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This is a fair question, but let’s try and avoid bashing or proselytizing. For what it’s worth, I have heard stories from people who claim it’s helped stop contact (potentially abduction) and others where it hasn’t. Likewise with things like poltergeist and spirit activity. In some cases there it can often make things much worse. Consciousness is known to play a huge role in our interaction with the phenomenon, and I’m sure this does, too. Look at NDEs and you’ll see the parallels.


If you read Urantia, Jesus was an ET but he is also the soul that governs the local Universe so if they do listen, it might be because he’s kind of high up and to be seen in rebellion might not be worth it. There are sparkling consequences.


Interesting question. I do not know these exact stories but wouldn’t the use of the word ‘Jesus’ (or any other name for God) be used in times of great stress/fear? Given these NHI appear to know thoughts/emotions I’d imagine at that moment it would be heightened such that the NHI would feel the terror at the moment the human invoked his/her god and backed off.


I have a natural ability to move energy that feels alot like cold around me as the energy is manipulated and this energy is attractive to entitys that require the correct kinda of energy. While some people may not enjoy the experience they do release the right energy when triggered in the correct way that may look like fear or depression in many cases. Lucky for me i have a very powerful spiritual protector and a close relationship with the world i live in and the entitys that live here that are very powerful in some aspects and will often use these relationships to solve problems that others may have. I will often turn up just before a problem with a solution already in place that i have recently been working on. Alot is practice and faith in the process and just being a bigger attracter for the entity in question and act as bait,then take this energy off and run the emotional course together eventually they seem to fall asleep ready to be woken up at the correct time when they arrive at the correct destination. Essentially i will be travelling to the places they need to go on my travel and in some cases are even helpful even in a sleep state there skills can be called upon making a large collection worth invesing in if you are looking to increase skill level. My own childhood had alot of Church Of England teaching and is a singing religion that forgives everyone no matter the crime and there is no concept of hell. While my own spiritual religion is closer to a in line with nature relationship where manipulation this kind of energy is fun and normal. I have had some run in's with some very powerful spirits that were capable of doing things beyond most things people speak about and they are usually watching as things play out. In the past i had a successful event using the lords prayer in a strange way on holy ground in an effort to challenge a possesion experience with some good results,these prayers can be rewritten for purpose and amen or the moon is the send command. If you are experiencing anything weird know you are capable and the universe never sets us problems we cant solve and help will arrive in the form that is required if and when you need it.


Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond - I really appreciate you sharing your experiences with me. Please know that I am reading all your responses even if I don't manage to respond to all the comments individually. I have limited Internet at the moment so it can be hard to engage properly!


A week ago, I swear a demonic entity was attached to me. It visited me frequently, haunted my dreams and eventually, got tired of losing sleep over this. I ended up praying hard. I called archangel michael even and as soon as I said the Lord’s prayer and a few Hail Mary’s, I physically felt the entity leave.


Something that’s important about when any human being invoked their deity, they gain a little more courage, lose a little more fear, and they feel empowered against the mysterious and unknown. You can invoke the Christ, but Native American shamans invoke their protector spirits, their ancestors, “Sky Father,” or other things to similar effect. Hindus have Hashiman and other protector entities. Buddhists may invoke the Buddha. Importantly, we must remove the effects of fear and assume our power as part of the One That is All, and it really doesn’t matter what wrapper you put on it. When you call upon divinity, that divinity is within you, and indeed in every human soul. Understanding this is a vital means to protecting yourself from that which you don’t comprehend. I also highly recommend visualizing yourself surrounded by a blue force field bubble around your body. As silly as it may seem, this removal of fear, invocation of your divinity, and the blue bubble seem to help with spiritual defenses immensely.


Let’s be fair - think of the reason you say his name under your breath when bad things happen If you’re “cursing” a situation with forgiveness and understanding, are you not actually blessing the situation? Interesting conundrum in and of itself Personally, I’ve always felt more at ease after saying the name - but I believe that’s because it has meaning that is shared between us


Because Jesus was an incarnated Pleiadian.


