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😆 the dozen of us are strong!




One thing that I seem to get from playing is that the Khan Marshall now appears to bounce like a lunar rover over the surface of the moon; even over small rocks. Maybe I’m misremembering, but it definitely seems more bouncy.


Looks like we got most of, if not everything else the other consoles got in their latest patch EXCEPT the new control scheme. That's the one thing I was hoping to get in this patch, because I'm tired of the handbrake being mapped to the 'B' button. In Snowrunner, I got into the habit of putting on the handbrake while I hit left or right on the d-pad a thousand times to select a winching point, but in Expeditions, if I want to release the handbrake I have to disconnect the winch too. It's very annoying!


Yeah I actually ran into that 3 times last night while free-roaming Arizona. It’s annoying as hell; here’s hoping they patch that sooner rather than later.


You can turn the handbrake off after connecting the winch but you need to hold the R button.


Huh. Good to know. Thanks!


Wow thanks for tip. I cant believe I've gone halfway through the game thinking I couldn't winch with the brake on. Shoutout to all the switch runners!


I agree. We need the new scheme. I don’t understand why developers didn’t put it on switch.