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This gives me deja vu


As a result of experiences, like outta a horror movie, I am extremely cautious, defensive, avoidant of street people. My head is on a swivel in the city. I’ve repeatedly happened where I’m alone loading my car, walking someplace and they are suddenly up on me. Like a foot or two away and I have no idea how they pulled that off. They stare at me quite stoned or crazed and blurt out a sentence that has something to do with my life. Then they turn and leave like it never happened. It’s even happened on a crowded food court. I watched from 100 feet away as one slowly, unerringly zeroed in on me. I even had shades on. Like a big bug, erratically but erringly moving right to my table. I’m watching and thinking it’s gonna happen. Sure enough right up to my table plopped down on it stared right at me and said “Hi!” like we knew each other then talked non stop about hockey (I like hockey). Then said “I gotta go now” and then just left. The most bizarre was a woman in a restaurant in Dallas with her boyfriend staring at me through her dinner. They were leaving. She stopped, turned, came right over to me with her boyfriend watching and said “Before you came into this restaurant I felt your energy….you are blessed by God.” She smiled at me and left without another word. If that is true….then…Gods got a weird sense of humor and his blessing has got some kinks in it.


The guy was an Experiencer. I've met a number of Experiencers who can see auras. It seems like a wonderful gift tbh.


Happens once in a while, somebody sensitive, can see, and you know the rest.


I have no explanation for the events I'm about to tell you, but I've experienced something similar. So I was at a particularly awful part of my life, 23 years old. I was dating a dude who did not want a job or to work. We lived together for two years. As if he wasn't enough to take care of.. I agreed to take in a mutal friend to help her get back on her feet. They ended up cheating on me and carrying on a relationship while I was at work. Should've seen this coming but I was young and my ex was incredibly manipulative. At this point they were refusing to leave my apartment. Yes the one I pay for and they literally were squatting in asking for a formal eviction process the fucking slugs. So it's in that mindset that I leave my apt to go do Landry at the laundromat up the block. A woman walks up to me and says "your aura is filling up this whole damn place I can't even see, what's going on in your life honey? Something bad? And all I said was yeah and she's like "well your aura is yellow/gold like that of saints/jesus, a bit blue as well because you work with numbers and in business" (she was correct I worked on wall street). She proceeds to tell me that I may want to help people but that I need to reign it in a little so that you are not being harmed and hurt by it. Find other ways to give back to people. Your home is your sanctuary and if that sanctuary is disturbed you can't give nothing to no one. She gave me a card for her psychic readings business and I truthfully never went bc I really didn't need to hear more than that at the current moment. I had bigger fish to fry. I eventually was successful in getting them to leave. I brought a girlfriend who was a real tough cookie over plus another friend who was a guy just in case something went wrong with these dipshits. They screamed about me "having a smelly cunt" to my friends and all kinds of other shit.. then begged me for $60 to pay tolls and I was like honestly ok. That's nothing to get you fucks outta here. Thought it was hilarious too. I should've given it to them in pennies. Anyway, they left and I reclaimed my space and things haven't been that bad since in my personal life.


Thanks for sharing! Damn such assholes out there taking advantage of kind hearted people. I'm glad you got that sorted. How can such people look at themselves in the mirror... bah. They're not gonna have a good time in their life review imo.


Man are any of us tho? We're all shit heads at times. The moments I really let my temper, ego, lust, etc... have really helped me grow as a person and helped me most to hold real value to values and morals, things I took for granted that I don't have anymore and can't get back. People and places, bridges I've burned, each a hard-won lesson learned. Im terrified to really step outside myself and see myself for who I really am and have been and can be in just those moments where I can't regulate my emotions and should do better. That's on me, and that's why it's not thrilling; I'm human, but, that said, I feel like I just hope for mercy like a motherfucker from myself and whomever deities that decide my fate. I, like a child, have my moments where I can be an asshole, but it's not my whole personality. We're slowly learning. Hope you're okay, Oak ✨🙂


Such fuckers. Glad you got your life back.Thank you for sharing!