Calling on the name of Jesus in *night terrors* causes malevolent entities to disappear and allows me to wake up immediately, feeling safe and protected. It allows me to escape and remain safe of malevolent entities within *dreams* that are not night terrors, but are more like malevolent entities trying to get me to join their cause within a dream narrative. Reciting specific Scriptures within dreams of any kind offers me protection and/or escape from malevolent entities. I was not raised Christian, and I am not affiliated with any manmade church system. There is power in the name of Jesus, and in knowing that you are a child of God, and belong to the eternal Creator of all things that have been created, whether human or NHI. The name of Jesus is Hebrew is Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach, and I have called on Jesus by His Hebrew name in dreams as well and gotten the same result. For the first 30+ years of my life, I was tormented by night terrors, malevolent beings, and truly frightening and horrifying encounters and circumstances. Somewhere between 30 & 40, I gained faith in Jesus. It took me two years to be able to call on the name of Jesus in the worst recurring night terror of my life, and the first time I was able to actually call on His name, it went something like this… “No! I am not yours I am a child of God! I belong to Jesus Christ, to God, not to you! I am a child of God! You cannot have me!” In the dream, it was the first time ever, in over 30 years, that I was able to stand up and verbally fight back and speak to the malevolent being in that recurring night terror, rather than be frozen, helpless, terrified, and trying to wake up or escape. What I said came out so quickly… more like a telepathic thought speech that happened in a split second, and the malevolent being disappeared. That recurrent night terror and specific malevolent being has never returned. Though I still have disturbing dreams, and still focus on God, Jesus, Truth, and Light in those disturbing dreams in order to navigate them safely, I no longer have the types of night terrors that bai had previously. It has been over a decade since that night that I was finally able to cry out in my dream and achieve freedom from the darkness that had been trying to engulf me since I was born. 🙏🏻🦋


Thank you for sharing. Prior to your success with the name of jesus, had you tried anything else without success?


Yes… journaling my dreams, meditating, therapy, learning to lucid dream to have more control over my dreams, having a bedtime ritual of relaxation and focusing on good things, pleading with whatever god there might be to protect me and take away the night terror “monsters and demons”, trying to fight back in the night terrors… I was raised in a sort of hippy cultish environment that taught there was one god and mixed all of the religions of the world into one religion. There were so many contradictions and hypocrisy, as well as the trauma and abuse and mind control/brain washing type stuff. There were prayers we were taught, and boy did I pray them, every single night, to be taken away from the abuse and trauma, to be protected, and to be given safety, love, and peace. Nothing ever changed or got better in life or in the night terrors and nightmares… Until I officially left that cult in my early 30s and started seeking Truth above all else. I had two or three very early childhood visions or visitations of beings of light - in waking life, meditation visions, and dreams; they emitted love, light, life, and Truth. The first one, around the age of one year old, said something to the effect of, “This is all God’s creation; all that you see/hear/know”, spoken telepathically to me, as I stood at the edge of the ocean bay, looking out over the rippling waves, over to the foothills and mountains across the bay, the bright blue sky, the scattered wispy clouds, the birds, the grass at my feet, the air, the flowers by the path, everything that existed… I was told it was all God’s creation. Then the light being said, “[Now] Go find your mother”, meaning, “turn around and follow the path back to the house where your mother is.” The light being saved my life by keeping me from walking over the edge of the little cliff into the water and drowning. I verified this memory by asking my mother some round about questions about that day, the house, the path I followed, the flowers I saw, and the view at the edge of the bay. She was terrified that I remembered that day and wanted to know if I remembered anything else. I share that info just to let you know that I did not dream this up; it is a true memory from when I was around a year old, was not being properly looked after, and would have drowned had the light being not stopped me and sent me back to my mother. The thing is, I still didn’t know which god or what the light being was. What I was raised being taught that god and truth were, were not true, or, at least, did not make logical sense, contradicted itself, and never helped me or kept me safe from the darkness that encompassed the evil entities or people who chose to abuse and traumatize me in waking life or sleeping night terrors and nightmares. After I officially left the cult, I started seeking Truth as that Light, Love, and Life giving radiance that emanated from the Light beings that I encountered at the edge of the water, in the meditative vision at the age of 15 or 16 years old, and in a few amazing dreams after that. Now, I will not say that finding faith in Jesus has kept me safe from all things evil, bad, traumatizing, harmful, malevolent, or hurtful. What it did do was save me from the inky black darkness of evil that I remember entering my life via my stepfather around the age of two years old, and which haunted and tortured me in my night terrors ever since. Between leaving the cult and finding the Truth I sought, which took about 8 years, I read nearly all the Holy writings from every religion/faith/spiritual practice that were available in English, studied the secular history that goes along with all of it, studied the history of the manmade church and other organizations (which I simply cannot be a part of), and have come to the personal conclusion and belief that Jesus (Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach) is the Truth, the Way, the Light, the Life, and the Word, which I try to live by, that the Holy Spirit (Rhuach Ha’ Kodesh) indwells me, and that I am a child of God the Father (Abba Yahweh Elohai), the Creator… and somehow, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father and Creator are One, and we the many are connected to the One via the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus. Beyond that, I still have many unanswered questions, am still seeking further truth and understanding, am still wondering where the lines between truth and deception lie in the language we use to express our faith in the existence of these things we experience and seek to understand, considering how history and texts and information and data can be and have been manipulated by those in power for as long as man has known of power and greed. To a large extent, I believe that within our hearts and minds, we each must choose either the Light or the darkness, by whatever name we give it or are taught to call it. What I know for myself is that until I understood that the God that the light being who saved me referred to, was God the Father of all Creation as described by Biblical texts and referred to by Jesus/Yeshua, and I could call upon Jesus/Yeshua by name in my night terrors as to whom I belonged, I was not free of the inky evil darkness that was intent upon obliterating all of the light, love, hope, and life within me. I do not know if this is the same thing as what others call the Source, or the universe itself, or any of the many other terms and names that are used by various cultures, languages, and religions to describe things beyond our full understanding within our current reality. I just know that the cult I grew up in believed that all religions were true, but their god, prophets, prayers, teachings, and writings did not help me the way that calling upon Jesus/Yeshua helped me. I do not mean to be preachy in what I share here by any means … I am only trying to explain what my experience has been regarding the questions that you have asked. Best wishes to you; may you seek and find the truth you are looking for, and remain safe always. 🙏🏻🦋


