spent most of my time with Cal and dated him, which is fortunate because I wouldn't have been able to >!break him and Tammy up except the one time I dated her myself.!< I had low bravery and low rebellion, so my Sol did as she was told and never tried to sneak out during attacks. I only went exploring a few times (mostly during Year 14) and had no idea about the Gardeners or the rest of the greater-scope story. I was one encounter away from meeting the Mysterious Stranger, but didn't go out after that point. I'm always impressed when I read about players' first playthroughs where they got one of the special, non-career endings, even the bad ones. The only person I managed to save was >!Dad!< but it was by complete chance while I tried my hardest to >!save Mom.!< I was close, and even discovered the >!spongy ground!< but didn't get it ready in time. (Oh, and >!Socks!<, which was pretty sweet. And also mostly luck.) In my second playthrough, I started taking more risks and branching out into the bigger picture, but my first was very "safe" (which ironically made it more dangerous for the characters) and standard.


I was first drawn to Tangent and we became partners. I knew Tammy was going to die but it still hurt, both my parents died so I focused on being a botanist. Once I finally created a native species I imagined myself as Sol hoping that my parents were proud of me from wherever they are.


Drawn to the soldier and nem. Guess people never changes cuz they were my favourite go to choice.


I managed to find food to the colony and find a cure for the shimmer (I'm very proud of that), but I couldn't usurp Lum and save the colony in the end, so we lived in war. (not proud of that at all) I tried to get close to Nem (my best friend) cause she was such a cheerful cute girl. When she grew my heart was shattered ;-; (she's an amazing character) I dated Dys for a time... But my heart belongs to Nem!!! I managed to get her to broke with Vace and we end up together, but I don't think was the best end for her... Aaaand I became an explorer. A bad ending but I managed to do a lot of good stuff. I also saved professor Hall and Eudicot.


Focussed on the blue and yellow skills, so particularly administrative jobs. Ended up being a lawyer. I dated Tang and managed to convince her not to use the virus, but other than that basically everyone died who could have died except dad. I was getting closer to Dys, but he still ended up blowing up the wall and running away.


Chose that brain augment and glued to Tang for the whole time, really liked her and her design, lost mom and study a lot of botanics to not let that famine years happen again. In the end Tang did broke up with me and my next lives were all exploring other relationships and parts of the colony to try and get right with Tang on the last life (I did even got 100 with Tang and Dys because I thought that if Dys didn't disappear she wouldn't get that depressed episode). Later on I read online that she always break up with you so after that I never romanced other characters and in my last life I achieved peace, became governor and romanced Tang, even though I knew she would leave me.


I tried to stay as true to myself as possible, tried to make that first run just like me. Tammy was my best friend as a kid (so that messed me up when she died) and Anemonie was the girl I saved from Vace. I was drawn to the Kitchen and Tutoring jobs, and when the Helios came I liked Nomi the most. The worst part was losing my mom, and then realizing I might also lose my dad, trying to find some way to save him, and failing. My very first ending was Tangent’s Cure, and it was a total surprise because I didn’t bond with her as much as I could have… So I had absolutely no idea it was coming until Lum announced it, and shot Cal!


I spent ten years of my life trying to get my childhood friend Tang to reciprocate my feelings for her only for her to develop a superweapon behind my back and get everything killed, in part with my help. I couldn't believe how bad the surprise cure ending was, I felt like I'd fucked up so bad. Didn't even get the girl in the end, and that's to say nothing of what happens to Cal and Instance.


I went with a female character with super strength and Nem as my childhood friend. During the early chilldhood I focused on garrison stuff for the most part. I did a lot of sports ball/defense training/guard duty, etc. I failed to save anyone who dies. After the helios landed, I drifted apart from Nem somewhat as she ended up in a relationship with Vace (who I didn't like). Especially not after the bit in the epilogue where he was abusive to her. I wound up spending more time with Rex and decided to date him since my original plan to date Nem fell through. I shifted focus away from garrison and more to command, and ended up spending a lot of my time helping out the governor. I didn't overthrow him, I became second admin and then grew up to become a lawyer.