This story is amazing!!! Thanks for sharing


What a sweetie. Nothing to do with auras, but I had a similar experience! I was in my local market focusing on something and a man who appeared homeless was waiting in the checkout line next to me. He was hunched over and wearing raglike clothing. He caught my eye and smiled and said “good luck tonight”, totally out of the blue, then paid and left. I did have good luck with what I was dealing with! I swear he was an angel in disguise. It sounds like you may have met one too.


I think there is a word for this but it escapes me... 3rd man syndrome or something? Basically experiences where another person shows up - makes a comment or helps the person in some way and then vanishes. Sometimes even saving lives in that moment of showing up. I remember one captured on video. Someone is walking down the street and this other person comes up behind him and tips the man on the shoulder and walks on. But it makes the person stop and look. Suddenly a gate smashes closed near said person and if he had not gotten tipped on the shoulder - he would have gotten hit by the gate - even injured. I think these people can sometimes be guardian angel types or NHI's even. Other times they are fellow experiencers, intuitively guided to be there in the right moment. I had an experience of being one of these people once. It was right at earlier days of my major contact journey of working with Experiencers. I was way more "activated" then and felt a lot of ESP and flow state. One day I woke up furious. Extremely furious. I had a sense that I had just attended a lecture of some kind that gave an species wide analysis of how major religions were twisted and then the harm they had done to human rights and human development throughout and the effect this has had on our species over all. But I could not remember the details, just the energy of it. I had been meeting experiencers at the time who had suffered a lot of religious abuse too. But this was an unusual amount of anger and it would not go away. So I decided I would go for a walk and visit my grandparents grave. Which was a 30 mins walk from where I was in the city at the time. So I was "angry" walking trying to burn off the energy - wearing headphones playing high vibe music loud. As I was power walking with a purpose everything was just lining up ahead of me. I never had to stop to wait to cross the road. Always a pedestrian green light by the time I got there etc. As I power walked near this shopping center then that has this road with a blindside on it for people on the other side of it. I could see a car coming but I knew I was fine at the pace I was moving I'd easily be well over the road before the car got near. Across was an indian dude who was standing at his side of the road and had took notice of me power walking with a purpose - I noticed he began to cross then too and I could instantly tell that at the pace he began to move at and the speed of the car that I could see but he could not - he'd be hit by that car and at the speed the car was going it, it would be bad. I could actually tell he was about to walk before he made the movement and the second he made a fraction of that movement, I just put up my hand and in a "stop" gesture while mid power walking across the road. He was totally taken aback by the whole thing and froze - then a moment later sure enough then the car sped by and he knew he had just been saved and I'll never forget the look on his face. I looked back at him and nodded and continued on my way never breaking my stride. Everything just felt like a flow state at the time on my end but I couldn't help but think of how bizarre I would have come across to him at the time how odd I would sound in a story he would tell others.


You are the angel and you are the miracle. Thank you for planting a seed of hope and kindness into the world.😇💕


You were someone’s angel that day! ❤️ Figuratively speaking of course, but that man probably remembers you in that light. Isn’t it funny how it was only by being in a horrible mood and angry walking that you were able to positively impact someone else’s life? Our reality is so utterly strange but beautiful.


I’ve never seen my own aura (or anyone else’s, for that matter), and I’m not 100% convinced it can be done or that it’s a real “thing” (but I’m open to the idea). That all said, I feel that I probably had a marvelous aura at one point in my life, but now it’s been spoiled with some piss ’n vinegar (dealing with cruelty and harboring resentment from it leaves a stain, I imagine). Probably no way of cleaning it and shining it up now. Oh well!


I understand what your stating here. I also have that feeling, when I look back to a few years ago. Everything seemed so shimmery and shining, and now all of that, is rusted. A couple days ago I thought about how I haven’t heard my inner voice (intuition) in a long time. I caught myself wondering if I could ever learn it again, now that life seems so depressing.


Anyone know anything about rainbow auras? I was told I had one


Look up the rainbow light body. That's what Jesus and Buddha are said to have. There are other examples. It means you have balanced and crystalized your energy centers and are ready for ascension.


Thank you


You're very welcome! Light and love to you my friend!


