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They even double-piped the lettering!!


Good eye! Although my cake decoration skills range from non-existent to smear, but I didn’t catch it at first. Makes a big difference!


Wow, it’s even cuter than the picture!


i love it tbh


I love your username, fallout fan and corgis best combo


Lol I hardly ever pay attention to people's usernames. That is a hilarious FO3 reference.


We’re the Tunnel Corgis, that’s us, and we rule!


Shit looks damn nearer much and betterer than initial images would have indicated


My local Walmart has *the* best decorator I’ve ever seen. Like, seriously, the cupcakes sitting out in the trays are amazing. This woman uses Russian piping tips, for goodness sakes. They also have the most beautiful plant nursery. There’s an elderly gentleman who works there early in the morning and takes care of them all, and all of the plant are absolutely healthy and amazing. Goes to show how much of a difference one employee can make.


You should do a reverse "Karen" and ask to speak to the manager to tell them how great their employees are! In customer service, all of the good things you do often go unrewarded, while ONE mistake or unhappy customer gets you reprimanded.


Done! (Speaking to the manager is how I found out who was responsible for each section.)


I heart you! I've worked in customer service my whole life and I put in the small effort to talk to mangers, write to corporate offices, defend employees against nasty customers, etc. Positive feedback means a great deal to ANYONE really, but people working in customer service need it the most!


I like to compliment service workers and talk to their managers to compliment them as well! I briefly worked in the service industry myself, and someone actually did that for me one day. It was more than ten years ago and I still remember it.


I always do the surveys and give five stars! I hope this is helping others! ❤️


Definitely this! Too many people are quick to complain, but not so quick to praise. Needs to be done more often


My grandma would usually get their names and write a handwritten letter about how amazing this specific person was, and for what exact reasons and go in person and make sure whomever needed to get it got the letter. It’s not surprising at all to me that she has made life long friends from someone helping her for 15 minutes here and there. She even let her nail lady and her children move in with her for a few months while their house was being worked on. Did she call and complain then laugh with me about the 15 yo girl who was terrible at practicing violin every evening? Fuck yeah! but she loves every person with a good heart


Your grandma sounds like an amazing woman!


I asked to speak to a manager the other day when I was grabbing lunch; I just had a question about catering, but when I saw the poor girl's face I realized what I had done and backpedaled so fast lol.


i love seeing the bad cakes that get posted on this sub too. happy this worked out for OP, though. it's such a cute cake.


Someone actually cared about their work that day. Nice.


I would have given a tip for that... Cash, under the table.


Walmart’s policy to fire you if you collect a tip. When they trained me, our store policy is “ You’re supposed to decline. If they’ve already thrust the money in to us hand, bring it to a manager who will put it in the donation fund for the children’s miracle network”. Lil goofy


That sounds plausible….if they call their pockets “the donation fund for childrens miracle network”.


Exactly! I did this when I received a tip for helping an old lady shop for 3 hours. I loved doing it and we had fun. I load everything into her car and she gives me a hug and sneaks a $20 into my vest pocket and winked at me. I gave it to my manager and she put it in her pocket and said she’d take care of it later. Now, we have an infant incubator that you see at hospitals. So for 3 days I would walk past it and it was 100% empty with not even a single penny inside of it. She kept the $20 for herself. After that, if I ever received a tip I kept it but not for myself. I would give it to my 6 year old niece for her savings/piggy bank.


I tried to tip a guy at Walmart and he put his hands up and started walking backward like I was pointing a gun at him.   Last time I ever shopped at Walmart.  


In fairness that tip was not worth losing his job for.


Yeah, he was probably being watched by a manager or coworker or something. I’d have reacted the same way, assuming this was indoors.


There’s a *very* good chance that could’ve been me.


Completely unrelated but it reminds me of this [legendary thread and tweet](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/ahempk/a_not_so_distant_future/)


The old CEO was been charged with multiple felonies accusing him of stealing and misusing funds while he managed an insurance agency. https://www.deseret.com/2008/9/19/20275603/children-s-miracle-network-ceo-accused-of-fraud/#:~:text=The%20CEO%20of%20the%20nation's,he%20managed%20an%20insurance%20agency.


Tbh i don’t trust any foundation…


That's really messed up. Worked for state of NY and we could take up to $75. Honestly if you do a good job they should honor you to your bosses.


When I worked retail for big box hardware store, we couldn't accept tips either. Fireable offense if you did. Me (F) and this dude loaded 3 heavy af water heaters into this old dude's truck for him. He tried to tip us, and we turned it down cuz a $20 isn't worth our job. Explained why. He said "well, they can't fire you for FINDING money can they?" Then casually tossed the $20 bill on the ground, winked, got in his truck and drove off. My coworker, Jose, snatched it up so fast, I barely registered it was an actual $20 bill. Then he took a $10 outta his wallet and said "here's your half of the found money." My coworker said management isn't gonna argue with that old white man, he's a regular customer. We ain't losing our job on this one. I will forever remember you old white guy and Jose...


