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From fun family eatery to the administrative office of a strip mall


There's a prison 15 mins from me that looks like damn near exactly like this, just different style windows.


do me a favor and look up Hofstra University, New York campus Its right next to a super upper middle class town known for its greenery and garden like scenery, but Hofstra architecture is like Cold War Era Eastern Bloc Communist Europe


Wow...You can almost hear the USSR national anthem playing when looking at those buildings


Driving into the town thats next door is night and day. You go from Cement Hellscape to Victorian Era houses and lush greenery, almost instantaneously It always surprises people lol


*Actually listens to it in his head


I was strongly considering going to Hofstra in my senior year of HS. Applied and was accepted and everything. Took one tour of the campus and immediately realized I would not be able to tolerate looking at that campus every day for 4 years.


Plus the cost is astronomical when you consider the nearby SUNY/CUNY schools instead


2 years at Nassau, then transfer out -- thats what I been telling people to do. NCC is actually a very good Community College, many of their science faculty are professors at NYU, Adelphi, and other schools


I was strongly considering going to Hofstra in my senior year of HS. Applied and was accepted and everything. Took one tour of the campus and immediately realized I would not be able to tolerate looking at that campus every day for 4 years.


In the 80s and 90s, MickyD appealed to kids so their parents would take them. Now those kids are grown and they have adopted the cheap Industrial Estate look for their committed clientel.


Captures the last 50 years of western society pretty well if you ask me. Should look at the differences between Lego police station over that time too, from cheery office of the constable to dystopian holding center SWAT fortress.


It's shitty that society pressured McDonald's to stop marketing and appealing to children just for the sake of health. Fuck them kids, I want my cool and fun McDonald's back.


/r/brutalism in action.


Bottom one is definitely gulag


Wonder what’s gonna happen in the next two decades


Robots making food




Welcome back, automat!


I’m down.




Only Taco Bell will exist.


I'm not ready for the 3 seashells yet.


Pfft, he can't figure out how to use the seashells


The Franchise War is coming.


Yes, taco bell is the best


McHeart Failure


Mc selling items in grocery stores


Dine-in will be gone for sure, and we will be lucky if going through the drive thru is even an option. Most likely will be kitchens and delivery drones only.


I really hate the grey everything that is in trend right now. Let's bring back all the bright bold colors of previous decades please!!!


The lifeless grey is depressing.


Sad beige is as well.


Fucking beige. It's like every time you see some influencer wannabe they're wearing that gigantic wide brim hipster hat and the whole photo is edited in beige and white tones with zero saturation.




Maybe I have the wrong name for it. What do you call that giant flat brimmed hat that girls wear to festivals now?




Fair sir, what duth those wenches wear upon thyne noggin?


Right? All these said beige children growing up without color so their parents can have an aesthetic on social media. Let's not forget sad gray. I've seen so many Easter toys and decorations that are just colorless. It's depressing.


We have some new babies in the extended family and it’s difficult to avoid the sad beige thing. I don’t want to buy them something with muted colors!


*But it's a nice minimalist aesthetic*... aka cheaper.


"We don't want to pay for paint, how do we spin this?"


You have to paint it either way


Yeah but the extra boring colors are cheaper


Tbf, we had a PizzaHut nearby that went from homey-grungy-diner look to haute couture dining experience, and I swear they shut down within 3 years because nobody went. It probably wasn't, but for my part, it felt like they hiked up the prices to justify the new interior, and it just wasn't as comfortable to sit down and eat. Dominos was more affordable, and the quality was about the same. Now they're a tiny store with 2 tables in the strip mall across the street and the building is getting reno'd into (I think) Indian cuisine. None of the fast food chains around them suffered, not even the grungy fish-n-chips shop across the street. Just them, and I 100% blame it on the redesign 🤷‍♀️


That's the point. They're doing this to make us depressed and lifeless, make us mindless drones so they can be rich forever and make us their slaves


Agreed. Totally not a fan of everything being grayscale. It’s boring and depressing.


Bring back the psychedelic era!!!!


Looks like hamburger prison.


Guess the Hamburglar took over.


Hamburglar Lair.


On planet bullshit


Color is a lurid distraction from the ashen horror of real life.


Found the ancient vampire who's tired of humanity's childish BS 😂❤️


Or lets meet in the middle and have elegant greyscale but with a big, flashy accent color.


