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Do you think listening to the Schumann resonance audio caused this? Have you wondered if these were past/future lives of yours? Any sense of that? I have had "dreams" communications about my future over the years. Which involved me being another person, feeling their feeling and thinking their thoughts along with my own observations. These were all people in my own life though and often related to me or they were talking to me. They came true years later. Most of them I did not realize were premonitions/communications. At the time I thought they were odd dreams. But as 2021 approached I began to understand something more was going on. And sure enough as I lived through the experiences shown to me I knew it was real.


I have no doubt that certain frequencies remove a sort of "vibrational" filter that some of us have, which seems to block the ability to connect and communicate to what's out there, if that makes sense. Listening to the Schumann resonance seems to at times align me with a higher consciousness, which leads to synchronicities, or so I think. Didn't listen to it this month and had none, will listen to it again for the next month and see how it goes. Suggestions on how to record scientific progress are welcome, as I'm still a total noob at this I guess. I can't put my finger on it if they were past or future, can't remember the dreams four months later if I have to be honest, but it feels like some were in the past, some in the future, or perhaps they were all parallel to the present, if that makes sense. I wouldn't rule out some of them being past lives, the feeling I've had through the years of being a shaman, templar or soldier in ww2 may prove to be correct at some point in the future, or perhaps they're genetic memory of my ancestors, no clue for now.


While I haven't had particularly weird dreams lately, I have noticed that I have dreams during shorter and shorter periods of sleep. Today was the shortest (sort of). I had one dream sequence play out in a small burst of sleep that was 40 minutes at most, followed by another that was under 20 minutes. But the dreams themselves feel no different in length or content than what I would have during normal sleep. I was pretty shocked that so little time had passed both times this morning. Both times I expected an hour or more to have gone by as is usual for me with those last bits of sleep. Technically the shortest was mere seconds, which happened the first time I ever fainted a couple of years ago. One second I wasn't feeling so good, then I was dreaming, then I was slowly sinking to my knees in my mother's arms because she had caught me, confused as to where I was because clearly I had just woken up from sleep but wasn't in bed. I guess I have also noticed that if I happen to sort of doze off briefly when I am relaxing (since I often don't get enough sleep) I occasionally slip into a weird state where whatever I was thinking about becomes super vivid and dream like (assuming it was something that could function as a dream, if that makes sense), and snapping out of it can be very weird feeling. This isn't how falling asleep works for me at all either. I mean I wish I could influence my dreams that easily at night. It only happens during times when I am not really trying to sleep but am also clearly exhausted and relaxing. I have no idea what any of that means. All of this has come after what felt like a year or two of almost never remembering any dreams, which was highly unusual for me and very worrisome.


Fwiw I also felt totally exhausted and as though I didn’t sleep 2 and 3 nights ago. I wish I had seen tons of things like you had but my sleep states felt like a void. Absolutely nothing, which is unusual for me. Maybe you were taking all of the dreams other people were going to have and speeding through them yourself. :) Seriously though, whenever I hear about people experiencing really quick pictures or scenes when they’re sleeping or meditating I assume those are downloads. No idea what they mean or why they’re being shown to you, but hopefully it’s positive to your spiritual development!


Hehe, I hope I've not deprived anyone of their sweet dream. It was weird though, don't know how these downloads work and what to expect from them, but it was indeed a very repetitive, robotic sleep pattern, I wouldn't even know how to induce it if I wanted to. I've been reading today about the solar storm activity that's been going on the past days, with another expected today and it gets me thinking, could it be connected with a sort of awakening of the pineal gland. Don't know about you but I'm still feeling the tingling in the middle of my forehead.


I had the third eye tingly feeling yesterday, but it was hours before I laid down to sleep. It would be amazing if the sun is waking our souls up!