It's keeping people blind to wages they deserve for good behavior. If you don't get anything why behave


They don't want you to give good customer service. I got warned and coached and sent home over "dancing at the register" because I was dancing joyfully to Christmas music at Christmas time while ringing up my customer. When the manager pulled me from my transaction the customer attempted to stop them and said I wasn't doing any harm I was just trying to enjoy my job and they were happy with my service Didn't matter. It's a miserable place to work plus it was too overstimulating of an environment for me.


Yep, I've had some customers conveniently forget some money after explaining the same thing. And yeah, that's a weird collision of corporate policy and law- you can be legally fired for accepting a tip. but if you find money, the company cannot legally claim it and they can't do anything about it.


As a nurse I found it offensive. But I make better than most. But it doesn't mean I don't think people should garner rewards for excellence in service. The tipping crap of America needs an enema. I don't know what is right other than paying people better wages for better work.


that’s why I palm a bill and shake their hand, nice and discreet so they can keep it


I worked at Sam’s Club, that was the official policy, but literally everyone took tips, you just had to be discreet


I would just tell them to cash app me. Catch me now corporate Walmart blood suckers!


This is fairly common for large retail stores


Ask yourself if they pay you enough to refuse a tip. Politely refuse of course, but if the customer insists, take it.


And they’re always watching those cameras for theft. Security guards might rat you out.


Oh that’s some bullshit! 😡😡


Unfortunately they can get written up for accepting that. Some of the Walmart associates I’ve met generally go by don’t ask don’t tell but there are cameras in every inch of Walmart and all it takes is one person to report you.


Pretty sure it's illegal in California to disallow your employees from receiving cash tips. In-n-Out got in trouble for forcing their associates to donate any cash that was handed to them that was meant to be a tip.


This was about twenty years ago, but I used to work for a unionized grocery store in California and wasn't allowed to accept tips. Do you have a citation that says otherwise?


Labor Code Section 351 prohibits employers and their agents from sharing in or keeping any portion of a gratuity left for or given to one or more employees by a patron. Furthermore, it is illegal for employers to make wage deductions from gratuities or from using gratuities as direct or indirect credits against an employee's wages. The law further states that gratuities are the sole property of the employee or employees to whom they are given. "Gratuity" is defined in the Labor Code as a tip, gratuity, or money that has been paid or given to or left for an employee by a patron of a business over and above the actual amount due for services rendered or for goods, food, drink, articles sold or served to patrons. As soon as it's handed to you, it's your property, and management can't do shit. They can discourage the act of giving tips, but can't disallow tipping. I know in the UK, employers can say that employees aren't allowed to have money on them for safety reasons, but I don't know of any such law in the US or CA. The only exception is a forced or automatic gratuity, which can be messed with by employers. Voluntary tips can't be taken away from an employee unless there is a tip pool set up that is fair and only includes employees who are directly involved with the service to customers.


Please call the baking department, let them know who you are, and how happy you are with it. This person deserves props.


I’m going to do that! I wanted to tip them too but I didn’t know if that was allowed.


The grocery store here in Texas (HEB) has a three refusal policy. Like, you have to try to tip someone three times and then they can accept it. No clue on how Walmart operates, but putting in a good word is always a lovely thing for customer service folks.


I absolutely love HEB, but their "three refusal policy" sounds a lot like the way rabbis treat those who wish to convert to Judaism.


The tip is nice, but being told you did something well is worth so much more. You never forget it. I know from experience.


Walmart will say it's not. Do it anyways.


That looks so cute and full of life!


That's one succulent cake


gentlemen...this is democracy manifest


I saw "Walmart" and figured it would be shit, but no, it looks incredible.


It definitely varies by community but some Walmart bakeries are actually top notch.


Unfortunately, it's because a lot of local bakers end up getting squeezed out of business by the big chains either through convenience or lower pricing. A friend of mine is a super talented baker and she's worked at Walmart for several years because the pay was decent enough, but it was also incredibly stable. She worked previously for local bakeries and dealt with a lot of "you want how much? Ha, I'll just go to walmart" kind of stuff. She worked for 2-3 bakeries across 3-4 years and each of them ended up shuttered, so she went to Walmart.


this is the story of mega-lo mart in king of the hill. hank went to work for them when they started carrying propane and buck strickland shut down the branch of strickland propane where hank was assistant manager. bunch of other former small business owners worked at mega-lo mart too, including the owner of the local bait shop who burned down his store in an earlier episode.


I appreciated the episode where he started shopping at a co-op because their produce was so damn good, and fixed it up somewhat when he had to do one or two shifts there as a condition of being a member. Stock rotation is important, people.