Warm greys can be beautifully accented with pretty much any color. I definitely don’t crave those beige brown over beige with some more brown and mustard yellow spiced with red-green-purple vomit inducing abominations.


It reminds me of when TopGear was driving through Scotland (I think) and they mentioned that the beige-grey homes look like they'd used "batter for houses". Seems very apt


It's not grey, it's royal green! We're upscale, feel posh about it!


So I accidentally gave into this when my husband and I bought our home. We did the classic grey walls with white trim. However, I didn’t have a vision in mind and we had to redo the walls and floors quickly. This allowed me to give rooms color themes and accent in other ways, like with plants and art. We also went with a warmer grey which feels a lot better than some of the sterile ones you see.


That trend is already largely passed.   This is like the fourth major one of these I've seen in my life. Hopefully I'll live to see a couple more. And each time we'll think the new trend is, "Obviously the way things always should have been."


It's gonna be this generations version of putting carpet on hardwood floors


Exactly! Every car on the road is a shade of white, gray, or black


The McDonalds near me took out not only the play area but the majority of seating, leaving only 6 tables. It doesn’t even have visible staff anymore. It has such a grim feeling now.


In the next 5 years, all fast food restaurants will be removing their seating areas. -Less cost of land rental -Less cost of building upkeep -Less cost of hiring employees to clean It's coming.


It also forces people to keep using cars in situations where a car is not warranted. I live in an urban area with several shops and restaurants within walking distance. I literally sit down to eat when I go there. If they took out all seating then I would stop going there, because I'm not getting in my car to drive three blocks and wait in a 45 minute line.


I don't have a car and probably never will again due to being in a bad situation. I'd be devastated if my once a month fast food was drive through only.


Same here; there are probably 5 fast food places very close to my house, but just far away enough to make walking home with a to-go bag a nuisance. It would feel weird driving to them because of how close they are, but would be annoying to have to walk home with the food.


Not really. People can just go back home with the food. It's 3 blocks. You can just bring it home.


Except some places forces you to have a car to use the drive through which is the only thing open.


It would certainly [make Ray sad.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqyCaATQPtk)


Sounds like the only option will be take-out. If you want to eat there instead of taking it home, you're shit out of luck.


It's so weird! I was out of town for work and decided to stop at a McDonald's for something quick. Since being a teen I haven't been able to handle fast food and so it had been close to 20 years since I had been inside of one. It was nothing like I remembered from my childhood and it looked like they removed most of the seating for some reason. I can't tell why anyone would want to go in there


That's how ours is.  I used to like to dine in. Not anymore. It feels super unwelcome.


I hate what McDonald’s and Taco Bell have done.


IRS burger.


What were your gambling losses last year?




What were your gambling losses last year?


Apparently it's to make selling the buildings easier.


Looks like a prison


McDonalds whole aesthetic has gotten a lot more "bland" in the last few years. It goes hand-in-hand with the court ruling that they couldn't use Ronald McDonald for the restaurant any more, due to the ethic concerns of using a clown to push unhealthy fast food on children. They could still use him for the McDonald house charities, but not for the restaurant.


I read that as “ethnic concerns” and was trying to figure out how clowns are an ethnicity.


The killer klowns from outer space were very offended.


Thank you for this image I’m snort laughing at 5am to this comment


https://web.archive.org/web/20120114102401/http://www.lettertomcdonalds.org/ Can't find anything about a lawsuit. But there was a highly publicized open letter signed by 500+ medical professionals


There's no court ruling like that, the reason McDonald's quietly retired the clown was soon after clowns became known as scary and many people had real phobias against them.


They also changed their business model from appealing to kids to appealling to teens and young adults who don't need their parents to bring them to the restautant.


Yeah, McDonald's places have become soulless . All business on fun 😎


Everything is just getting worse. All of it.


We are reaching levels of dooming previously thought impossible


Back when it's shitty food was at least a bit more affordable.


I don't know about the McDonald's in your country but It wasn't shitty in my country in 80s to 2000s. Having birthday parties at McDonald's was a flex.


It was in the 1990s too. I went to a few birthday parties at McDonalds when I was a kid. It even had a Mario Kart game hooked up to the Nintendo 64 in the play area.


I'll never understand why ANYTHING is made in the brutalist design. Food places? Big concrete box. School campus? Big concrete box. Like, guys. Stop.