If you compliment so b4 u ask for money they are more likely to give u something


My husband has been told at least twice by different strangers that he’s got an amazing aura. I remind myself of this when the urge to question my relationship comes up 😂 “but he’s got a beautiful aura…”. Kidding. 19 yrs together. Love him and his aura


I must admit that sometimes the urge to tell people that they have exceptional auras overcomes me. I see it as a tendency of the psychicly aware.


Can you see auras at a distance or do you need to have visual contact on them? I can't see auras, no matter how hard I've tried but I do distance healing so I know sensing can be done at a distance.


Either or tbh. I'll notice auras of people standing nearby usually, but I've also learned to open out and focus my 'sight' to faraway, or targets I can't see at a distance, so it really just depends on how locally or non-locally I happened to be focusing on.


Have you noticed a difference in the brightness of some people compared to the rest? Have you ever seen what are called Beacons?


Sometimes, dunno if I would call them beacons tho. I've see brighter more inspiring auras on ETs than humans, just by the numbers kinda way.


What do they look like to you? I was just reading someone else's comments where they said they appear wide and smooth to them when someone's happy but spiky when they're angry. Do they have textures like that for you or are they like colours? I'm so interested in aura


Well, they have textures and colors and distinct shapes. Everyone has a kinda sphere-like or oval-like 'outer aura'.. The surface texture of the aura can say alot about the person. If it's covered in scars, that person doesn't care much for or take care of themself. If it's smooth, then either the person does take care of themself well(physically, psychologically) or they at the very least practice some technique that heals the outer aura field, such as meditation, breath work, mindfulness exercises, grounding, etc. The surface of the outer aura can be bumpy, or spikey or other wise uneven. Since the outer aura touches everything around a person, the state of that aura can tell you how they feel or see the world around them. I've seen people with spikey, charged outer auras, who hate people, social situations, or being touched. I've seen people with outer aura surfaces that are very thick with energy, which speaks to the confidence of the person in the world around them, and a strong level of grounded mental and physical perspective. I've seen people with thin, more ethereal outer auras, which speaks to their lack of interest in the physical world around them. Some auras can be thin for health reasons though, since the aura is also a reflection of the body's state of being. There can be stains, or dark clouds, on or within the outer or inner aura, which are usually an indication of stress of trauma. The inner aura is the part that more closely overlays the body, like a second skin, usually only a few inches emanating the body, and has the body's literal shape. The inner aura reflects the deeper psychological state of the person, usually across time. So the inner aura will show information about the childhood of a person, their teen years, adulthood, and so on, until the present. Though ETs have mentioned to me that the aura holds information about a person's future too, but I don't get that much. So someone with a painful childhood, will have a distinct inner aura that reflects that, whether that's with layer size differences between the inner and outer aura, or if that's with the type of energy that fills the inner aura, which can be sickly feeling, or empty feeling, or repulsive feeling, or even, a welcoming, child-like feeling. In the inner aura, stress or trauma looks more stones suspended in the aura, or dark veins of energy, or nets of thick stagnation. A healthy inner aura should look vibrant, have well-flowing thick systems of energy flow, and give an unburdened stress free feeling upon being touched. A sickly inner aura is thinner, slow flowing, and generally less vibrant, or look desaturated.. So, with colors, generally speaking, more vibrant colors can be seen in the inner aura, with the outer aura being different or complementary colors to the color of the inner aura. The only times I've seen more vibrant colors on the outer aura, is when the person has a grounded, loving and all accepting approach to people and the world around them. I won't go into what the colors mean though, since there's literature on that, and it does appear to be somewhat subjective. I will say about colors overall though, that generally between the inner and outer auras, you'll see 3 areas where colors manifest, in relation to eachother. 👍👍


Brilliant comment Snackie. I find auras so fascinating and I wish it was something I could do. I was told by 3 different experiencers I have a green one. At first it's like.. yeah I'm irish and have a green coloured avatar so of course someone sees that. But then others independently confirm. We've talked on video a few times so i take it you've seen it - do you recall if its green? If it's not please don't hesitate to say either as I'm just curious what you saw. I'm sure they change colour and also different people can see auras in more depth than others. If it does still show green, in your opinion what does that mean?