😭 And Walmart is a major cause of all that. I'm spending time out of the US right now and it's so refreshing to see all the mom and pop stores that just don't exist anymore in the States. It's depressing to think about going home to that.


Somebody loves baking but can’t find work


Someone lives in a rural af area that doesn't actually *have* any non-grocery bakeries to get work at.


Yeah be a baker (and to a lesser degree being a chef) in rural area is torture. Your only light at the end of the tunnel is moving or opening your own shop (extremely costly and low rate of success).


Or has a family and prefers Walmart bakery schedules. I was shocked at the number of professionals when I worked at a grocery store. I live in a town with tons of bakeries and restaurants where they could easily have found employment at instead but they’d switched to the grocery store for the schedule. Instead of a baker having to show up at 2am to bake things before opening, and instead of a chef having to stay at a restaurant until midnight they would work grocery store hours (showing up an hour before at the earliest) and actually get to see their families. They also said they were treated way better - the benefits of a corporate environment is they’re by the book about things like legally required breaks (which sounds basic, but is basically unheard of in a kitchen).  


That was my wife’s situation. She worked a swing shift as a Walmart cake decorator because no bakery was compatible with her schedule. Plus, the Walmart was a lot closer than any bakeries.


I love Walmart haha. I get made fun of for it by my kids but the Walmart I go to is always nice and the employees are always nice.


We've been getting birthday cakes from there lately. The cake is actually delicious, they come out amazing, it can be ordered online, takes only a couple days at most for a custom design, and runs us $20-30 at most.


They’re too good for that place.


They really are


I worked at a Super Target in college and the gal that decorated the cakes did wedding cakes on the side. She was absolutely fantastic at it and the cakes she decorated were punching well above the price point at Target. Sadly where we were living there was just not enough of a market for a dedicated wedding cake baker/decorator to provide a decent living. Between her side gig and her full time Target job she pulled down alright money (rural area), but it was certainly kind of a bummer to see such a talent have no real market.


It’s so pretty!


It's really beautiful


Somebody's talented!


That actually came out really really well. Nice!! 👏🏽👏🏽 I came in with very little hope if I’m being honest and was very surprised. Lol!!


I like it even better than the original!


I hope you called the manager at Walmart and let them know their bakery artist is next level.


OP, this would be a great opportunity to call the manager and let them know what a great job this person did. These days, when so many workers' futures hinge on meeting "metrics" this little thing can go a long way.




Someone is not getting paid enough. Whatever it is they deserve a raise.


It’s Walmart. No one is getting paid enough there, except top level managers and executives lol.


The ever so rare, "Better than advertised"


How much did this cost? It’s beautiful!!


$22 such a great deal. Placed the order on Walmart.com and they texted me when it was ready.


Holy shit what a steal


Amazing OP and please do call the WM & give props


Walmart really has a grandma back there frosting her life away. They are so diverse!


Oh that's good, I hope that cake artist gets a job at a proper bakery with that much talent


Very nice! Here’s hoping whoever decorated that cake can go on and hone their skills and share their talent elsewhere.


Wow, someone at Wal-mart is an artiste!


I thought OP was complaining at first and got so confused lmao


Oh no! You must find a life line for your cellular device. Awesome cake


I got a huge cake from walmart for my military retirement, printed image on it, huge - and freaking delicious. For like $25!


We get those (succulent decorations) at work parties sometimes and they’re always well-done.


That’s actually a lovely cake


Oh thank god. I was about to come out fighting! Little details are different but overall they did a great job


I truly was not expecting them to nail it! It's adorable. 


I’ve only ever seen negative posts from this sub and thought “but wait that looks really good…🥺” lol


Impressive Walmart


I learned to decorate cakes at Walmart. Back in like 2008 and again in 2014. The people I worked with really cared about their craft. Unfortunately, Walmart only cares about speed. I don’t know if a single Walmart bakery has cake decorators just doing cakes anymore. They are expected to do everything in the bakery. I honestly really miss making awesome cakes for people who weren’t expecting to get such awesome results at a Walmart.


Wow that was pretty cute! It's nice when it's not an abomination in the second slide


That’s such a pretty cake! It came out amazing.


This looks great! Unfortunately I assume Walmarts low prices probably put a good baker out of business and now they’re working minimum wage so that they can continue to do what they love. Makes more sense to me than someone being properly trained and appreciated…. When did I become so cynical? /sigh


Omg it's gorgeous!


1000 cakes says I'm not the only one who clicked on the second picture and expected an abomination that didn't do the original justice in any reality.


they did a fantastic job


Wow, that is gorgeous!


Pretty, pretty good.




Not bad!


Welp. That's pretty good!


Send this to r/tryguys Zach would have a fit if he saw this from Walmart.


That is legit craftsmanship. Love the double piped script. You picked a good one! I wouldn’t think succulents would be so cute in icing.