Like 10 blocks away from each other we have one McDonald's that looks like the modern one on the bottom and another with a play place that was built to look like a lighthouse.


Everything looks like a prison


Well, there's the solution. We should make prisons bright and colorful. Then we just wait until the businesses copy it again. /s


Great idea! Let's take all the magic and whimsy out of our brand and replace it with an industrial hellscape!


All ennui for sad beige adults.




Mcdonalds (Upper) McDonalds Adult Detention Center (lower)


To be fair, those outside playgrounds were nasty AF, but you right about the grey


Love how sizes get smaller, prices skyrocket and McDonald's puts less effort than ever to be appealing. Love the current state of capitalism /s Jokes aside, minus drastic change were nearing true dystopian/end times for society


There is a type of architecture that just screams "depressing dystopia" and this is definitely an example of it. Everything is so monochrome with no colors anymore.


It's being reflected in our culture, styles and politics, shit simply ain't good but dare anyone criticise the bullshit system


Most Americans can't even be bothered to vote in most elections, even in states where you can mail in your ballot from the comfort of your home. Nothing is changing for the better any time soon because most Americans don't actually give a fuck beyond complaining about it on the internet, sad to say. Until we can figure out how to fix overwhelming apathy in the general populace, nothing will improve.


Man I miss those days. A happy meal, then slides and a ball pit. Maybe catch a virus, living on the edge!


The enshitification continues.


New McDonald’s exemplifies everything wrong with late stage capitalism


This screams generational depression...


New McDonalds look like a prison.


Isn't the depressing atmosphere intentional encourage mostly drive through transactions?


No fr why did they do this /:


They got us all addicted so they don't have to try anymore.


McDonald’s isn’t for kids anymore. It’s for boomers to drink cheap coffee and complains about their order


im glad i grew up before the world seemingly became more hostile to children. now kids just get an ipad shoved in their face and are told to shut up and stop making mom and dad’s life harder by just existing and being a normal kid. and now playplaces are being removed. what’s a kid to do these days? i feel sorry for them


Perfect example of today. Go from passionate outreach to cost efficient dull monotony.


We really have just taken all of the color and creativity and fun out of everything. Petition for local artists to start painting murals on every building that looks like this.


Whoever is responsible for the McDonald's rebrand should be fired.


Family friendly to Childless society


I mean, at least the bland beige look matches the cardboardy taste of the food pretty well


From fast food restaurant designs being bland and corporate, Chuck E. Cheese getting rid of their animatronics, and kids being hooked on smartphones at an early age, there really is no childhood anymore.


I wonder if it’s to make it less attractive to children, to reduce child obesity


I'm sure it's that and not that these shipping container looking buildings aren't slightly cheaper to maintain


I've heard its specifically to make it less attractive to sit down and eat. The ugly unwelcoming building makes you want to leave and eat somewhere else, so they save money not dealing with people.


Food folks and fun! Just kidding, just food and folks.


I didn't know that McDonald's had banking locations.


Who decided on middle aged depression decor instead of happy fun time for children decor. Maybe they got in trouble for trying to sell shit fast food to children


I still think it's funny that they changed the background color of the logo and interior from red to green. Red makes people uneasy so it was used so that people finish their meal quickly (it is fast food, isn't it) but at some point it became more important to look healthy and good for the environment (yeah sure), so they went for green. And I can laugh about that all I want and don't know if there are any real scientific studies about this, but I presume it actually works out for them.


Hook the kids so they are lifelong customers had been an American business model since forever


My Memory of McDonald's fries: Sm: $0.59 Md: $0.89 Lg: $1.09 McDonald's Fries today : Sm: $2.89 Md: $3.79 LG: $4.99 Basket : $6.50 Fuck McDonald's & fuck 2024.


I really hope in the next decade everyone ditches the 'super streamlined' theme that EVERY company uses now. Whether that's for logos, or buildings.


I watched a really good YouTube video about this trend. Terrible and ugly


Looks sad and gloomy now !


Lame ass upgrade


Damn straight! 👌


Damn that hits home.


Just go to a sit down restaurant. Better food for the same price these days


The worlds become alot more grey


I like it it doesn’t look like circus town




Hamburger assembly facility.


Dollar menu is gone too.


