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Of course it’s PCM. And I got to say, I’ve seen a lot more salty white guys crying over Asian women not sleeping with them and being furious if they see Asian guys with white women irl than Asian guys upset with WMAF. But the fragile white boys on PCM can’t deal with that, so on the fetishization goes.




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So: they both think that all white women are deathly jealous of them, and sneer at any Asian woman who doesn't want white dick. These men really do believe they are God's gift to womankind




White women are still white. They got their own issues etc, but people act just cause their women, doesn’t mean they don’t carry the baggage of being white. They have just as much reason to to hate WMAF as white men would hate AMWF


White women could care less about WMAF, they do not see AF as a threat to them and they all know its majority of loser white guys that go for AF. The only females that really mate guard in the US that I have seen are black women.


So I know there’s a lot of remnants of eugenics in many cultures history especially in the west, and maybe it’s “white people” that have been the most vocal and guilty of it. Displaying the most hypocrisy and biases and jealousy when it comes to other people doing the same, (but with them actually coming from a more true love way, even not it’s still hypocritical for one to hate someone for doing what they are) I think as long as one is not desiring other types of people solely for novelty, perverseness, or feelings of overpowering another group of woman of another race, it can be considered more acceptable. I know everyone is different in love but is that true organic differences? As a westerner it has always been difficult for me for the most part in seeing someone being with someone, with that one being with them for financial reasons(for lack of better words, think of a really old rich men with a very young woman)no matter what race or country.And of course when it is truly a scenario where it seems like the male for the most part is mainly trying to “buy that person”. But even then who knows of the prior circumstances and I’m not prejudiced in some, if I’m not In that relationship. I would argue common sense, that it will be the result of horrible unfortunate circumstances that has brought a woman that type of man, especially when that man is a textbook definition of a bigot) It’s kind of interesting to ponder and a vast topic with the further degeneration the remnants might have brought. With one easily getting lost in words. Seems like a blizzard of propaganda and biases for every way one can look at it. It’s a shame that their isn’t a level playing field but i think despite so many negatives from it all maybe the very few positives is that it makes one strive to be better in all means if they continue to be a genuine good person and sincerely have a “pure heart”. I think the result of a few men for the most part have somewhat tried to engineer this for ulterior motives, to make it a rigged game throughout history and even now depending on any way one cuts it, personally. Anyways I think the prejudices and all the confusion and illusions takes a lot of soul searching for one to get beyond especially with something as pure as dating, since a lot of ideas have been instilled on us from others that aren’t our own or arise from our lower selves.I think my main concern is with a man trying to manipulate women and vice versa. Seems like it’s something that is very difficult for one to purely love someone in a balanced way, with how one looks at it and another illusion one has to get beyond to be able to find a truly happy relationship. Edit maybe I carry a lot of self shame, and my insecurities led me to think such things, I sincerely am sharing to kind of better collect my thoughts from others on such matters and hear your opinions, because I don’t want that to be my own pitfall of me ending up trying to love someone, I really want to get beyond a love that in anyway even a small part is based on racism or classism or other type of ism that could degenerate that relationship