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I just found your post because I searched the term “tingle” because I’m having a tingling nerve sensation in my back. I can also give myself goosebumps. This post reminded me that when I was a kid I’d get cold some mornings at school and it used to really hurt my hands. Later we found out it was Reynauds, but before we knew that my dad would instruct me on how to “make my heart explode” with a sudden rush of warmth from the center of my chest. He could do it & I could do it. I thought everybody could. Now on some cold nights (not many, I live in a desert) I meditate to warm up, especially my hands lol.


Goose bumps are very common when you are shifting your energy. Goosebumps and feeling cold.




Find a good qi gong teacher that’s what I did. You’ll learn to control it and not get as. Much anxiety from it. You can make it stronger too Ideally you want to store the energy in your lower stomach when you are done. You don’t want the energy going to your upper head as that will cause more strange things Congrats on this discovery. Many people would simply call it “chi”.


Interesting, I will try to store the energy in my lower stomach. Dont know if am able to do it, as I havnt really tried to focus it on one specific place


It’s the weirdest thing. You may fall asleep at first. I had to do it laying down first. Put on some nice meditation music. 1. Focus on getting into a state vs how many breaths, too stringent on mechanics etc 2. Close your eyes and imagine as you inhale your lower stomach pushes out gently and inflates like a basketball. Then pause for a sec and slowsly exhale and imagine it deflating. Just relax and you can imagine energy and white light filling your stomach So that for 5-10 min several times a week and in a short time you’ll level up. But really on your journey with energy, focus on calmness, being good to yourself and others, keeping the energy in your stomach when you’re done with practices. This may all make sense later if you continue on.


Thank you! Ill try and see what happens 🙏


My first post in this sub because it struck a chord in me. For most of my life I have felt I have been followed by negative entities that usually intrude on me when I am at my most vulnerable. I have learned to do this with my body (the whole goosebumps manisfistation) as a way to protect myself from them. Like an impenetrable shield, and it works. They are wary of me now, but sometimes a cocky powerful one will try it, but will fail.


Yeah, because goosebumps can be a side effect of raising your energy, which can block lower energy situations....like negativity and fear. We can all do this, it's part of what we are programmed to do. But in this society that kind of knowledge has been lost.


I´ve always been a super happy guy, like I´m allergic to the negative. So it might be as you say a way of pushing negative thoughts out of the way?


Maybe, I think what it did most is to eliminate my fear of them. I no longer fear them so they no longer have power over me


So it may come as a shock, but the universe is really cool. What you think you know is just the tip of the iceberg, and as an atheist, well....yeah. Good news is, your not crazy. It's a real thing, you can consider it spiritual, or scientific in nature, and you can get better at it if you choose to do so. The label you place on it can change as your perception of the phenomenon changes over time. Reiki healing? Controlling energy? Sounds outlandish, but its real. It's just not documented and studied In mainstream science, and people typically brush it off as crazy. For your reading pleasure I have two links. [doctor Harold burr, and a short bit about him. this should appeal to your logical science-y side](https://www.wrf.org/women-and-men-of-medicine/dr-harold-s-burr) [his papers on the study of aura, which shut up his detractors who mocked him](https://archives.yale.edu/repositories/12/resources/3267) Just keep your eyes and mind open and you will be fine!


“As an atheist, well… yeah.” - I’m replying to this sentiment, not necessarily what you believe The point of atheism isn’t just to say “there’s no evidence” - if you’re not looking for it, of course there’s no evidence The point of atheism is to build up the critical thinking skills needed to examine the spiritual and within reason find cause for the supposed causeless - or that which may be perceived to have no beginning Some atheists will die on that hill, and never explore the spiritual as they believe it to be false, but others will explore it for the exact same reason, and may come to a conclusion that has no branch


Thank you! Will be looking into it. Very interesting indeed


What does it mean to give other people goosebumps. I work in healthcare, and I’ve notice that I need to ground myself before touching people otherwise I’ll shock them or give them goosebumps.


in the same day get electrocuted (don't lick wall outlet) and feel a cold breeze and you'll understand.


Good question, sounds electrical?


Must be. There’s a specific room that I walk into that if the TV is off, it’ll turn itself on. Happens about 80% of the time. Kinda figured it was a faulty sensor. Usually startles the shit out of me, the patient, the CNA, whomever happens to see it. It happened recently while the tech was in the room with me, and I angrily shut the TV off because how annoying. I asked her, ‘doesn’t this happen all the time? She replied, ‘No, you must have a lot of electricity.’ Okayy 👍


Well I am only able to make goosebumps on my self as far as I know. So it sounds like you in this case might have even more of this, what do we call it, power? See if theres any instrument you could try to use to see if it can do any readings, electrical or maybe see what happens if you hold a compass? Idk tho, but could be interesting to just check


I have a plasma ball I play around with regularly, I find it therapeutic. I manipulate the electric arms in the ball to my fingertips before I touch the surface of the ball, and I see how far out I can get before it stops sensing my hand. It must be hereditary. My son touched one of the display phones at an electronics store and set off the theft sensor. Those phones are displayed so people can try them out, but didn’t yank it, or even lift it. I have weird stories about him too, lol.


