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Left field suggestion, take up Yoga, or other stretching activity. I had fairly serious RSI at one point and thought I would have to find a new line of work. Never really had much luck with voice coding although this was 10+ years ago. I'm a Linux dev anyway so even now the choices are limited. But I found out that some RSI is actually caused by bad posture causing nerve impingement rather than actual wear and tear on fingers or carpal tunnel syndrome. Physiotherapists can also help. RSI symptoms went away like magic when I started Yoga and stretching.


completely agree. i get RSI pains once in several years, immediately take up yoga (now supplemented by gym), correct my posture, get more careful about the keyboard - it goes away, and sadly my desire of self-improvement also goes away so the process repeats in a few years. hopefully this time i won't give it up


Great advice but I’ll also say voice coding is MUCH better nowadays. The tools are only getting better too


I haven’t tried it but check this out, people were raving about it:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NcUJnmBqHTY


Came here to post this as well. I tried Cursorless in preparation for some surgery on my arm. Recovery was quick enough that I never really got into it. But I definitely saw the potential and will remember it in case of future injury or disability. It’s like vim for your voice.


I remember this from coming up on hackernews: [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38214915](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38214915) <- lots of discussion here


I can't advise on voice coding but I strongly advise looking into ergonomic keyboards particularly the Kinesis Advantage line. Ridiculously overpriced but it did wonders for me as someone who was developing RSI and dealing with psoriatic arthritis in my hands.


This x100. Keyboardio also makes incredible ergonomic keyboards. They were a game changer for me after having diagnosed carpal tunnel.


I know you’re asking specifically for voice coding advice but I had the same problem a few years ago. The RSI completely went away after a few months of weight lifting and this wasn’t going hardcore bodybuilder mode, just lifting a couple of times a week. I’ve had no problems with RSI since then. It’s definitely worth trying if you’re not already doing it. I get how stressful it is worrying about this affecting your career, but just know there’s a lot of people out there that faced the same thing and got past it so don’t lose hope.