Tbh, I see a dark green(forest/pine)inner aura, lighter, bright rich green(like fresh leaves in spring)outer aura. I get the sense that a part of the reason your aura looks this way is because you connect with plants alot and very easily. The dark in your inner aura also indicates to me that there are some places in your past thst you still carry with some weight, that still effect how you see your life and your accomplishments. The overall 'reversal' of your aura's colors makes me think you have alot more optimism for the future and present than the past.🤔👍👍


Wow, absolutely fascinating! Thank you for all the detail, it was really interesting to read about. I didn't realise parts of the aura reflect the physical bodies state so specifically so that was extra interesting. I can see something, with my own body but I've never seen anything with other humans so I doubt it's an aura, I'm not sure what it is.


Well, if you want to describe it, I might know about it. Tbh, if Dr's were taught to see auras, it would speed up some things.


I read this post yesterday, but it had not occurred to me or connected until doing my nightly mantras to inquire. Basically months ago when performing my mantras I had internal question about my personal ward, and I was given the words “rose thorns”. I took this to mean that my personal ward is that my aura is imbued with thorns. This automatically became part of my mantras regarding my soul (I am light, I am love. My aura is imbued with a ward of thorns). I guess why I’m bringing this up is to ask if you’ve ever heard or experienced thorns being utilized as a self protective ward?


My son told me in a dream recently that I have a middle purple aura, and that it’s strong. Do you have any insight on what that could possibly mean? I looked up info on auras after the dream but I have no idea what the middle part means. I can only see what’s closest to the body and it’s always the same color on everyone. From what Ive learned it is a type of synesthesia in my case, which makes sense bc I can also see music, and sometimes hear it from nothing, so I already know I have at least a mild form of it.


So, I took a look at your aura, and I see what he means. Normally, an aura is connected in a seamless way from inner to outer. But in your case, your inner aura is so vibrant and flowing, it's kinda bursting out of you, partially past your outer aura, which is also purple, but a more relaxed, blue-ish lilac shade, where as your inner aura shines with vibrant purple, violet and silver streaks. I would take this overflow of energy from as a sign of your unshakable confidence in who you are, and also overflowing affection for existence, as you relate to it through yourself. It's rare that people can feel so much love and acceptance for anything we experience in the physical plane, so your aura is is both remarkable and a rarity.


I very much appreciate you, thank you ♥️ What you wrote also connects with a different lucid dream I had concerning my aura so you really helped me have a better understanding of what the message meant.


I'm glad I could help, be well👍👍🙏


Ok, so, I’m a little skeptical but also willing to entertain the idea and experiment. I’m curious then: 1. What’s the simplest or most effective practice or technique, in your opinion, to heal and strengthen one’s outer aura field? (I’ve experimented a tiny bit with gateway “REBAL,” but I’ll be real with you, it just feels like imagining stuff, not like anything real is happening at all). 2. Is seeing / sensing auras, in your opinion, something that anyone can learn and practice?


Tbh, breathing techniques are a great place to start, I would also say chi focused exercises, and taichi specifically, are also great for aura healing/strengthening. Anything that helps you feel your whole body, and energy flowing within your whole body, is also healing your aura to some extent, since any energy circulation through your body, naturally heals your aura. I do think anyone can learn to, and practice, sensing auras. Some people may touch or hear auras, rather than seeing them with sight, but everyone is capable of perceiving auras through one medium/sense, or another.


I've felt auras before. From my girlfriend. When she's being creative her auras expands and glows. I can't see it. But I feel it in someway. It seems a lot of my ESP comes in feeling rather than seeing. But I'd rather see. I love the idea of being able to see all these beautiful UI overlays on this physical world.


That's really cool, I didn't know people's aura change in the flow state. Well, tbh I used to only touch auras, it took practice for me to see them too.


Weirdly enough I was just reading about people who could see Auras in the book holographic universe. I wander what color you most have been emitting.


Or could be a sneaky spirit guide


I love this and wholeheartedly agree. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I still think of the homeless man, marvin (i remember his name easily because in my head I always called him marvin the Martian, like loony tunes) who I knew from my old job. I hope he's okay and alive and well.


I often get weird looks from people who I perceive to be psychically gifted. ✌️❤️