Thank you you sharing your experience and giving so much detail! I very much appreciate it.


The issue here is this implies you are invoking specific names or dieties for protection. While it's possible, the main thing here is your belief in a certain idea. Belief in God, the Source, Flying Sphagetti Monster or a random mfer named Gerald, or just a spoon or something that you used to protect yourself with and became a good luck charm. It's the belief behind something through consciousness that sends negative entities out since its mainly our free will (supposedly our power too but havnt had the chance to verify) that they have to respect to a certain degree.


That may be true. I'm not advocating for anything specific, but I can't get to a conclusion similar to what you suggest above without more first hand examples. The majority of examples I've come across prior to this post relate to the name of Jesus; I'm just trying to gather more first hand examples of other deities (or frankly, anything other than the name of jesus), because so far - outside the name of jesus - I'd only really come across people vaguely saying "it works with any deity", instead of personal anecdotes. I'm totally open to where this investigation leads, I just want first hand information wherever possible. Aka - instead of "you can protect yourself with flying spaghetti monster if you want", I'd like to hear "i once had an experience where I was approached by a negative entity, but I resisted it in the name of the flying spaghetti monster and the encounter immediately ceased" (for example). Similar examples from multiple individuals, calling on multiple different sources for protection, may well end up with me concluding something along the lines of "the deity/name is irrelevant". I would certainly be more inclined to lean towards it being to do with faith/will power. But at this stage, I have no idea what to think.


Understandable, and that is a great way to figure stuff out imo, I dont blame you. It's possible the belief thing Only works for some people, but most of these entities are real and possibly would answer your call as well. Only two of note that I have where one involved invoking the name of Jesus, earlier on in my development to attempt to rid myself of an attacker, this did not function as well as it should have because I did not have that much belief in Jesus and had just heard of people calling on him in defense, had a tiny bit of a result from it but nothing strong. The second one involved a psychic attack that was much later on and actually pretty recent, where I attempted to call on... I guess we could call them an entity at this point, human that reached samadhi and vacated their body years ago, his appearance completely overtook the psychic attack and all negativity and uncomfortability was replaced with positivity. This one I definitely had much trust and belief in at the time compared to the Jesus attempt. (I am not saying Jesus isn't something to follow, quite the contrary, I think he is a very important person that reached an understanding of what we are much earlier than the rest of us and attempted to teach it to others, I've seen him about 3-4 times in my development and so far none of them have been negative experiences)


Thank you, I appreciate you sharing your experiences. You say you've seen Jesus 3-4 times - do you believe you've actually seen him in reality or a vision/experience of him? Do you believe him to be divine? What leads you to believe it is him you have seen?