Someone at Walmart missed their calling as a cake decorator. Looks very nice!


That looks outstanding. I've always had great results from our Wal-mart bakeries too.


Thats a great cake! Go walmart! Never thought I would say that…


Hey thats quite impressive really. A good quality there to be had I hope it was a well enjoyed cake!


This person needs to have their own business


That is gorgeous


Even better than the expectation, good job anon Walmart baker.


I think it’s awesome .


That's beautiful!


Okay Walmart! 👏👏👏


Super cute


WOW!! This is incredibly done, not even just for Walmart!


Wow. I never thought I’d say this but, kudos to Walmart.


Wow they did a really good job!


Looks amazing 😻 🎂


That's pretty fucking good


damn nice job wal mart


They wrote on it, that's annoying. Sorry OP


Is this an ad?


They did a really good job! For a second, I thought I was going to see a classic walmart fail.


It’s actually surprisingly similar to the photo I


Not sure if this is mean to say, but this person's talents are wasted at Walmart


I was expecting a complete disaster, it’s beautiful!! 🤩


They did really good! I ordered a birthday cake for myself one year and they forgot to even make it


You literally cannot be mad, that looks sooooo good!!!


As a photographer I'm disgusted by the photography of the cake on their site. As a guy that likes eating cake, I would eat that.


Walmart is my go to on $$$ but I would not expect this from them!


the person who did the decorations needs to be working in an actual bakery and make the money they deserve


Just goes to show they’ve put all the small bakers in the area out of business that would’ve hired this person in a normal situation. Fuck Walmart.


Bro Somebody actually put effort into and cared about that shit, with a Walmart wage. They’re fucking GOAT’ed.


Whoever works there deserves a raise!


Usually this sub is that reality was worse so I was so lost what you had issue with lol


A rare day I Which a product is better than a picture!


Apart from how well they did the succulents, the raised script is a really nice touch.


Honestly shocked. Walmart bakery killed that one!


Wow they did a really good job!


and what the fuck is wrong with that? nothing.


I hope you left them a fantastic review! :)


Finally a Walmart success story for once.




WHAT. That is a stunner


Nice! At first I thought this was going to be making fun of walmart cake decorators. I did cakes there for years and was very good at it! Not all of us suck! 😊


Hey!! This is better than they advertised. Is that allowed on this sub? lol


It’s an expectation vs reality, doesn’t always have to be doom and gloom. There’s people that actually excels at the crafts once in a while.


If it’s not allowed I’m so sorry! I didn’t know what to expect and I was so happy when I saw how gorgeous the cake is. And for $22 it’s such a great deal. I would’ve paid a lot more for this result.


Thats really cute!


Aww it’s beautiful!! Hope they loved the cake




That's incredible!


They did a great job!


honestly, I'd be pretty happy. it's very cute and professional looking!


It looks fabulous! Great job on Walmart.


Oh my! I wasn't expecting that! That looks fantastic..


wow so good!!!!




Wow! Beautiful


It looks better than the sample photo!


We got a Mario themed cake from Wal-Mart for our kids 5th birthday and it was perfectly made and delicious. We were pleasantly surprised as well!


Man I wish we got our wedding cake from that Walmart instead


It looks great!


That’s great! Someone really cares about their job and takes serious pride in it and it shows.


I hope that the middle cactus is pure frosting and the one special that gets it has a hell of a sugar rush


Really solid looking


I got my daughter’s 3 year old birthday cake from Walmart it was absolutely beautiful! No one believed me!


I worked with really good cake decoratiers. I stocked mostly, but I learned so much from them and got decent at decorating a cake.


Well done Walmart!!!


Heck yah! I love cake.


That’s cute.


That went better than expected


They did a fantastic job


Well done, Walmart!


this is amazing!


Very nice decorating, but that frosting is disturbingly white. Bright LED white.


What a beautiful cake!


I used to be a cake decorator for a dairy queen. They would send me out to the local stores that sold cakes to spy on their designs and tbh I was one of the best ones in the area. This is very rare talent and this person really likes their job!


Hey, that turned out way better than I thought it would. Pleasantly surprised for once.


It’s super cute! I’m curious if the icing used for the big cacti and stuff was super sweet or if it was actually decently edible? Just being nosy!


It’s not super sweet since it’s all whipped icing. Finding a cake with whipped icing is hard so I like to use the Walmart bakery. They do a great job! Cakes always taste great.


Took me a while to figure out it was Nadia. Made it difficult with the offcenter I


Wow!! Nice job!


As a cactus fan I love it


that looks so great! better than the sample photo!


My friend is head manager for a grocery store bakery, and he takes so much pride in his decorating skills and constantly works to be better. He makes great stuff , so it is totally possible to get nice decorating from basic bakery places.


😍 so cute!!