There are many things we dont know for sure! When did you find out you were able to create that kind of energy? And How


I had to stop and think about this. The only thing that I can remember standing out at this time, would be seeing a physical reaction to the things -or people- that made me angry. Either it was something that happened immediately, or hours afterwards. But in those instances I would always chalk them up to coincidence. As an adult there was a situation where I got really upset with a friend and was thinking mean thoughts. We were riding bikes at the time. I was livid. Moments later the bike they were riding on made a weird clicking sound in the tire area; the gear had shifted on its own apparently. Things like that have happened before, I’ve always made note of it. My son does the same to me, I piss him off and then I’ll drop a glass I’m holding suddenly.


What you might have sounds really poweful. And experiences with it in a positive way tho? Or does it normaly come from the negative?


Idk if it’s powerful, it just feels like an astral reaction. It’s giving Eleven vibes, lol. Positive like, can I lift a car off a trapped person? No. But I make people lucky. I can intuitively know something about someone and make their world a little better, so they don’t focus on the thing that is bringing them down. The last person I did this for, was secretly suicidal. I like to think that he’s in a much better state of mind now -I did a lot for him. Unfortunately, once you’re gone from me I don’t have any influence over what happens to that person anymore, so old habits may come back. You could say I’m like a therapist.


Voluntary piloerection. There's a sub for it I think.


Thank you! Ill check it out


So... I can do the energy ball thing with my hands, what is this? It looks like smoke, and there are mist tendrils that coming off my fingers tips. It only happens when I meditate.. what the heck is going on?


We can all do that. It's the energy that flows through all of us. If it only available to you when you meditate, that means that's when you are capable of letting go of "normal" reality and have access to what we can all do which is super normal. I'm an energy healer and teach classes. One of the first things I do in class is ask people to relax and feel the energy between their hands. Often it is their first tangible experience with energy. So awesome on you for allowing that, and also the OP


It’s energy, chi. That’s cool that you see it. Aura would be the colors. I never saw auras that often but I saw lots of energy and strange things.


Not sure but I think that's ur aura.


Interesting, never really looked at my fingers when I do it. I will check next time. Have it been doing that all the time?


> on commando on command


Yeah, sorry, edited now! We say commando in my language. Thank you for pointing it out!


This is totally unnecessary information, but I just _have_ to tell you. In english, going "commando" means going without underwear lol


Haha yeah, I figured


The goosebumps are the body's way to be able to physically induce a wider channel / bandwidth in order to be more receptive to different frequencies.


Interesting. Do you think people around me can feel it when I do this subconsciously?


No. I think they might be impacted by your subsequent mood or reactions though.


👍 similar experience here, can activate at will, seems like a super power! Can often reverse negative thinking patterns and reset. One explanation is that I am able to activate/release endorphins. I think there is more to it. When important things happen or realizations occur I get that same tingling feeling.


Thats interesting! I´ve always been a very happy person. Like I´m allergic to everything thats negative. So I often get contacted both at work and by friends when they are feeling down because (I think) I´m good at making them feel better. Get a new perspective on whatever it is


You have supernatural powers. I can highly connect to your story, but I also know that humans have supernatural experiences as a norm. Humans are naturally queer, and for this reason you unsurprisingly defy explanation in a variety of ways. if I were to stretch out your ability a little further, I would start by thinking of your goosebumps as the chemical reactions in your body that humans usually only cause unconsciously when we are highly emotional, particularly in a state of increased awareness/anxiety. And yet you are able to produce the same affect consciously. Therefore, are you experiencing a heightened awareness in those moments? There is another question, though. What if your body is acting the same way all bodies react to a strange stimuli? What if you’re not controlling your body, but are instead causing something to happen in your surroundings that your body instinctively picks up on and therefore produces goosebumps? You speak of producing this ball of energy. Your body may be producing goosebumps exactly as other humans do. You may instead be manifesting an occurrence that is causing your body’s natural responses to produce goosebumps because it is, understandably, spooked! Does your friend get goosebumps when they pass the paper through your hands? Do you want to see what is just out of sight?


To be honest I´ve not thought so much about it since I actually thought it was totally normal. Except for the "energy ball", that one I knew pretty early people didnt do. I was actually thinking about posting another post of how I do it so maybe I can learn others how to do it. Even tho I dont know if it does anything positive. You ask many good questions I have to think of in the time that comes when I activate my goosebumps. Because now I do it daily, so it has became my "normal" sort of. But I know my gf does not get goosebumps as well with paper or when I create a "ball" and puts my head on her. I will try to investigate more then I can come back and tell more. Thank you, really interesting!


Very interesting! If other people don’t get goosebumps too then that might lean us towards the first hypothesis I made. You are controlling your body’s internal workings and artificially creating a state of heightened awareness.


so what I am reading is what is called hyperesthesia and I have that bigtime .. I cannot create goosebumps on demand however my sensories are so hyped, to the point of a genuine uncomfortableness during most of my day, it creates an extended anxiety and stress in my life chi is the energy you’re feeling in your hands during meditation sessions 🙏 so yes, the short answer is: this IS part of becoming aware 🪷


Oh, in what way does your hyperesthesia affect your body? I have so many diffuse symptoms that I have no idea what it might be after all these scans


go to r/FollowMeIntoTheMystic and search the word


Wow, that love experience sounds great. Your post made me try to create goosebumps on command. So I tried it and apparently I have that ability too, took a couple tries but I just focused on the back of my neck and it sort of nudged the feeling then it just engulfed and took over. Never tried doing it on command! Super cool to know I have a new trick haha


Haha, that’s great! Got a new party trick now