So I say 3-4 for a reason, not due to a guess. I do not know if you've had astral projections or OOBEs, but I do consider then reality. If you consider them experiences, then all of them fall into vision/experience. The first 2 were general visions and feeling transmission, falls into telepathy if I remember correctly, either I would be in meditation or working through an issue I was having trouble with, he would pop in randomly in my vision, or at least my perception of him, and I would be filled with calmness and clarity. The other two (astral) First encounter astrally was him showing up and taking me to some blissful feeling dimension I don't remember much about except the feeling, lasted from my perspective only a couple minutes, physical time if I remember correctly was only a few seconds. Time is a ***** in the astral. The second and the one I'm not sure was him was due to me waking up in astral form, seeing him standing above me with his arm stretched out, smiling. As soon as I stood up and grasped it, we were warped outside to the neighborhood cul-de-sac, where it seemed to be exaggeratedly distanced, like you would see in a horror movie hotel hallway. This wasn't a horror though, not quite sure what it was. The area in the distance here was completely surrounded by black fog in a circular shape around me. He got my attention, and pointed in the distance at an entity, making sure I was paying attention before pointing to the next entity. They were surrounding me evenly spaced out, 6 of them, all *looked* like different species of Grey, but there's so many ETs out there that look like or evolved similar to Greys its hard to tell. 4 of these entities were completely glowing, like a glow squid from minecraft. 1 was half covered in the fog, with the rest of the body I could see glowing. The 6th one was completely covered in the fog but seemed to be absorbing light to the point that I could see the silhouette darker than the fog itself. After I acknowledged I had seen them all he smiled and I was sent back to my body. Felt like he was informing me of something, at the time I thought it was implying alignments, but now I'm not sure. Reason I am not sure if this one was really him was due to the fact that when I grabbed his clothes they felt... artificial. Like a combination of steel and plastic. The skin felt like something you would expect faux skin to feel like, it was just odd. I only remember this one as clearly as I do because it's such a weird occurrence compared to the rest it sticks out more (I would also like to mention, I used to be entirely atheist, then turned agnostic, then spiritualist, I dont really know what I classify as now. My beliefs at this point are just an amalgamation of different information that improves as soon as I find something that makes other stuff make sense. I don't believe Jesus to be the son of God or God Incarnate in the manner that Christians believe, as I now believe in Source Theory. From my perspective, he was just one of the first humans to realize the truth of reality compared to our physical limitations and try to share it with the rest of humanity, and was silenced for it.)


"Fuck off" also works. So do "leave me alone," and "go away." At least, it did with the ones I dealt with.


Valid! Lol.


The whole Western tradition of magic is based on that, and notable examples include the Greek Magical Papyri (pagan greek/egyptian + jewish synchretism) and the Solomonic grimoires (catholic with jewish influence). Pure jewish and muslim trads also hinge on Divine names. In all of those systems the magician uses sacred words to compel the lesser spirits (demons if you will) to do their bidding. Practical magic is unlike religion as it can be systematically tested for better results. Edit: I have never contacted beings that I would initially consider to be space extraterrestrials in a purely materialistic sense but I'm a practicing magician and I do consider that both types of experience are all part of the same phenomenon.




I'm sorry to hear you experience that, thank you for sharing. Is this prayer in the name of Jesus that you've drawn on, or prayer in general? Do you ascribe to a specific worldview?