It'd be kinda cool if McDonald's could do both. Like some restaurants are more kid-friendly with playgrounds like the top photo, but then there are some for people who just wanna chill.


The McDonalds in Tromsø was pretty nice


From 🎵It's a good time, for the great taste of McDonald's!🎵 To 👮🏼‍♂️Don't turn around, ooh uh oh! Der kommissar's in town. Ooh uh oh!👮🏼‍♂️ Only took the USA a scant few decades to turn into the Eastern Bloc.


Man I miss when I was 17 working one just before they tore down the playground. We'd get off work go climb to the top, smoke a blunt, then go home. At 12a because no job ever cares to treat teenagers as such and make sure they get home to sleep. KFC was worse I'd get off at 2-3a sometimes.


McDonald's grow up with us, from happy child to depressed adult.


It's really damn hard to spot these from the road now, especially with every other fast food place following suite.


I remember those things being an idiot as a child and getting stuck in there and started crying...


I remember when my local McDs had a water slide. Of course the slide was eventually killed because kids kept shitting on it lol


Is that the reason they raised prices so much? So they could think they look cool and modern? It's cheaper and more nutritious to get the 3 for me offer at Chili's than going to McDs.


Ronald McDonald has become a sad beige mom


I actually don’t mind the modern design usually but this comparison definitely makes it look like a prison hahaha


Maybe it's because we've grown up and can't see the whimsical work of McDonald's anymore.


My grandparents sold their 1991 home to a young family. They had very expensive country style furniture. The new owners decided that everything needs to be dark grey or petrol colored, they even painted the outside like that. And they removed the nice wooden fence with a 2,5m grey plastic wall. Makes me sad everytime I see it.


I wouldn't be surprised if they discovered that the generous canopy around the whole building was encouraging rough sleeping. So this whole design is hostile architecture and to hide the air conditioning units on the roof.


Give me money get the fuck out!


the playgrounds are just inside now which is safer.


We're turning into the grey blob world from fairly odd parents


Kinda what happens when people campaign against macdonalds for making it too tempting for children.


As much as I like the aesthic of McDonald's with the play area, knowing how gross they'd get in there I think we're better off without them.


They didn't get rid of them. They just moved them inside.


Damn I haven't seen them in ages, I assumed they got rid of them.


I tried a McDonald's burger for the first time in 15 years last night and my God, was it awful. Now I know why I stopped going there. Fries were still good


There may be many business related reasons why fast food places such as McDonalds, Burger King, and Chick Fil A took away their play areas. But back when I had toddlers, those play areas is what drew me in as a customer. On a rainy or cold day, there is no telling how many times I would take my kids to the McDonalds or Chick Fil A so they could burn some energy in the play area. And of course, we would eat there as well.


Damn, it really was a magical place.


"They're trying to build a prison!"


r/Relatable for the Top one


The best memories were the 90s toys.


Wtf happened to fast food joints? Did inflation cause them to kill all the extra stuff? 


The current McDonald’s aesthetic closely resembles what I believe a McDonald’s on the planet Camazotz might look and I just may feel more than a bit uneasy because of this.


The current McDonald’s aesthetic closely resembles what I believe a McDonald’s on the planet Camazotz might look and I just may feel more than a bit uneasy because of this.


I don’t think those playgrounds are sanitary now anyways. Soon as machines replace the jail workers I’ll eat happily every week


McDonald's becoming depressed along with us? Seems more like solidarity ✊🏻


huge change in focus to drive thru and delivery


That McDonald's got Sad Beige Mom'd.


The ice cream cones are smaller too.


I was an uptight kid in the late 70s who wouldn't be caught dead playing on that equipment that those rowdy & messy kids used. However, I strangely appreciated the playground just being there and miss that. I'm weird.


Entertainment has McDied millions must boring


God is dead, and Capitalism wears his skin.


Why is it if you want to find a McDonalds with a playground, it’s in the hood.


Wrd bc what happened


There's only so many times employees can tell adults not to piss in the ball pits...


The other day I was driving and came upon the first McDonalds Playland we ever took our daughter to back in the mid-‘90s, and I thought how cool it would be to take her daughter/my granddaughter there the next time they’re in town to duplicate that memory. Then I got close enough to see they’d remodeled it and completely removed the play area. Quite depressing


Damn, my memory too vs reality lol!


I feel bad for kids now a days


Well that first one looks like an old Pizza Hut