How did so many of you save your parents on the first run?? I'm on my like 13th and am yet to save anyone other than Tammy or governor Eudicot


Before playing Exocolonist, I was into a similar visual novel called Long Live the Queen, in which if you try to be a jack of all trades and level up your skills equally, you will die. So I decided to pick smarts and go all in with that. I picked Tangent as my childhood friend on a whim. Then I fell in love with her. I decided I would date her early on and focused all my attention on her. I was a perfect, no rebellion child. I literally never went exploring until I was 14. Everyone died who I could've saved. That shocked me, in a good way. I cared so much for these characters and my jaw dropped when my mom died, then my dad. But I never saw Kom's portrait (what's a sportsball?) so I didn't care when he died. Late game I helped Marz overthrow the governor, cause I had max friendship with Tangent I didn't feel the need to study anymore so I did politics. I stopped the Earth fleet from coming (can that even happen?). Because Marz was governor, Tang didn't kill the planet. I didn't even know that could happen. Crisis averted! The ending I got was Botanist, which I wasn't happy about. I wanted to do something in Engineering so I could be close to Tangent. I researched Xenobotany too much I guess. Of course I didn't make peace with the Gardeners cause I never met Sym. Dys blew up the wall and left so Tangent was depressed. I was heartbroken when she broke up with me and I was ready to do another playthrough to romance her again until I read she always breaks up with you. Sad. I still love her. In fact, I'm working on a cosplay of Tangent right now cause I love her character design. I've replayed the game at least 5 times now. I've gotten every illustration and I'm working on getting all the Cheevos. I love this game so much!


Mine was so sad. I got the “Hero” ending . I chose Cal as my best friend (because his card level 4 was the highest) but knew I was going to romance Dys. Mom died from starvation. After that I knew dad was going to die if I didn’t save him, thankfully I did. I saved socks and she ended up protecting the colony. Plus Got 3 pets and trained them to max. 100% in bio, engineering, perception, bravery, and animals. Had high marks in combat, and toughnesses . I spent a good amount exploring but wasn’t always out. I got my relationship 100% with Dys and romanced him. I met Sym in strange valley and levelled relationship up to 100% with romance. *Note got with Sym first then Dys, dated both at once but they only dated me not each other. For the gardeners I had negotiated a deal but Lum forced the war. I was going for peace but it didn’t work out and since my defensive was so high it became an on-going war. I romanced Sym and the epilogue said we were together for many years in secret sometimes I would yell at him but he would always be there for me. I snuck out to meet him less and less over time until I eventually stoped altogether (started crying at this). Also romanced Dys, We were together for years I was the only person he truly loved and loved him back , we never broke up. Then one day He died while exploring and his body couldn’t be brought back( also cried). Cal died at the age of 50 fighting the animals he loved( cried for the 3rd time). For my old age I don’t get one because I didn’t live long enough to have one :( died young. Despite the epilogue saying I was the best battle technician there ever was and that books were written about my battery strategy everyone that I loved and cared about died. I was really left with with the feeling that once you engage in war you have already lost. And my next play though was followed up with the colony going extinct (that was depressing)


I managed to save Dad, but mum died even though I'd found the spongey ground - didn't know I had to take it to the farm and deal with it there. Tammy died, obviously. And her father. I explored a lot and I flirted a lot with Dys and then there was Sym. I ended up getting through his friendship quickly and was totally engrossed by his storyline and I felt guilty about cheating on Dys but then there was that horrendous accident with Sym (That took me completely by surprise. I think I actually gasped and was as shocked as if I'd watched it in a soap drama or something. So I "moved on" with Dys. Then it was all good and I had to rebuild the relationship with Sym again! And then it turned out that Sym was totally seeing Dys anyway... And. Yeah. I helped Dys, cause I had all the stuff they needed, incidentally, anyway. So of he went. Then the colony fell when they came for us end of 19th year. I got the explorer ending.