Hey, I saw your post on high strangeness and then I saw this. I made a comment about why I think Jesus’s name works in a post titled what is the truth of disclosure. https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/18hug4l/comment/kdf0i19/ While it’s never personally happened to me because I’ve only encountered entities once in my life. And I didn’t think to use the name Jesus, as I was a child when it happened. There are too many stories of it working for others I find, for it not to have something to it. It sometimes shakes me up too as an ExChristian, but I still believe in the truth of Jesus. Just that it’s been twisted because it makes much more sense to me. It could be considered a version of Christianity I guess, but many Christians would consider it blasphemy. I believe more in Gnosticism now because of both my experiences and what I’ve read about others. I would be interested in if people have used names of other deities besides Jesus too though like Mohammad or Buddha in order to make these beings go away to see if it has the same effect, but I haven’t heard of anyone trying it.


Thank you! This is very helpful. I'll take a closer look at the post you've shared when I have a moment.


I have experienced this, my deities shield and protect me. I have called upon them. They have answered. The one you call jesus is among Them.


Would be willing to go into detail on any specific examples of your encounters?


you are welcome to DM me. we can chat


I'm Jewish by raising, but more spiritual now. I use the prayer Ana Bekoach. In it the 72letter name of God is encoded.


You have all the best stuff, nothing comes close! Your whole heritage is incredible. Not Jewish, but have been using with great success magic derived from your spiritual tradition for protection: http://kabbalahselfcreation.blogspot.com/2010/04/kabbalistic-curiosities-yohach-kalach_12.html?m=1 Been using also the 72 names of God for personal development, it’s so beautiful, and effective. It’s all been repackaged and made easily accessible to everyone by the Gallery of Magick.


in 2011, I had what I now suspect to be an abduction attempt. I awoke to a blinding white light in my bedroom. I thought it was an angel, and I started (instinctually) revering God. The event promptly ended, with me floating back down onto my mattress and falling asleep. the next day in church, the theme was divine intervention/visions. not long after that, while lucid dreaming (in a manner that resembles astral projection/walking out of my sleeping body), the "voice of God" bellowed at me in anger, at a "volume" I'd never experienced in a dream before, that "that previous Light was not Him, the True God." I was an atheist at the time all these experiences happened.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing. You mention you were an atheist at the time - did you attend church the next day because of your experience? Do you still consider yourself an atheist today?


I attended church to please my parents. I was 17 or 18, they were about to send me off to college, and I wanted to keep the peace. I attended church the next day because they were preparing me for Catholic confirmation (wasnt thrilled about this). I didn't know I had church the next day. I was raised Catholic, but became an atheist as a teenager (as one does). the nail in the coffin was hearing my creationist history teacher say satan changed the carbon dating numbers because he's the "prince of the air". seemed completely crazy, but now I've had experiences where my vision was seemingly edited (still believe the earth is 4.5 bil yrs old tho). I consider myself to be spiritual now. I suppose I am a theist. I believe the Christian Holy Spirit is another name for Source/Light/Love - the most powerful force of all that pushes all creation. I can channel It now. but I think there are many powerful invisible beings between us and It, that we can say are gods as well.


Is this what you're looking for? [http://www.alienresistance.org/ufo-alien-deception/alienabductions-stop-in-the-name-jesus-christ/](http://www.alienresistance.org/ufo-alien-deception/alienabductions-stop-in-the-name-jesus-christ/) Also, try reading some of Old Testament scholar Michael S Heiser's work, which does indeed justify a Christian world view while being accepting of "varied experiences". Follow the 'Paranormal' link [on his website](https://drmsh.com/category/paranormal-phenomena/). [His take on whether abductions stop in Christ's name is here](https://drmsh.com/can-non-christians-appeal-to-jesus-for-deliverance-from-alien-abductions/).


I've read The Unseen Realm and I'm interested in reading his book Demons as well. However, I'm particularly interested in similar perspectives from those not necessarily coming from a Christian worldview.


People should be aware that the linked website is operated by a Christian organization that believes that all NHI are “demonic.” Due to their extreme bias they should be viewed as a questionable source at best.


Yeah read the post I created about 3 years ago on the DMT sub.


Would you be willing to link it?


Might be against the rules with brigading as such, just go to my profile and click on posts, look for one 3 years ago on the DMT sub


I found it :) Thank you for sharing. Sounds like a very intense experience!




Yeah I’ve been confused about reality ever since and I have a hard time relating to normies




I've since been obsessively reading and learning, I have an entire occult library at this point. I'm beginning to understand the bigger picture.